An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 63 - Althea Visits

Riley emerged from the classroom with a growing smile. I don’t have to do paperwork. Moving happily down the hallway, she entered the dining area and then walked into the kitchens.

Several servants looked up. A cook quirked her brow.

“Could I get a sandwich to eat in my room?” Riley asked. “Pocket two.”

The cook smiled and elbowed the man next to her.

He looked up and grinned. “Ah, Lady Riley, I wondered when you’d show up. It looks like you finally managed.” He walked over and cut a piece of meat from a roasting hog. Then he slapped it between two pieces of bread, added some sauce, and set it on a plate.

Riley smiled at him. “Sorry. Things took a turn.”

“No need to apologize,” the man said cheerily. “Of course, we heard about you. It’s not every day that a noble waves to the guards and walks into the city without a care.” He handed the plate to her. “We’ll collect it from your room.”

“Thanks. If there’s anything I can do, let me know.” Riley waved at them.

A young boy walked up. “Is it true?” he asked with wide eyes. “You were an orphan once?”

“Sort of. I did live in an orphanage for a while,” Riley said, patting him on the head. “Keep an eye on the orphans for me. Let me know if they need help.”

He nodded, turned, and happily took a slice of bread from the cook.

Riley waved and walked out the back door, not bothering with the cafeteria.

Darting through the brisk air, she entered the dorms and walked into her room. The room was quiet. Her bed was tidy. Her desk was organized, and Althea was sitting in her chair.

Shutting the door, Riley quirked her brow. “This is forward.”

“You didn’t visit.” Althea pouted, stood, and took Riley’s plate. She set it on the desk.

Riley blushed. “Sorry. Things were busy.” She smiled and was pulled into the woman’s arms.

“Please, Riley. Give me a chance,” Althea said softly. “Get to know me.”

Riley looked up at her. “Why did you say those things about storm magic and being a druid?” She wriggled against her grip.

Althea released her. “Is that what’s bothering you? From what I can sense, your druidic magic is on the weaker side. I’d focus on the bardic magic. It seemed far stronger.”

Riley frowned. “How do you know that?”

“You’ll learn to feel it and sense it. You have strong deception, but I am a Ranger. It is my strongest magic.” Althea leaned closer. “That’s why I vanish in a cloud of green. Do you?”

Riley paused. “Do I?”

“No. You move through the space like sound, invisibly and instantly. I assume that is due to your primary magic type.” Althea smiled. “Which I believe is psychic magic. I am sorry for not explaining it.”

Riley looked at the floor. I should have asked her about Spell Thief. She looked up. “Do the elves ban the bard class?”

“We did. The historic bards were terrifying.”

“Terrifying?” Riley asked.

“People who can influence the mind are scary. You need to trust them greatly,” Althea finished.

Riley paused and considered it. Makes sense. She looked at her. “Why do you trust me then?”

“Because I have seen you with the orphans,” Althea said, smiling. “I am sorry for not being more forthcoming. Forgive me?”

Riley nodded. “No more lies?”

“No more lies,” Althea agreed.

Riley smiled. “You want me to join your war, don’t you? You want my skills or something.”

Althea paused and drummed against the wall. “We need people who can help defend us, yes.”

“And that’s why you want me to join the elves?” Riley asked, disappointment flooding through her. I’d just be some soldier.

“To help us? Yes, but that’s only part of it.” Althea reached over.

Riley stepped away. “So, I’d be a soldier.” She sighed.

Althea frowned. “You have family there. Your mother was a friend. And we will not force you to go to the front. You have my word.” She straightened her cloak. “I swear fealty to you. May the gods judge me if I depart.”

[Althea swore loyalty to you with the gods’ judgment as a penalty. This bond will break if you fail in your noble duties.]

Riley’s mouth dropped open. “What are you doing?” she whispered.

“Proving it. Riley, we want you because you’re you.” Althea smiled. “I won’t harm you. Nor will I force your path.”

“Does that mean you’ll tell me their plan?” Riley asked, a smile pulling across her face.

“I can’t tell you everything, Riley.” Althea chuckled. “But you can trust me.” She winked. “If you have any auras, I can get a little boost.”

“As if you need it.” Riley shook her head. “How well did you know my mom?”

“We were friends for a time,” Althea said, sitting on the desk.

Riley studied her. “I get that, but why are you trying so hard if it’s not about my skills?”

“I don’t want to lose you to some horrible humans, Raelen.”

