An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 427

Chapter 381 What is the king of musical instruments?

“Huh? Milk…milk?” Shirley Noam (2063 edition, 21 years old, married) looked at Maou Noam in shock.

“…” Mao Nome (born in 2008, heart in 2063, body 13 years old) looked down at his 13-year-old body. “…You call me grandma, won’t your conscience hurt?”

“Too far, I can’t feel it.” Shiryllu had already known in advance that this was the one she had seen and lived a small life on Queen Star.

“Are you… Grandma Mao?” Lanhua Saotome (2063 version, 20 years old, married) also looked at Maonom, who had lived together for a while and had similar feelings to her relatives.

“…are you coming too?” Maao gave Lan Hua up and down a lot, and found that Lan Hua was already a wife, and she was just a little more mature and stable.

Body shape… Except for being a little better than myself, the two of them are really about the same.

“Basara, how did you come here?” On the other side, Max and Basara were talking.

“I don’t know very well. The last second I was singing in front of a cosmic whale, and the next second I will be here.” Basara shook his head.

“Cosmic Whale? So, have you participated in the defensive operations of Jeter’s backbone fleet?” Max and Miria looked at each other.

“You mean with the Metlantis fleet…?” Basala scratched his head, wondering why he mentioned this suddenly. By the way, there was another girl who claimed to be her apprentice before… but she had no impression at all.

“No, it is a defensive battle in cooperation with the border fleet. When is your last memory date?”

“I remember, it should be November 2048… You also know that unless there is a concert, otherwise I am not very sensitive to dates.” Basara was a bit… confident.

“Oh, I understand. It seems that we are not people at the same point in time…” Max finally wanted to understand one thing, that is, why it is said that the Milky Way Fleet and the Border Fleet are unfolding Comprehensive strategic cooperation, when the border fleet did not reach a consensus with VAJRA after a war with heavy casualties, Basala and his daughter, who had been wandering for many years, suddenly appeared in front of them and asked themselves to bring a large force to reinforce the border fleet. Up…

In addition, he uncharacteristically talked about a lot of strange things with himself. For example, his granddaughter would be bullied in the Ragnar Fleet and would support him when he had time. The ethical relationship of a family in the Integration Department is really complicated. Grandma looks younger than her granddaughter…

Max and Miria looked at each other again, and the problem that had troubled them for 4 years was finally solved.

I also wanted to ask, but seeing Basara’s sultry look as if the border fleet was about to die, this heroic singer who played a huge role in the war with the primitive demons rarely begs himself once.

I and the others really took the troops to the position of the border fleet.

When the war was over, Basara didn’t know where he had slipped, and no one could be found. As a result, this mystery has remained to this day.

Um… Actually, not all mysteries remain.

At least “My granddaughter was bullied in Ragnar”, I know the ins and outs from the confidential information given by the New United Army…

Hmm… The true identity of this information is that the new unified government in the diplomatic activities of the Ministry of Integration and Integration, found in Gundam UC Universe “The Complete Works of Macross 8K HD Reissue Collector’s Edition”…

It is worth mentioning that the price paid by the intelligence department of the new unified government for not obtaining this information is…in the future intelligence of the Caius fleet?? The tactical music group Walküre (ワルキューレ), which belongs to the performing arts department, is established to help the Federal Universe. The commander of the army, General John Ipracin Rebir has produced an album signed by all members of Walküre…

Ian wanted to get a way to get in and out of this universe from the crew of the anti-water fleet, after all, they just came in.

But they said that after this part of the fleet came in, the intestinal passage that appeared in the FOLD fault, which was more than a light-year thick, has dissipated.

As for BATTLE7…Max, he was pulled in after wandering in the surrounding universe with the information that Basara gave him for a long time.

As for the way to go out, Basara only left one sentence back then, that is…there are all here, and I will leave after reading the ruins. In addition, you can also feel relieved and boldly demolished.

After adding a Guantanamo class spacecraft, 23 space destroyers and heavy cruisers, and a new BATTLE class, the work efficiency of the new united army has improved a lot.

also encountered many new enemies.

