An Ero Author’s Isekai Life as a F*tanari Goddess

Chapter 10: How to Lovingly Pamper your Plant Girl Waifu

Needless to say, Aria and Raffy continued for… a very, very long time. Similar to when it was Aria in control of masturbating in that black room where all sense of time was lost as she endlessly brought herself to completion, she kept on fucking Raffy now that she was in control until Raffy literally could not handle it anymore. The plant girl, unable to keep up with Aria’s endless lust and infinite seed, simply couldn’t withstand the onslaught of pleasure. It was impossible no matter how hard she tried to stay conscious. Eventually, she was fucked to the point of passing out and not even poking her face with the tip of Aria’s cock was able to wake her up.

And at that point, it was pitch black in the forest, Raffy’s stomach was massively inflated with cum, the cum-storing “bags” inside of her flower were also inflated to the point of bulging out against the sides of the flower, and so much cum had leaked out by mistake that the honey pool within the flower started to look just like regular cum again.

And with the howling of wolves and other beasts in the distance, a sort of protective instinct kicked in given how vulnerable Raffy was.

All of those achievement windows could be ignored for a little while longer. Protecting Raffy was more important.

Fortunately, while hunting slimes earlier, Aria found a convenient cave nearby that she was able to drag Raffy toward by pulling on her girthy “leg” tentacles. Aria then used her knowledge gathered by spending far too much time researching random things on the internet for her writing to get a fire started just inside the cave to provide them with some warmth and to hopefully scare off, and not attract, any predators.

Satisfied with her work, Aria looked at Raffy and saw that she was still sound asleep, her lips opening and closing in her sleep even if no noise was made.

“You know,” Aria whispered to herself, “the mute thing is actually kind of cute. I wonder if she’d be okay with keeping that trait. It’d probably be better if she wasn’t mute, though, in case there’s ever an emergency.” Her creative mind then entered a state of turmoil. She knew that the most logical choice was to give Raffy the ability to talk, but the most waifu-able choice was to leave her mute. Being able to talk would let her explore a whole new world where she could easily communicate with everybody! But leaving her mute had a sort of, potentially controversial, appeal to it while also having all of the usual negative side effects of not being able to talk.

Aria shook her head when she realized there was something far more important to worry about.

“This—this is my chance!” Aria said. “I… I have a cute, sleeping girl in front of me. I can do whatever I want to her. That means… that means,” her breathing grew heavy, “I can set up the ultimate romance flag! I can get into position so that she wakes up to a lap pillow! I have no idea when this opportunity might strike again. I have to take advantage of it.”

Like an onee-san wanting to pamper her cute little sibling, Aria went into full pampering mode as she racked her mind over thinking about how to execute the perfect lap pillow.

Now, normally, giving somebody a lap pillow wouldn’t have many issues associated with it. You just had to put somebody on their side and lay their head on your lap.

But Raffy was not a normal somebody. No, instead, Raffy was a monster girl who was attached to the bulbous plant she rose out of. If she worked like normal monster  girls worked, that meant she would probably—well, die, if her humanoid body was taken out from her plant body. But that also meant she couldn’t be placed on her side. Her plant body was huge and heavy, and it took every last bit of Aria’s strength just to drag her to the cave. Not to mention that she never heard of flipping a plant girl onto her side and didn’t even know if it was safe to do that seeing as how all of the interior honey would spill out.

“So, having monster girl waifus comes with these sorts of logistics issues. I never considered this before,” Aria said as she stroked her chin. “But I’ll do this. No matter what, I’m going to give her a lap pillow.”

And so, Aria hatched a plan all for the sake of making it so that Raffy would wake up to a lap pillow.


As the sun rose in the morning, Raffy slowly opened her eyes and extended as many of her tentacles as she could to reach the sun beginning to shine into the cave. Receiving that sunlight gave her the rest of the energy she needed after a few minutes to fully wake up and grow aware of her situation.

Something under her head felt… soft? Soft and warm. And smelled good, too! Not only that, but there was something naturally… soothing about it. Relaxing. Just feeling it filled her with a sort of warmth and happiness.

But when she looked down, all she saw was some sort of… pale color? Since that didn’t help at all, she turned her head again to look upward this time, causing the hand that was on top of her head to slide off of her as she came face to face with… overhanging paleness. She had to actually lift her head up and off of whatever she was on to actually see over that overhang to learn that it was none other than Aria, with her breasts being the overhang, and that it was her lap she was resting on.

She wasn’t sure how that was possible, but it became clear once she looked around.

One of the trees outside of the cave was chopped down and Aria was sitting on top of an exceptionally tall stool with ladder steps built into it, and it was built to be the perfect height for her to sit while being able to naturally rest Raffy’s head on her lap.

Those hearts popped up in Raffy’s eyes once again, but it wasn’t because she just came. Instead, it was a different feeling entirely that made her eyes grow hearts.

As for Aria herself, she was sound asleep with her lips slightly parted, allowing Raffy to hear the sound of her breathing, and… even the book at Aria’s side looked exhausted and as if it were slumped over a little.

Strange book tiredness aside, Raffy couldn’t hold back and placed a single kiss on Aria’s lips before soundlessly mouthing "good girl" to her, and then excitedly returned her head to her goddess’s lap, eager to use up as much time as possible with the lap pillow as her tentacles soaked up some sunlight.

Whew, quite the chapter dump today! That's all for now. I have to force myself to stop so that I can go do other things. Anyways, I think you could say that with this chapter, the introductory arc of the story is done! Now we can move on to some proper adventuring and learn more about the world outside of the forest, as well as get some actual plot! But worry not, there will still be many, many lewds to cum alongside everything else. I hope that you're enjoying the story so far, and please consider rating it and favoriting some chapters if you haven't yet!

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