An Owl's Rise

Chapter 279 279 Dangerous Encounter In The Desert


Violent shockwaves shook the air and several figures flew around with magic flying in all directions.

Currently Evelyn and her companions, were battling against a group of wyverns that were a type of lesser dragon and were having to deal with a  fierce assault.

They were outnumbered by nearly double with none of these winged lizards versus the five of them.

The groups had coincidentally run into each other as Evelyn and her companions were leaving to go hunting, and the wyverns were returning to their nest for the night. Leading to the current fight.

At the forefront of the battle was Evelyn and the leader of these wyverns, who was actually incredibly powerful.

He was not using one of the normal elemental magics or even some of the rarer ones such as sound and light. This wyvern had a more unique magic, that Evelyn's assumed could only be pure destruction.

'Even my heavenly flame only cancels it out blow for blow. The only thing it cannot seem to destroy is my gravity magic.' Evelyn thought as she unleashed another blast of her heavenly flame towards the giant pitch-black wyvern.

Her enemy was around ten meters long and had a wingspan of around fifteen meters. Being nearly twenty percent larger than its followers.

Among the wyverns it was the only one at the peak of the awakened rank, and the others were all at the mid or low tier except for a single high tier that appeared to be the leader's lieutenant.

It was a made clash in the sky and Evelyn and her companions were certainly on the backfoot.

Her siblings both had their claws full, just to deal with one wyvern apiece and Bylur and Rehni were busy dealing with multiple opponents.

Soon it was clear that they were not going to win by fighting head on and needed to find a way to weaken or catch their opponents off guard.

'It might be a bit reckless, but it is the best thing I can think of right now.'

With a couple of quick glances around Evelyn sent out threads of magical energy to all of her companions and told them what her idea was.

Without hesitation they all began ascending higher at full speed disregarding the wyverns coming for them.

Evelyn took up the rear since she was the fastest and did her best to block the attacks that they wyverns were laughing towards them.

However, under the leader's orders instead of trying to attack all five of them at once, the nine wyverns focused their fire on Evelyn and began breaking through her defenses.

'Damn it! I just need to get a bit higher above them.' Evelyn thought while frantically defending herself.

Unfortunately, she was stuck being unable to ascend very fast and the wyverns were quickly gaining on her.

That was until a large ball of ice and metal fell from the sky above her.

Sensing it, Evelyn felt fear and for a moment believed that her friends had decided to disregard her plan and sacrifice her to get in a powerful attack.

Thankfully this did not prove to be true, as right in the center of the ball was a hole that was just large enough for Evelyn to slip through, but too small for the wyverns.

Using the opening her friends had given her Evelyn flew straight up and allowed the large hulking mass of ice and metal to fall towards the wyverns.

Yet while most of the wyverns broke off to avoid being hit the leader opened his mouth and let out a breath of destruction.

The ball of metal and ice began to break apart and turn to dust as the blast hit it.

'Let's see who is going to win this!'

Spreading out her gravity field and using her extreme press ability Evelyn increased the gravity of the metal and ice ball she was flying through and sent it down with far greater force towards the wyvern's leader who was trying to destroy Bylur and Rehni's attack before it connected.

But with the increased power behind it thanks to Evelyn gravity magic it pushed through the wyverns power breath of destruction and what remained of the ball slammed into him.

This allowed Evelyn to escape higher into the sky and when she reached the others around three hundred meters above the wyverns, she turned and looked down to see what was happening.

Having their leader currently being crushed by a giant projectile had caused all of the other wyverns to freeze up and try to figure out what they needed to do.

Soon a couple of them flew downwards to try and help while the others turned towards Evelyn and their group and began launching more attacks.

"This should be high enough. Make sure to protect me while I get everything ready. It should not take long." Evelyn said.

After that she moved to the center of the group and pulled out several contains from her storage items and allowed them to fall.

Except she could not just let them drop randomly and using immense control over her wind magic controlled their trajectory to avoid any of the wyvern or her friends attacks.

Then when they were within just twenty meters of the wyverns Evelyn caused each of the contains to shatter and resale their contents.

Some of the liquid that had been inside turned into a gas when it hit the air while others sprayed out like a rain.

In response the more quick-witted wyverns used magical energy barrier to block the liquid coming down on them, but of the six that had stayed to pressure Evelyn and her companions none of them avoided breathing in a bit of the released gases.

"Looks like it is already working. I am really grateful Melisandre taught me how to make so many different poisons." Evelyn said with a scary smirk on her face.

After being hit with a volley of different poisons, the wyverns were showing signs of immense distress.

No longer were any of them trying to attack Evelyn and her companions, but were instead having to focus on the damage they were taking.

Most of the poisons Evelyn had used were not enough to kill them and only one of the low tier wyverns was at death's door because it got hit with a large quality of one of the liquid poison which was the deadliest Evelyn had launched.

Nevertheless, many of the wyverns were having difficulties staying airborne as a paralytic poison rampaged in their body, and others were losing their sense of smell and sight from another.

Overall, Evelyn's poison barrage had been very effective and the six wyverns that had stayed to attack them were no longer in the position to be attacking.

"Let us finish them up quickly. Before the others return." Evelyn commanded.

Right now, the leader along with two mid-tier wyverns that had gone to help him were outside of the battle, but if they returned it would make things difficult for them despite the six poisoned wyverns.

Without wasting another moment Evelyn led the charge down towards the wyverns.

'Time to try this out.' She thought while charging towards the only high tier wyvern.

Channeling her magical energy into her helm she elongated the horns on the top of it, and at the same time wreathed them in her heavly flame and wind magic before beging to spin.

Like a drill made of fire and wind Evelyn pierced right through the thick scales and hide of the wyvern and blasted straight thought the center of its body. Leaving a large gaping hole in ist stomach.

Immediately after this happened the wyvern let out a pained cry and began falling out of the sky.

It had not died quite yet, but with such a devastating wound it would not last much longer and certainly had no way to stay in the sky anymore.

'Wow, I am surprised that worked so well. It is a reckless attack, but I will remember it if the opportunity presents itself again.' Evelyn thought, astounded by her own attack.

She even began mentally taking notes on how to improve it, but her momentarily second of relaxation turned out to be a big mistake.

In that instant the leader of the wyverns had managed to recover from being slammed by Rehni and Bylur's combo attack and released several dark orbs towards Evelyn and her companions.

Had she been paying attention she could have sued her heavenly flame to intercept and block the attack, but instead needed to rapidly maneuver to evade the attack.

The other members of her team likewise had to avoid being hit, but Verrader had been pinned down by one of the poisoned wyverns performing a desperate attack and had been unable to doge.

His right sight got hit by the ball of destructive energy and a part of his wing and chest were atomized.

Watching this happen time seemed to slow down for Evelyn and she was hit with flashbacks of Mason dying.

Certainly she was not especially close to Verrader and felt a great deal of friction between them, but he was still her brother.

'I am not losing another one.' Evelyn thought feeling resolved to do whatever was necessary.

"Bylur, heal and protect Verrader. Rehni and Aralee, finish up the others quickly. I will deal with the leader. No one dies here." Evelyn ordered.

She then turned and dove straight towards the leader of the wyverns. Determined to finish it off quickly and get rid of the greatest threat to her companions.

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