An Incubus Life

Chapter 71 Anya

Chapter 71 Anya

I called Anya before I left to let her know I was on my way.  The drive to Anya’s house was almost forty minutes.  My primary goal for this date was to foster a relationship in order to harvest more life essence from an upper tier 1 core.  I wouldn’t force Anya to have sex with me, but I planned to roll out all my natural charm.  Before becoming an incubus, I wouldn’t have had this confidence.

They had a nice house in the suburbs west of Richmond.  When I pulled into the driveway, Anya ran out in a short skirt with a white blouse top.  It was partially see-through, and I could see her dark bra underneath, but I think that was the point.  

Her mother came out the front door, and I thought she was going tell Anya to put something less slutty on.  Instead, she just smiled and yelled, “Have fun, kids!” and went back inside the house after waving to me. 

When Anya sat in the car, her skirt rode up, showing a lot of her muscled skater’s legs.  I looked down, and Anya blushed a little but didn’t hide her smooth silky-looking legs.  “So where are we going?” I asked.

Anya said, “The Brickyard.  It is a BBQ place outside of town.  You like BBQ?”  I nodded.  “Nice, I really want some meat tonight.  The Green Room is next door, and I thought we could play pool after.” 

“That sounds great, Anya!”  I smiled and took directions as we made our way to the restaurant.  It was a busy place with lots of families and high school-aged kids.  I realized why she chose this place.  She was showing me off to her classmates.

I didn’t understand how Anya wasn’t more popular with other students at her high school.  She had an incredible body, a fairly cute face, a brilliant smile, and she was pleasant to talk to.  She only had pulled pork with vinegar sauce for dinner—two plates of it.  When I asked, she told me she had a strict limit of carbs, so she couldn’t have a bun or use BBQ sauce with brown sugar.  

I started to get curious about why she didn’t seem popular with others in her class and asked, “Why are you not talking to anyone else from your school?”

Anya looked around at the dozen high school kids she had pointed out as going to her school before our food arrived, “I am more in the nerd crowd.  I don’t talk to many people at school either.  I usually work out in the morning and leave right after classes to do my skate for the day.  They think I am a prude.”  She blushed, “I hope to break my reputation a little bit today.”  

“I still don’t understand.  You are probably the hottest woman here.  We don’t you have the guys busting down your door?”  I said while making eye contact and smiling at her.  I then reached out and gently rubbed the back of her hand.  Her blushing face was cute.

“I usually don’t dress like this.  My mother bought me this outfit,”  she said shyly.  I didn’t understand her shyness in showing off her body.  I had a tight tee shirt on to outline my own physique.

“When you compete, don’t you show,” I indicated her body, “This?  Haven’t your classmates seen you compete?”  Anya looked down, avoiding eye contact.

“No.  They don’t know.  I…I don’t talk much to others my own age,” she admitted.  “I kind of keep to my own headspace.  Even when I compete, I just tune out the people in the stands.  I am just not very social,” She looked down again.  “I just feel more comfortable with you.  I don’t know what it is.”

I lifted her chin with my hand and moved in for a kiss.  Her lips were hard, and she resisted at first but finally softened.  I angled my head and worked my lips, and tested my tongue on her lips.  She resisted, and I said, “Just pretend they are not here like when you compete.  Enjoy this.”  I returned, and soon her lips melted, and she sent her own tongue exploring.  

I could see people looking at us, some in jealousy and some in disgust at the public display.  Irritated, I decided to turn on my lust aura.  It wasn’t strong in my human form, but it should get people excited.  In my mind, I was helping break Anya’s steely reputation with her classmates.  

Anya started to get a little too into it with my lust aura on, and a cook came out from the back, “Kids, can you do me a favor and take your make-out session to your vehicle?  This is a family-friendly restaurant.”  I looked at the middle-aged man in my aether sight.  He was an upper-tier 1 wolfkin.  Not a strong upper tier 1 but enough to resist my muted aura. I looked around the restaurant and noticed some couples with hands on each other.  A father at a table had a hand on his wife’s inner thigh and was rubbing it.  His wife’s face flushed while their two children on the other side of the table stared at Anya and me in interest.

“Sorry, we will leave,” I said, not wanting to cause problems.  Anya was smiling and giggling at our predicament.  She was already starting to loosen up.  We left and went over to the pool hall.  The Green Room was packed for a Sunday evening.  I guessed most high schools had winter break soon, so there was not to do on a Sunday night.  We got the last table, and I paid $100 for five hours.  I doubted we would stay here that long but didn’t care.  

We played pool for just over an hour, and I put my hands all over Anya’s 5’8” frame.  She was pear-shaped with a lean upper boy and almost no chest.  Her thicker lower body below her narrow waist was all muscle from skating.  I helped her in her shooting the cue.  This was humorous as I was not a good player…well my skills had greatly improved since becoming an incubus.  When she was shooting, I tried to distract her.  I would stand close behind her so that her firm ass would push into my groin when she bent over.  She got the game and bounced her ass into me after a while on purpose.  I could see the males in the room looking on covetously.  

