An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 60 - Royal Problems

Riley’s eyes slowly opened. An annoying drone filled the air, making her headache far worse. She rubbed her brow, and the droning became a voice.

“Of course, we cleared level four. That’s why we all passed out. It was quite the jump,” Lily said. “You see the bag and my levels.”

Riley rotated and sat up. She looked around the princess’s room and flushed. The queen was standing there, looking into her bag. Looking down, she saw a nice red couch.

“See. Riley’s awake. She’ll confirm it,” Lily said with a nod. “Riley. Tell her.”

Riley nodded. “We cleared level four, my queen.”

The queen nodded. Her eyes lingered on Riley as she studied. Her brow raised.

Riley swallowed. What’s that about? She smiled.

The queen nodded and turned to her daughter. “Congratulations, Lily. That is quite the feat.” She peered into the bag and began taking crystals.

Riley stood and walked over, carefully watching each one. Great. It’s not like I can oppose this and live. She watched the queen rotate through the group.

The queen divided them and looked at the remaining. Pausing for a moment, she then resumed, dividing the remaining crystals.

Those are mine. Riley masked her expression. How can I steal them back? She carefully watched and debated the best way to do it. I’ll need an alibi and need to absorb them

The queen placed the last crystal in Riley’s bag. “There. I do think that should cover it.”

Riley met the princess’s eyes, quirking her brow.

The princess smiled back. “Yes, an even split seems fair.”

Riley looked at the queen. “Pardon, your majesties, but those were not the terms of the academy. I believe that—”

“Those terms will be changing,” the queen interrupted.

Riley nodded. “Of course, your majesty. Pardon my outburst.” She curtsied, took the bag, and walked to the door. Why didn’t Dad just kill them? She opened the door and walked into the hall, trying to fight the urge to steal them.

They’ll blame you. You know what Dad would say. It’s too risky. Letting out a long breath, she slumped and forced herself to walk away. Another battle lost. Another price to pay, all to some rotten lord you couldn’t keep away. Just like Mom and others, their fate is now long gone. I guess my life repeats itself, like some downcast song.

Turning down a hall, she was jerked from her thoughts.

“Riley, what the condemnation were you thinking? Level four?” Timothy shouted.

Riley looked at the livid prince. And here it comes.

“Stop at level two!” Timothy shouted and then paused. “Are you crying?”

Riley shook her head and didn’t answer.

Timothy huffed and stopped shouting. “We need to end your groups with her. Next time, fail at the start. If you do that, I’ll forgive you.”

Riley looked at him. He thinks that’s what upset me? A flash of rage shot through her. “As if that’d matter. They’ll just take crystals from others.” She tore away from his grip.

Timothy’s expression contorted back to rage. “They took your crystals?” He raced down the hall. “Mother, how dare you?” he shouted. “You vowed an even shot! Now you steal my allies and break the academy’s rules so that she can keep up with me! I demand a seeker this second!”

Riley turned and walked back to the door. Will he get them back? Moving to the door, she leaned against it and listened.

“…You vow that this will apply to all runs?” Timothy asked. “Mine too?”

“Yes, dear. You can do it next week,” the queen said through the door.

Of course. Riley glared at the door and spun, walking away before her surging emotions got her killed.

“Hello there,” Lucas’s voice rang out.

Riley spun, saw the Truthseeker, and paused. “Seeker?”

“Come,” Lucas said, taking her by the arm and walking her down the hall. “The king wishes a word.”

Riley blanched. There was no way that was good news. “I didn’t do—”

“Put on your mask, and don’t panic,” Lucas stated, leading her down the hall and into an ornate room.

Riley slammed her emotions under control and painted a smile on her face. The condemnation is this about? She looked at the glimmering chandelier, the painted ceiling, and the perfectly polished floor. A rug led up to four thrones. The king was sitting on one, his crown shimmering in the light.

Dropping into a deep curtsy, Riley stared at the floor.

“Rise, Lady Riley,” the king called. “Come. Let us chat.” He gestured to a seat in front of him.

Riley walked down the rug and sat, clasping her hands in her lap.

“I do apologize for recent events,” the king stated, looking into her eyes. “Lucas has vouched for you, so I shall trust you.”

Riley bobbed her head.

“Do you know my plan for my two children?” the king asked with a crooked smile.

Riley shook her head. “No, my king.”

