An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 83 - Rock, Paper, Fireball

Riley stepped into the place of power. The village materialized in front of them. Quickly scanning the nearby snow-covered trees, she looked back at the group. I need to try to steal some. Walking forward, she stopped at the edge of the trees and studied the village.

Residents were moving quickly between the buildings. Looks normal. She studied the guards at the gate. Not a lot of guards.

“What do you think?” Timothy asked, snow crunching underfoot.

“It’s not the plague one,” Riley replied. “But that’s no surprise. We know about it.”

Dwight nodded. “Where are all the guards?”

Riley shrugged. “Let’s find out.” She strode toward the town, stepping lightly across the snow and smiling at her shoes. These are amazing.

“Halt,” a guard said, poking her head out of the hut next to the gate. “What’s your business?”

Riley felt the insight skill slam into her. Her skill stood firm, and she waved.

The guard’s focus shifted to Timothy. She swallowed. “I apologize, my prince. I didn’t recognize you.” She walked out the door and opened the gate. “We can’t afford to send more people to the front.”

“Right,” Timothy said with a nod. “Which direction is the front? We got turned around.” He strode forward.

“South. Four hours at a standard march.” The guard opened the gate and moved out of the way.

Timothy frowned and turned. “Is that the job?” he asked.

Riley looked back at the guard. “How is the village?”

“We’re short of guards, candidly. We’re out of food. Bandits made off with it.” The guard looked back at the prince. “My apologies, my prince. We’ll take care of it.”

Timothy smiled and looked at Riley. “Bandits?”

“Level one is probably hunting.” Riley looked back at the guard. “Wildlife?”

“There is a pack of wolves out there,” the guard said. “But you really should check the front.”

“Right,” Timothy turned and walked back out of the village.

“Which way did the bandits go?” Riley asked.

“South,” the guard said, relief spreading across her face.

“I don’t suppose you need anything delivered to the front?” Riley asked, a smile spreading on her face. Can I finally get Courier?

“I do,” the guard said, walking back into the station. She emerged and handed Riley a small stack of letters. “Thank you.”

Riley grinned and stashed them. “Be safe now.” She jogged out of the gate and raced up to the group.

“Anything else?” Timothy asked.

Riley pointed. “They headed south. So, we go south.”

“Easy enough,” Dwight said with a grin.

“Keep an eye out for traps and wolves.” Riley jogged ahead and peered into the forest, searching for signs of either.

The trees were covered with fresh, crisp snow. The ground was the same. Hmm. They’d have to leave some tracks. Riley jogged forward, searching for signs while slowly increasing the gap between her and the group.

Slowing slightly, Riley listened to the sound of the forest. The birds stopped chirping, and quiet filled the air. Stopping, she spun and searched the woods. Where are they?

A flash of gray shot past a tree, and Riley bolted back to the group. Setting down her pack, she manifested two spirit blades. “Save some mana. It’s just level one,” she said, searching the trees and catching a flash of grey.

“Why are they so fast?” Kamal asked, squinting out into the woods.

The gray figure poked out their cowled head and nocked an arrow.

“Get behind cover,” Riley barked and used Ambush.

Appearing behind the human, she slashed, cutting through the human’s spine. Spinning, she looked over at the charging werewolf. It growled and surged forward.

Riley threw both blades, sinking the phantasmal blades into its skull. A spray of blood burst from its ears, and the werewolf tumbled, leaving a streak of crimson on the snow.

Spinning, Riley summoned her blades and turned back toward the group.

Dwight coughed blood, an arrow stuck in his chest. Timothy slashed, cutting down a werewolf. “Riley!” he barked.

Throwing both blades into a charging werewolf, Riley pulled out a potion and skidded, throwing up snow. Pulling out the cork, she poured the potion down Dwight’s throat and burned Inspiration, sending a burst of healing into the nearby group.

Dwight’s skin knitted back together. Riley looked up to see the charging werewolf.

Kamal gestured, and a boulder ripped from the ground, smashing into a werewolf and rolling it across the ground. Luiz leapt and slashed, sending a spray of blood out onto the ground.

Timothy cut another down and decapitated it. “Riley, is he okay?”

“Yes.” Riley watched his skin knit back together. She frowned and looked at him. Is he infected? Flipping open her spell book, she sent a burst of void magic through him.

Dwight gasped, and smoke oozed from him like some strange, living fog. Riley watched it vanish before reaching down.