Riley staggered backward, her eyes widening. How? She stared at the woman, searching for some explanation.

“I’m sorry if I startled you. I asked your grandparents, and we guessed your name.” Althea pulled out a sealed letter and handed it to Riley. “You can pick a different elven name if you want.”

Riley took the letter. “And you’d still want me if I became a druid and ignored the rest?” she asked.

Althea nodded. “Candidly, yes. It’s difficult for us to lose those close to us, and humans die so quickly.” She smiled. “We’d love having you. Your family would, too.”

Riley frowned. “I’m not sure I want to be an elf. I don’t think that I’d fit.”

“Why do you say that?” Althea asked.

“I don’t know anything about them. I was raised here and only know rumors about the elves. I don’t even know if they are true.” Riley swallowed.

“There are many of those, some true, some not.” Althea sighed and shook her head.

“The curse?” Riley asked. “The gods smote the elves for fighting with humans?”

“That happened, but let’s not dwell on it. We’d love to have you. We have academies. And if you wish to study among humans, we have a shared academy that is quite large. Read your letter.”

Riley popped it open and started reading.

Our dearest Riley,

We wish you were here with us at this time. Discovering that we had lost Elendira was a devastating blow. Knowing that you are out there aids us both.

Please come visit. We can’t wait to show you the ancient cities and forest; they hold the wisdom of millennia. Bring that father of yours. He is welcome here.

In case you are wondering, I am a druid. My strength lies in healing. Your grandfather is a leader in our military. Althea has told us little, and we hope to learn more and to see you soon.

~Lyra and Ralnor

Riley looked at the paper. I’m going to have to burn it. It has my name. She frowned.

“I’ll hold onto it for you,” Althea said, extending her hand. “I can give it to your father if you’d like.”

Riley handed it back to her. “Would you hate me if I told you I was choosing human?” she asked.

“Of course not. We have some shared cities and an alliance,” Althea said, tucking the letter into her bag.

Riley smiled. Do I want to be human?

“Now for the difficult part of our conversation. The people around you and this kingdom.”

Riley grimaced and looked back at her.

“I am not here to judge you, but I am here to warn you.” Althea met her gaze. “The people here are not your friends. They will steal and take from you. I have had six bounties for you cross my desk.”

Riley paled, her mouth dropping. “Six?” she whispered.

“Yes. I believe you know several of them.”

“Did the princess?” Riley asked, fury spreading through her body.

“Did she put out a contract on you? Yes, two of them to be precise. Did Hassan put out one? Yes. Did the queen?”

Riley’s eyes went wide. Her mouth dropped. “No,” she whispered, shaking her head. “No.”

She swallowed. “Why?”

“Because you are more skilled than the twin terrors.” Althea sighed and patted Riley’s shoulder. “I don’t mean to scare you, but you must know. Be very careful. I’m doing what I can, but they may try circumventing me.”

Riley nodded as sorrow hit. I messed this up badly. “Lucas? Who is he?”

“He's an orphan from Shorove,” Althea said, shaking her head. “He fled to stay alive.”

Riley shook her head. “How’d he manage to become a seeker?”

“That’s his story,” Althea replied. “You should ask him.”

Riley opened her mouth and shut it, nodding. “But you trust him?”


“And if I leave?”

“We’ll fake your deaths.” Althea shrugged. “Unless he wants to go with you.”

Riley considered it. This place is a waste pail. She looked at Althea. “How hard is it to visit places of power?”

“Very,” Althea admitted with a grimace. “They are in short supply everywhere.”

Riley nodded. So, milk this place for as long as I can.

Althea patted her shoulder. “There is one other thing I’ll ask. Only execute jobs from the guild. The rumors are growing, and it’s not safe.”

“I agree.” Riley sighed. “I can’t afford to do anything right now.”

“Good.” Althea smiled. “And if you ever want to work for the elven nation, let me know.” She winked.

Riley smiled. “I’ll tell you whatever you want about the royals. They’re the worst, and I hate them.”

Althea laughed. “That is the sad truth. This kingdom is a mess.” She smiled and raised a brow. “Thinking about defecting?”

Riley nodded. “I don’t think this is the place for me. I need to talk to Dad.”

“Hopefully he’ll be back soon.”

“Why don’t you just kill them? You could. I know it.” Riley quirked her brow.

“Because that wouldn’t help us,” Althea said. She shook her head. “But that can wait for another day. I have a few gifts for you.” She pulled out a book and handed it to Riley.

Riley looked at it and didn’t understand the elven script. She blushed and looked up.

