An Incubus Life

Chapter 95 B Finally Gets It

lots of people talking about the last chapter.  that made me happy so here is another

Chapter 95

Artica couldn’t stop talking about getting a truck on the drive over to Bedelia’s apartment.  When we got there, it was actually a small house that she was renting.  Her motorcycle was in the driveway, and we went and knocked.  We could hear Bedelia bustling about inside, and soon the door flung open, and Bedelia’s eyes went wide in disappointment at seeing Artica standing next to me.

Artica spoke first, “I don’t think my services are required.  I will wait in the car.”  I could see the relief on Bedelia’s face and Artica’s grin as she returned to the car.

I entered the small house, and it smelled stale.   There was no furniture in the living room.  The trash can was overflowing with take-out containers.  The sink was half full of dishes.  The attached bedroom had a large mattress on the floor, and it looked like she had just made the bed with new sheets.  The white sheets had fold creases, and the packaging for the sheets was tossed in the corner.  

I looked at Bedelia in the doorway.  She was wearing skinny-stretch jeans.  Her feet were bare, and her forest green button-up top was untucked, matching her disheveled hair.  I smiled, “I think we will go to my place next time.”

My joke hung dead, but it was most likely because Bedelia was too nervous to laugh.  She asked, “So what do you need me to do?”

I tilted my head in consideration, “I think it is best to repeat the same thing we did in the shack.  That is to get you to three or four orgasms.”  Bedelia blushed, and I moved to her, took her hand, and guided her to the bed.  

“Wha..what do you what me to do?”  Bedelia asked while breathing heavily.

I pushed her gently onto her back on the bed.  “You just need to lay down and let me do all the work,” I said while unbuttoning her jeans, hooking the waistband with my fingers, and pulling them off in one smooth action.  

I positioned myself between her legs.  I got her knees angled up, and she spread her legs for me to give me access to her pink lace panties.  I activated my muted lust aura.  She smelled aroused, and I didn’t think this was going to take long for this session as I added a vortex to her core.  Her sea-green eyes locked with mine.  Her youthful freckled face relayed her anticipation by flushing red.

I started by rubbing her camel toe outlined in her panties with my index finger.  Bedelia couldn’t contain her excitement and was rolling her hips and using her hands under her shirt to massage her breasts.  She was soon moaning and whispering encouragement to me.  When her panties were wet with her excitement I grabbed her hips and lowered my head to get my mouth on her arousal.

I started licking her entire length.  Bedelia tasted like cherry cola to me.  A strong sweetness with some unlying boldness.  I liked cherry cola, and I tried to press her panties deep into her slit with my tongue.  This caused her to reach climax, and she arched her back and screamed, “Fuck yeah!”  Her enthusiasm had me aroused as well.  My cock hardened unbidden and pressed into my jeans.

Encouraged, my hands controlled her small hips as I continued my tongue operation and gave her a long drawn-out first orgasm.  When it subsided, I immediately pulled her panties aside and dove my tongue deep inside her.  Her pussy was completely hairless, and her moist lips were bright red.  As I explored her, she screamed again, in blissful surprise at my tongue worming into her, “Don’t stop!  Yes!  Yes!”

The second orgasm rolled through her, and she was out of breath.  She rasped, “Caleb, take me.  Be my first.  I am yours!”  I hadn’t thought she was a virgin by how she had acted.  Her entrance had been tight when Artica and I had tag teamed her in the sleeping bag.  But a virgin?  I used my tongue to part her labia and found her tiny clit.  She had a tiny hood that resisted revealing a tiny clit.  When my tongue brushed finally brushed it, she screamed again in ecstasy, “Fucking Amazing!  More!  Caleb, More!” 

It took some effort to hold her hood aside and gain access with only my tongue, so I added a hand to hold exposed and attacked her clitoris with my tongue and soft bites with my lips.  Her response was to grab my hair and buck her hips in wild abandonment.  Her words started getting incoherent as she quickly came again.  She barely had any fluids when she came, so I used non-incubus saliva to lubricate her as she came.  I held her clitoris hostage with my teeth, preventing her from coming down for a good minute.  She was extremely sensitive to clitoral stimulation.  