For example, a super-large primitive cultural automatic defense weapon that is 500 meters long.

For example, the primitive civilization automatic defense position facilities scattered over the mountains and plains.

Such as a small VAJRA lair.

Such as a primitive demon who was awakened from a deep sleep and shouted “the beauty of XX” all day long.

For example, by activating the ruins of primitive civilization, Sharon Aipla came over and put it on a small VAJRA queen ship to sing the commander of Fujido.

Then… the first two, Ian’s response was rougher. They upgraded the Northampton class with catapult components to upgrade the large railgun for orbital bombing.

Both large-scale automatic defense weapons and self-disciplined defense positions were bombarded by orbital bombing.

VAJRA in the VAJRA lair was irritated by Commander Fujido with relatively rough methods, but was quickly calmed down by Lanhua Saotome and Shirley.

After all, the two in front of them have been filed on the VAJRA network, and the authority is the existence of “LITTLEQUEEN”.

And in the years of living with VAJRA, I have been able to communicate with VAJRA smoothly.

When they learned that someone was doing something, VAJRA said, Lord Queen, please do.

The primitive demon behind    was more troublesome, and was very angry after being awakened by Fujitang with a lot of bombs. At one time caused great environmental damage.

But he knows Basara…

and he’s also Barsara’s fan…

Bassara sang two songs, but I didn’t get up anymore…

even squatted on the boat with a happy face every day, waiting for the rehearsal of the singers…

As for the last one, I don’t know which time period it was sirloin.

is almost as troublesome as a second-stage transformed boss.

Just appeared in the first stage, and Sharon, who suddenly began to sing, did control the minds of many New United Army soldiers on the scene again, causing some trouble to the temporary fleet.

But when a Bassara version of the lively rock and roll live version was performed, everyone instantly woke up.

Ruo is the computing power of Sharon’s next-generation quantum computer mainframe, and Sharon’s personality module also froze for nearly a minute before he came back to his senses.

In the second stage, when the heart-controlling singing did not work, Sharon took off from the VAJRA lair on the small VAJRA queen ship. Under the battle of BATTLE7 and QUARTER, the conventional fleet did not lose much.

Only two Northampton-class destroyers were lost.

But because the little VAJRA queen of this community is still on the boat, everyone is shackled.

In the end, when VAJRA was checking whether there were other invaders in his lair, he found Dy Senyong in a coma in a heavily armed VF-29A (Dy Senyong special color) in an incubator room and in another VF- 33 (Developed by MACROSS7, the next-generation pure brain wave controlled manned fighter with YF-21 as the body.) Garut Gao Baoman in a coma.

The design lured Sharon’s projection to Dai Senyong’s side. Dai Senyong only said two comforting words softly, and made Sharon wipe his cheek. This Sharon did not say anything but took the boat back…

Garut Gao Baoman and Mei Weng Fang Long who watched were sore.

Rao is based on the experience of Ian and others, and it’s okay to see this scene as drunk.

In the end, Shiryllu stood on the BATTLE7 stage, with her arms folded in her arms, her arms held in her arms by Ian and Ian smiled at each other, and ended with a soft spit.

“She looks like a dog…”

Hmm, lick the dog…

In less than two weeks, Ian and others have explored about one-third of the remains of the entire planet.

On the second day of Sharon’s reversal, Ian, who had just gotten up from Shirley’s bed, took a few singers to think about how to counter the enemy’s SOUNDATTACK.

After all, if you really encounter an enemy who also uses “singing voice” as a weapon, it seems a bit of a loss for the two sides to compete with each other for who has the loudest sound. These singing voices do resound through the galaxy of the galaxy superstars.

(In the last defensive battle against Jeter’s backbone fleet, Sharon in 2063 also sang on the stage. He even rejuvenated his second spring by the way. Although the main personality served as the carrier AI on the Enterprise, But there is also a split personality as a singer during the time of Macross.)

Although Basala is very upset with this style of using singing as a tool, in the face of life-and-death matters, his persistence and roots should not become resistance to finding countermeasures.

also diligently gave a lot of meaningful suggestions.


This also does not delay Basara, or I really want to kill Ian because Ian let himself sing majestic…

But… the discussion soon fell into trouble.

