An Incubus Life

Chapter 66 Bedelia’s Father

Chapter 66 Yasmin’s Father

As Mary and Rose left, I was a bit annoyed with myself.  I needed to tighten my circle—the elixirs I could make required careful administration.  I don’t think I could take it back, and now Rose and Mary were probably going to be famous rowers or something.  Before handing them out like candy, I should have figured out how strong the elixirs were.  Even Chloe got an endurance enhancement.  

I probably should get my dungeon team enhanced, but beyond that, I would keep it under wraps.  Well, maybe Maya would get one.  She had let me know she was struggling to meet her coaches’ expectations.  

Dad brought home some sushi for dinner, and he had enough for Mary and Rose.  I told him they had left after the rowing test because they had been upset with the results.  My parents loved sushi, but I did not.  I told my dad that Jade was flying in tonight from Europe and that I planned to meet her.  I had to explain who Jade was.  I told him she was a good friend of Iris’ and related to my hockey co-captain, James.  He let me go even before mom got home.  

I went and parked and imported the new books from Amazon into my mind space.  I was surprised at how effectively I was able to learn martial arts from just books.  I found three studios less than an hour’s drive from my house that I hoped to visit in the future to see if what I was learning was effective.   

I drove to Iris’ house and unloaded my gear into her garage from my car.  Vida came out and helped, then after finishing, asked, “Caleb, can you get me a pizza?”

I replied, “Sure,” and pulled out my phone and ordered her favorite.  She waited outside for the driver. 

Abigail scolded me as I came into the house, “Caleb, I told her she couldn’t eat pizza today!”  I shrugged and went to look for Iris. 

Iris was in the special library studying her spells.  “Hi, Iris.  How are you doing?”  She looked up and gave a weak smile. 

“I’m good, Caleb.  My magic is getting better, and I am slowly adding to my spell repertoire.”  She said without much energy.

“Well, after we go to New York, I think we can plan a new expedition into the transit.  I wanted to ask you about my saliva,” she put down the book and looked at me, her eyes suddenly lively.

“Iris, when I was in Miami, I found someone using my saliva in litmus paper that dissolved on your skin.  I promised to bring Kiri’s brothers something similar when we returned.  So where can we get that type of paper?”  I asked.

Iris smiled at being able to be helpful, “It is a special paper that holds potion samples.  It is relatively cheap.  It is then sandwiched between two thin special wax sheets.  Then it is cut to size.  The wax reacts to the skin, quickly dissolving and releasing the potion into the skin.  Only contact potions and elixirs work this way.  My magical stimulants work this way.”

“Great, could you be in charge of this then?  I told them I bring them 2000 doses,” I said as I made my way to the shelves to start importing books into my mind space. 

Iris stood and looked at what books I was grabbing, “I would be happy to Caleb.  But I will need to test the viability of the final product.” She added with a smile, “To make sure we are getting the proper dose on the sheets.”

Iris had gotten addicted to my saliva in the past, and I wasn’t sure this was a good idea, “The saliva has been upgraded in potency for elves.  I don’t think you should be playing around with it.”  She looked crushed, so I added, “I can make the lesser saliva so you can figure out how much is needed.”

I went to the shelves, selected five spells to start on, and put them on the table.  I asked, “I didn’t see Bedelia.  Is she around?”

Iris added another book to my stack and replied, “She was here right after school but got a call on her phone and left.”  I looked at Iris with some worry.  Iris just shrugged, “She has her own life.  I think one of her relatives was coming to visit.  Her family is not happy that she dropped out of her academy in Paris.”

My heart started thumping.  Bedelia’s father was high up in the Magus Acranum, and she had been using his login information to get us papers.  As if I was prophetic, my phone vibrated with a text from Bedelia.

Caleb, can you have dinner with my dad and me?  It is really important to me. 

I looked at the text and wasn’t sure what to do.  I ended up calling Bedelia.

“Caleb!  Thanks for calling.  My dad is in town, and he really wants to meet you,” she said.  Then she whispered, “He doesn’t believe me that I am part of a black team that can open their own transit portals,” she pleaded.

I hesitated, then said, “Can you both make it to Vincent’s in an hour?”

“Yes!  Thank you!  We are about forty minutes away now,” she excitedly told me and then hung up.

I looked up to a surprised Iris, “Yeah, I know I am probably making a mistake.”  My other phone vibrated at this moment, and I checked it.  It was Amelia.