When she released her stranglehold on my hair, I backed away.  Her chest heaved under her shirt, and her eyes had no focus.  Her legs flapped slowly side to side.  I admit that I had had fun and considered unleashing my beast, but I held back and let my straining phallus relax.  I needed to see how effectively I could raise someone’s core without using my saliva and not having intercourse.  I ended the vortex on her core.

With her eyes closed, Bedelia stated, “I’m ready, Caleb.” She framed her still-aroused pussy with her hands in anticipation.

“We are done,” I stated, and her eyes flashed open.  “Take a shower and get dressed for dinner.  Weare going to meet Rincewind.” 

She instantly covered herself up, “Wait?  What?  Done?  We haven’t even made the contract, and where is Rincewind?”  She was looking around like he might be hiding in the shadows.  The look of fear and horror on her face made this announcement so worth it.

“I don’t do contracts,” I stated with a grin, “Your word is good enough for me.  Rincewind is meeting me to talk about dealing with an Aboleth.”

It was too much in one statement for the pandemic young woman, “Aboleth?  No contract?”  There was a long pause as she drew her knees to her chest, clearly showing her womanhood that had relaxed from my statements.  She looked at me, “What if I just decide to leave after you increase my core?”  She asked softly.

I went into the bathroom and washed my face while she sat there.  When I returned clean, I answered her, “I won’t stop you.  I don’t keep slaves.  The people around me are around me because they want to be.”  Ok, maybe that was stretching the truth.  For one, I didn’t have the ability to create a contract, and I did use my gaze to charm Vida. 

Bedelia rested her chin on her knees and looked at me and I wished she hadn’t done that.  She looked even younger than Molly in that pose.  I knew she was older than me.  Her 18th birthday was in March, the day after Abigail’s. 

Bedelia asked, “So, are we ever going to have sex?  I mean, are you going to…” She pointed at my groin and then her own. 

I put a confused look on my face.  “No, that was not part of the deal.  Just increasing your core was.  If you want to renegotiate, let me know,”  I smiled innocently.  “Take a shower, and we will come back and pick you up at six.”  I turned and left Bedelia in deep thought.

When I got in the car, Artica was on her phone looking at the truck on my phone.  “I used your phone to send payment for the Raptor she said happily.”

“How did you know my codes?” I asked, starting the car but sounding unconcerned.

“I am quite observant.  So how did it go?  What enhancement did you give her?”  Artica asked excitedly. 

“None.  I will drop you off at your hotel to get ready and pick you up at 5:30.  I am going to see Iris and get dressed.”

At Iris’ house, I ran into Kiri first.  I pulled out my Shockweave Suit from my mind space.  Kiri asked, “Got a date?  Need help in getting ready?” 

I looked around and asked, “Where is everybody?”

“Vida and Eilina are studying, and Iris and Abigail went to a movie.” She looked me up and down, “I think you need to get clean before putting on such a nice suit.”

We were in the master bedroom shower shortly, with me holding Kiri against the wall working myself in and out of her while our tongues wrestled.  I had used a fair amount of saliva at her insistence, and she was squeezing my torso shaft vigorously with her hips.  I was taking out some sexual frustration on Kiri from not fucking Bedelia.  She didn’t seem to mind, though.

Kiri’s coconut taste lingered on my taste buds as I dried myself.  She had remained in the shower to clean herself.  I had given her doses of the strength and endurance elixir.  My harvest hadn’t been too bad either.  When I checked with Lilith in my mind space, she said I got 11 from Bedelia and 24 from Kiri.  It was a good evening, and it wasn’t even 5 PM.  I dressed in my suit, and a naked Kiri helped me get dressed.

Kiri was very handsy in helping and said, “I like your older body.  Your tongue in that form is longer, thicker, and stronger.”  

“Just my tongue?” I teased.

Kiri grinned, “Well, next time we are alone, we can compare the two.”  

We played a few more word games before I was ready to go, and Kiri dressed.  I hadn’t seen Eilina or Vida the entire time I was here.  I picked up Artica first, who was wearing a sky-blue dress I had bought her in Amsterdam.  She looked amazing and had gone with long blonde hair in a tight bun for her illusion.  She slid into the passenger seat and said, “You know, as the bodyguard, I should be the one driving.”

