An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 3 position 1 body

“Huh, it’s just some miscellaneous fish, there are still so many dramas. Fang!”

Michele Trinity grinned wildly in the Angel II and released 6 gn fangs.

“Huh missiles? This flying posture… shoots against air shots!” Sergey frowned when he looked at the six small objects marked as missiles on the display.

In 21 days, the Iron Man used an air-to-air shotgun to cover the gn’s fangs. Only three fangs were intercepted at a distance of 6 kilometers. When it was close to the fangs within 100 meters of the Iron Man, the reaction speed of the Iron Man could not keep up. However, at this time, the two near-defense guns on the iron man’s shoulder shield were still trying to intercept. After the near-aircraft ammunition was exhausted, Iron Man was basically helpless. The remaining iron men took care of each other back to back in twos and threes, but they were still broken one by one by the gn fangs that broke into the formation. Listening to the screams of his subordinates, Sergey was anxious but unable to do anything.

No matter how good the driving skills are, it can’t match the technological suppression brought about by the generation of weapons. In the end, only Sergey and Piris stood back to back among the wreckage of the Iron Man. The angel’s gn fang was only knocked down by one more.

“Fang to me!”

Michel gritted his teeth in the cockpit and found that the gn fangs were insufficient in particles and had to recall the fangs.

“It’s quite tenacious.” Michelle started the power amplifier and forced to delay the charging world “but that’s all! Fang!”

The two gn fangs that hit 80% and the two fully charged fangs that were not shot at the beginning were shot together.

“Cut, don’t underestimate people!” Piris gave up the formation to charge and intercepted the gn fangs. “I’m a super soldier!”

“Second Lieutenant!” Sergey reacted quickly, and also began to charge and cover and shoot.

Gn fangs were shot down again, and the beam shot by the fangs also hit the fuselage of Piris. After several explosions, the Piris machine was severely damaged and unable to fight. The Sergey plane was also shot down with a beam rifle.

“Cut…” Michel contained two bullet-scarred gn fangs, and flew away without being too lazy to let go.

Seeing the angel flying away, Ian, who was invisible on the side, did not launch the 4 gn rifles, 2 gn cannons and 8 missile launchers that were ready for launch…

“Cut… count your acquaintances.” Ian was stunned when he saw the RCCF driver crawling out of the wreckage below. “The survival rate exceeds 80%? Fuck…single-soldier armor? The driver wears?”

On the other side, the flowers waiting for the Graham team waiting to tow the vehicle are all thanked…

“Gundam…” Looking at the Zhi Angel lying on the ground, Graham felt a bit mixed. Then the announcement that “AEU, the Federation of the People’s Revolutionary Federation is suspected of fighting with the reinforcements of heaven and humans” suddenly popped up interrupted Graham’s sigh. “The whole plane is lifted off, ready to…”

Before Graham’s words were finished, several red light beams struck, and they knocked down the three battle flags standing still in place.

“Danny! Laining! Henry! Cut… the whole machine spreads out! Spread out!” Graham’s throttle was pushed to the maximum, evading the incoming beam at full speed, and the other drivers quickly reacted to the most comfortable way. The attitude quickly took off to evade.

“Cut…” Graham looked at the fuel residue unwillingly, “The whole machine retreats…”

Hearing the order, all the remaining battle flags were transformed into airplane forms and retreated quickly.

Seeing the war-flag retreat, the Angel III did not pursue it. Just slowly approached the rising wisdom angel.

“Who are you?” Lyle was not in a good mood, after all, he was beaten on the ground by several battle flags…

“Nina Trinity, the driver of Gundam Angel III (^_?)?☆”

“Gundam’s reinforcements? The new type of Gundam three? Red particles? The design style is different from the previous ones? The Gundam has all retreated?! Cut…I see.” Looking at the report with a completely different style from 10 minutes ago, inside the command center Lieutenant Colonel Katie Manegin, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, stood up at the table. “Is it Kujo not reconciled to end here…No! Is it the so-called second stage.”

Lieutenant Colonel Manegin sat back in his chair and began to analyze the reasons for the failure of the battle. “Huh? The loss report came out? This…Why are the casualties of the People’s Revolutionary Federation so low…?”

