An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 377

Chapter 349 Class match

“Class 1 vs. Class 2, Class 3 vs. Class 4… Are you really the result of the lottery?” Before the early self-study, the hall of the teaching building publicized the schedule of this class match.

“Subjugation Aircraft intends to dispatch an unmanned IS to carry out an attack to evaluate the performance of the new IS Jianyu Thor.” This piece of information was sent by Shinanoyuki at 6 o’clock in the morning.

She claimed that she had maintained a limited cooperation with the National Machinery Industry before. She provided some technical support and several new mass-produced IS cores.

In exchange for the intelligence support of the National Machinery Industry and the cover-up of the intelligence of Shininosuke’s activities in the “World of Watches”.

Even the two sides have cooperated to launch 36 multi-functional spy satellites, which take into account many functions such as navigation, reconnaissance, and weather evaluation.

Of course, Shino no Suki also suspected that this secret organization that she hadn’t caught too many tails had in her hands the remains of more than one ancient civilization.

Because she discovered that after she provided mass-produced IS cores, Subjugation Machinery also produced some variant IS cores on its own, and also developed a semi-biochemical IS that was symbiotic with the human body.

Like the IS here, it also uses high-precision technology that is a high jump from the existing technology but is logically self-consistent.

It’s just that I’m more inclined to technologies such as energy weapons quantum phase transformation, and some biochemical technology is used there.

So with the twelve star destroyers riding their faces, they still didn’t catch the tail of that mysterious organization…

When I was in class today, Ian didn’t grab the IS technology anymore. Instead, he studied the intelligence collection of the subjugated machinery industry over the past period of time.

What is certain now is that this is an organization with a long history, living in the shadow of human civilization.

The first clear record of this organization was ten years before the First World War. The German Emperor Wilhelm I and his iron-blooded prime minister Bismarck exchanged an unknown metal vein (later proved to be a uranium mine) and a gold vein from a South African colony. Technical support from the National Machinery Industry.

In ten years, the biological and chemical weapons have gone from almost zero to a level comparable to that of the average world in the middle of the 21st century.

Then he was killed by the whole world, including a large number of troops from the original German Empire…

Once a gas bomb goes down, let alone creatures, even gas masks and armored vehicles can’t handle the corrosion of organic gas that is also called mustard gas but is actually not a thing at all.

Moreover, this thing spreads quickly and degrades slowly. After one round of gas bombing, the gas coverage radius is larger than the range of the artillery…

The result is…

In the gas warfare carried out by the German Emperor, there were almost as many dead soldiers from the Allied powers as the Allied Powers.

After several times, even the hardest Junker nobleman could not support the Kaiser.

Brother, who are you hitting? Originally the number of people was in a weak position, but you still forcibly exchanged one against the opponent’s battle losses?

Coupled with the Teddy-like character of the German Emperor, and like Captain Chang, he likes to call the front line from the rear to command the front line of teasing behavior.

After paying more than twice the casualties of the Allied powers, and completely shattering our own front, the Kaiser and Kaiser’s **** troops were overturned by the Japanese…

As a result, the First World War here was finished five years earlier than usual.

Then in World War II, Moustache and Subjugation Machinery exchanged several tank production lines and a set of tank drawings.

After a brief burst of troops, in 1935, a tank that looked like the T-34-85 but it was called the No. 4 tank appeared on the European battlefield here, and it was expensive as a handmade handicraft with both performance and failure rate. The tall, outrageous Deutsche Zoo series tanks swept across Europe.

Then it was defeated by the Soviet Union’s General Winter, General Mud, and Stalin (tank) under the hammer.

In the next 65 years, North Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel…

Wherever there is war, there will be them, and wherever there will be black technology that transcends the times.

For example, on the Korean battlefield, the ace troops of the Korean People’s Army carried small charged particle cannons and fired at the US Super Pershing tanks.

For example, the high-precision rapid-fire interception system similar to the Phalanx system sounded in the Vietnamese jungle.

Um, what is intercepting is the U.S. F4 Phantom fighter and A6 Sky Raider bomber…

For example, in the Gulf War, the monkey version of the T72 tank of the Iraqi Defense Forces stubbornly resisted the depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile fired by the US M1 tank, and then one shot shot through the M1 tank head-on.

…Why are the U.S. troops hit by the inexplicable black technology…

Of course, the level of interference in war-torn areas is higher.

