An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 401



Listening to the remnants of the Guards squadron, who was instantly destroyed on the opposite side, shouted slogans on the public channel, the Captain Cross, who was born in the Zeon Lunar Mobile Fleet, lowered the brim of his hat to cover his eyes. “Zeon… helmsman, let’s go back.”

“Look, everyone, this is a report sent by our reporter from the Jupiter Colonial Shipyard…”

In Gabro’s cafeteria, Ian and a bunch of researchers were playing hot pot, and the cafeteria TV was showing reports on Jupiter’s dock.

“A real man… The structure is hard to carry a nuclear bomb… Hey, don’t grab the meat!”

“How is the poll conducted by the Ditending system? Also, has the source of the rumors been found?” The Federal Speaker turned off the TV and asked the senior officials in the conference room. Take a closer look, the current federal cake layer is basically middle-aged young people under the age of 35. Veteran politicians over the age of 45 who are unable to keep up with the development of the federal government in their thinking and imagination have basically taken the initiative to let them or be let go.

“Currently, there is no clear conclusion, but according to the statistics of the last hour, the people now have confidence in the safety of the colonial ship, but they have more opinions on the captain of the colonial ship… think this captain is a bit…reckless .”

“Cut… it was this group of people who said that the colonial ship did not resist the beating. After resisting the beating, they said that the captain… so you can go to the construction site and carry it.”

“Don’t talk too much nonsense. Do public opinion statistics as soon as possible. We can’t let people with unstable mentality sit on the colonial ship. Also, the current public opinion statistics can count data within one hour?”

“It’s an informal survey now. The investigators are classmates Xiaox, sxrx, and the smart home systems of Tianx. They analyze the data based on the words of the citizens while chatting. The analysis is performed by pure computer intelligence to identify keywords. It will be too big.”

“Well, how about the verification of the Border-class colonial ship?”

“Now a 5 km long ship has been verified for sailing experiments. Ecosystem experiments are being conducted on Ecosphere No. 8 and Ecosphere No. 9 in the Nevada Desert and Taklimakan Desert. The two laboratories have stationed 10,000 people respectively. Volunteers conduct experiments on material circulation in a completely enclosed ecosystem.”

“That is to say, will it take a while for the border class to be verified? Why can the sdf class colonial ship be accepted so quickly?”

“Because the ecological material cycle of the sdf-class colonial ships uses chemical methods, such as oxygen, the carbon dioxide exhaled by the ship’s personnel is decomposed into carbon monoxide and oxygen or directly decomposed into carbon and oxygen by chemical means. The plants inside only play a decorative role. In the border-level ecosystem, designers believe that the large number of jungles on the main island should be able to bear more than half of the air circulation functions.”

“There is also food. Large-scale hydroponic farms are used to cultivate crops on the sdf level. Fish and food animals are raised and reproduced in factory farming factories. The insufficient part is artificially synthesized by the food factory on the ship. Meat is supplemented. At the border level, animals and plants are planted and raised in a relatively traditional way. Of all 34 secondary islands, 20 are for agriculture, 10 are for animal husbandry, and 2 are for industrial use. 2 for sightseeing. Although there are food processing plants and hydroponic farms on the main island that are sufficient for the life of the entire crew, these two are used as emergency means when all the secondary islands are destroyed. The food on the ship is usually all from agriculture 、Supply from the secondary island of animal husbandry.”

“That means, border level, is it more natural?”

“The think tank believes that a more natural landscape can make the members of the colonial fleet have a better mentality. The residents of the sdf class may have negative emotions because of the closed living environment 30 years later.”

“Well, what is the estimated departure time of the Kycilia fleet?”

“It is estimated that in five years, the four colonial ships of the Kycilia Fleet are expected to be fully occupied by residents in two years. The **** ship Kycilia has a certain dispute with Granada.”


“There are two plans given by Granada. One is a 500-meter warship based on the Lullula class, and the other is a newly designed square hull equipped with 6 main guns, and all main guns are in the middle. A new type of battleship on the axis. But Kisilia is not satisfied, she prefers to purchase enterprise-class battleships from the Federation, but if Zeon purchases the main battleship that has been beating Zeon, the Zeon army may be unstable, so Kycilia hopes that Granada will design a warship that does not appear to be enterprise-class but whose performance is not worse than that of enterprise-class.”

“This is really…what about the **** fleet of colonial ships that spend money on the Federation? It feels like there has been no news for a long time. Didn’t you still clamor for a new type of warship before?”

“Colonel Ian and Gabriel’s designers are working on the design of a new 1600-meter-class warship and an 8000-meter-scale fortress ship. The Federal Space Force is looking forward to this type of warship. In addition, Luna II and Feng Brown’s Anaheim is cooperating on the research and development of 400-meter-class variable warships. In this way, both the conventional fleet and the new concept fleet are available. The EFF only needs to wait for the successful development of the new ship.” General Gepu tactical post Yang, always happy.

The speaker raised his eyebrows, “How many meters?”

“8000, 1600.”

“If I remember correctly, the main battleship of the Federation 3 years ago was only 340 meters, right?”

“Yes, the first batch of Magellan class 340 meters.”

“Last year’s enterprise level was 470 meters, right?”

“Well, although the late model has expanded to 600 meters, the early model is indeed 470 meters.”

