An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 422

Chapter 376 Deathmatch at sea

“If the protagonist team arrives, we seem to be able to advance the plot. The SMS ship with VF-25…should have our identification code?” Ian put away the binoculars.

” Generally speaking, there are some, but it seems that the ship has just been remodeled. Whether it has updated the database is still a problem.

And… Anaheim seems to have a business conflict with SMS, right? “Mao thinks this kind of life is quite nostalgic.

“Don’t forget that my main identity should belong to the Integration Department. He still has to give me the SMS for the face of the Integration Department? And… Anyway, Maya Island may become a battlefield next, and the residents will be transferred to it in advance. It’s better on the battleship, although I don’t know the mapping relationship between this and reality, but… I still don’t want to see civilian casualties.”

“It’s up to you, anyway you can convince my sister.”

“Transfer the residents of Maya Island to the battleship? Why?” Saranom was shocked.

“Because this will soon become a battlefield, do you think it is safe in the huge steel battleship, or the thatched hut on the edge of the beach?”

“What is the scale of the battlefield?” The village head came over with a serious face.

“Uncertain, but for the time being, it is expected that both sides will invest about two battalions in forced landing operations nearby.” Ian doesn’t know the deployment of the united forces and the opposition alliance. However, there should be two battalions of about ten “Octopus” fighters, plus the infantry units accompanying the landing.

“That’s a terrible thing…” The village chief squeezed his brows. “Is it for the ruins here?”

“I’m afraid it is. Otherwise, this kind of permanent population is less than 300, and they are all old, weak, sick and disabled. They would not send so many troops.” Ian nodded.

“Then let’s go, I’ll convince Salsa. But we lack the necessary transportation.”

“Let’s figure out a solution for this.” Ian motioned to the village chief to rest assured, then looked at Sara. “Then let’s contact the ship above.”

“Huh? How do we get up? We have nothing to fly up there?” Sara tilted her head and wondered.

“…you can fly?”

“…how did you know…you peeked at me taking a shower?!”

“…Knowing that you can fly has nothing to do with watching you take a bath!”

“I only flew secretly a few times in the shower!”

“Pop!” Ian slapped his face with a slap. “Have you been flying these few days?”

“That’s not…”

“It’s over if you didn’t fly, what do I think?”

“Then how did you know?”

“Well, sister, don’t tell him…Don’t worry about such trivial things…” Mao also looked helpless.

“Mao! Forget it…I can’t fly that high, flying is very physically exhausting.” Sarah looked at the QUARTER-class warship that had dropped to 8000 meters.

“Can’t you fly…” Ian scratched his head. “I can pick you up, but it’s not very decent… I’ll see if the boat over there can come by.”

“The battleship that SMS belongs to, can you hear it? This is Ian Vasty, head of the Integration Department. SMS ship, can you hear it?”


“…”Eh” is it heard or not…”

“Oh…oh…sorry sorry…this is SMS, Aisha Blanche belongs to the planet’s “Ouroboros” branch.

Are you from the Integration Department? But what about your fleet? ”

“I was pulled over alone and separated from my troops. We need some help.”

“Understand, you should have the identification code of the SMS company, please open the IFF transponder and let us verify your identity. In addition…we?”

“Local residents, now this neighborhood is about to become a battlefield for the opposition alliance and the united forces. I hope there is a place for residents to take refuge. The IFF has been opened.”

“I see. Your position has been locked. This ship will land near the island. I hope that the residents of the island can reach the vicinity of the ship on their own. In addition…this ship is in the hangar because of returning to the Star of Eden headquarters for refurbishment. There is only one unfinished trial machine, I am afraid that it cannot provide a lot of support.” After the IFF identification, there was a burst of words like “Fuck, is the emperor… the commander?”

…What is that emperor? Ian seems to have heard what the average person in other worlds think of him.

“Understood, there is a united army fleet nearby. You should consider asking for a **** plane from there.”

“Understand… wait, Asuka-Ⅱ? Ships from the Unity War? Arleigh Burke-class destroyers? Perry-class frigates? Seawolf-class attack nuclear submarines?” The voice on the other side became noisy again…

“…It seems that the girls working in PMC are all iron-blooded roses…” According to the history of the Macross world, after the earth was bloodbathed by the Jeter’s base fleet, this kind of old buried in history Not many people know about Warships of the Times.

After contacting various parties, the United Army Asuka aircraft carrier dispatched a squadron of carrier-based aircraft to land on the port side aviation component of the QUARTER class.