“Hi, Amelia.  I mean Ms. Thayer.”  Damn it.  I transformed into my older body and then spoke again in a deeper voice, “Sorry, I was lying down.  Is there anything wrong?”  Amelia was silent on the other end. 

“No, no.  You just sounded like…sorry, Mr. Silverhorn, I was just calling to tell you the signing is at 9:00 am tomorrow, and if you wanted a representative there, I was going to give you the address,” she spoke slowly.

I sat down, “Ms. Thayer, you are fine to represent me.  I will have someone out this weekend to pick up the key at the house, so make sure you have a copy to move the furniture in.  When the internet access has been added, please set up some basic video security.”  I had an app on my phone that let me access my parent’s front doorbell, and I wanted to set up the same for my new cabin.

“Consider it done, Mr. Silverhorn.  Thank you for your business, and let me know if there is anything else we can do for you,” she finished the call.

“Iris, Jade is coming back tonight.  She is now an alpha pack leader for this region of the United States.  The good news is she is planning to come back into transit with us,”  I informed her.  “I should be back in a while.  Maybe with Bedelia.”

Iris was still processing the Jade revelation but said, “If you are meeting her dad, you should probably call her by her actual name, Yasmin.”  I nodded at her suggestion as I returned to my teenage body.

I arrived at Vincent’s and didn’t have to wait long before Bedelia came in with a middle-aged man in a black polo and jeans.  He had short black hair and the start of a full beard on his face.  Bedelia dragged him over to my table, and they sat.  “Caleb, this is my father, Tristram Rowan,” she smiled proudly as she introduced her father.

Her father had a dubious look on his face but took a seat as well.  I ordered a half-in-half.  It was a half-cheese, half-pepperoni pizza.  This pizza was guaranteed to be delivered in 15 minutes or less to the table, or it was just $5 instead of the $22. 

Tristram spoke in a heavy English accent as I sipped on my water, “I was expecting….”

“Someone older?” I interrupted. 

He paused and nodded, “Yes, someone older.”  He didn’t pull punches, “So Yasmin has told me you are from another planet.”  I didn’t flinch and let him continue.  I was curious if she told him I was a demon.  “You can open portals on your own as well?  That takes quite a powerful mage to accomplish.”

“Yes, Mr. Rowan.  I can open portals.  I took Yasmin in one not too long ago,” I stated. 

“So she says,” he looked thoughtful.  “I have given my daughter an awfully long leash.  Maybe I have not been as diligent a father as I should have been.  But I am quite concerned for my daughter’s safety.  She was enrolled in the best Magus academy outside of the Magus Arcanum, and she comes to visit her cousin and drops out of school shortly after.  I am sure you can see why, as her father, I am concerned.”

Bedelia interrupted, “Mother said it was fine!  I am not sure why you even came.”  She wasn’t upset with her father, just talking plainly—but maybe sounded a little whiny as well.

“Yes, well, Rincewind called me personally,” her father said in his accent, and Bedelia’s eyes went wide.

Seeing my confusion, Bedelia said, “Rincewind is the mage who founded and runs the academy I was attending outside of Paris.”  This did not sound good.  The table was silent, and Tristram got up to go to the bathroom.  When his back was turned, I used my device to read him.  Bedelia rolled her eyes at my action, but I read the reading anyway, 1.05.

So he was a lower-tier 2 mage like Bedelia.  As soon as he was out of earshot, Bedelia said, “He is just checking in on me.  Just be nice, and he will head back to London in no time.” She sipped her water, “Rincewind shouldn’t care about me.  He has fourteen other students as strong as me.  I only met him twice in all my time there as well.”  She seemed to be talking to herself.

“How powerful is he?”  I asked. 

She focused on me, “Lesser tier three, I believe.  One of the strongest unaffiliated mages on Earth.  He isn’t from Earth, though….the rumor is he is from Actaeon.  I don’t know if it is true.  That is a dead planet where the transit had been severed at the seventeenth layer.”

Our pizza was served, and I pulled a cheese slice.  “So Bedelia, is he going to be a problem?  If he is asking after you and gets your dad to check on you.….”

“No.  My guess is he was just curious.  No one leaves his academy willingly as it is the best.  As my dad said, it is the best available for training your spellwork,” she said and then started working on a slice of pepperoni.