“Then why is the size of the next-generation warship directly expanded to more than 1600 meters? It is not a colonial ship!” The speaker directly slammed the pen in his hand onto the table. “The budget is limited! The price of a 1600-meter warship is comparable to that of a 600-meter warship!”

“President, times have changed.”


“After the use of nano-robots, the 1,600-meter-class battleship is only $10 million more expensive than the 600-meter-class battleship. After completing the initial accumulation of the number of nano-robots, the cost of building the battleship is only raw materials and transportation raw materials. The cost of it.”

“Really… Then the military expenses are…”

“Haha… the Federation’s 3 immigration fleets and its **** fleet, plus the rebuilding of the Federal Third Fleet, the supplement of the ships of the First and Second Fleet, the Federation will build more than 1,200 combat ships and more. It’s important to know that the construction of the **** fleet was undertaken by the Federal Army.”

“Yes, then it’s the same for now. When will the Federation’s first colonial fleet depart?”

“It is expected that the transfer of personnel will be completed in 8 years, and the construction of the fleet will be completed and the voyage will begin in 10 years. The sailing target is New Eden 2 17 light years away. If it is suitable for colonization, it will land on the spot. Then turn to the Large Magellanic Cloud and move forward.”

“Aren’t you exploring in the galaxy?”

“The 3rd Immigrant Fleet is a new technology research and development fleet invested by major companies on the earth. This fleet is equipped with the latest equipment developed by various major companies, including but not limited to the latest transition engines and Anaheim. The next generation of the g series developed.”

“Of course, the main reason is that the heirs of those big companies want to go to the Magellanic Cloud to find the legendary Iskandar.”

“…Iskandall? Why don’t you say that they go to Gamilas.” (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻

“So, is the fuel enough?”

“According to calculations, it is enough if there is no battle, but in order to prevent problems, the fleet will not perform ultra-long-range jumps before the end of the ultra-long-distance jump experiment. What’s more, the ultra-long jump engine has not been developed yet. ”

“Have you been thinking about the 190,000 light-year voyage before the development is complete?”

“Anyway, the application of nano-robot construction technology makes it no longer a problem for ships to change gears in battle, let alone change to jump engines.” The technical staff pushed his glasses up with a smile on his face.

After this meeting, the Federation began to implement the colonization plan in a comprehensive manner. In just one year, 10 million suitable families were selected from the Earth’s circle and began targeted training.

Two years later, in Universe Century 0083, the border-class colonial ship No. 1 and No. 2 was completed and transitioned to low-Earth orbit. Subsequently, the No. 1 ship landed in the Pacific Ocean, and immigrants from East Asia began to transfer to the ship. Half a day later, the second ship landed in the Atlantic Ocean, and immigrants from the European and American parts began to move.

In the same year, the 8000-meter-class fortress Behemoth-class and the 1600-meter-class heavy battleship Nibelungen-class were built in Jupiter orbit and began operational testing.

In the same year, the 2000-meter-class Space Industrial Ship Industry No. 1 completed the construction of 15 ships in the orbit of Mars and was incorporated into the Zeon immigration fleet in Kycilia.

In 0084, the 800-meter-class fleet battleship developed by Granada entered the testing phase. In the same year, the Dolos 2 space carrier, which was enlarged to 1,200 meters, was put into service. At the same time, Dolos 2 also served as the production plant for Zeon fleet fighters and escorts. .

In 0087, the first Federal Immigration Fleet contracted by Zeon was completed. In the same year, Casbar became the president of the First Immigrant Fleet, and Dozlu became the commander of the First Immigrant Fleet. The First Colonial Fleet set sail amidst thousands of civilian ships and cheers from the public channels. To the terrestrial planet 17 light-years away, New Eden.

Among the onlookers, the Sacred Sword of Dawn was also mixed in. Ian looked at the observation bridge with 4 sdf colonial ships and nearly a hundred battleships dozens of large industrial ships, more than ten large aircraft carriers and four Nibelungen-class ships The immigration fleet composed of large battleship **** fleets slowly began to accelerate.

“Don’t you follow them, Lord Kycilia.”

“I haven’t decided whether or not to stay away from the earth circle, Lord Ian. I chatted with Rebir and the others for a while. I heard that you are leaving too?”

“Well, it’s been the past two years. When something happens, I will withdraw. Anyway, the Earth circle is also on the right track, and I don’t need to watch it here.”

“Where are you going? Explore the outer universe?”

“Leave this world.”


“What did the Federation do to you?! What can’t you think of?!”

“…I am not passing away, I am going to the next world, across the world, do you understand?”

“…Is it true that Dr. Minovsky’s theory is true? Parallel world?”

“…I haven’t seen it before. But if I really want to say it, the worlds I’ve been to are confirmed to have a high degree of similarity in history. It’s okay if you say they are parallel worlds.”

“Can we go out and have a look in our lifetime?”

“I don’t know, the core of the cross-world engine is gravon technology. When the gravon technology is developed enough to develop artificial wormholes, the cross-world engine will soon be successfully developed.”


Ian saw that Kycilia stopped talking when he was done, and didn’t bother to chase after him to talk. He just looked at the beginning of the world’s first great voyage in the outer universe quietly with his hands behind his back.

Ten minutes later, the high-power transition engine equipped by the colonial ship opened the fleet-level transition channel, and the fleet gradually disappeared in the pale green light curtain.

“Go, let’s go too. Captain, the route has changed, and we will lower Gabriel.”

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