An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 58 - The Best Defense Is A Strong Offense

The world dazzled and shimmered into view. Riley looked down the road and saw the familiar village. Smoke rose from chimneys, and people walked the streets. They aren’t half-elves. I wonder what else changed this run.

Lily turned and held out a red ribbon. “Lady Riley, don’t you think it’s time to swap to the winning team?”

Riley took it, shoving it into her bag. “Let’s focus on the dungeon. We can discuss that after.” She looked around the trees and blinked at the smudge that passed into view.

“No, let’s have a chat before we move,” Lily replied. “What did he offer you? A duchy? I’ll give you your choice of duchy and partner.”

Maybe I should take it. Riley turned. “Princess, I made a deal,” she said innocently.

“And I’m telling you that it’s time to change it. I’ll get Father to defer your next run while we catch up.” Lily smiled.

“I’ll consider it,” Riley said. “But there’s a complication that I can’t ignore.”

Lily sighed. “Your duke?”

“Yes. He’s aligned with the prince and would be most upset if he were to find out.” Riley shrugged apologetically, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Lily scowled. “We can figure it out.”

“Yes, but that would take time. So, I say focus on the dungeon. We can discuss it afterward when it’s safer,” Riley said, studying the surrounding forest.

“Very well.” Lily looked out at the trees. “Now, what is your secret in here?”

“No secret. Be prepared and try to learn what will happen.” Riley gestured. “Enemies.” She pointed.

Lily turned to the woods, and Riley used Ambush.

The world froze, and a portion of the world faded. Willing herself to a shadow, she appeared and cut the scout’s throat, sending a spray of blood across the forest floor. They crumpled, and bow strings sang.

Riley dove, rolling up against a tree. Arrows zipped through the air, thunking into the bark and ground. A wave of heat burst around her, and screams filled the air.

Ignoring the smell of smoke, Riley searched, used Ambush, and slit the throat of an archer. Dashing forward, she stabbed another and dove, ducking behind a tree.

The ball of fire in the clearing exploded, sending a massive wave of heat billowing through the area. The smell of smoke came with it. Leaning against the rough bark, she used the tree for cover from the raging inferno around her.

The flames died out. Riley sighed and peered at the charred forest. Plants and bodies smoldered. Standing up, she shook her head and walked back to the group. The bodies streamed into a chest next to the group. “Save your mana, Princess. We’ll need it for level two.”

Lily frowned and nodded. “Is that who we’re fighting?”

“I think so. Let’s get to town because I think this is a defense dungeon.” Riley reached down, flipped the chest open, and grabbed the crystals.

“You keep them. Just in case we die,” Lily said. “We’ll audit when we get out.”

Riley nodded and placed them in her bag. She stood and frowned. It was too quiet. Spinning, she gestured. “Scouting. Be alert.”

Lily nodded and ducked behind a tree.

Riley darted into the forest and tiptoed through the trees, peering around trunks and listening. Locking on to a voice, she crept up to a tree and looked into a distant clearing.

Soldiers milled around the area, and their voices carried out into the woods, silencing all the nearby animals.

Turning her ear, she listened.

“…for the reports. We’ll take the reports back and plan the attack.”

“I’m scouting if they don’t come back soon,” another said.

“Relax and follow orders. The spies are there even if…”

Shifting her focus, she studied the camp with enough soldiers for two levels. How can I make this easier? She grinned. Just bring them to the fire squad. They’ll handle it. If they don’t, I’m running.

Triggering Assume Disguise, she transformed into one of the scouts from the previous group and walked to the camp.

Creeping up, she stepped out from a tree and waved her arms. A soldier spun and looked.

“Come. Enemy squad!” Riley signed to him and gestured toward her group.

The man nodded. He turned and whispered to the others. Soldiers splintered. The captain walked up and began gesturing wildly.

Riley waited while they gathered. She gestured again. The group turned and followed her, the leader moving up to her.

Winding through the trees, Riley approached the entrance and spun. She gestured for all to see. “Wait. If I’m not back in one minute, attack.” She pointed in the direction of the entrance.

The captain nodded. Riley darted away, sneaking behind bushes and trees before using Assume Disguise to return to her blue-haired appearance. Now, to clear the first and second levels.

She turned and sprinted back to the waiting girls, holding her finger to her lips.

Lily spun. She closed her mouth and raised a brow.

Riley signed. “Level one and two.” She reached down and drew in the dirt, carefully marking the location.

Lily nodded and grabbed one of the girls, and Olivia grabbed the other.

Gesturing again, Riley pointed. “They’ll charge.” She grabbed her bow and saw the first soldier. Grabbing an arrow, she watched four balls of fire launch into the trees.

Soldiers looked up. The captain shouted, and everything exploded. Flames and heat filled the air. Dead leaves burned. Soldiers screamed, and the fire burned, lighting trees in a vibrant red.

Gods. Riley struggled to see through the raging inferno. There’s no way they have mana left.