After the Gundam planes retreated, the Sergey team was also rescued and contained by the Makarov team.

“All the 50 aircraft in the team were shot down, only 8 people were killed and 2 people were slightly injured… The new driving suit is amazing…” Sergey, who was sitting in the palm of the Makarov aircraft, murmured with emotion. “Brother, what do you think of the new three Gundams?”

“The style of painting is wrong, it is not Ian’s design, I am afraid it is another unit of Celestial Man. And the color of the particle is different, I am afraid it is the so-called second… eh?”

The sky is covered by a large number of gn particles.

“The communication system and the optical system are disturbed in a large area. The high position is lost.” The base used laser communication to inform Makarov of a bad news.

“Use this feature earlier…” Makarov sighed. “Sergey, look back and comfort Lieutenant Piris. The little girl is almost crying… She has been deflated since she served in the military. Pay attention to her mental health…”

Seeing Lieutenant Piris in the other palm shrunk into a ball, Sergey was even more worried. “This battle, a 50,000-word report is indispensable…”

“Yes…indispensable…” Makarov’s face also became bitter…

5 days up to a support aircraft to return to Ptolemy.

“I’ll talk about everything tomorrow. Go back and rest. Let’s talk after you rest.” The emperor waved his hand and disbanded the 5 pilots.

“Ian, what’s the situation with the three Gundams? Are you the second-stage performer?”

“Well, the messengers of justice will definitely not bring unity, only dictators can. They are the knives in the hands of dictators, using the blood of everyone as a sacrifice to unity, and finally use their blood to lay the foundation for the future of unity. “Ian nodded and said it was true. “So we will continue our normal intervention for a period of time, and after they start to act, we will shrink our activities in an all-round way.”

“Huh? Why shrink… Isn’t it possible to have friendly forces… Could it be that…?”

“Well, it’s that. They are not friendly forces. But they think that we are both friendly forces. They appear…”

“Does it mean the beginning of the second stage…”

“Well, hatred will gather on the heavens, and the second phase of my production plan can begin.”


Ian handed the emperor a PDA. “This is the second phase of the production plan. Including Ptolemy’s upgrade of the armed forces, the design and production of the new Gundam, the design and production of the new ma, the development and production of the pseudo solar furnace, and the new solar furnace. In addition, there are also experimental plans such as multi-furnace resonance linkage.”

“Well, even though I do it, technically I can’t help…”

“In addition, I have to contact Makarov and the others to carry out a talent protection plan.”


“The new Gundam has the possibility of attacking various scientific research bases, and those people also represent the future of mankind.”

“Understood, be careful not to be discovered by VEDA and Tielia.”

“VEDA has always known about it. I have communicated with VEDA before, and now the plan we are implementing has changed.”

“Huh? VEDA is not only Tieria can…”

“VEDA is not the only communication interface…”

“Forget it… do it with you.” The emperor rubbed his temples, “How much do you still have to hide from us…”

“Don’t worry, it’s not much. I’ll go back first, too.”

After the 5 Gundam messengers rested for 15 hours, Tieria, who was the first to wake up, found the emperor.

“Emperor Noriega, why was there no support yesterday? In yesterday’s battle, four Gundams were captured and one Gundam driver was in a coma. Why didn’t support arrive? And you, Ian, why did you arrive at the scene? Didn’t start rescue operations?”

Tieria is so dissatisfied…

“Because everything is planned, including your capture and the appearance of the three new machines.” Ian’s words blocked Tieria’s dissatisfaction. “In the last month’s counter-terrorism operation, the emperor tried to explain to you the meaning of the action, but you said,’We as mission performers don’t need to know so much’ to refuse. Therefore, this time we are also decoy for the mission. I didn’t tell you either.”

and other four drivers arrived at the emperor’s office together, and saw Tieria expressionless, the emperor’s smile was helpless, and Ian was content.

“Yeah, Miss Huang, we uploaded the mission briefing.” Neal spoke first.

“I saw Yo.” Huang waved the PDA in his hand.

“This time we fight…” Setsuna is a little bit self-blaming and uneasy…

“Don’t care, don’t care. After all, you have only been in contact with ms for 5 years at the most. Even if you have the talent, it is good to be like this with absolute experience and quantity.” Ian waved his hand and said not to blame himself. “Next time there should not be such a large-scale capture operation.”

