An Egg’s New Job

Chapter 5 November 16th

Parts of this chapter might be a bit rough, eggy panic during moments of self reflection

Luna is gone when I wake up, but there is a bottle of water and painkillers on the nightstand. I groggily grab the water and the painkillers, and quickly down them both. I slightly regret drinking so much, hangovers are always the worst. I lay there waiting for the painkillers to kick in. Eventually I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I see myself in the mirror, and despite the messed up nature of the makeup, I like the way I look, maybe dial down the pink. I turn on the shower, while waiting for it to heat up, I remove the cute clothes that I had been forced to wear. I stumble into the shower and let the hot water run over my body. Helping to ease my muscles aches and wash away the hangover. I went back to the room I was in when the realization hit me. I don’t have my clothes. I fumble around trying to find my phone when I see it is charging on the same nightstand that had the water. I sent a quick text to Luna “Umm, do you know where my clothes are? I think they must be near the table.”


I get a fairly quick message back from Luna 

“About that…”

“It looks like during the party some drinks got spilled and made a mess of your clothes. I threw them in the washer.”


Fuck. What am I going to do now? I guess I can just spend the next few hours here. At least I have a phone charger. Then I see that Luna is still typing.


“But we have an idea. You seemed comfortable in the various clothes last night. We could lend you some more for a few hours. That way we can all hang out some more.”


I sit there and think about it for a few minutes. I would rather spend time with my coworkers. “Alright deal, but don’t let Chloe pick anything out. There is a thing as too much pink.”


I hear some giggles and a  brief tussle and loud voices downstairs, I start wondering what is going on when I hear my phone beep again.




Well I know who sent that. Then I hear a brief tussle start again. I am assuming Luna is getting her phone back.


“Sorry, Chloe stole my phone. Let me get something together for you.”


I laugh, and settle down and wait for Luna to arrive. I think back these last 2 months. I don’t know what stroke of luck I got, but my life has never been better. I have a good job, amazing coworkers, and maybe 2 really cute women who are into me. Even though one is a lesbian, so I don’t know what is special about me. Even though it won’t go anywhere, she is still a good friend. Sure I have a crush on her, and that kiss was amazing, but sadly I am a guy. It would be easier if I wasn’t, but well that can’t change. I am glad Lily claimed me during that interview. Now that I think about it, what was that flag she asked me about? I go to pull out my phone to do a quick search when I hear a knock on the door. “Come on in, I am as decent as I can be.”


Luna opens the door and tosses the clothes onto the bed. “We are all downstairs, join us when you are dressed.”


I grab all of the clothing to start to get ready. As I was separating everything out I realized something. Luna had given me panties to wear. I hold the garment in my hand with a bit of trepidation. These were, assumedly, Luna’s. Sure I had worn some of her clothes last night, but nothing like this, it feels so much different, intimate almost. I snap out of my thoughts and get dressed. I don’t want to be the only person not hanging out with everyone else. The other clothing I was provided was a simple black knee skirt, thigh highs, and a band t-shirt. The shirt was by a band I had not heard of, Tegan and Sara.


I drop onto the couch next to Lily and ask “What is the game plan for today? It is a Saturday after all.”


Chloe is the first to reply “We are all going to the hair salon, we have an appointment in about an hour! We booked it like 3 months ago, so we could all go together.”


A bit guiltily Alice quickly adds “I actually need to back out. Something with my family came up, and I need to deal with them. I meant to tell everyone, but I forgot.”

I can see disappointed looks on everyone's face until I see a flash in Luna’s eyes and a very evil smirk appears on her lips. “Oh. I have a great idea.” She gets up from the couch she was sitting on, across from me, and sits down on my side. “Any plans today Z?”


“Not really, just video games” I stutter out confused.


 “How about you join us Z? We were all going to get our hair dyed in various fun colors.” She offers.


“That sounds like it would be amazing, but I can’t.” I lamented.


Luna looks at me and confusedly asks “Why not? You just said you are free, right? Your hair is fairly long, and it looks like it needs a good cleanup anyways.”


“Ummm, guys aren’t supposed to have fun colored hair, right?”


Laughingly Luna responds “That is one of the dumbest things I’ve heard today. And I have been talking with Chloe this morning.” Luna then blows a kiss toward Chloe. Who just glares in response. Luna continues “there are plenty of men who get various dye jobs, some boring to hide gray, but some live it up.”


“Alright fine, you have a solid point. But I still can’t go out. I would look ridiculous. Like a man in a skirt.”


Alice put forth “Z you are not as manly as you think.”


I feel a warmth in my stomach, but before I could question the statement. Lily retorts “Well if that is your only current concern, I am sure any of the ladies here, myself included, would love to give you a makeover. That way you can join us and be one of us girls for the day.”


I see the other girls nodding in agreement, each eager to assist. “Fine, but I think I would like Luna to do it. Chloe would do all pink again. Which wasn’t bad, but not for me.”


Chloe pouts and quietly responds “I’ll, like, get you to change your mind, like, one day.”


I ignore her as Luna stands up and helps me up and takes me back to her room. “You know one day I will get you in here and remove layers instead of adding them.”


Not thinking I heard her right “I’m sorry what?”


“Oh nothing. Please have a seat. I’ll just do this quickly today. No fun stuff. But don’t worry, you will still be a pretty little thing.” Luna says while she pats my head.


