An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Shady

At this time, the Neng Angel has been surrounded by 36 mobs taking off from the base.

“Keep your distance and shoot from a long distance!”

“The first and second squadrons return to the base for replenishment! Your ammunition is less than 10%! What? Not enough time? Human form takes the rifle and leaves!”

“Unit 3 was shot down! The driver survived! Attention, the mechanical arm behind the enemy is a shooting weapon!”

“The fourth team accelerates! The enemy has come to you! Avoid it!”

“Cut, the firepower is not enough…” The angels have been surrounded by the ms group in the center, some are shooting to block the position, and some are interfering with the position, making the moment irritable.

“The Second Squadron disperses to the northeast corner! Heavy anti-ms missiles are coming!”

Seeing the ms group scattered in the northeast, he rushed to the northeast in an instant. Then I saw a large number of missiles flying from a distance…

In an instant, the mechanical arm on the back was unfolded, and a total of 5 gn rifles in the whole body opened a barrage to the missiles in the submachine gun mode. After opening the breach, the angel rushed out of the encirclement and began to use the rifle mode to shoot at the enemy aircraft. After dozens of minutes, the angel crashed all the enemy aircraft in the airspace and continued to the African Tower.

“Send a support request to the African Tower, let them dispatch all the planes! Leave the enemy plane in Africa!” Looking at the report of all the battle damages of the 36 MSs on duty, the base commander was distressed. “The remaining two mass-produced formulations also attacked, and together with the remaining 72 MSs in the base, they blocked the back of the enemy aircraft!”

After more than 30 minutes, the angel can reach the African Tower. The ground attack began, clearing a large number of missile launchers and venting guns near the Africa Tower.


“Huh? The reinforcements coming out of the African Tower?” The moment the ground fire was cleared, he turned his attention to the newly taken-off MS.

“The estimated number of four brigade, 144 ms, sure enough AEU stationed troops in the tower exceeds the number stipulated in the treaty.” In an instant, it flew backwards, keeping the distance from the enemy aircraft, and shooting at the enemy MS group.

“Is there an enemy aircraft behind?” Suddenly, he turned the fuselage somewhat unexpectedly, and once again opened the barrage at hundreds of large anti-ms missiles fired by the enemy aircraft.

After confirming that all the missiles that must be threatening to the body have been shot down, the angels are surrounded again…

After several attempts to rush into the local formation and start a hand-to-hand battle to no avail, Setsuna tried to open the breakthrough with a barrage, but there were too many enemy reserves. Just shot down more than ten enemy aircraft, another 20 will fill the gap.

A little helpless moment, he set the shooting of the back mechanical arm to automatic, and then focused on shooting with the beam rifle on the right arm and using the shield on the left arm to guard the cockpit and the solar furnace.

Then I found that the automatic shooting robotic arm is more than three times more efficient than when it is controlled by itself. Even when shooting in evasive places, the shooting efficiency is slightly higher than when you aim and shoot…

The moment when he discovered this fact, the evil came from the guts. He set the mechanical arm behind him to automatic barrage mode, unfolded the gn sword, rushed into the enemy’s formation against the enemy, and then slashed.

Then, like a mad dog, he was repelled by the set fire several times, and then rushed up again. Feeling that a big sword is not efficient at slashing people, instantly activated the beam generator around the shield, and two huge axe-shaped pink light blades were formed on the bottom half of the shield.

One hand is a big sword and the other is a big axe, and there are 4 mechanical arms that keep shooting at the back. For an instant, it was a joy to cut in the center of the enemy line. After more than ten minutes, the shield beam generator overheated and automatically shut down, and the gn position generator inside the shield also shut down to dissipate heat. Several mob-launched 120mm high-explosive shells directly hit the shield, and the huge impact made the angel’s short-term attitude out of control.

When Nengang lost control, he was quickly evacuated by the close thug, and then Nengang became the eye of this tornado composed of ms.

When it is discovered that the shells can directly act on the shield, the AEU’s ms group starts to focus on the fire to attack the shield of the angel. The continuous vibration caused Shina’s physical strength to be quickly consumed. The reaction also began to be slow.