I can’t tell for an instant, Lyle’s relieved expression is simply exaggerated…

Seeing that Lyle was half out of anger, Ian smiled and added the second half of the sentence.

“The next time the world is equipped with a solar furnace, a large force will destroy us.”

“Ahem…”?? 2

“Okay, what should I do? The days after that will be difficult. Hurry up and improve yourself.”

“Miss Emperor, there is a spaceship approaching, and the other party claims to be Celestials, Trinity team. The other party has applied to board the ship.” Christina’s voice came through the broadcast.

“I see, let them come over.” The emperor activated the communicator to answer Christina’s words. “Then, let’s meet the so-called Trinity team next.”

Two spaceships approached, and three Trinity team pilots entered Ptolemy directly from the Ptolemy side personnel entrance.

“John Trinity”

“Michelle Trinity”

“Nina Trinity”

“Your surname is Trinity?” The emperor muttered softly.

“Well, the three of us are brothers and sisters.” John smirked.

“Well, let’s go to the advanced meeting room anyway.” The emperor looked at the smirk on the other side, a little uncomfortable.

“Well, okay.” John still smirked with shark teeth.

“Why don’t you have your body data in VEDA?”

“We also have the obligation of confidentiality and cannot tell you.”

“Where is the source of your order?”

“Sorry, I can’t tell you.”

“Your solar stove, no, where did you get gndrive?”

“Sorry, I can’t tell you.”

“Then at least tell us what your Gundam will be used for.”

“Of course it is to eradicate war.”

“Then what are you doing here?”

“Of course it is to see the looks of the predecessors who were defeated by MS in the old age.” This is Michel with still arrogant expression.

“what did you say?!”

“Just kidding, kidding.”

“It’s really unpleasant, I’m leaving first.” Tieria was very upset, “Report I will pass it to VEDA.”

“It’s so boring here, I want to go out and explore inside the ship ” This is Nina who is bored.

“Can you allow it?” John still smirked.

Huang looked back at the equally boring Ian

“Feel free, have fun.” Ian noticed the expression on the emperor’s search. “If I can see the secret, I lose.” Of course, this cannot be said.

Nima happily went out, and before leaving, she quietly gave Michelle a glance.

Then the emperor tried to discuss a cooperation agreement with John, but John still had an expression of “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you.” The expression of “everyone is playing each other” made the emperor bored with evil fire. See you off directly.

Walking down the corridor, John still smirked, “Michelle, tell Nina to come back.”

“Understood, brother, Nina, you are back.”

“…Brother Michelle, I can’t go, come here.”


The smirk on John’s face disappeared, “Where is Nina?”

Huang still looked back at Ian. Ian took out the PDA and located Nina “Ah, here.” Ian showed the image on the PDA to the two opposite people.

Nina floated outside the door of the VEDA data room and was pointed at by four 12.7mm machine guns turned out from the wall… She raised her hands and didn’t dare to move, she wanted to cry aggrieved.

Seeing this picture, Michelle took out the knife directly, “You **** wants to be cut…”

Then he couldn’t speak…because two machine guns came out in front of him…

Ian: “Heh…”

&Others “…”

“I think there is some misunderstanding between us…” John’s smirk appeared again, but it was super reluctant.

In the end, Ian didn’t bother to care about it, so he let someone off the boat. After leaving Ptolemy, the three Johns found that Ptolemy’s starboard guns were all facing his ship.


The Trinity team left quickly.

“…Uncle Ian…what else did you put on Ptolemy…” Hallelujah looked at the machine gun cover that was invisible when it was stowed away, and he was a bit stuttered.

“There are 4 12.7mm internal defense machine guns every 15 meters. We are just a few of us, we can’t help but be prepared to be defended by the jump…”

On the same day, the top armed forces of the People’s Revolutionary Federation visited the base of the Eighth Independent Wing, Iowa Air Force Base. What is more surprising is that the National Revolutionary League is carrying equipment to visit…

After    arrived, the personnel of the RC and the base personnel began to transform the base…

Regarding this, Makarov said, “The top person in charge of the base can’t run in the tallest building. There is no shelter yet. The defense of the base depends on ms. Is this base teasing me?”

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