An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 MementoMori

Under the influence of that huge brain quantum wave, everyone’s condition is not good, and the final three furnace operation has also been postponed. Disperse separately.

However, before Wang Liumei’s information was sent, Sergey’s communication arrived first.

“Ian, knock down that thing. This weapon of mass destruction shouldn’t be in the hands of A-Laws!” Sergey’s face was covered with blood in the picture. “A whole city, it’s a city with a permanent population of more than 20 million people!”

“20 million people?! Where did they blow up!”

“The old capital of Egypt, Cairo.”

“I…fuck…were they crazy to directly blow up the first-tier cities of the RCEF?”

“They have been crazy! The purpose of this attack should be to prevent personnel dissatisfied with A-Laws from contacting Catalon!”

“This is too…too much…” Ian directly crushed the PDA in his hand.

Silently connected Sergey again with the communication equipment of the base.

“I understand, the heavens will attack with all their strength.”

“Well, Director Wang will pass the information to you in a while. It is said that there are 6 units in total. The Federal Army will also be dispatched. I will go for rescue operations first.” Sergey saluted and hung up the communication.

Ian summoned a cleaning robot to clean up the PDA debris floating in the air. Sent a message to the emperor, telling her the combat goal. Then Ian went back to sleep.

“No hangover can be cured, it seems that gn particles are not omnipotent…”

On the other side, the A-Laws fleet.

“Only 3 free electron laser scanning devices that can cover the world, MementoMori, we A-Laws built six. With this excellent suppression weapon. Soon the world will be at peace.” Brigadier General Arthur said to this weapon. Quite satisfied.

“Brigadier General, there is a riot in the hangar. The same is true for other ships. Details are unknown!”

“Unrest? Let the Marine Corps and the Gendarmerie control the scene.”

“Brigadier General, the ms hatch has been opened!”

2 Pioneers and 2 GN Jim 3 rushed out of the hangar, quickly smashed the cruiser’s main guns and vented the guns, and shielded the two boats to leave. The other 11 cruisers are similar, and even the hangar door of one cruiser was opened by MS.

“Send ms team to chase after!”

“The remaining ms are destroyed!”

“Cut…” Brigadier General Arthur was incompetent and furious on the command bench.

At the same time, the scene of the Federal Parliament urgently convened. The President of the Federal Parliament, who has always treated people with gentleness, was speaking on the podium with a dark face.

“Not long ago, a huge particle cluster with a long axis of more than 5,000 kilometers and a short axis of more than 3,000 kilometers suddenly appeared in the L3 resource asteroid belt. A few seconds later, the phenomenon of thinking resonance appeared on a global scale. Then a powerful brain was identified as unprecedented. Quantum waves swept across the world, and all people who experienced the phenomenon of thinking resonance felt great pain and boundless despair, and there was the illusion of a huge beam of light falling from the sky. According to some people vaguely seeing the pyramid, the relevant departments quickly contacted Cairo. However, the communication was cut off. Five minutes after the end of the resonance phenomenon, Brigadier General Sergey Sminov stationed near Cairo reported that the city of Cairo had completely evaporated. This is a photo taken 5 minutes before Cairo at the low orbit station. .”

The picture is a large circular hole.

“The city of Cairo has completely evaporated. Only a huge crater with a diameter of 150 kilometers and a depth of 30 kilometers remains on the original site. The survivors near Cairo are basically Sergey and others in the aviation battleship. It is estimated that more than 20 million people will die. The huge brain quantum before. Bo is recognized as the thought resonance of these people before death.”

The chairperson dulled a little, and seemed to hesitate to say something next. In the end, he made up his mind.

“In addition, before this, A-Laws had at least 30 massacres that were covered up, and at least 150,000 people were detained for no reason, and more than one-third of them died in custody.” The speaker put the information on the U disk. Projected onto the screen behind.

“The A-Laws who committed such atrocities are no longer an army, and even ordinary villains have a conscience better than them! I propose to dismantle A-Laws, annihilate its loyalists, and give preferential treatment to those who wake up in time. Now, on the spot. Hand vote.”

All the councillors on the scene raised their arms in unison.

The speaker looked around the venue.

“Very well. After that, I, who proposed the establishment of an independent security maintenance force, will inevitably take the blame and resign. Now, I order the EFF to enter a state of combat readiness. The commander of the A-Laws operation will be directed by Brigadier General Katie Manegin and Sher Major General Guy Sminoff will take the post. The two men are solely responsible for the time and scale of operations. The content of this emergency meeting is top secret. Please go to the Bureau of Confidentiality to sign a confidentiality agreement.”