“The attack is effective! Go on, the enemy’s movements have slowed down, and the enemy pilot’s physical strength can’t keep up. Where is the land war thug?”

“3 minutes to arrive!”

“Let them accelerate, their 200mm gun is much more powerful than our 120mm gun. It can already be seen!”

In the distance is the land warfare heavy-duty thug who leaped and slid from the African Tower base. The waist is equipped with two new 200mm linear guns, the legs are hung on 6-mounted multi-purpose missile launchers, and two are equipped on the back. 4-mounted multi-purpose missile launcher, with E carbon composite armor attached to the body. The firepower was greatly enhanced, but the flight function was lost. Although it was replaced with a high-power engine, it could only fly in short jumps.

Finally, the land mob was about to enter the combat distance, dozens of beams shot from a distance to call the land mob, and then began to attack the thug in the air.

“Neil (Lyle) Duranti, sniper the target.”

“The enemy’s reinforcements?! Wow…”

In an instant, taking advantage of the enemy’s chaos, he shot down several thugs and rushed out of the encirclement.

“In an instant, the mission goal is completed, retreat!”

“To understanding.”

Neng Angel took the lead to fly far away, and after Brother Neil confirmed that the enemy plane had stopped chasing, he also quickly departed.

Time retreated to a few hours ago, when the AEU remote ceremony began, the banquet hall of the High-speed Rail Station of the National Revolutionary League

Brigadier General Makarov and Sergey were officiating at the “Remembrance Day” ceremony.

When the crowds in the banquet hall were truly or pretending to be 150,000 people who died in the battle of the “Tianzhu” guard, the broadcast of the banquet hall sounded the voice of the communicator of the high-speed rail station combat command center.

“Brigadier General Makarov, Colonel Sergey, dynamic sensors and optical sensors show that six MSs carrying heavy missile launchers are approaching. It is a mob.”

Makarov said in his heart that he was not afraid of death when he came up to put eye drops on the Revolutionary League. Take out the communicator, “I ordered the high-altitude orbital station’s garrison team, one battalion one after another, to establish a defense line 30 kilometers in front of the high-orbital station. The high orbital station’s weapon system was activated and knocked them down.”

Several armor plates on the outer wall of the high rail station opened, and the built-in eight-unit 155mm rapid-fire gun or 460mm linear gun was raised.

The 155mm rapid-fire gun fired for a few seconds and then ceased fire. After more than 1 minute, all the ms in the distance were shot down.

At this time, the German angel was still 15 kilometers away from the combat area. The main angel had just arrived in the combat area and was almost hit by a shell from the National Revolutionary League.

“Tielia reported that the terrorist was shot down by the High-Speed ​​Rail Station of the National Revolutionary League, what shall we do next.”

“…Let’s go home.” The emperor’s voice sounded a little helpless.

And Wang Liumei, who was in the venue at this time, looked dazed…what about Gundam?

A few hours later, Neng Angel, Li Angel, and Wisdom Angel returned.

Seeing that there are explosive blackened bodies everywhere in the angel, and the statistical data has a manual aiming rate of less than 7%, and an automatic aiming rate of close to 30%. Ian’s face was blue, and when she saw that Instantaneous gave up manual shooting and switched to melee combat, the rapidly rising shooting evasion rate made her complexion look better.

When I saw Susuna’s dual-wielding melee weapons opening Wushuang in the center of the enemy formation, and the shooting evasion probability at this time was approaching 100%, Ian had lost his temper.

“In the center of the 100 enemy planes, almost completely evaded all shooting. This is metaphysics…”

“My dear, what’s the matter?” Linda floated over with Mirena, who was already 4 years old.

“Linda, look at this data.”

Linda turned to PDA and saw the data “Is this really what humans can do…”

“Mom and Dad are talking about the big brother who looks dumb? That big brother should be the same as us. Sometimes I can vaguely perceive his existence. Grandpa Aeolia always says that I and Dad Mom is a talented person… Then he should be too.”