King Titus smiled. “I’m unsure if it’ll work, but I will try. The plan is simple. Expand.”

Riley nodded.

“You are woefully underqualified for what is planned, but we will be stretched thin. As such, you will be working for Lucas from now on. You will help manage his affairs while he aids at the front. He says that you have movement skills and can make the trek.” The king paused and looked at her.

“You are most gracious,” Riley replied. What else am I supposed to say? No? She bowed her head.

“Now, as for the complication that has arisen. The princess and her group will also be D-tier before the weekend. You will run with both. You will split any excess crystals evenly. When you surpass them, you will then work with Lucas instead.”

Riley smiled woodenly, bobbing her head in acceptance

The king sighed. “And I can already tell that I have upset you.”

Riley looked at him and let the fake smile fade. “With all due respect, my king, how would I not be?” She asked. “My efforts go unrewarded, and my progress is sacrificed. Candidly, the only thing left is our family’s position.”

“And your time at the academy,” the king added.

Except you charged a fortune for it. Riley didn’t say it. Instead, she resumed her fake smile. “What reaction were you wishing for, my king?”

The king smiled. “Kneel!” An aura slammed across the room, dropping Riley out of the chair and onto her knees. She gasped and looked at the text.

[You have fallen under the effects of the King’s Dominating Presence - Your agility, speed, and strength are reduced by 100.]

[You have fallen under the effects of the King’s Conquering Shout - Your agility, speed, and strength are reduced by 100.]

[You have fallen under the effects of King’s Judgement - Your agility, speed, and strength are reduced by 200.]]

[King Timothy - Level 641. King 547, Executioner 421, Commander 547]

Riley gasped, hardly able to move. How did he get them that strong?

“It’s easy for you young nobles to forget,” the king stated. “Be grateful that I allow you to level with them.” He glowered at her. “And do a good job if you wish that duchy. Do we have an accord?”

“Yes,” Riley choked out. The pressure lifted, and she stood.

The king stood. “I will ask you to sit out of the competitions as well. In return, when it’s all over, I will offer you two runs.” He paused.

Riley nodded.

“Oh, and stay out of their squabbles. You work for the seekers now.” The king turned and nodded. “Lucas, do you wish me to add anything?”

“I’ll discuss the rest,” Lucas replied. He reached out his hand.

Riley took it and followed him out of the room. Gods, that was stronger than I expected. She looked at her own. It’s from the King’s class. It has to be. Turning, she glanced at the young man, who now controlled entirely too much of her fate.

Lucas turned and smiled. “Stay calm, Riley. You’re safe now, and he was considering killing you.”

“You know that’s not calming, right?” Riley shook her head.

Lucas led her out the door and across the courtyard. “I do, but you need to remember it. He did not get his classes by staying his hand. Consider it a warning. I did what I could because I’d rather not get murdered tomorrow.”

Riley looked at him and smiled. “The guild is watching you.”

“Of course,” Lucas replied. “Now, I will be dispatching some paperwork, which will be absurdly boring, but I need you to look at it and deliver it to the right people. I also need you to prepare yourself for the coming war. That means you need to sit down and plan your classes. I also need you to advance your Dancer’s Form. That is a pitiful skill currently.”

“How?” Riley asked.

“Get a skill to combine with it. I’ll admit that running long distances in a place of power isn’t ideal, but you could do it in your family dungeon. If you don’t kill anything, it won’t tax it much. So, I’d advise a trip on an off weekend. You need to run and focus on running over almost everything else. You could also spend crystals to try to unlock it.”

“My crystals are already being stolen,” Riley huffed.

“Please, as if you won’t steal them back. And I know your skills.” Lucas leaned toward her. “Be careful getting ahead of them, Riley. I mean that. The palace is watching. Yes, it’ll happen, but they’ll stall you until those two catch up.”

Riley grimaced. “So, I’m just second place?”

Lucas nodded. “Yes. Make a stash or get some extra skills.” He steered her toward the shops.

Riley looked at him in surprise. “Why are you admitting all of this? Why are you helping me?”

Lucas turned and smirked. “I like breathing. It’s nice.”

Riley frowned and studied him. “No, I’m missing something.”

“You’ll figure it out.” Lucas opened the door to the restaurant.

Riley walked inside, looking at the polished tables and chairs. Nobles mingled and ate elaborate dishes. A waitress in a pristine dress gestured.

