An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 The coming of the end of the war

Ian and others looked at the dense els of small bodies with lingering fears.

“Fortunately, I found the activated els early, otherwise I would have to face them before completing the 000q.” Miss Huang was disgusted by the overwhelming number. “Quantity tactics on this scale are meaningless…”

“That’s why we prepared a lot of big killers…” Perception is one thing, seeing so many els Ian goose bumps. “I think I need to tell Uncle Nurgle a medicine for intensive phobia…”

Ptolemy returned to the base of the Wall of Sighs and learned that the Celestial members who had awakened from Els had a feeling of depression and coldness, and he felt like he was about to finish playing this time. Especially after I heard that 000q has just been offline and has not been debugged, this feeling is even stronger.

In terms of changers, there is no idea about cloning changers. Just listen to the orders. Specially adjusted changers such as Li Fengzi and Xilin are emotionally stable. Anyway, they only return to VEDA when they die, and they can continue to attack if they change their bodies.

After years of propaganda and exercises on the federal side, the public is emotionally stable. People with relevant wartime skills actively contact the Federal Army and become volunteers to participate in equipment maintenance and wounded treatment and even MS driving.

A small number of capitulationists and philanthropists tried to contact els, but it was obvious that els would ignore them. The capitulationists had no way to surrender, and some of them began to promote eschatology, trying to compare the attack of els to the destruction of the world by the gods. These people were quickly suppressed by the police who came. Some people think that they have been ignored, and their loss of surrendering nowhere is turned into anger towards els. They signed up to become volunteers, and their enthusiasm against els is much stronger than ordinary people.

The philanthropists are advocating that we don’t hurt them. They come with kindness… It is not not to not arrest or not arrest the police. They can only give them brochures with els characteristics, so that they can go back and read more.

However, this is a dramatic word. After the els swallowed the crippled base of Jupiter, they seemed to have passed out in a collective coma and fell back to Jupiter one after another…

This embarrassing the forces of all parties who have already begun to deploy troops and generals… It can only temporarily lift the wartime state. However, the federal state of alert is still maintained at the second alert state. All the standing forces have cancelled their vacations and are on standby at the garrison. The reserve forces thawed their equipment and are on standby at the garrison. Armed police forces, gendarmerie, and police enter the city, ready to enter military control at any time. Refuges in various places are opened and began to hoard supplies.

Heaven and Ren, in order to speed up the debugging process, Li Fengzi, Makarov, Billy and others also came to the Heaven and Ren Sigh Wall base. Assist in the debugging of 000q.

Time has passed like this for nearly 2 months, but els still hasn’t moved. The federation has already returned to its normal state.

Until this day…

Lieutenant General Katima Nekin, who was promoted to the commander of the Earth Federation Space Forces, inspected the recently completed Federal Space Forces headquarters and the large mobile fortress “Heaven and Human” where the large-scale quantum calculation processing system VEDA No. 2 unit is located.

“Lieutenant General Manegin, the Lunar Base Von Brown Observatory reported that the Jupiter exploration vessel Europa was observed 150 years ago, and the same message was sent from the High Orbit Station and the Libra Fortress. At present, the spacecraft has been observed. Severely damaged, proceed by inertial navigation.”

“Is it affected by Els… Is there a patrol fleet nearby?”

“Yes, the Space Force Eighth Fleet has a standard patrol fleet nearby.”

“Very well, let them go to intercept. Colonel, let’s continue.”

“Yes, Lieutenant General, the front is the important auxiliary facility of the Federation in recent years, the quantum calculation processing system VEDA, and now the maintenance of VEDA is carried out by the changer sent by the heavenly man. At present, we have also obtained the changer modulation equipment. But because the proportion of self-evolving changers in the military continues to rise, we have not modulated artificial changers.”

“Lieutenant General, the missile attack of the patrol fleet is invalid. The probe ship does not match the recorded quality. The probe ship accelerates to the earth!”

“Isn’t it affected but it’s els itself? The patrol fleet is allowed to use fusion bombs. Be careful not to let the fusion bombs contact the enemy.”

“Yes, Lieutenant General.”

The flagship of the patrol fleet, a Magellan modified cruiser.

“Captain, the license for the use of fusion bombs has come down.”

“Understood, the ship’s heavy gn particle cannon is ready to launch. Let’s talk about it first. No. 1 and No. 2 turrets are loaded with fusion bombs and set to close detonation fuzes. It seems that we are going to be the first to use nuclear weapons in two hundred years. It’s human.”

“Understand, the bow heavy gn particle cannon is charged, and there is still 5…4…3…2…1…launch from the launch!”