“Yeah, not happening.  Is Frost driving Jade, or am I picking them up?”  I asked.

“Jade is going to meet us there,” Artica grinned.  “Since you didn’t get a release today, maybe we can convince Frost tonight.”

Bedelia was wearing a black dress, black heels, and makeup.  She suddenly looked closer to 25.  “Wow!”  That was all I said to her as she got in the car, smiling at my gawking stare.  She had put in the effort, and her perfume…it hinted at the supernatural on my olfactory senses, but I couldn’t place it.  She took to ignoring me, and the entire car ride, she helped Artica with the paperwork on the phone so she could get her new truck.  

The drive went by fast, and when we got to Charlottesville, it took some time to park and get to the restaurant.  We were overdressed when we entered, but I liked all eyes being on Artica and Bedelia.  This was a college town, and a dozen horny college men looked at me enviously as we sat at a table in the back of the restaurant.

Jade arrived at 8:52, wearing a yellow business dress.  She smiled at me and sat at the table.  Her eyes traveled over Bedelia and Artica.  “Frost is in the car.  So, you need my political savvy, Caleb?” 

“Just your knowledge.  As I mentioned, I am here to listen to an offer and negotiate.  Let’s order drinks and some appetizers while we wait,”  I said. 

We were on our second plate of wings when Rincewind walked in at 9:19 PM.  He was dressed in a casual suit and looked to be in is late forties with salt and pepper hair.  Much younger looking than the first time we met, “Mr. Apollyon!  Nice to see you again, and I see you brought friends.  Yasmin, it is a pleasure to see you again.  I hope you are well.”  Rincewind appraised her for a moment.

Bedelia, whose real name was Yasmin Rowan, just blushed red and couldn’t find her voice.  She obviously had hero worship for Rincewind.  Rincewind turned to Jade, “And you are the new alpha for this region.  Jade?”  Rincewind bowed slightly to her.  He then focused on Artica, and his brow creased for a second.  He must have used magic to read her core.  “I apologize for not recognizing you miss.”

Artica stood and offered her hand formally to Rincewind, “Artica.  Contracted to Apollyon as his personal assistant.”  They shook hands, and he appraised Artica curiously before sitting.  

Rincewind took one of the wings on the table and ate it.  Of course, he used some magic to not get his hands dirty.  The waitress brought him some beer on tap.  I guess he didn’t always drink wine.  After he settled into the environment, he went into his pitch, “Apollyon, Aboleths are one of the great scourges.  They will slowly control the leaders and puppet entire nations to play war games to entertain themselves.  They will feed off the aether cores of the powerful.” He gave me a hard stare, “I want you to help me end this threat before it advances and can not be contained.”

I shifted in my seat, “Just you and me?  Seems suicidal.”

Rincewind laughed, “No.  There will be eight or nine teams of six or seven people.  Two teams will be vampyres.  Four teams will be from the Magus Arcanum, and then there are a few independent teams.”  He opened his arms, indicating himself.

“You are going to need to be more convincing than that,” I said, and Rincewind nodded.

Rincewind reached into his pocket and put a necklace with a black gem on it on the table, “A inscribed shielding black opal.  It will protect whoever wears it from the Aboleth’s mental intrusions.  Anyone not at least upper tier 2 and wearing one of these will not be useful in this operation.”

Bedelia interrupted, “How many necklaces do you have?”  Rincewind turned his gaze on her.  He seemed to consider.

“Yasmin, your ability is strong, but even with the necklace, your core is not strong enough to resist the power of the Aboleth,” Rincewind said.  Bedelia’s eyes flashed to me, and I knew what she was thinking.  Shit.  If I raised Beledia’s core, and then she showed up to help with her improved core, Rincewind would figure it out.  

Rincewind returned to address me, “I will give you three black opal necklaces.  That means you can bring two people to bring to the team, including yourself.”  It was obvious that he was after me.

I pretended to consider his offer and then slowly shook my head no, “No, there is just not enough incentive for me.”

Rincewind pursed his lips, “I know that money will not incentive you.  So what can I offer you, Apollyon?”  

I tapped my finger on the table for a few beats before answering, “Knowledge.  I want access to your personal library for, say, one week.”  Rincewind’s eyebrows went up in mild surprise.