The fire slowly dimmed, leaving smoldering leaves, trees, smoke, and bodies. Riley failed to see through the mess. If they lived, I can’t see them. She frowned, and a ribbon of gold answered the question, streaming through them and forming a chest.

[Your base level has advanced: 185 → 189!]

Riley gasped. Gods, this is pushing it for a day. She forced her eyes open and blinked away the exhaustion.

Lily grinned. “We’re the fast group,” she said cheerily.

“Do any of you have any mana left?” Riley asked.

“Nope,” Olivia said, pushing back her hair. “But we cleared the second level.”

“We’re going to try to clear the third,” Riley countered. “We’ll need to spend the night.” She reached down, and the princess grabbed her shoulder.

“I have plans,” Lily said with a grin. She gestured to one of the girls. “Take the crystals outside. We’ll see how this goes.”

Riley reached into her bag and emptied the crystals into the girl’s outstretched purse. The girl took them, smiled, and walked out of the dungeon.

“More for us,” Lily said with a grin, winking at Olivia.

“That seems unfair,” Riley replied, frowning at them.

“Nonsense,” Olivia countered. “She got a second-level clear and we are guaranteed to keep the crystals. It’s the smart plan.” She grabbed her sword. “And don’t worry, we’ll just swap classes.” She went quiet.

Riley watched as the three swapped to various physical classes. Okay. They’re smarter than I gave them credit. She looked at the princess. “We need to kill the spies in town. Can you do it?”

“Why?” Lily asked.

“Because I’m going to scout the third level,” Riley replied. “I need to see how big that army is.”

“We’ll be fine,” Olivia said with a grin. “We’ll get the guard to help.”

“Get them to prepare defenses too.” Riley followed them to the edge of the forest. She looked down at the village and saw it was friendly. “Actually, let me come with you a moment.” She strode down the hill and approached the gate.

Lily walked up and got no response. She sighed. “This is how you greet a princess?”

The guards quickly bowed. “Sorry.”

Lily nodded. “Rise. I demand a meeting with the mayor. You have spies here.”

Riley stepped forward. “We have enemies approaching and need to prepare for battle. This picket needs fortifying. Gather the militia and lay down spike pits.”

The guard gave her a confused look. “Umm, who are you?”

“This is an order,” Riley barked. “Get the villagers on it now! And help the princess find those spies.”

Lily nodded. “Take me to the mayor. Now!”

Riley turned away. They need to handle it. She sprinted up the path and ran down the road, heading deeper into the forest. They’ll follow the road.

Pausing, she veered off the road and ran to the camp. The remnants were obvious. The ground was trampled, and the tent still stood.

Jogging into it, she looked for anything noteworthy, plucking a piece of parchment from the desk. Just a map. She sighed and tossed it down. They followed the road.

Turning her focus, she rifled through the empty drawers and cut open the mattress. Nothing. Sighing, she walked out of the tent and searched the grounds, finding nothing.

Giving up, she turned and jogged back to the road. Reaching it, she turned and sprinted, rapidly building speed. With the breeze blowing her hair, she shot down the road.

Trees towered around her. Piles of leaves littered the ground, and she found herself growing bored. What am I going to do about the prince and princess? Both sides? If I thought they wouldn’t talk, that’d work. I don’t. She sighed and vaulted roots. Will the prince still give me a duchy? I can’t imagine he will when the princess also hits level two hundred and fifty this term; I certainly wouldn’t.

Huffing, she tore down the road. Maybe I’ll align with the princess. I’ll tell her she must find a way to stop the double runs. Maybe I’ll tell it to him. If they can’t, this plan is doomed anyway.

With little else to do, she jogged and sang, running down the road and enjoying the forest around her. Birds and bugs chirped, and she sang along, humming a song while running down the lane.

Minutes turned to hours. A babbling stream joined her song, and she quickly found herself surrounded by bushes covered in white berries.

She looked at them. Those are so poisonous… Carefully slowing, she stopped and spun. You know you have to. She walked to the bushes and carefully picked berries, filling her bag with the toxic berries.

Tying her bag shut, she turned and jogged down the road. The stream continued to babble, and the chirping stopped.

Cresting a small hill, Riley saw the first signs of the army. A massive encampment stretched in front of her. A makeshift picket surrounded the group of troops. Fires blazed everywhere, and the sound of smiths filled the air.

Moving into a bush, Riley studied the massive camp. If this has level three, it has level four and maybe more. She blinked and headed back into the woods. I need Spell Thief. Turning inward, she swapped out Ranger and triggered Assume Disguise, shifting into one of the prior scouts.

Turning back to the camp, Riley took a breath. Remember. We aren’t here to hurt or harm anyone. I don’t care if they win or lose. I just want to see a camp.

With a grin, she jogged through the trees and stopped in a shadow. Using Ambush, she bypassed the picket and appeared inside the camp, her mouth dropping at the sight.