Magellan fired out two huge beams. The beams traversed the universe and hit the middle section of the Jupiter probe. The probe burst into a huge explosion and broke into two sections.

“Goal, further increase! Still in the orbit of the earth!”

“Cut, No. 1 turret aimed at the front half, No. 2 turret aimed at the second half, the main gun fired, the whole ship defended against the flash! After the fusion bomb exploded, the whole fleet set off to intercept small fragments.”

The two turrets modified by Magellan burst into flames, and four megaton-class fusion bombs flew towards the probe ship. A few minutes later, the fusion bomb exploded, forming four huge fireballs, and the probe ship was gasified.

“The MS team reported that the large wreckage was shot down, and the small wreckage is expected to burn in the atmosphere.”

“Understand, let’s go back.”

“Lieutenant General, the patrol fleet reported that the probe ship was destroyed, and the medium and small wreckage is expected to burn in the atmosphere.”

“I see, sort out a report and send it to the federal government and heaven.”

“The Jupiter probe suspected of being swallowed by els? Large fragments shot down, and small fragments are expected to burn in the atmosphere…” Ian sent a communication request to Sergey. “Sergey, have you read the report of Lieutenant General Manegin? Send some rapid reaction forces to the predicted location of the debris.”

“Are you trying to say that those pieces may not be burned, I know.”

“Admiral Sminov, the low orbit station reported that the suspected els fragments were suspected to be merging with each other, and finally 6 fragments fell.”

“It seems that these cosmic people are very tenacious… Connect me to the staff headquarters. It is me who dispatched the rapid reaction force and 2 MS teams to all 6 debris falling locations. The task is to protect the local people and possibly recover the fallen debris. “Sergey hung up the communication of the staff headquarters, “Ian, this can be considered a manifestation of the activation of els.”

“Well, if you are lucky, there may be one or two trials. If you are not lucky, a wave of troops will come.” Ian checked the final orbital predictions of the 6 pieces of debris and the distribution map of the changers on the ground. “Sure enough, did you choose the six recent changemakers to come in contact… eh? The predicted location is near Hallouway Manor?”

Ian thought about it for a moment, and called Sha Ci directly. “Hey, Sha… Why are you so haggard when I go?”

“The child is so lively… I don’t sleep much at night. Louis is busy enough during the day and I can only bring it at night. What’s the matter, Ian Sang, what can I do?”

“The els are here, and a fragment will fall near you. Pay attention to strengthening the security of Louis. They will be attracted by the brain quantum waves.”

“I know Ian Sang, tomorrow I will arrange pmc…”

Suddenly there was a loud noise outside the window. Sha Ci hurried to the window to check. There was a mess in the manor and the garden. A large hole appeared in the garden. A group of silver metal in the center of the hole formed a dress after the light flashed. The humanoid in the spacesuit, the humanoid els raised his head and looked at Sha Ci, with an emotionless smile on his face. The unmechanized look made Ian shudder. “It’s already here, Ian Sang…” Sha Ci smashed the glass on the emergency alarm button next to him, pressed the big red button inside, and the harsh alarm sounded through the entire manor.

“What’s wrong with Sha Ci, what’s the matter?” Louis, who was wearing only his nightdress and temporarily putting on sneakers, ran to the nursery. Following Sha Ci’s gaze, “Is that… Li Fengzi?”

“No, it’s Els. You go take the kids and leave, I’ll delay for a while.” Sha Ci went to the lyrics room and opened a secret door with various firearms inside.

Shaci took out a fully automatic shotgun and a 6-unit 40mm grenade launcher. “This equipment should be enough.” Louis stared at Els, his head felt a slight tingling, and the brain quantum waves on the opposite side were full of sharp screams and incomprehensible thoughts. “Can this kind of thing really communicate…”

After   , the security personnel below shouted and warned and shot with a pistol decisively. But apart from the bullet holes, it has no effect on the els, and the bullet holes are slowly healing.

“What kind of monster is this…is it the els mentioned in the news?”

The answer is correct but there is no reward…Sat has fun in suffering.

Els saw that the brain quantum wave communication failed, so he jumped up and rushed towards Sha Ci and the others on the second floor. Shaci and the others quickly left the window, and an explosion-proof armor was lowered on the window that detected the unknown object approaching at high speed.

The 20 cm thick composite armor was knocked out of a huge pit, and then the els merged into the armor, came out from the other side of the armor, and turned into a…2.4 meters high Lifengzi.