After our fifth game, Anya asked, “I need to be home by 11 pm.”  It was 7:38 pm when I checked my phone.  I looked at her, confused.  She bit her lower lip and asked, “Do you…do you want to go park somewhere?” she asked cautiously.  This was too easy, but maybe I cheated with my lust aura.  I had turned it off when we entered the pool hall.  I figured I had caused enough trouble today.

When we got into my car, I knew Anya was sexually aroused.  She smiled and said, “I know a remote place where we can park.  Do you want to go there for some privacy?”

This seemed too straightforward.  Was this how all hot guys were on their first date?  I joked, “You are not some vampire who is going to suck my blood?”

She replied quickly, “No, not your blood.”  Then she immediately blushed and covered her face in embarrassment at what she had said so boldly.

I smiled, “Let me know where to go.  Just tell me what you want to do.  Whenever you want to stop just say so,” I said as I turned into the main street.

“Stay on this road for about four miles.  I will let you know when to turn.  Thank you, Caleb.  The last few days have been stressful, and I need to blow some steam.  If my mother didn’t push me to do this, I wouldn’t have had the courage.” She said with an encouraging smile.

“Anything you want to talk about?” I asked.  My mind was hanging on the insinuation that her mother approved of her daughter having sex on the first date—because that seemed to be where this was going.

Anya sighed, “My parents’ business is coming under new management.  They are not sure if things remain the same or if the new manager will change things.”  Anya’s arousal began to fade, talking about her parent’s problems.  She continued, “They are worried because the new manager is so young and she has no experience.  They worked their whole life building their business, and it could be wiped out.”

“What do your parents do?” I asked.  I already figured they were worried about Jade taking over the new catkin territory.

“They are both dentists,” she said.  Then she continued, “They have a very narrow specialty; it is hard to explain.”  I guessed if they were catkin, then that narrow specialty might be demis.

We reached the turn-off.  I headed down the road, she indicated, and Anya got a little fidgety and anxious.  “Turn here.”  I followed the road to a clearing.  “We can park under the trees over there.  My parents own the 60 acres around here.  It was my grandparent’s land.  My dad uses it to hunt now.”

I pulled the car under the evergreen trees, parked, and turned off the car.  Anya slowly leaned into me, and we resumed our kissing.  It was a slow build to our prior intensity at the BBQ restaurant.  She suddenly stopped kissing me, and climbed over the seat into the back.  As her ass swung by my face, her feminine musk was clear to my enhanced smell.  

I followed her over the seat and pinned her underneath me in the back, forcing her muscled legs to wrap around my torso in order for her to get comfortable.  She didn’t complain or resist and locked her feet behind my waist.  I moved from her lips to her neck, and she exposed her throat and started purring as I licked around her vulnerable throat, eventually moving up to her ears, nibbling, and sucking on her ear lobes. 

This was a huge turn-on for her.  Her purring got louder, and realizing she was purring, she tried to get it under control, but every time I pulled gently on the ear with my teeth, she revved up purring again.  My hand snaked under her blouse, seeking the release of her bra behind her back.  Her hands were stroking my hair, making sure I didn’t stop my oral administration.  I got the bra release, pulled it out, and deposited it on the floor without protest.

I dropped my vortex in place as I thought things were going to proceed.  Anya seemed more than willing.  I added a touch of salvia to her earlobes and neck.  Anya changed from passionate to frenzied.  She bit my neck quite hard and then my ear neck.  If I wasn’t an incubus she might have broken the skin.  Her hips started grinding into me, and her hands fumbled for the buttons on my jeans. 

It was an awkward pause as we stripped, and soon we both just had on underwear and socks.  She pushed me to sit and then straddled me, my erect cock peeking out the top of my underwear.  She ignored it, pressed her moist panties into my groin, and guided my mouth back to her neck and ears.  Apparently, biting her neck and ears was a bigger turn-on for her than my massive cock pressed to her vagina. 

I did as she wanted for a while.  Then she paused, lifted my chin, and bit into me hard a few times, increasing the pressure each time.  She was showing me what turned her on.  She wanted me to bite her harder.  I complied, and her body trembled from her purring as I left teeth marks on her neck and ears.  Her pussy rocked back and forth on my cock, pushing my underwear down and freeing it.  Her pussy had soaked her underwear and coated my shaft.  When she came, she bit hard into my neck, and I felt the wetness increase around my cock from her release.

I moved my attention to her small breasts and nipples.  I started sucking and teasing them with my tongue as she enjoyed the aftershocks of her orgasm.  She could not have been spent from just one climax, so I started using my saliva again.  It woke her but didn’t turn her on.  On impulse, I bit her nipple hard, and the hard purring returned.  So Anya liked her partner to bite her.  I aggressively attacked her small breasts, leaving teeth marks everywhere, and it drove her into another frenzy of chained orgasms.  The act of biting and pain from it spurred her hips into violent thrusts in my lap.  My cock was coated in her juices but still had not found its home in her burning hot eager vagina. 