The black technology on both sides of the war has no lower limit to squeeze into their own troops.

Take the classic Bekaa Valley air battle in the Third Palestine-Israel War in the Middle East as an example

Palestine’s MiG 21, MiG 23, Soviet Volunteer Army’s MiG 25 and MiG 31, Israel’s F15, F16 and other early second or third generation fighters are mounted with powerful automatic enemy-seeking laser guns. Electromagnetic guns, plasma guns, air-explosive mini hydrogen bombs, small space implosion bombs, high-mobility mini missiles with metal hydrogen charges slightly larger than 2.5 liters of cola…

The fuselage skin is equipped with early phase shift armor or charged armor. Generally speaking, the armor-piercing shells of the 125mm tank gun may not be able to penetrate this layer of external armor.

By the way… the most talkative thing here in modern times is… Chernobyl.

In the era when the space competition was vigorously unfolding in the Cold War, Soviet scientists believed that the current rocket technology was not mature enough, and the cost of sending personnel and materials into space was too high, and it was also affected by the weather.

When deep-space high-speed navigation technology and economical rocket technology were nowhere in sight, Soviet scientists resolutely began to study space transmission devices.

With the technical support of the subjugated machinery industry, the Soviet Union established an ultra-large fusion reaction unit in the Chernobyl area to study space transmission devices…

Then in 1986… they exploded a big hole in what seemed to be a subspace anomalous space…

Various monster bees pupa out.

The Soviet Union invested a total of five elite army groups and eleven elite aviation divisions to repel the monsters and block the passages.

This battle almost killed the Soviet Union, which was undergoing industrial structural reform…

Fortunately… the Soviet Union’s dismantling of the Eastern Wall and repairing the Western Wall continued in the 1990s. Every time Shinoyasu released the IS core, a large number of technologies developed in Chernobyl were applied, and the dividends of various technologies broke out. I directly milked the Soviet Union, which I almost went to.

By the way, it means that the National Machinery Industry has been exporting various black technologies since more than 60 years ago, otherwise the IS of Shinozuke would not be so easy to develop.

If there is no black technology output…

Well, the Ministry of Information has also evaluated it. Probably like flying panties, the girls flew in the sky holding large aviation machine guns for fighting. IS, which is unable to show an overwhelming performance advantage, will probably be installed in a large number and will exist as an aviation-type individual armor.

Or as a new type of spacesuit, it can add bricks and tiles to human aerospace industry.

“Shi is also fate… IS something…”

“Let’s talk… how do you want to win.” At the scene of the class match, the catapult in the first arena… Why is there a catapult? Whose catapult’s ejection speed is slower than the speed at which the aircraft takes off by itself.

Anyway, in this room Asuka asks Ian who is debugging the body.

“Play it casually, and then wait for the people from the National Machinery Industry to come.” Ian took out the IWSP backpack. There are two 90mm high-speed guns on the top of the backpack, and two 20mm 4-tube Gatling cannons and two under the backpack. Physical sword. There are 24 small missiles mounted under the wings of the backpack, and the ability to suppress the firepower of live ammunition is first-rate. It also saves the pitiful energy reserves of IS in competitive mode.

In addition, due to the large external thruster, the maneuverability of this backpack is also very good.

“Well, the self-check is completed, and the whole system passed. Then, I’ll go first ” Ian just skidded and took off without using the catapult.

“Equipment that you haven’t seen… How many equipment does your IS have?” Huang Lingyin frowned.

“There are thirty-seven sets of equipment now and they are still increasing.” Ian glanced at the number of optional backpacks. There was an additional set of water warfare equipment than when he looked at it last time.

“so much?”

“After all, this unit’s single-function capability is universal… It’s normal to have more choices, right?”

“I thought the One-offability of your body was a sorrow…” Huang Lingyin murmured in a low voice.

“Okay, the chat ends here. The ready players raise their right hands.” Oribara Chidong’s voice appeared on the radio.

Both Ian raised their hands at the same time.

“So… the battle begins!”

As soon as the voice fell, the 24 missiles on the wing of Ian were launched from the pylon, and then the body accelerated instantly, and the space compression gun fired by the body Ankylos was turned away.

The two of you chased me amidst the rain of bullets fired by each other, and started a mid-to-close-range shooting battle.

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