And the one who lives is Roy Foca’s Skeleton Squadron.

With the assistance of the Asuka’s carrier helicopter, it didn’t take long for the 281 residents of Maya Island to be transferred to the QUARTER-class residential area.

“…This is what the real boy said, will people in the future build a space battleship based on SDF-1?” After Fuka parked the fuselage in the hangar under the guidance of the ground crew, it was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Looking west.

“Well, it should be regarded as an excellent multi-functional main battleship in the battle sequence of the New United Army. However, it seems that because of the high cost, there has been no large-scale deployment. In the end, there is only SMS, an elite unit that pursues less and more refined. The PMC will equip each branch with a QUARTER-class battleship as the branch mothership.” Ian is studying the YF-50 verification aircraft newly built by SMS in 2063 in the hangar. Because of the large number of contacts with VAJRA, the border fleet can be said to have inexhaustible FOLD crystals. After the YF-29 experimentally equipped with FOLD crystal components and the YF-30 with a large number of FOLD crystal technology are successfully verified , LAI and SMS are gone forever on the road of crystal machine.

For example, this latest YF-50, from the basic performance point of view, the body performance of this thing is more than twice that of the YF-29 equipped with an additional backpack.

“PMC? Is the civilian military society strong enough to equip the main battleship?” Fuka paused.

“There is no way…The new unified government was exhausted due to the second unified war and several defensive operations against the main fleet of Jeter. In order to prevent the rebellion of the outer fleet, it even took the initiative to lower the new unified army of the outer fleet. Combat quality.

In the past, the Border Fleet Regiment dispatched reconnaissance planes of the New Unified Army to conduct channel reconnaissance, and the New Unified Army was able to achieve a 20% battle damage rate.

At this time, PMC with elite teams has become the best choice for each fleet to perform various tasks.

Over time, PMC, which has strong financial resources and hard relationships like SMS, has gradually expanded. Having said that, it is said that there are even more than one new BATTLE-class MACROSS in the headquarters of SMS… They have the power to fight against the general super-large colonial fleet. ”

“New BATTLE level?” Some Foca names don’t know what they mean.

“You can understand it as SDF-1 for pure combat.”

“Oh…saying that something like SDF-1 will be mass-produced in the future?”

“SDF-1…was eliminated very early. The current MACROSS is separated from combat and residence. As for mass production…now the latest model of the hyper-BATTLE class is said to have started more than 1,000 at one go. If it is not that the number of crews is not enough, More can be produced.”

“…Is it so brutal?”

“There is no way…not only the new unified government, we are also building ships in a frenzy. Who made the Jietra Emperor’s fleet come to fight the earth.”

“The Great Fleet?”

“Ah, yes, the big fleet.”

“How old?”

“Hundreds of millions.”

“Oh… the fleet of hundreds of millions of people is indeed a large fleet, there must be tens of thousands of enemies…”

“I mean there are hundreds of millions of ships above the standard battleship type.”

“…Fortunately, I died early.” Roy Foca took two sips of wine fiercely. “So many enemies slap.”

, even though it is said, from the look of Fuka’s longing look… this guy seems to want to go up and fight once.

“Wash the road with peace of mind, it’s all here, it will definitely make you enjoyable.” Ian patted Foca on the shoulder.

“…I really thank you.”

“Crack…” The lights inside the ship suddenly turned red, and at the same time I remembered the battle alert.


“The second combat configuration of the whole ship, urgently leave the water and lift off!”

“The carrier-based aircraft force is ready to be dispatched!”

“The whole ship, against the air, prepare for battle in the water!”

“To the northwest, the unidentified machine 41 is approaching at high speed.”

“In the water, northwest, at a distance of 31 nautical miles, there are many high-speed propulsion sounds! It is a torpedo!”

“QUARTER takes off urgently!” Captain Aisha ran back to the bridge and sat down. “VLS launches rockets to boost torpedoes!”

“…Captain, we didn’t bring a rocket to boost the torpedo.”

“Then launch the air-to-air missile, set it to the coordinate mode, pay attention to the amount of advance. Stop those torpedoes for me.”

helmsman Malik pushed the rudder and throttle, the output power of QUARTER’s reactor increased rapidly, and the anti-gravity engine gradually lifted the hull off the water.

“The hull is so heavy…”

“In the atmosphere, bear with me. Missile launch!”

Several VLS systems on   QUARTER continuously fired heavy-duty air-to-air missiles. After the missiles were lifted into the air, they turned quickly and hit the sea in front of the torpedo.