My cock was yearning, but I was uncertain if intercourse was in the cards for Anya.  I slid my underwear to the floor as she was lost in bliss.  I then gripped her sopping wet underwear between her cheeks.  I pulled back, causing the front to press hard between her folds.  The pain on her face was masked by ecstasy.  She grabbed the sides of my face and kissed me hard, and then bit my lips.  I could taste blood.  Not mine, hers.  She hadn’t been able to break my skin, but her own aggressive bite had cut her lips. 

Anya went into another frenzy, sucking the small amount of her blood from my lips while I tore her underwear away and tossed the remains on the floor.  With my cock now free and her pussy exposed, and her focus on my face, I lined up my cock.  Even with all her orgasms and fluids, she was tight.  The pain of fitting my cock inside her tightness turned on the catkin girl, and she looked up and roared in ecstasy.  It was a loud and joyous roar, more of a primal release.

I felt resistance as the head of my cock penetrated, and then the resistance was gone as I went deeper into her tightness.  She had been a virgin, but that was not on her mind.  She was focused on gaining as much pleasure from the pain as possible.  I speculated she was a bit masochistic.  Her roar finished she focused on pumping her hips on my cock while leaning away from me toward the front seats.  She no longer needed me to bite her to get the pain to acquire her arousal pushing forward.  Now she could punish her newly opened pussy with her own actions. 

She repeatedly came as I pinched her nipples to add to her pleasured pain while she rode me with her muscled hips, pressing harder and harder into my shaft.  She took my entire nine inches and showed me six before plunging back down over and over.  My own pleasure was heightened by her obvious enjoyment of my cock and her tightness squeezing it over and over again.  My thighs were sliding on leather seats, slick with her cum dribbling down.

I checked her core, and she was getting close to reaching what I determined was her limit, but I felt I had a sizable harvest.  I needed to decide if I was going to give Anya an enhancement as a thank you.  Would strength or endurance help her the most with her figure skating?  I opted for strength and switched in my mind space quickly to it.  When I returned to my body, I felt the seed prepared, pressure in my balls, ready for release. 

I wanted to time it with her next orgasm.  Anya was leaning back, practically in the front seat, using the leverage of the seats to pound herself vigorously on my cock.  She was oblivious to my actions.  My hand moved down to her smooth groin, and I found her clit.  I squeezed it, and she roared again into the sky.  I twisted it gently as she came hard as the added pain pushed her over.  I continued to pressure the sensitive clit, drawing out what would be her last orgasm.  As she was coming down from the extended orgasm, I grabbed her hips and pulled her down hard on my length, burying all the way inside her and adding my seed deep into her womb.  My own release was blissful as I had felt the long build it yearning for freedom.

She struggled to continue her ride, but I held her tight as my sac drained, spurting three times into her.  I didn’t want to risk wasting it, so I held her in place.  She came forward and bit my shoulder really hard, trying to get me to release her so she could continue.  She finally relented and collapsed into me and just rested her head on my shoulder, my cock plugging her.

Well, my car defiantly needed a good cleaning and detailing—again.  I held her as she switched over to a soft purring.  I ran my hands through her auburn hair and said, “Damn, you fuck like a cat in heat.”  Check—my superpower is intact.  Add another dumb thing to say to a woman after having sex with her.

Anya struggled a little, but I wouldn’t let her move.  She was slightly sweaty and looked me in the eye, “I…I just like to roar…to get the energy out.  I…I uh do it on the ice all the time…and the purring…I uh…well…I can explain that too….”  I kissed her to shut her up.

She seemed tense, though, and we dressed—albeit she no longer had underwear.  When we returned to the front seat, ready to leave, Anya said, “Thank you, Caleb.  My mother said I needed that.  I am sorry that you will not remember this.  You were my first, and the experience was more than memorable.  I looked at her, confused and slightly worried.  Don’t worry, this will not hurt a bit.”  She pulled a card from her wallet and held it up in front of my face.  It had some glowing runes on it. 

I felt a tug and pressure from inside my mind space.  I quickly slipped inside and checked.  Pandora was there and looked at me, “She just tried to charm you.  It felt like an upper tier 1 spell, not even close to strong enough to overcome your lower tier 4 aether core resistances.”  I went back to my body and watched the card turn to dust.

Anya began talking, “Caleb, we had a great date tonight.  We drove out here and had a fantastic make-out session.  We didn’t have sex.”  She paused, “When you get home, you will clean the car and think that you spilled a milkshake in the backseat.”  She sniffed the air and added, “And some onion rings.”  She thought a little more, “You will not call me again, but if I call you,”  she paused, “you will, uh, you will do what I ask of you.” Her face turned bright red.  She whispered, “Damn, mom is going to be mad when I call you again.  But that was just too amazing.”  She settled back into her seat, “Drive me home Caleb.”

I had kept a straight face the entire time she talked.  I figured out this was her plan.  She was using me to scratch her itch and release pent-up sexual frustrations.  Now that she had accomplished her goal, she was going to toss me off to the side and call on me again when she needed the itch scratched again secretly.  Not a bad scenario for me. 

Instead, I put on a lecherous grin, “Nice card trick, Anya.  Don’t think it worked, though.”  Her eyes went wide in panic, and she reached for the door handle, but I grabbed her wrist in a steel grip, “Let’s talk,” I said, smiling as she stopped struggling, realizing the futility. 







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