Ian raised her brows when she heard her daughter’s words, and said to her heart, “Fuck, I’m afraid it’s my pot again…”

I think of the dual furnace linkage experiment that is carried out in the base from time to time, think of the daily high-intensity simulation battle against the 5 Xiaoqiang, and think of the experiment not going smoothly. When the angels and the moments are venting, every time I let the moments use the solar furnace. Squeezed to the highest…

“Damn is really my pot…” Ian slapped his face with a slap. Bring up the angel cockpit monitoring and carefully observe the eyes of Moss. Sure enough, there are signs of initial awakening.

“Forget it, leave the problem to the old man a headache.” Then he handily sent the message of “Ssuna Suspected of Awakening as a Changemaker” to the confidential line of VEDA.

Then Ian began to modify the Angel’s system with Linda, and the core idea of ​​the modification was “If you shoot too badly, I will make the automatic aiming more efficient, and you should not be ashamed of shooting yourself.”

But if I think about it, I can’t shoot. I opened the communicator and said, “Neiller, you two have started special training on the shooting technique. His hit rate…” “It’s already in progress.” It’s the relatively mature Neil “Lyle is training with him.”

“That success, the goal is to achieve a combined hit rate of more than 50%. Come on.”

On the day after “Remembrance Day”, through the backdoors of local broadcasting systems, Tianren forcibly took over the live channels all over the world.

“We are “Heavens”, a private armed organization with the next generation of MS Gundam…”

Watching the declaration of heaven and human being broadcast on TV, the chairman of the National Revolutionary Federation dialed the phone of the president on the other side. As for the AEU, which is still on strike, let’s hang it.

A few weeks later, VEDA sent instructions to intervene in the ethnic disputes on the island of Ceylon.

In the briefing room, all Ptolemy members gathered to assign tasks.

“Considering that the goal this time is the RCGF site, all 5 Gundams will be dispatched. Brother Neil and the set of Sets, and the group of Tielia Halleluja. The specific tasks have been sent to you, please check by yourself, there is a problem. Say it now.”

“It’s so close to the RIGF homeland…Even if this is a laissez-faire area of ​​the RIGF, the reinforcements from the homeland are enough to stop us.” It was Neil, who was still the elder brother speaking.

“So the combat time must be controlled within 2 hours. This is calculated taking into account the reaction speed of the Indian military region and the shortest time for the arrival of the cutting-edge aviation forces of the People’s Revolutionary Federation. The longest time we can fight.”

“Why are there only old-style ironman, decreed and proboscis on the island, and only old-style bombardment ironman, and relatively new anti-aircraft ironman.” This time it was Hallelujah, who was thinking about personality launch.

“As Neil said, this is the area abandoned by the National Revolutionary League. UU Reading has spent nearly a hundred years attracting all the people in the country whose brains were burned by racism to that island. On. Even the local garrison is a fanatical religious element, so only equipment that is on the verge of decommissioning will be sent to Ceylon Island, and the other ms are smuggled up by dozens of independent terrorist organizations above.” The emperor obviously said to Xi. The messy form on Orchid Island is a bit big.

“In other words, they are all miscellaneous.”

“Ahem…not count…Ace machine team will come over to fight with you in the late stage of the battle.” The speaker was Ian, who had been wandering before. “The last force intervention can be said to be a stage performance. This force intervention is a formal test. The three major alliances will have an ace pilot team appear when you are most relaxed to test your qualifications.”

“Eligibility?” Tieria was a little bit unaware of this kind of judgment word with superior versus inferior.

“Yes, qualifications. Qualifications for cooperation. The next action of celestial force intervention is actually a no-communication cooperation with the three major alliances. However, it is on the premise that we have high enough force. If we do not have enough force, we will be destroyed. Then the three major joint acquisitions of our technology will further strengthen the difficulty of eradicating disputes and the difficulty of global unification.

And if we have strong enough force, we will always keep the force involved and eradicate disputes. Then the world will be unified and disputes will be eradicated. The external resistance to the unity of the world will be destroyed by our armed intervention, and the unstable internal resistance will disappear because of the pressure we bring. As for the stubborn resistance, there will be “celestial” special forces equipped with various countries’ standard weapons to eliminate them. ”

“Do heavens and humans also have special forces?” The question was Tie Hanhan’s moment.

11 of the 12 people present did not want to talk to him and showed a disgusting expression…

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