An Ero Author’s Isekai Life as a F*tanari Goddess

Chapter 3: Tentacles are NOT a F*tanari’s Best Friend… yet! (♥)

“I can’t believe you’re trying to eat me!” Aria shouted at the monster. “I let you fuck me! A goddess! Where are you going to find another goddess who lets you fuck her?!”

The goddess thing may or may not have been getting to her head already.

And unfortunately for her, the monster didn’t care. If anything, hearing that she was a goddess made it lower her even faster toward its “stomach.”

All she could do was desperately struggle within its grasp as she failed to think of any other solution.

That was when she realized something that was probably pretty important.

She realized… that the tentacles actually weren’t that strong. They were able to pick her up and hold her in place, but it took four of them, and she was strong enough that she could easily move her limbs around now that she wasn’t so horny. The only reason why she didn’t realize that sooner was because she was too horny to care. She wanted to be helplessly bound by a plant monster’s tentacles, so why resist and try to break free? Though, all she could do was move around more than she thought she would be able to. She was very much still bound by them. Even if she did break free, she would just fall straight into the acid below her.

If she couldn’t figure something out, she was going to be devoured and her life as a futanari goddess was going to be over as soon as it began.

Fortunately, she was an author.

And any author worth their ink could bullshit their way out of any situation.

If the monster was hungry, then that meant all Aria had to do was feed it, and it just so happened that she had an unlimited amount of cum that she could fill it with.

She needed to be quick, though. She needed to make herself cum as fast as she could.

That meant it was time to pull out her ultimate weapon when it came to cumming.

Dog girls.

Aria filled her mind with the thoughts of cute dog girls who were basically human in every way except for their ears and tails. She imagined coming home, opening the front door, and being greeted by a harem of dog girls who were all kneeling down ready to pounce her and lick her all over. Especially her cock. A harem of dog girls who were all in heat and desperate for her bone.

Nothing made her cum faster than imagining such a sweet dream.

With her imagination primed, Aria moved her hands as much as she could to grab onto her cock and pump! She already felt like she was on the verge of cumming just from imagining her dream scenario, and her hands made sure that she reached the finish line!

“Dri-drink this!” Aria moaned out, aiming her cum directly into the inside of the flower as she unleashed another load. Her thick seed splashed down into the fluid and was dissolved soon after. She wasn’t sure if her plan worked or not… until the tentacles stopped lowering her.

The next second, every single one of the tentacles that the plant had to offer shot upward toward her cock and wrapped around it. Far, far faster than before, the tentacles all worked together to masterfully milk Aria’s cock for everything that it was worth.

Aria then remembered something very important.

Her cum tasted like the most delicious thing in the world, basically, to anybody and anything that consumed it.

There was no reason to believe that didn’t apply to plants as well, and she basically just pumped an entire load directly into the plant’s “mouth.”

Needless to say, Aria chose the best possible option she could have. On one hand, she made the plant more interested in drinking her cum than eating her. On the other hand, the plant was now milking her with an intensity that she didn’t even know was possible. She felt like she had a dozen different tongues wrapping around her cock jacking it off.

It was a win-win situation.

Now that she was being milked, her toes curling and back arching as she rapidly came again and again and again, she didn’t even care about hanging over the plant’s mouth. She just wanted to cum more. Nothing could compare to the pleasure she felt being jacked off by all the tentacles. No amount of toys, tentacles penetrating her, or self-titfucking could beat the pleasure she was experiencing. The tentacles acted as if it was their sole purpose in life to milk her cock, and they grew even faster every time she came as if each shot into the plant’s mouth made it even more desperate for more.

It didn’t take long for Aria to reach a point where her eyes were half lidded and her tongue was hanging out from her mouth, her mind empty of all thoughts aside from how amazing she felt from the tentacles’ milking. Her frantic, girly moaning eventually came to be replaced by incoherent mumbling mixed in with the occasional moan as her cock was endlessly milked.

This continued… for quite some time.


Eventually, the tentacle plant monster was no longer able to absorb any more of her cum. There was just too much for it to handle. In fact, that liquid inside of its “mouth” became so infused with her cum that basically none of it was left. There was only cum, and said cum now filled the plant’s flower to the brim and began to overflow from it. If Aria really wanted to, she could have sat inside of the flower and treated it like a bathtub full of cum.