The place was like a bustling city. Soldiers huddled around fires, chatting and eating. Smiths sent plumes of smoke upward. The sound of ringing metal roared from them, and people were everywhere. Like some strange insect colony, it seemed like the road itself was alive.

Forcing the chaos aside, Riley made her way through the camp, searching for anything interesting or worth stealing.

Pausing by some wagons, she looked at the empty things and sighed. Turning, she saw a section that was filled with eating soldiers. The kitchens must be around here. She studied and saw smoke rising from some hastily made stone structures. Those have to be it.

“When do we attack?” a soldier said, yawning.

“When the scouts get back with a full report.” Another leaned against a stump and tossed a log on the fire. “Or in three days.”

Riley looked up at the sun. We can’t wait that long. I guess the only option is a little sabotage. She continued forward, following the road that cut through the group.

After fifteen more minutes, she hit the end of the sprawling camp. There are at least two levels here, and we will not win if we face even half of them. She huffed and crossed her arms, kicking at the muddy ground. Guess that means I won’t be fighting fair.

Turning back, she jogged through the camp, heading for the distant forge. Weaving around traffic and soldiers, she approached one of the forges.

A smith looked up and scowled. “No requests,” he barked.

“Cleaning crew, sir,” Riley replied, saluting and walking toward the stone structure some mage had built.

The smith gestured to a broom and barrel. Riley grabbed the broom and swept up the mess across the floor. Dumping ash and metal filings into the barrel, she rolled it out of the forge and rolled a new one back inside.

Walking back out, she rolled the barrel down the dirt path and ducked behind a large tent. Triggering Assume Disguise, she swapped her attire to be like one of the nearby cooks and rolled the barrel through the tents, finally stopping next to the kitchens.

A guard looked up and frowned.

“Hi, sir,” Riley said shyly, rubbing her foot in the dirt and blushing.

The guard relaxed and smiled. “More supplies?”

“No, sir. Contraband. I need to place it inside.” She smiled nervously at him.

He nodded and gestured to the door to the larder. “Go ahead.” Then he turned and scanned the area.

Riley wheeled the barrel inside, propping it next to the others.

The guard turned back to Riley. “You’re a pretty lass. Are you betrothed?”

Riley shook her head and played with a curl. “No,” she said.

“When does your shift end?” the guard asked.

“Four hours,” Riley lied, letting the blush turn crimson. Gods, can you do that in here? Her cheeks burned.

“Meet me in the dining room?” the guard asked with a grin.

Riley bobbed her head up and down. She tittered and spun back to the barrel. Sneaking a peek back, she saw the guard turn his focus away.

Good enough. Pulling off the lid, she scooped out a handful of ash, metal, and whatever else had landed in the mess. She blew lightly on it, sending the ash flying off. Then she popped open a lid and dumped it into the pickled fish. Tossing in a handful of berries, she smashed them against the side and let the juice trickle down.

Opening the next, she repeated it, adding toxic berries and metal scraps to the line of barrels and hoping it would be enough.

Running out of toxic things, she slipped away with a growing frown. Is that going to do anything beyond make them sick? I don’t know how to brew poison, and even if I did, I’d need a ton of it.

Walking behind a tent, she sighed and looked for more things to sabotage.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 189

Bard (C)

Level: 120

Dominating Song D Use 30 mana to reduce nearby enemy strength, dexterity, and movement speed by 3. This effect extends 20 meters, and the radius of influence expands by 1 meter for each inspiration spent.

Psychic Strike E Wield your mana to cause psychic damage to a target. Cost varies based on allocation.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Empowering Presence E Your subjects gain +3 strength, +3 dexterity, and +3 movement speed; allies within 20 meters count as subjects. You may use Bardic Inspiration to temporarily boost the range and the effect.

Assassin (C)

Level: 120 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Dancer's Form B +10 speed. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 5 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ranger (C)

Level: 120

Predatory Sight E Your perception and insight are boosted by 5. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light.

Ice Blade E Conjure a weapon made of ice. Costs 2 to 20 mana depending on blade durability.

Pretty E Your appearance is better, but it could be even grander. Use 1 mana to get a little help from Beauty! (Upgrade me again!) Penalty applied: Unequippable. Beauty may alter your appearance at her whim.

Spell Thief (C) Level: 120 Inactive.

Noble (D)

Level: 200 Inactive.

Maid (F)

Level: 16 Inactive.

Butcher (F)

Level: 1 Inactive.

Infiltrator (F)

Level: 1 Inactive.

- -

Healing Song D Send a burst of healing energy into nearby allies. Cost varies based on healing done.

Manipulate Storm E Attempt to control or augment elements of a storm. Cost varies.

Inspiring Presence D Your subjects regain 1 stamina and 1 mana every hour. Allies within fifty meters count as subjects. You may temporarily expand the range by 15 meters for each bardic inspiration spent.

Dexterity 750

Strength 378

Speed 272

Intelligence 378

Charisma 528

Stamina 630

Mana 738

Inspiration 309

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