An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 89 - Defense

Riley yawned and looked out into the black. Darkness surrounded her, and she leaned against the cold stone wall, the breeze playing with her hair.

Wiping at her eyes, she looked over at Michael early Wednesday morning. The light of the courtyard fire flickered, casting him in a soft glow.

“I think they stopped after the last one.” Michael’s gaze remained locked on the black.

Riley rubbed her eyes and frowned at the black. “I can’t see a thing.”

“It’s not so bad,” Michael replied.

“You’re wrong. Where’s the moon? Where are the stars?” Riley sighed.

Michael chuckled. “You’ll get there.” He studied the distant fort. “I think they may stop for a while.”

“If they wake me up again, I will lose it.” Riley yawned and pulled her arms against her, the breeze fluttering her cloak. “Why didn’t we attack them during the day?”

“We’ve been playing defensive. You know why.”

Riley nodded sleepily and took a seat on the stone. She leaned against it. “Bump me if you need something.”

Michael nodded and studied the charred area between the forts. The wind blew snow through the mile-wide field between the two.

Riley turned away from it and looked at a cowled figure who’d joined them.

“I do not approve of this,” Roger said, shaking his head. “I don’t care if your clothing does keep you warm.”

“Quiet, Dad. I need sleep,” Riley murmured. She set her book in her lap, yawned, and shut her eyes.

The quiet surrounded her like a warm blanket. An arrow streaked across the sky and smacked into the wall. Riley continued her downward spiral into sleep.

Clouds above formed. Michael bumped her. “Riley, lightning!”

Without a second thought, she ignited the runes and reached upward.

Grabbing it as if it were a ball, she pulled it into her control and threw it straight back toward its source. Lightning crackled across the sky. The mage on the other end fought to break the tether, and a frustrated Riley fed psychic energy back. “What’s wrong with you? Are you suicidal?” she shouted through the tether.

Thoughts drifted through the link, and Riley saw the mage. He began speaking. “She’s on the…”

Riley looked at the gathered group, and rage burned through the exhaustion. He’s telling them about me? She looked through his eyes. Three cowled figures were sitting there, along with several uniformed soldiers. No. I don’t think so. She flipped pages and ignited the runes of her spell, feeding it most of her remaining mana.

Blue lightning ripped from the mage, lashing through the group and the walls. Like a hurricane, the storm of psychic energy burst into existence, lighting the fort in an ominous blue glow.

The mage screamed, and blood burst from his nose and ears. He crumpled, and the tether ended.

Riley’s emotions mirrored the raging storm. Lightning flickered and crackled, ripping through soldiers everywhere.

“Gods,” Michael whispered. “Can you hear them?”

“Yes,” Roger replied. He turned to Riley. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“They had assassins. They were gathering information about me somehow. Maybe through the connection?” Riley paused; a kill notification popped up. She glanced past it to the other notifications from her crystals and kills over the past day.

[Your base level has advanced: 269 → 276!]

[Assassin (C) has advanced: 192 → 194!]

[Bard (C) has advanced: 192 → 194!]

[Ranger (C) has advanced: 217 → 219!]

[Spell Thief (C) has advanced: 192 → 194!]

[Noble (D) has advanced: 253 → 254!]

[Infiltrator (E) has advanced: 61 → 67!]

[Alchemist (E) has advanced: 131 → 132!]

[Quest: Kill any wraiths you encounter. Progress: 118.]

[Quest: Aid the sick or wounded. Progress: 129]

Looking back at the fort, she saw it bathed in the blue light of her churning storm. Soldiers flooded out of the gates, fleeing the nightmare that their fort had become.

At the same moment, four fireballs roared through the air. Riley spun and looked back at the group of eager mages who started bombarding the fort exits.

“Trap them in it!” a man shouted. “I want a spell hitting every fifteen seconds!”

Roger reached down and grabbed Riley’s hand, pulling her up. “This won’t be safe, and I know you’re low.”

Riley nodded and used Ambush, appearing in the courtyard and jogging toward her bed while soldiers streamed out. The sound of bows and magic filled the air.

Looking up, Riley saw churning clouds. She burned the last of her mana and lit the runes in her book. Reaching up, she grabbed and threw the lightning back, aiming for just inside the gates.

The enemy mage panicked, trying to shove Riley out of their mind. She slammed her mind into them, sending the mage crashing to the ground.

The metallic scent of blood filled the air. Something oozed from her nose. Riley reached up, and blood smeared across her finger. That was too much? It was one spell.

“No more. You’re still healing,” Roger ordered, gently pushing her toward the barracks.

“Sorry,” Riley murmured, walking toward her room. I didn’t realize. Is it the storm? She felt the pressure building on her skull. Pushing, she felt the connection to everyone that was still inside it. Oh, crud. She wobbled.

Roger grabbed her. “Be careful, Riley. I don’t want you to kill yourself with feedback.”