Tristram returned and considered the pizza for a moment before taking a slice of pepperoni, “This is good!” he exclaimed, getting distracted by eating.  When he finished the slice, he got another.  After the second slice, he refocused on me, “So Caleb, what assurances can you give me that my daughter is going to be safe with you?”

I took a bite of my second slice of cheese and said, “I can’t give you any assurances.  The dungeon transits are dangerous places.  My team will work to protect each other, but nothing is ever guaranteed,”  I offered honestly.

His expression soured.  But Bedelia butted in, “Dad, I am probably safer with Caleb than on one of Rincewind’s harvest missions.  He has two elves, an orc, and two human mages, one of which is a tier 2 mage stronger than myself on his team.”  I almost choked, swallowing my next bite.

Bedelia was stretching the truth.  Kiri was watching her sister, and I doubted she would return to the transit with us.  Vida was a young orc and had one spell, ice spike.  The other tier 2 mage she referred to was the freshly minted Abigail, who is still recovering from me almost killing her.

Her father seemed to study me for a long time before speaking, “Fine.  At least I was able to meet your new benefactor,” Bedelia’s face flushed bright red, and I was curious what he meant when he said ‘benefactor.’  “Bedelia, I am returning on Sunday after meeting with some colleagues in DC.  I would like for you to join me.”

“I have school tomorrow.  I can’t…” the disappointment on his face caused her to change her mind, “I can meet you right after classes tomorrow and hang with you till Sunday,” she offered with a conciliatory smile.

“Bloody Excellent!” his happiness and English accent exploded.  I sensed they didn’t spend too much time together.  He excused himself after eating another slice and left us at the table.

Bedelia slouched in her seat, “He is not the bad sort.  He is overly obsessed with his work with Magus Arcanum.  Growing up, I never saw him for more than an hour a day, usually just at dinner.”

Bedelia seemed vulnerable, so I tried to get to know her, “And your mother?”

Her face squinted, “Yeah, she was there every day, making sure I was practicing my magic.  She was just an upper-tier 1 mage and wanted me to be more than she was.  My parents split up when I was seven, and I stayed with her.”  She got lost in memories behind he eyes.  I didn’t press and we left together shortly after.

I had to give her a ride to the hotel where her bike was parked.  In the car, she inquired, “You don’t have to tell me what you did to Abigail, but can you do the same to me?  I mean after I earn your trust?” 

Everyone wanted to get stronger, so it was only natural.  “Yes.  When the time is right, we can discuss it again.”  That concluded the conversation as I dropped her off.  I headed back to Iris’ house.  My phone vibrated, and I answered it.  It was Jade.  She had landed an hour ago and was on her way to see me.  She would be here in three hours.

I told her I was looking forward to it and to go to Iris’ house.  When I got back, I found Abigail plating dinner for everyone.  She really did love to cook.  I told the group about Jade’s ETA and my dinner with Bedelia.  I wasn’t hungry, so I watched them eat and interact.  They all seemed to be getting along well.  Vida and Eilina did act like two sisters.  Abigail was the motherly figure.  And Iris and Kiri, the parental units.  I wasn’t sure what that made me.

Kiri asked, “Caleb, if you have time do you want to get some practice in the basement?” and before anyone could say they were coming to watch, she added, “Alone.”

I put on a massive grin.  I had just upgraded my strength and hadn’t had time to test it out yet.  “Kiri, lead the way!”  Vida had a pouty face on, and Iris seemed a little jealous as we left the table.

The large foam pad was still there, giving the room the fresh popcorn smell.  The mat had seen some use as it had dirt ground into it.  We started with some combat practice with my clubs to her blade, and she noted, “Damn, Caleb.  You are faster than me and much stronger than me.  I don’t think I can beat you unless I trick you.”

“Do you want to switch to hand-to-hand or possibly escaping holds?” I teased.  Escaping holds had been what had led to our first sexual encounter.  She looked to be considering my words before replying.

“Escaping holds.  But I will be the one in charge, and you will have to turn the tables on me,” she said playfully.  She stripped to her sports bra and thong underwear. 

We started with simple escapes, and I just overpowered Kiri, who was quickly frustrated.  I didn’t smell her elven arousal either.  When I got her pinned to her back on one reversal, I licked her sweaty neck and applied some strong saliva.  The change was immediate.  I could smell her arousal with the hint of coconut in the air. 