“This is Skeleton-1, preparations for dispatch are complete.”

“This is Sagittarius-1, and preparations for dispatch are complete.”

“Huh? Commander Vasty, please don’t mess with it, this ship does not have extra carrier-based aircraft.”

“I brought it, don’t worry. I don’t want to drive a temporary fuselage like VF-0 on the battlefield. The identification signal here is turned on, please register, don’t knock me down.” Ian expands Jianyu Thor. “VF-171 came from high altitude, which is not something VF-0 can fight against.

Captain Foca, leave the high-altitude air defense circle to me. Just focus on the guard of the ship. ”

“Golden…good-looking mecha.” Foca looked at the light-reflecting mecha and subconsciously blocked his eyes.

“…I see, I will change the color scheme. The bridge, start the catapult.” Ian’s face went dark, if it weren’t for the eight-foot mirror armor to be really easy to use, Ian would have switched to regular digital camouflage colors.

“Understand, Vasty is big…no, Sagittarius 01, the catapult is activated, electromagnetic induction is confirmed, and the ejection timing is handed over to Sagittarius 01.”

“The countdown is omitted, Jianyu Thor, and leave the ship.” Jianyu Thor was quickly accelerated to a speed of 500 kilometers per hour by an electromagnetically induced catapult, and then left the ship, and then Ian operated the fuselage to rush to the high altitude.

“What a terrible maneuverability…” Foca looked enviously at the back of Jianyu Thor, who had torn the sound barrier and climbed vertically just a second after leaving the ship.

“Captain Foca, when the transformation of VF-0 is completed tomorrow, your body will not be bad.” The voice of the CIC correspondent brought Foca’s attention back.


“The mechanics of this ship have formulated an upgrade plan based on the VF-0 design drawings and the VF-25 spare parts stored on the ship.”

“Oh? Then I’m looking forward to it here. Skeleton 01, leave the ship.”

“I don’t know what the level of these people is… But the intelligence of the Macross world last time did not say that although the anti-unification forces still exist, the main armament should not be Jeter’s fighter jet bag or something, plus A small amount of VF-1 and VF-11. Why will there be an anti-union contracted alliance unit equipped with VF-171 in this place…” Ian was thinking about intelligence in his heart when he approached the target airspace in the air.

rolled over and avoided the three heavy MDE beams, Ian accelerated further, and deployed two beam rifles in his hands.

“Fire without warning? Young people don’t speak martial ethics… There are still three VF-171EX equipped with AMORDPACK?” Ian put on his helmet and activated Jianyu Thor’s combat module at full power. Now that I have lost contact with the enterprise account, if I hang up, I really hang up.

Therefore, when encountering an enemy plane that can break through my IS shield, I can’t wave at all…

Ian and the three leading VF-171EXs passed by, and six backhand shots exploded two VF-171EXs.

The VF-171 fleet behind them dispersed in a panic, throwing out a sea of ​​missiles.

“The first round of tentative attacks can’t be avoided, the anti-union contract alliance is at this level.” Confirming that the level of the opponent is slightly higher than that of the rookie, Ian… still has the waves.

He put away the beam rifle and carried two beam sabers. The air combat backpack provided more mobility than the VF-171, just like the bear kid who entered the room and rushed to the enemy plane to tear up the fighter. .

“Sagittarius 01 received the enemy, the second wave of enemy attack team was found in the southwest, and went to the United Army Navy Asuka carrier battle group understand, warn the friendly ships, this ship will go over the fleet to conduct air defense fire. support.”

“Understand, this ship will go to support.”

“Target recognition, SV-51, 11 aircraft, VF-0, 1 aircraft.”

“VF-0? As the commander of Vasti mentioned, spies, the attack begins, the air combat begins!”

“Understood, the whole ship’s battle has begun.” The correspondent notified him, and then muttered quietly. “…The words show that the air-to-air firepower at the lower part of the hull is firing, why is it called an air-to-air battle…”

Aisha Captain was also attracted by this question for a while.

“High-speed approach and response in the D9 area! It is a ship-borne high-speed anti-ship missile! The number is 24!”

“Evasion! Meet! The biggest shield at the bottom of the ship!” The girl captain’s attention was instantly drawn back. “Damn why do they have this new weapon…”

“There is an object floating on the sea! Appearance recognition, it is a Northampton-class destroyer!”

“…” Aisha brows, and the Northampton-class cover SV-51 launches a counter-ship attack. It is still a QUARTER and Asuka-class aircraft carrier. What kind of trick is this to cross the drama. “Knock them down!”


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