Dwight stood. “Thanks.” He rubbed his chest.

“We’ll want the priest to check, but you’ll be fine for now,” Riley said, looking around at the bloody ground. How many were there? She looked at the carcasses and started counting. The carcasses turned into a ribbon of gold. The ribbon flowed and formed a chest.

Reaching down, Kamal flipped it open. “So, we’ll get infected if we even get hurt?”

“Probably,” Timothy said, placing the crystals into his bag. He turned to Riley. “Do you have another potion?”

“One. It’s very temporary. If I use it, I’ll need a minute to make another.” Riley turned and studied the woods. They had to have a camp.

Locking onto a trail, she veered off the road and followed, moving ahead of her group with a growing frown. With her eyes scanning the silent forest, she ducked behind a tree and listened.

Hearing the crunch of snow, she triggered Ambush and appeared behind another tree. Poking her head out, she searched and saw a pack of werewolves heading in the direction of the road.

That won’t do. And I don’t want to waste mana. Conjuring Spirit Blades, she threw and ducked behind the tree. The invisible blades looped through the air and sunk into a wolf, slashing into its hide.

The group snarled and sniffed. Spinning, Riley threw her blades, sticking both into a wolf’s chest. It barked and crumpled, dropping down into the snow.

A massive wolf howled and charged, racing straight for her. Shit! Spinning, Riley turned and ran, bolting through the forest with a small horde of werewolves speeding after her.

Vaulting a fallen tree, Riley summoned her blades and watched a ball of fire shoot past her. It soared into the group and exploded, lighting up the forest.

Spinning, Riley threw both blades and skidded across the ground, her momentum carrying her toward a fallen tree.

Leaping, she jumped over it and then tripped, rolling across the snow. Ow.

A burst of laughter filled the air, and arrows rained on the remaining werewolves. Looking over, Riley scowled at the four, who were chuckling while volleying off arrows.

“That was priceless,” Dwight said, a massive grin on his face.

“The legendary assassin, rolling across the snow like a ball,” Luiz said, laughing loudly.

Riley turned and watched the massive werewolf crumple, slamming into a tree. She turned back. “I’m not an assassin.”

“Nice try. You got recruited by the seekers, sent to the front, and I’ve fought with you,” Kamal said, chuckling. “That was great.”

Riley sighed and stood. Walking over to the group, she watched the chest form. “First level?”

“I think so,” Timothy said, stashing the crystals. He looked at her. “We can manage level two, right?”

“Yes.” Riley turned. “I think level two will be the camp.” She headed through the forest. The group followed.

Turning, she gestured. “Quiet.” She crept up a small ridge. Looking down into the valley, her mouth dropped. That’s no bandit camp.

A large camp stretched before her. Uniformed humans and werewolves walked among the tents. No, those are all werewolves. Riley studied the yellow eyes of both. The entire invasion is werewolves. She let out a long breath and vetoed level four. Checking the breeze, she looked down at the camp once more. I can’t sneak through them with my scent, and I can’t blast this camp.

Turning, she headed back to her allies with a growing frown. What would I do if they weren’t here? She grimaced. Leave or the army. I can’t win against super trackers.

Walking down to the group, she gestured. “Army camp of werewolves. At least eighty.” Grabbing a stick, she drew a quick map on the ground, outlining the structure. Then, she marked the fireball locations and gestured to each of them.

Timothy smiled and took the branch. He gestured. “Mine.”

Luiz smiled and gestured at Riley. “Your fireball?”

Riley stuck her tongue out at him and wiped the map away with her foot. She turned and led them up the incline, carefully guiding them to prevent any loud noise.

Cresting the ridge, the four of them prepared. Riley pulled down her bow and counted down with an outstretched hand. Four orbs streaked forward, and wolves everywhere turned.

One barked, another shouted, and the entire camp burst into flame. Trees and tents burned. Snow melted, and a wave of heat blasted through the area.

Riley nocked an arrow and fired, sinking her arrow into a singed wolf. It staggered and slowed before another arrow sunk into it.

Nocking another arrow, she aimed and fired, shooting it into a charging wolf’s eye. Bowstrings near her thrummed, and more arrows flew, streaking off toward the remaining foes.

Grabbing another arrow, Riley aimed at one behind a rock and waited. It poked its head out, and she fired. The arrow took the werewolf in the throat, sending a spray of blood into the mud.