“Although the humming sound in my ears is annoying, and the creatures on the opposite side look terrible…but why is there always a sense of comicality…” Looking at the big Els Li Fengzi, Sha Ci has a little bit of strength. . But still the trigger of the automatic shotgun was pulled down.

“Boom boom boom boom boom…” The high-explosive shells fired by the automatic shotgun made els step back step by step. But it was not seriously injured, although its chest and head were full of big pits… Sha Ci, who shot the empty magazine, replaced it with a grenade launcher.


Six grenades hit els

“Boom…boom…boom…” But only three exploded.

“Did you absorb the grenade?!”

“Shaci, hold the baby back.” Louis threw off the weapon in Shaci’s hand and stuffed the child over. The left hand prosthesis deformed into a small beam rifle… Three beams went down, and the els exploded into fragments of up to 5 cm square. The muzzle exudes blue smoke, Louis blows the muzzle handsomely, and after the heat dissipation is complete, he deforms and returns to his arm.

“Louis… does your arm still have this function?”

“Ian Sang said that I am a girl who needs some self-protection ability…” Louis Wangtian shakes the pot. “It’s not that people think that deformed arms are cool. Ian Sang of heaven shouldn’t blame me for lying, anyway, you There is also a criminal record in transforming Christie’s look…”

“These are the paths and consequences of the falling debris. The debris that fell on the Haruway Manor was destroyed by the security personnel of the manor, and the remaining debris has been recovered. The debris that fell in Italy was intercepted by the rapid reaction force rushed to the rest of the world. Four of them attacked humans. One human was completely swallowed, and the remaining three were fused about half of the time and the els stopped corroding, but instead assisted the remaining bodies to survive. According to the comparison between the image data and the data of the heavens, the els The target of the transformation is the Livonzi-type changer carried by the Jupiter probe Europa 150 years ago. The characteristics of the activated els are basically the same as the previous research. According to their behavior analysis, they can basically understand human thinking, and They are eager to communicate. It’s just this way of communication… fusion, we don’t want to be fused.” Federation researchers briefed Makarov and Billy who had rushed back.

On the other side, a series of executives including Sergey, Manegin, and the Federal President are holding emergency meetings.

“According to the exposed appearance of the small els, I have formulated a part of the combat plan, but according to intelligence from the heavens and humans, there are also els the size of battleships and els the size of the moon. I cannot perfect the combat plan without a target. In addition, our soldiers are very uncomfortable with such swarms of enemies. And we also need operational information with els.” Lieutenant General Manekin reported to the president.

“I understand. In this regard, the Federal Think Tank came up with a cold-blooded plan, sacrificing some people and letting them fight with the original els to obtain the data, then they were swallowed by the els, and the els were transformed into ms and battleships. In that case, our soldiers You can fight against familiar objects. But our only consolation for this plan is the hypothesis of heaven and humans, els can retain the consciousness of people with strong will. After the dialogue is completed, they can be reborn in the posture of human els.” Federation The president felt very depressed when he talked about this plan.

“On this hypothesis, the Federal Els Institute has confirmed that Els is consciously protecting the life of the swallowed subject.” Sergei received news from Makarov.

“Very good… Then, Lieutenant General Manegin, let’s issue an order to organize volunteers to the Space Army. Just tell the truth about the mission requirements.”

3 months have passed steadily. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com000q Gundam debugging has been completed.

The current 000q Gundam is different from the original 00q Gundam. First of all, in terms of positioning, this MS is a dual-purpose MS for dialogue/annihilation. It is armed with a gn long sword, and two gn short rifles are integrated on the long sword. Both shoulders are equipped with a new solar furnace and a composite large shield. The composite shield integrates two small gn particle cannons and a new riser system. The shield can also mount 8 special blade bits for els. In order to install the solar furnace tandem resonance system, this machine is not equipped with a backpack.

This machine is the first machine equipped with the triaddrive system at the time of its design. The maneuverability of this machine is more than 2 times that of the single furnace machine of the same generation, which is 9 times that of the double furnace machine. There are also quantum burst systems specially prepared for dialogue, ultra-long-distance quantum jump systems, etc. In addition, there are two game changers who voluntarily gave up the body as the onboard intelligence, responsible for operating the bit and maintaining the link between the body and veda.

Preparing to have reached the upper limit of the current stage, the various forces waiting for the appearance of els are waiting for Huadu to thank…

Finally, on this day, els became active again, countless els rushed out of Jupiter, and els super-large bodies the size of the moon but the mass visually larger than the earth also appeared in front of the world, huge and noisy brain quantum waves swept across the entire solar system, making People all over the world who already had brain quantum waves fell to their knees in pain.


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