“You’ll figure it out,” Althea said cheerily. She reached into her bag and pulled out two more books.

Riley took them and chuckled. “You’re really trying to make me learn elvish.”

“Sorry. Those were the books that I could acquire,” Althea said. “Now, what were you planning for your classes and skills?”

Riley contemplated it. Let’s test things. She smiled. “Have a place to practice chemistry or any tricks to get skills?”

“I can point you to some labs,” Althea said with a wink. “And I do have another gift.” She pulled out a bag and opened it, revealing a pile of crystals.

Riley stared, shock rolling through her like a storm. She looked up. “You stole them?” she whispered.

Althea smiled and handed the bag to Riley. “I do care about you, Riley. I’d advise smuggling in the future. Lying to the seekers will only get easier.”

Looking at the glowing crystals, Riley pulled them to her chest. “Thank you. I never thought I’d see these again.”

“So, did I earn some visits?” Althea grinned.

Riley smirked. “I’m using these for Druid.” She studied the elf. Nothing? Gods, she’s good at this.

“If that’s what you wish, I won’t stop you.” Althea paused. “Do you understand why?”

Riley nodded. “Instead of practicing lightning, I used my pyschic skill.” Which is powerful and useful.

“Did it work?”

“Yes, and I forgive you.” Riley looked into the bag. “What do I do about the prince and princess, though? If I’m ahead, they’ll make me sit out. At the same time, they are hurting my progress.”

“Hide your crystal count,” Althea said, shaking her head. “You could push ahead, or you can use their greed to get an extra run.”

Riley nodded. “Do I leave a slot for future classes?”

“There isn’t a need. Use your judgment and pick what you want for your future. I will advise you where I can. Even druid? I wouldn’t advise. Storm mage is more compatible.”

Riley nodded. That’s true. She looked at her classes. Do I spend crystals on these? She considered it and looked back at Althea. “I have Infiltrator.”

“If you intend to be a spy, keep it. If not, sacrifice it to Assassin when you are ready. Any others?”

“I have Poisoner,” Riley said. “I wanted to turn it into Alchemist.”

“That's a good plan,” Althea said with a nod. “You could also sacrifice it to an Assassin, but an Alchemist gives you a nice peacetime option.” She smiled.

“Should I sacrifice noble?” Riley asked, a smile quirking at her lips. Let’s see what she says to that.

“That’s your choice. It can benefit the people around you greatly.” Althea went quiet.

“But I have Bard.”

“Yes, but sacrificing it will prevent you from acquiring other auras. And the longer you wait, the bigger the boost. You know that.” Althea smiled and vaulted off the chair. “Come. Stash those gems, eat supper, and let’s have fun.”

Riley smiled. “Doing what?”

“You trained with your father. Now, you can train with me.”

Riley raced to her closet and stashed the crystals. Returning to her desk, she ate her sandwich before following Althea out the door.

Walking out the door, Riley watched the elf vanish in a burst of green, becoming nothing more than a strange gust of wind. Triggering Assume Disguise, she shifted her attire into dirty hunting gear.

Waving to the guards, she left the confines of the palace and headed down the street, joining Althea in an alley. Silently, the two navigated through the back alleys until they were further from the palace.

Althea stopped and spun. “Conjure Poison?”

Riley nodded. “D-tier.”

“Will it to be a fast-acting, deadly, ingested, undetectable poison that breaks down within thirty minutes.” Althea smiled. “We’re going to poison some rats.” She gestured to a pile of garbage with rats. “You can bring vials for containers. In the future, I’d advise it.”

Riley walked to the pile, fixed it in her mind, and triggered the skill. Her magic plummeted, and a powder fell across the pile. Backing away, she walked over to the elf.

“Every additional requirement will increase the mana cost. The quicker it fades will decrease the cost,” Althea said. “In theory, you can get specific poison skills, but that requires a commitment to poisoner.”

Riley nodded and watched. No messages popped up. “Is it working?” she asked, watching the rats scurry around the pile.

Althea shrugged. “Who knows? It likely will at least hurt some of them. The goal is to practice a little.” She spun and smiled. “Now for some real fun. I have a job. Want to aid me with it?”

Riley nodded. “Sure. What are we doing?”

“We’re fulfilling a request from the prince.” Althea jogged down the streets.

Riley frowned. I’m technically not supposed to do this. Then she thought of the spoiled princess, grinned, and sprinted down the streets, following the blazing speedster in front of her.


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