Kiri smiled, “About time!” She melted into me and kissed me strongly.  I guess she had been waiting for the saliva to put her into elven heat but was too proud to ask.  I obliged and kept dosing her while we dry-humped on the mat.  It had only been a few minutes of foreplay, and I had just dropped my vortex in place when the stairs to the basement thudded.

“Vida!  Get upstairs!” Iris yelled as she came down to get the snooping orc.  Vida was peeking from behind the wall on the stairs when Iris came down and saw us in our compromising position.  Vida stomped upstairs, upset at not getting to watch.  Iris started to follow, but I was sure she had just shut the door and was going to come back down and play peeping tom herself.  Best to give her a good show.

Kiri tried to move beneath my body, “Sorry, Kiri, but I am not finished.”  She grinned up at me as I slipped off her sports bra over her head.  Her body was slick with sweat as I started suckling on her nipples, adding saliva to keep her aroused.  Her fingers wove into my hair, and she pulled hard every time I bit her nipple and rasped in mild pain.  Her legs wrapped around me, and she pulled herself into me, dry-humping my hardness under my shorts.

I peeked over and saw Iris sitting on the steps, watching.  She was probably playing with herself, but I could only see her head, and she was too far away to smell her arousal. 

Kiri’s first release finally came, and I dropped my hand to reach inside her spandex thong to force her hips to the ground and rub her clit and rapidly.  Her lower body squirmed as she attempted to escape, but I was too strong.  I didn’t get her to chain an orgasm, so I moved from her nipples to her mouth to increase her exposure to my saliva.  Kiri reached down and removed her bottoms, going naked and giving me complete access. 

I paused my actions to get naked myself, and Kiri launched herself at me as I sat up.   She was trying to pin me, but I didn’t let her.  Instead, I spun as I came back to the mat on my back and pulled her hips into my face.  My tongue immediately added saliva to her pussy lips and teased her pea-sized clit.  We were in a 69 position, so that had Kiri pinned on top of me with my nine-inch cock in her face.  She didn’t disappoint and was soon energetically coating my manhood with her own saliva. 

The feeling of her tongue playing across my glans was bringing me to want to release hard into her mouth.  Her tongue was silky soft and not rough like other women.  She was only playing with the top three inches, and I bucked my hips a little to encourage her to do deeper, but she teased me and didn’t. 

In retribution, I continued to dose her with tiny amounts of my erotic saliva and used my strength to control her hips.  She wanted to ride my probing tongue like a cock, but I wouldn’t let her as she came over and over again.  She paused on my cock and moaned with each one, only to attack my cock right after she came down. 

I realized she was trying to get me to come and was getting frustrated that I was winning this contest.  I think I was up six to zero.  Her slippery cum from her orgasms coated my face, and although the coconut taste was pleasant, I wanted to plunge my eager dick into her.

In a quick movement when she was orgasming, I tossed her to her back and got between her legs.  She had been so surprised I even entered her before she could react.  I plunged into her and reached the back of her womb.  She still could only take about eight inches, but the tightness around my shaft was exquisite.  My action also made her scream aloud. 

Worried I had hurt her, I was going to stop, but Kiri said, “Pound me, Caleb.  Come inside me again!”  I cycled to my strength seed as I answered her plea and fucked her with my length for a good thirty seconds before releasing into her.  I was sure the people upstairs could hear her screaming in unrestrained ecstasy from the hard finishing fuck, but my own needs made me not care. 

I rolled off Kiri and saw Iris’ legs spread on the steps, finishing her own self-gratification.  She must have achieved a few, as I could smell her distinct odor from the mats.  I closed my eyes and checked on my harvest in my mind space.  56/160.  Pandora appeared at my shoulder, “Not bad.  47 in one session.  And you released your strength seed into her.  Next time you two play.  She might even have a chance to fight back.”  Her lecherous grin was a view into my own psyche.

I exited my mind space, not wanting to argue with my subconscious.  I lay naked on the mat next to an exhausted and sleeping Kiri.  I hoped I was not messing with her physiology by forcing her elven body into heat with my saliva.  I dressed and made my way to the stairs.  Iris was standing and headed upstairs before me with soft footsteps.  As she opened the door, Vida and Eilina were standing there with flushed faces.  I could smell the mixed arousal in the room.  I guessed it was good that I was soon getting my own place.

I got a diet soda from the fridge and sat while Iris, Vida, and Eilina scattered.  My phone vibrated, and I looked at it and answered.  “Caleb, I am at the gate.  Can you let me in?”

Jade had returned.




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