Following, Riley walked to a private cube on the wall. Lucas pulled the curtains over the window.

Taking a seat, Riley studied him. Can I trust him? I guess I am already. She frowned. I need to ask Althea.

Lucas sat across the table and pulled out a ring with an engraved, intricate ‘S’ on it. He placed it on the table and pulled out a silver chain, placing it next to it.

“Really?” Riley asked, picking up both and examining the guild ring. A seeker ring? That’ll make things easier.

Lucas nodded. “Wear them if needed. I won’t require it, but I want you to have the option. I highly advise against wearing it in public. Given your current level, it will only cause you problems.”

Riley nodded and studied him. “Is the war escalating or is this just to get me out of their hair?”

“Escalating,” Lucas replied. “The orders will go out this week. Troops will march. It will be busy.”

“Will they pull us to the front?”

“They may. Be ready for it.” Lucas winked.

Riley grimaced. “When?”

Lucas shrugged. “Just take things seriously and trust your instincts.” He smiled at the waitress, who laid down two plates with steak and potatoes.

Riley picked up her fork and started eating. Okay. New rules. Steal crystals during the runs, and don’t pass out. She winced. “Beauty, can you help me out there?” No reply came back.

Enjoying the delicious meat, she smiled. “Mischief! Help me with prank ideas for the royal brats!”

[Yes! ~Mischief.]

Chuckling inwardly, Riley finished her food and saw the seeker studying her.

“What?” Riley quirked her brow.

“There is one more complication,” Lucas said with a crooked smile.

Of course. Here it comes. Riley crossed her arms. “Ah. The catch.”

“I was forced to make a deal.”

“What deal?” Riley asked.

“Technically, we’re promised for betrothal,” Lucas stated, raising his hands in a defensive position. “Don’t get upset. Don’t make a scene. We can get rid of it in time.”

Riley huffed, scowling at him. “I’m not marrying you. I don’t even know you.”

“I don’t know you either,” Lucas replied. “I wasn’t given a choice, but we have time. Work with me, and we’ll figure it out.”

Riley’s anger faltered. “You weren’t?”

“No. They needed you away from the two troublemakers. We’ll figure it out. Just give it time.” Lucas dropped his hands, and a group of guards burst into their little cube.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 193

Bard (C)

Level: 120

Dominating Song D Use 30 mana to reduce nearby enemy strength, dexterity, and movement speed by 3. This effect extends 20 meters, and the radius of influence expands by 1 meter for each inspiration spent.

Psychic Strike E Wield your mana to cause psychic damage to a target. Cost varies based on allocation.

Healing Song D Send a burst of healing energy into nearby allies. Cost varies based on healing done.

Empowering Presence E Your subjects gain +3 strength, +3 dexterity, and +3 movement speed; allies within 20 meters count as subjects. You may use Bardic Inspiration to temporarily boost the range and the effect.

Assassin (C)

Level: 120 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Dancer's Form B +10 speed. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 5 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ranger (C)

Level: 120

Predatory Sight E Your perception and insight are boosted by 5. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light.

Ice Blade E Conjure a weapon made of ice. Costs 2 to 20 mana depending on blade durability.

Pretty E Your appearance is better, but it could be even grander. Use 1 mana to get a little help from Beauty! (Upgrade me again!) Penalty applied: Unequippable. Beauty may alter your appearance at her whim.

Music's Lute - You may summon this lute from the heavens. It will return to the heavens when you will it away.

Spell Thief (C) Level: 120 Inactive.

Noble (D)

Level: 208 Inactive.

Maid (F)

Level: 16 Inactive.

Poisoner (F)

Level: 1 Inactive.

Infiltrator (F)

Level: 1 Inactive.

- -

Dominating Presence D Enemies within 200 meters of you lose 3 strength, 3 dexterity, and 3 speed. You may temporarily expand the range by 50 meters for each bardic inspiration spent.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Manipulate Storm E Attempt to control or augment elements of a storm. Cost varies.

Inspiring Presence D Your subjects regain 1 stamina and 1 mana every hour. Allies within fifty meters count as subjects. You may temporarily expand the range by 15 meters for each bardic inspiration spent.

Conjure Poison D Create a poison. Cost varies based on the poison type and requirements.

Dexterity 758

Strength 386

Speed 272

Intelligence 386

Charisma 536

Stamina 638

Mana 746

Inspiration 313

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