I blush as I sit there wondering why Luna has such an effect on me. Everything she does just makes me blush and feel like a squirmy mess. In my introspective daze, I can feel Luna working on my face. The various brushes feel very nice on my face. I can see why a lot of women like this, it feels good to be pampered. I guess that is genderless.


“Alright cutie, we are done. Let’s go get our hair done.” I hear Luna snapping me out of my daze. She also uses the brush to boop my nose.


I stand up and follow her out of her room. “Hey, Luna?” I started before deciding it would be too awkward to ask what I was going to “... actually, nevermind.”


Luna stops and turns, looking me directly in the eyes “Z, if there is anything, anything, you want to talk about, please don’t hesitate to talk to me. You are safe with me, no matter what.”


“Ok Luna, I will. Not now, but maybe later.” I sheepishly respond. 


Luna continues going to her car and I follow. She heads towards a Subaru parked in the large driveway, and I can see the others waiting next to the car. Luna opens the car and everyone piles in. I head towards one of the back seats and sit down. Lily turned around from the front seat and asked “Hey Z, is there a name you would like to use while dressed up? Calling you Z might not be that weird at work, but some people might think it is a bit unusual.”


“Ummm, that makes sense. I guess Zoey works?” I volunteered, “That is the name I always use in video games.”


Lily is the first to respond “Alright, Zoey it is. It’s such a cute name as well.” I just hear giggles from the rest of them. As Luna starts her car and we head out.


It takes a bit to get to the Salon from the house, and I can feel a knot in my gut continue to grow as I have some time to think. I tune out the chatter of the other girls. I have to wonder how I have gotten here. I have known these women for 2 months now, and here I am sitting in some clothes of theirs, and I love it. What does that mean for me? I also love it when any of them give me a makeover. But that isn’t a manly thing is it? They have made comments a few times that I don’t look manly, and that should bother me, but it doesn’t. Why doesn’t it? Maybe it is just the attention of super cute girls? But is it just that simple, am I just lonely and the attention is affecting me like this?


“Zoey? Zoey? HEY ZOEY!” I hear from my side, snapping me out of my reverie. I see the other girls standing there, each with a look of concern. Chloe keeps going “Like, we are here cutie. Let's turn that boring mop of hair into something fun!”


“Oh, um sure.” I say as I stand up to join the rest.


We head into the store and are greeted by the receptionist.


“Ah, you must be the group from Casa de tra….”


Lily interrupts her “Yes, with one exception. Alice won’t be joining us, we have Zoey with us today.”


“Ah, that is fine. Are we still going to charge the same card?” The receptionist smiles at Lily.


“Yup, as per normal, charge the house account.” Lily says as she returns the smile.


The receptionist continues “Will do, your stylists will be out soon. Please have a seat while you wait.”


We all sit down in the small front section. Chloe is sitting next to me. I see her pull out her phone. She starts going through video after video.


“What app is that?” I curiously ask.


“Oh, this? It is Tiktok, there are so many great content creators on it. Like, check it out at some point. You might like it.”


“I’ll check it out later” I respond as our stylists arrive.


One steps in front of me “I’m Jenni, nice to meet you Zoey. Please follow me.


I stand and obediently follow.


“So Zoey, what did you have in mind?” Jenni continues as we head over to a booth, she gestures towards a chair.


As I sit down “Honestly I have no idea. My friends invited me and I have never done anything like this. I know I like blue, and most of my wardrobe is blue. But I am going to leave my hair in your hands. Whatever you think would look best, go for it I guess.”


“Ok, well I think I have something in mind. I will make you stand out and your hair pop. It is safe in my hands.”


Jenni then gets to work, separating out strands of my hair and bleaching them. With the ambient music and the relaxing hands on my head, I find myself falling asleep. Waking briefly when cold water is sprayed on my head.


“Oh sorry, honey, go back to sleep, just rinsing out the bleach.” Jenni says while spraying my head with water.


Once she is done she waits for my hair to dry and starts applying colors, I can’t quite see what colors she is doing, but I find myself falling back asleep. Only to get awakened by more cold water spraying my head.


“Almost done there cutie. Then just a cut and style, and you are free. The others will barely recognize you.” Jenni then dries my hair before combing it out and cutting it. She uses various tools to cut and style my hair. “I am doing a feathered hair look for you, it should be somewhat easy to maintain. If you have any questions I or any of your friends can answer them for you, cutie.” She then spins me around so I can look in a mirror.


I see a cute girl with blue hair, and oh no… pink stripes looking back at me. Chloe is going to freaking love this. But so do I. I love seeing a cute girl looking back at me. But who wouldn’t, girls and women are so amazing after all.


“Thank you so much, it looks amazing.” I say as I stand up and head out to my companions. I head out towards the front to join my friends. The group is eagerly awaiting my appearance.


“YES! PINK!” Chloe does not quite scream, and jumps in place excitedly.


Luna laughs and says “It does look really good on you Zoey. The feathered hair was a great choice.” Luna then talks with the receptionist to setup another appointment in a few months.


I can feel myself blushing at the compliments “It was all Jenni’s doing, I fell asleep while she was working.”


Lily then says “Well let’s head back.” We follow her out to Luna’s car and pile in. During the drive back they all give me tips on how to keep the color and style of my hair as good as possible over the next few months. I make a mental note of it all.


We eventually get back to the house and play some games on the switch while I wait for my clothes to finish. After a few hours I change back into my boring clothes and head home. But I maintain the smile on my face after spending hours with my friends.

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