At that point, the monster was so overwhelmed with cum that it couldn’t even think straight anymore. The plant monster essentially broke its own mind via overindulging itself on Aria’s cum. Unable to even stroke her cock anymore, the tentacles holding her up faltered in the air and dropped her to the ground next to its main body.

And so, there they were.

A plant tentacle monster that broke its own mind via drinking cum, and a futanari goddess who temporarily lost all sense of self to exist in a state of pure pleasure as said monster milked her cock.

Fortunately, due to essentially already breaking her own mind once during her first masturbation session, Aria was able to recover rather quickly once she was finally free from the monster.

And the first thing she said now that she was free and safe?

“That… that was awesome,” Aria said. “I could have stayed like that forever… wait! No! You—you tried to kill me! You wanted to eat me!” Unfortunately for the monster, no amount of pleasure it gave her could replace the betrayal she felt. “You—you traitor! I thought we understood each other! You got to fuck me and I got to cum! It was a perfect union! We could have stayed like that for the rest of our lives!” Unable to get over how betrayed she felt, she kicked the monster in the side of its flower of a body and huffed at it.

~Dealt 4.5 damage to Carnivorous Rafflesia!~

“A-ah! Sorry! I—wait, you wanted to kill me. Why am I apologizing?”

Aria kicked it again.

~Dealt 4.5 damage to Carnivorous Rafflesia!~

“The damage looks pretty static…”

Another kick.

~Dealt 4.5 damage to Carnivorous Rafflesia!~

“It’s exactly a fourth of my total strength every time. Maybe unarmed attacks do a fourth of one’s strength in damage?”

She punched it that time.

~Dealt 4.5 damage to Carnivorous Rafflesia!~

“Looks like it. That’s probably useful to have figured out—wait. I’m… I’m abusing a flower with kicks and punches after overfilling it with my cum. Well, wait. It overfilled itself. All I did was cum to survive… and to cum.” A perverted blush colored Aria’s cheeks. “That really was incredible… but I’m still annoyed. And I guess I should probably stop hitting you. I’m not just… going to kill something that’s full of my cum. That’d feel wrong. Instead, as your punishment, I’m going to experiment on you so that I can figure out how this all works.”

With that, Aria took her book, which was secured by a leather holder on her side, and opened it up within her left hand. A floating quill with ink popped off from the back of her tome and flew into her right hand without even having to think about it.

“Huh. Cool.”

More importantly, she noticed when she looked inside of her tome… that it was the exact one she found back on Earth. Everything that she wrote in it was still there, too.

“You’re—you’re the same book! You’re the one who made this all possible! Oh, just you wait. I am definitely going to turn you into a waifu later. You deserve it. If anybody deserves to be a waifu who has unlimited access to my cock, it’s you. But for now,” Aria returned her attention to the incapacitated-by-cum monster and smiled a smug grin at it before bringing her quill to a new page.

She wrote the following text next.

The plant monster in front of me—the Carnivorous Rafflesia, is going to turn into a cute girl! A cute plant monster girl with tentacles!

Then, remembering that she had to use a skill to actually make it happen, she said, “I wonder if I have to be cheesy and say the name of a skill out loud to make it work? Well, I’ve always thought it’s kind of cool to do that no matter how cheesy and lame it might be. So… Commit Edit!”

Magical energy flowed from Aria’s body into the tome before her, causing the text she just wrote to glow on the page… only for nothing to happen.

“Eh? What gives? I—did I make a typo or something? No, I didn’t… wait.”

~Insufficient MP. MP required: 375~

“Dang… that’s right. It said the MP cost was variable and depended on what I was trying to do. Geez... that much MP is almost four times my current total, and I have no idea how long it’s going to take to grind up enough levels to boost my stats that high. Well, if I can’t turn it into a cute girl right now, what if I make it submissive and loyal to me? I—wait. No. That… that’s not right. Even if I could do that, it would be wrong to ever alter reality to change who somebody is or force them to act in a way that they don’t want. Turning them into a cute girl is definitely okay though. Plus I could turn them back if they don’t like it. But messing with somebody’s personality or mind? Never. That’s just messed up. It would also get me banned from Amazon, Patreon, and most other platforms for going into non-consent territory since this is all sexual, not that this is a book I’m trying to sell or anything.”