Riley blinked and killed her spell. Why weren’t the wraiths this bad? Is it different somehow? Or was it because they were just forming and weren’t alive?

Roger nudged her down the hall. “Be careful with overreach, Riley. We all know the lessons of foolish earth mages who thought to move the world.”

“Sorry.” Riley walked into the room. “My spell ended.”

“Good. You need to sleep.”

Riley nodded. “Goodnight,” she said, walking to her cot. Her attire shifted to a nightgown, and she burrowed into the blankets.


Roger turned and walked to the door. I should capitalize. I need Riley to take a break. He turned and checked the halls, ensuring the guards were in position.

Nodding to each, he turned and swept down the hall, moving swiftly back outside and onto the wall. Pulling down his bow, he knocked an arrow, exhaled, and fired into the masses that were now fleeing back into the distant fort.

“How badly did it hurt them?” Roger asked Michael.

“It builds. They start bleeding from their noses and mouths if they stand in it. The weaker ones may have died already.” Michael fired. His arrow flew and smashed upon a shield, sending a spray of splinters raining into the air.

Roger fired another. A barrage of spells hammered the distant fort, lighting the sky with roaring flame and lightning. Steam billowed in the air. Stone smashed on stone, and Roger struggled to see a target. Should I get closer? He dismissed the thought. It’s not worth it in this mess.

Michael frowned. “I can’t see a thing.”

“There’s too much smoke.” Roger shook his head and watched lightning slam into stone, bouncing and rippling through a small group. He turned and walked over to the mage commander. “How many?”

“I don’t have the full count,” the commander answered. She grinned. “But it’s a lot. I don’t know what Riley got. Thank her for me.”

“She’s resting. That one cost her.” Roger turned and jumped from the ramparts, landing on the inside of the courtyard. Walking to the room, he nodded to the guards and stepped inside, locking the door and waiting with a knife in hand. Watch duty.

Minutes ticked by. The steady sound of breathing surrounded him, and he waited. Stealing a glance at Riley, he paused. Is that what she’ll look like forever? He studied her regrowing blue hair, small nose, and petite frame. I miss her old hair. It was mine.

He looked back at the door. “Gods, please let her keep something of me. I know that’s selfish, but please.” Letting out a breath, he moved to the side of the door, leaned against the wall, and waited.

Half-sleeping, he lounged there. The lock on the door clicked, and Roger pulled back his knife.

The door swung open, a cowled figure slipped inside, and Roger’s arm snapped out, slamming through the assassin’s spine. The man crumpled, and Roger poked his head out, finding no one.

Shutting and locking the door, Roger looked down at the man. “Pity. You could have been an ally.” He shook his head and pulled the body to the side.

Leaning against the wall, he waited for anyone else who was foolish enough to enter the room.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 276

Bard (C)

Level: 194 + 1

Dominating Presence D Enemies within sixty meters of you lose 10 strength, 10 dexterity, and 10 speed. You may use inspiration to boost the range and the effect temporarily.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Restoring Presence C Subjects regain 1 stamina and 1 mana every half hour; their healing is augmented by 25%. Allies within 50 meters count as subjects. You may use mana to send out a burst of healing. You may use inspiration to expand and increase the effect.

Empowering Presence D Your subjects gain +10 strength, +10 dexterity, and +10 movement speed; allies within twenty meters count as subjects. You may use Bardic Inspiration to temporarily boost the range and the effect.

Assassin (C)

Level: 194 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Momentous Tempo B +10 speed. This boost will increase to up to +100 for every ten seconds you are in motion. Slowing in any way will reduce the effect. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 10 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Spell Thief(C)

Level: 194

Predatory Sight D Your perception and insight are boosted by 25. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light. You may use 1 stamina to double this effect for 10 seconds.

Spirit Blade C +1 level to assigned class. Manifest an ethereal blade of psychic energy that will vanish after thirty seconds or six seconds after being thrown. Costs one stamina or one mana to manifest a blade.

Pretty D Your appearance is nice, but it could be so grand. Use a mana to get Beauty’s help! She may provide it anyway. Oh, and you’ll stand out in a crowd! After all, everyone knows a Beauty.

Music's Lute - You may summon this lute from the heavens. It will return to the heavens when you will it away.

Ranger(C) Level: 219 Inactive.

Noble (D)

Level: 254 Inactive.

Enchanter (F)

Level: 53 Inactive.

Alchemist (D)

Level: 132 Inactive.

Infiltrator (E)

Level: 67 Inactive.

- -

Conjure Storm D Manipulate or conjure up a storm. Mana cost varies.

Conjure Potion D Create a potion. Cost varies based on the potion type and requirements.

Dexterity 1147

Strength 552

Speed 420

Intelligence 746

Charisma 777

Stamina 758

Mana 1136

Inspiration 471

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