Because generally speaking, there are not many things that can be compared at this time.

For example, the singer’s song quality, the emotional resonance between the singer and the song, the resonance between the singer’s will and the will of one’s own troops, and the singer’s emotional commitment to the singer’s personal issues.

Another example, the most rude, the power of broadcasting tools.

At the end of the discussion, Max and others all gathered together in a conference room, eating sunflower seeds, drinking Coke, and thinking sadly.

Seeing this scene, Ian was suddenly happy, remembering that it was still in the time when the RIGF was working. It should have been before the RIGF “Tianzhu” offensive and defensive battle. A group of staff members were smoking while looking at information with a sad face while shaking their legs. Look like.

Thank you, these people have no bad habits…

Wait, shake your legs?

Brainwashing Divine Comedy!

As if a flash of lightning flashed across Ian’s forehead, his vision suddenly opened up.

“Here is the enemy?” Asuka and Shiriro noticed that Ian’s eyebrows were electrically charged. In Gundam World, the human evolutionary species adapted to the cosmic environment (commonly known as NEWTYPE) met the same enemy as NEWTYPE. , There will be this kind of physical phenomenon of eyebrow hyperelectricity.

“No, just a new idea.” Ian laughed. “We don’t consider the singer’s problem for the time being. When the broadcast power is comparable, our brainwashed melody breaks the rhythm of the other singer.”

At the same time, Ian’s mind came up with a fragment of the movie “Flash Girl” that I had seen back then.

This clip shows a little…

musical instrument, suona is king.

Because its style is different from other musical instruments…

“…Huh?” The singers were full of question marks.

“For example… Sharan, I’ll listen to you a song, a song that doesn’t loop infinitely.” Ian smiled sinisterly.

From IS’s quantum computer, I found the song of Pi (1444 minutes, Geping Guihu 420,000-bit version) and sent it to Sharan.

“A song that only you can sing, double speed, no tune, 1000 channels of synchronous playback, try it a little bit.”

“…” Sharan quickly finished playing the simulation, looked sluggish, and issued the above six comments.

“There is another song that only you can sing.”

“Come back?!” Sharon took a step back subconsciously, and she would clearly realize one thing.

That is………

The person in front of him… after farting some baggage, he did not play the card according to the normal routine.

“This, don’t speed up, it’s fast.” Ian smirked unchanged.

A song of Disappearance of Hatsune Miku was sent to Sharon.

Sha Lang’s expression was sluggish again, and even a little bit of teary eyes were hazy.

Ian is full of question marks this time…

You can listen to Hatsune Miku’s disappearing teary eyes, and you can also…So is this the reason why AI and humans can’t understand each other?

Shirley found the two songs that Ian had just sent, listened to it, read the lyrics, sighed, and threw the files on the table into a ball, threw it out, hit Ian’s head, and interrupted Ian’s cranky thoughts.

“If you look at the lyrics of Hatsune Miku’s Disappearance, although there are some discrepancies, the story is highly similar to the later Sharon…” Shirley looked at the sentimental artificial intelligence singer and shook her head helplessly.

“Just imitating human behavior”

“…I just put existing songs

Toys that re-sung like they were”

“…Everything about my voice and memory

will eventually be forgotten over time

Maybe there will be most of the thin names left…”

Sherry Lu marked some lyrics that were enough to make the sealed Sharon tears continue to sigh.

Don’t talk about Sharon, if I follow my original trajectory and reach the age of Macross △, I will become a dead star…

Then… when Sharon stared at Dai Senyong through the surveillance camera, recalling his lost youth.

Ian took out a lot of leg shaking divine music.

For example, Qianben Sakura, Song of Green Onion, PurplePeopleEater, DschinghisKhan, playing mud in the northeast, the most dazzling ethnic style, Little Apple, Sailor Park…

All kinds of divine songs, either rhythm brainwashed, or lyrics brainwashed, came out.

Dear singers said, you go out first, we need to be quiet…

Ian was kicked out of the meeting room by Shirley Lu…

Then, the door of the meeting room closed suddenly.


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