Nocking another arrow, she searched. A massive wolf charged, tearing the ground like an enraged bull. Riley fired into the creature. Bows out.

Dropping her bow, she conjured blades and threw. They slashed into its face, leaving red lines. A boulder smashed into its shoulder, and arrows sunk into its hide. Riley tossed another set of blades, cutting deep gashes across its face and head.

The wolf closed the gap. It leapt, and Riley dove out of the way. Flipping up his sword, Dwight stabbed and was knocked across the ground, blood gushing from his arm.

Riley leapt and slammed her blades into its skull. The wolf dropped, sinking into the snow.

Jerking her leg free, Riley dashed over to Dwight. “Dwight, you’ve got to stop that.” She used a burst of Inspiration to heal him.

“That’s what healers are for,” Dwight said with a chuckle. “Assassin healer. How do you manage that?”

“I’m a ranger,” Riley said, rolling her eyes and studying his arm. She grimaced and used Void Blast, sending a burst of yellow smoke out of him.

“Resource check,” Timothy interrupted, reaching down into the chest and looting the crystals.

“I'm at eighty percent.” Riley felt a wave of energy hit her. Level two down.

[Your base level has advanced: 260 → 264!]

“We can try level three, but that’s it,” Riley said, looking out at the camp. Maybe there is something there. She walked down the soft incline and into the smoldering remains of the camp.

Covering her mouth with her cloak, she wandered through the smoldering tents and sighed. It’s so hard to find treasure in these things.

“Found a chest,” Kamal yelled.

Riley looked under a tent, sighed, and jogged over to the group that rapidly converged on a large, ironbound chest.

Kamal scowled at it. “How do we get it open?”

“Find a hammer?” Riley asked, a smile sneaking up on her face.

“Just open it, assassin,” Luiz said, shaking his head. “I know you can.”

“You can make potions,” Timothy said, turning to her. “Can you make one to melt it?”

Riley sighed and shook her head. Kneeling, she pulled out her lock picks and inserted them into the lock. Pushing the pins into place, she jerked the chest open.

Timothy peered over her shoulder, and Riley handed him the five crystals that were sitting on the bottom.

“Why can’t we get more treasure?” Dwight huffed.

“It’s level two in a safe one,” Timothy said. “We’re lucky to get anything.” He pocketed the crystals.

Riley stood. “Well, we all know the next level. War with the werewolves. Who’s up for a run?” She grinned at each of them.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 260

Bard (C)

Level: 190 + 1

Dominating Presence D Enemies within sixty meters of you lose 10 strength, 10 dexterity, and 10 speed. You may use inspiration to boost the range and the effect temporarily.

Spirit Blade C +1 level to assigned class. Manifest an ethereal blade of psychic energy that will vanish after thirty seconds or six seconds after being thrown. Costs one stamina or one mana to manifest a blade.

Restoring Presence D Subjects regain 1 stamina and 1 mana every half hour; their healing is augmented by 10%. Allies within 50 meters count as subjects. You may use mana to send out a burst of healing. You may use inspiration to expand and increase the effect.

Empowering Presence D Your subjects gain +10 strength, +10 dexterity, and +10 movement speed; allies within twenty meters count as subjects. You may use Bardic Inspiration to temporarily boost the range and the effect.

Assassin (C)

Level: 190 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Momentous Tempo B +10 speed. This boost will increase to up to +100 for every ten seconds you are in motion. Slowing in any way will reduce the effect. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 10 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ranger (C)

Level: 190

Predatory Sight D Your perception and insight are boosted by 25. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light. You may use 1 stamina to double this effect for 10 seconds.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Pretty D Your appearance is nice, but it could be so grand. Use a mana to get Beauty’s help! She may provide it anyway. Oh, and you’ll stand out in a crowd! After all, everyone knows a Beauty.

Music's Lute - You may summon this lute from the heavens. It will return to the heavens when you will it away.

Spell Thief (C) Level: 190 Inactive.

Noble (D)

Level: 252 Inactive.

Enchanter (F)

Level: 53 Inactive.

Alchemist (D)

Level: 127 Inactive.

Infiltrator (E)

Level: 42 Inactive.

- -

Conjure Storm D Manipulate or conjure up a storm. Mana cost varies.

Conjure Potion D Create a potion. Cost varies based on the poison type and requirements.

Dexterity 1111

Strength 528

Speed 412

Intelligence 528

Charisma 749

Stamina 920

Mana 1100

Inspiration 455

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