Aria tapped her chin for a few moments before realizing that her breasts were still hanging out from her dress.

“Whoops. I’ll need to be careful of that. These things slip out way too easily.”

After covering her breasts up once more, she looked at the book and wrote down another experimental command.

The Carnivorous Rafflesia in front of me will let go of me in a safe position if I ever order it to!

“It’s okay to force it to do something if it’s for my own safety and to stop it from killing me… I think. Anyways, Commit Edit!”

Once again, nothing happened. The message that popped up for why, though, was different.

~Cannot edit into what is already reality.~

“Eh? How is that reality? It didn’t listen to me before! It tried eating me! Wait. What if… after drinking all that cum…” Aria looked at the monster and spoke a single command. “Lift one of your tentacles up.”

The monster lifted a single tentacle up.

“Wave it around.”

It waved it around.

“What? Are you suddenly obedient now after getting to taste all my cum? Wave your tentacle more for yes, and drop it for no.”

The monster waved its tentacle around some more.

“Huh. So, I can’t edit it to not kill me when it has already decided to never kill me or something. Let’s see… that sort of thing could be pretty easily abused. Alright. I promise to revert this one if it actually goes through. I just want to see if I can use it to figure things out like I think I can.”

The Carnivorous Rafflesia in front of me will be addicted to my cum and want to live solely off of it for the rest of its life!

“Commit Edit!”

~Cannot edit into what is already reality.~

Aria fist pumped the air as a single tear rolled down her cheek. “Nice. So, that can be abused to figure out the truth and how somebody really feels… but that still kind of feels wrong. Honestly, I already feel guilty. At the same time, though, now I have a tentacle plant who is going to be a monster girl in the future who is already addicted to drinking my cum... heh. Hot. Anyways! Hey, Raffy, that’s your new name for now. Want to get turned into a cute girl and join my harem? Wave your tentacle again for yes.”

The Carnivorous Rafflesia, now known as Raffy… waved its tentacle around some more.

“Want to be my pet until then?”

And then it waved its tentacle around more yet again.

Just like that, Aria acquired her first pet and future harem member: a tentacle plant monster nicknamed Raffy.

“Alright, Raffy,” Aria said. “Once you’ve recovered, let’s go on an adventure. We’re going to get stronger and I’m going to grind my MP up until I can turn you into a cute monster girl! Here I was worried about the plot when all I needed to do was make the plot my mission to turn every monster into a monster girl for my harem!” She turned her head, noticing that the slime she first saw was still there and must have been watching the entire thing. “But we do need to level up, and we’re not going to get experience by not killing anything, probably, so… we’ll turn the monsters we don’t farm for XP into monster girls. All other monsters can feed me experience.”

Resuming where she left off, Aria flashed a devilish smile at the slime and then… realized something else important. “Wait, what the heck am I supposed to kill it with? A book? Do I just smack it to death or what? I wonder...”

Time for another attempt at altering reality.

The slime in front of me will die and give me experience.

“Commit Edit!”

~Invalid Edit.~

“Dang. Well, this is supposed to be an Archivist’s Tome, not a Death Note, I guess. What about… what sort of weapon would work for me? Something that fits my onee-san goddess look. Maybe… let’s get a bit creative here.”

My quill temporarily turns into a rapier for me to attack my enemies with while maintaining its use as a quill for me to write with!

“Commit Edit!”

~Edit Committed. Duration: 30 seconds. Cost: 65 MP.~

The quill held in Aria’s right hand grew larger and larger as it took on the form of a rapier that kept the tip of a quill sticking out from the bottom of the pommel. It was a rather simple rapier as far as Aria was concerned, but it would do the job.

“Wait, this is cool and all, but rapiers are… kind of only good for thrusting, not really good in real combat, and… slimes are usually really resistant to thrusting attacks since they just go right through them. It looks elegant and fitting and all, but maybe I should have given myself a staff or something instead. Well, I'll give myself something different next time. For now...” she narrowed her eyes at the innocent, cute slime that was just sitting there, happily enjoying the show the entire time, and pointed her rapier at it. "You're cute, but slime girls are overrated. So, give me experience instead!"

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