A few hours later, Catalun, who believed that there would be no future without destroying the satellite weapon world of A-Laws, assembled all the space fleet to perform the mission of destroying satellite weapons.

All of Catalun’s 2 Magellan-class cruisers, 4 Columbus-class frigates, 18 Virginia-class transport ships, and 8 Tiger-class transport ships, divided into two fleets evenly, along the sides of the No. 1 Death Artillery Shooting the dead angle is approaching the death omen artillery.

Different from the hard fight expected by Catalon, the **** force of the Death Omen No. 1 only has 2 ms and one Berga-class cruiser.

Catalon sank the A-Laws cruiser almost without receiving any damage, and destroyed the No. 1 Death Omen Gun.

On the other side, Manegin, who was originally scheduled to perform A-Laws search and destroy the Celestial Base in the L3 universe, felt the pain and despair, and learned the truth from internal data.

Manegin, who was completely desperate for A-Laws, instigated the A-Laws members who still had a sense of honor as a soldier through a direct speech in the squadron. Directly set off a top-down uprising. After arresting and killing the loyal A-Laws loyalists, Brigadier General Manejin led his squadron to pounce on the No. 3 Dead Boss Gun near the Africa Tower.

In the middle of the journey, he accidentally received defectors from the Arthur fleet headed by Graham and Patrick. When interviewing the defectors, Manegin found that there were many acquaintances in it… For example, two were pilots of the original Eighth Independent Wing, and four were pilots of the top armed forces of the former People’s Revolutionary League, 2 The man is the pilot of the original AEUms teaching group. A CEO of the Harway Consortium, Louis Harway. There is even a changemaker, Brin. He claimed that A-Laws’ behavior violated the rules of the military, and he did not want to stay in A-Laws anymore, and that his superior leader could locate his position through brain quantum waves, and asked Brigadier Manejin to prepare one for him. A confinement room that can shield brain quantum waves…

Two hours after the death artillery destroyed Cairo, Manegin and Sergey received an order from the federal government.

But the two are not in a hurry to fight. As a result, intelligence from various parties showed that only two Oath Cannons have been completed so far. Second, the bases around A-Laws have rebelled to varying degrees. A large number of excellent veterans who were transferred in turned out of A-Laws.

During their discussions, the two believed that A-Laws, who had lost a large number of combat personnel, would definitely recruit personnel who still agreed with their thinking. These people will inevitably be a hidden danger to the Federation in the future. Not as good as this group of people was exposed to defeat A-Laws again and again.

Before that, let’s use the hands of Catalon and the heavens to destroy the Omen Cannon.

On the other side, Ptolemy has received the information from Professor Wang, and is heading to the already completed Second Death Artillery Unit.

Huang shut himself in the room and studied how to effectively destroy the deadly artillery without damaging the orbital particle accelerator. After all, a particle accelerator of this scale is a real human heavy weapon. Once destroyed, both the cost of reconstruction and the collateral damage caused by the wreckage are astronomical.

“In this case, the super gn particle cannon still cannot be used. It can only be approached from the shooting dead corner, breaking the outer wall, and then sniping the electromagnetic resonance part…” The emperor made several plans, but only this one is the premise of a strong attack. The collateral damage is minimal. “Risty, Ptolemy’s orbit changed, flying close to the upper edge of the particle accelerator.”

“To understanding.”

“Tielia, Neil, Lyle, you are stationed at Ptolemy, and the mission plan has been sent to you. Areluia, Mary, Setsuna, John, Michelle attacked, escorted Ptolemy and defeated the enemy fleet.”

“Understand”?? 6

“Then the task will begin in 80 minutes, please be prepared before that.”

After arriving in the battle space, 6 Gundams including 00 set off first and headed to the combat airspace. Ptolemy kept the original speed and moved along the particle accelerator.

“Sure enough, heaven. And as predicted, come from the blind spot of MementoMori and let me fight my favorite annihilation battle, the avant-garde fleet, the attack begins, the ms team will entangle the Gundam aircraft, the cruiser waits for the enemy The ship is coming. Captain Schilling, can you go and entangle Gundam?”

“Just agree with me, let’s go.” Schilling’s Gadisa goes first, followed by a large md dominance type, a Schilling Gadisa of the same model, and two 1.5 Gundams and two melee specialists. Galezzo.

After entering the firing range, the two Gadisas stopped at the original plan and raised their guns to aim at 00 Gundam. Start shelling.