“Are you looking for a specific tomb in my collection?”  He asked while studying me.  

“No, I do not even know how large your collection is.  I just figure you have some impressive bits of knowledge after a few thousand years,” I replied with a smile.  He slowly returned my smile, and Bedelia looked confused.  Bedelia probably thought he was only a few hundred years old, not thousands.

“So you did some research on me.  Interesting.  Well, I have two libraries, one in Paris and one in Sydney, Australia,” he sipped his beer.  

I calmly replied, “Then a week in each should be fine.  I do not wish to take any tombs, just read.”

Rincewind studied me for a long moment, and Bedelia seemed ready to burst with a question, but respected the conversation between me and Rincewind.  He slowly nodded, “Fine.  You can peruse one of the libraries before we confront the Aboleth and one after.”

Jade intruded, “Why did you need me here Caleb, it seems you had everything under control.”  I took the black opal necklace and slid it to her across the table.  Jade frowned and stared at the necklace.  She slowly reached for it, “Fine, but you still owe me one, and now you owe me two.”  

Rincewind smirked and chuckled, “That necklace, Pride Master, is worth over two million on the open market.  It raises your mental defenses by two tiers.”  Her hands released the amulet like it was hot.  Then she considered for a moment and put it around her neck.

“You still owe me two, Caleb.  When is the posse assembling for the Aboleth, Master Rincewind?”  Jade asked while fingering the powerful artifact. 

Rincewind had relief on his face and relaxed into the chair.  “March.  It will probably be late March.  I expect to have a week’s notice.  But in the meantime, I wish to send one of my other team members to train and get familiar with you, Apollyon.”  I tensed at his words.

“Who is it?”  I inquired, but not hiding my concern well.  It seemed like an attempt to spy on me.

“She is a Githzerai,” Rincewind started.  “She is a mental defense mage and artificer.  She made the black opal necklaces.  I have known her for a very long time.  It will take me some time to contact her as I am not sure if she is in a transit or higher layer or even what planet she is on!” He laughed to himself.  He broke his soft laugh, “Don’t worry.  I want her to train your mental defenses for when we do go after the Aboleth.  No one is more skilled to do so, and we need to make sure our strongest pieces are not turned in the battle.” 

Jade’s hand went to the necklace around her neck, and Rincewind shook his head, “Thinking magic devices are infallible is how you get killed.  They will work, but Aboleths do not play by the same rules.” 

“I agree,”  I said.  I needed training, and if Andromeda was not training, maybe a Githzerai, whatever the hell that was, would be welcome.  Even if she could read my mind, the value of the training was too important to pass up.

“Thank you, Apollyon.  Her training may be the most valuable thing you get out of this transaction.”  Rincewind stated with a smile and twinkle in his eye.

I got contact information from Rincewind as he excused himself.  Jade stood as well, “Caleb, we can discuss payment for my help in this matter later as for the other matter.  Frost will be ready Saturday night.”  She said it with a sternness that told me maybe Jade had lost patience.  I still wouldn’t do anything without consent.

“I have a date Saturday night, though.  But I can come by after.”  I said, remembering Traci was taking me out.  Jade flashed some jealousy but didn’t ask who I had a date with before leaving. 

While I was driving Artica and me back, she reviewed what a Githzerai was from the Magus Arcanum database.  I knew my incubus handbook didn’t detail them.  The Githzerai were tall thin humanoids with pale yellow skin.  They had long angular skulls, deep-set eyes, and flattened noses.  Their ears were long and pointed, and they typically wore black hair in braids.  The few pictures on the database showed they were not what I would call attractive.  They did have strong mental fortitude and were known for not just aetheric magic but also psionic power.

The history of the race said they freed themselves from an oppressive overlord species called the Illithids.  The Illithids were scary beings that resided on higher planes and ranked just below the most powerful species of demons in my incubus handbook.  The Illithids traveled the stars on higher layers in personal spaceships.  They enslaved sapient species to crew their ships and ate their brains.  The Illithid were also hermaphrodites, and inserted their young larva in human brains, ala Wrath of Khan.  As Artica read on, I was more scared of the Ilithid than the Aboleth. 

It just showed that there were many things out there to haunt your nightmares.




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Floor plans for cabin house

Garage Apartment at cabin house






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