1.5 Gundam advances to the middle distance and starts to fight with Sagittarius and Angels.

The two Galezzo fought a hand-to-hand battle with the main angel and the seat angel II, although Galezzo used a beam sword.

Feeling that when it comes into contact with the enemy plane, Areluja can suppress Galezzo and can’t raise his head. But no one can take care of and contain the dominance style. This ma uses gn fangs to divide the battlefield into pieces, and the Gundams cannot form a cooperation to knock down the enemy plane.

But in the same way, the seven changers can’t do better. Although the two Gadishas only engage in artillery battle with 00 Gundam, it’s very simple to evade Gadisa’s beam at this distance with the mobility of 00, but The instant counterattack can also make the two change makers hurried for a short while, and this small meeting is enough for an instant to contain the dominance style.

On the Sagittarius side of the shooting battle, the Celestial and Human side with more firepower channels has an obvious advantage. If it weren’t for the need to be distracted to deal with the dominance-style gn fangs, the two 1.5 Gundams would have been hit long ago. Fell.

On the main angel’s side, Michele and Arelujah fought back and forth with each other. It was unable to quickly crash the enemy plane, but it also prevented the two of them from leaving.

Seeing that all the changer bodies were entangled on the battlefield in an instant, they called Ptolemy.

“Ptolemy, the enemy ms has been entangled by us, you can enter the arena.”

“Understood, Ptolemy is advancing at the second speed. Prepare for the artillery and lightning strike.”

Ptolemy flew across the battlefield of ms.

“come yet.”

“The target is in range, the shelling begins!” Lasse pulled the trigger. Twenty-four beams passed over the orbital accelerator, but they dissipated before hitting the deadly omen.

“Anti-particles? Has it been applied to actual combat so soon… The main gun is switched to live ammunition…” Lasse saw that the beam was useless and wanted to switch to live ammunition mode.

“No, continue to shell the target with beams.” Ian and Huang said in unison. “Anti-particles are not infinite. Each anti-gn particle corresponds to a gn particle. If the amount of gn particles we emit exceeds the amount of walking by the enemy fleet, we can attack the deadly artillery.”

“It’s here, heaven. The forward fleet attacked the enemy ship and pushed the enemy ship into the beam of the Death Cannon.”

“Understood, the bombardment of the avant-garde fleet has begun.”

The 6 Berga-class ships of the avant-garde fleet began to shoot particle beams at Ptolemy, and the impact of the beam made Ptolemy gradually deviate from its original orbit. Ptolemy’s orbit began to shift to the right side of the ship’s hull, and the ray axis of the Oath Cannon shifted.

“Risty, you are optimistic about the time to start Trans-Am”

“To understanding”

Ptolemy’s orbit approached the axis of the death cannon bit by bit, and Major A-Laws’ Abel Leto laughed more and more happily. When Ptolemy had completely entered the axis of the death cannon, Ah Major Bai commanded loudly:

“MementoMori, start shooting!”

“Understood, the shooting begins.”

Looking at the huge pink-white beams getting closer and closer Risti decisively activated Trans-Am. Ptolemy’s mobility has been smoothly improved more than three times. He quickly avoided the incoming beam and returned to the original planned route.

“Cut, the enemy ship still has this function… the shelling continues, don’t stop. Captain Shirin, please attack the enemy ship first,”

“Cut, it’s really useless.” Shirinji turned 180 degrees and aimed at Ptolemy’s tail. Then one second before firing, 00 Gundam finally had a chance to rush over, and then cut off Gadisa’s gn cannon. “Your opponent is me! Don’t look around?”

Xilin was so upset, he drew out his lightsaber and greeted 00 Gundam.

“The anti-particles in the target area disappeared!” Filute announced.

“Pull the plug, all cannon salvos.”

“Understand, gn missiles are fired intensively! The main guns are fired!”

More than 200 missiles flew to the deadly omen artillery, and the 24 main artillery beams opened the way for them. Although the missiles were intercepted a lot, there were still more than 50 missiles hitting the shell of the Oath Cannon. Then, the second wave of shelling arrived, and a new round of shelling exploded the shell of the Oath Cannon. However, it is not enough to leak the electromagnetic resonance part.


“Understand, Trans-Am, gn rocket launch mode, launch!”

A huge gn particle cluster hit the outer armor of the Omen Cannon, and there was another big explosion, and the resonance of the electromagnetic light leaked out.


“Understand, Trans-Am, Neil Tirandi, sniper target.”

A beam of light accurately hit the electromagnetic resonance part. The Omen Cannon began to explode and disintegrated, and Ptolemy quickly passed the Omen Cannon and began to evacuate from the current universe.

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