An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 448

Chapter 400 Back home, Asuka did not fish and hopes

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“This Tupolev is very fast… Has it been upgraded?” In less than three hours, the Tu-160 landed at the New York airport. Tony Stark was a little surprised.

“Four high-thrust ram engines have been installed, and the means of heat insulation and resistance to material expansion have been increased. The limit speed can be as fast as 7 times the speed of sound. Considering that the nerves of the Ministry of Defense cannot be challenged too much, the speed is 3.5 times the speed of sound. Come back.” Rabe followed Tony Stark and got off the plane.

“It’s enough to challenge the nerves of those old men…” Tony Stark’s eyes slanted. “A passenger plane modified from a Soviet bomber crosses the United States at high speed…”



“It’s fine.” Howard Stark looked up and down his children. No obvious trauma was found.

“It’s not all right…” Tony nodded his chest twice, making a crisp metallic sound.

“I’ll talk about it when I have something to go home.” Howard Stark frowned.

Then Tony Stark boarded his Rolls Royce.

Colonel Rod, who stayed behind, hesitated for a few seconds, but still said that sentence.

“How much is this upgrade? The master of the Ministry of Defense wants to upgrade B-1B.”

“Um…we are all newly produced… if we use this technology to produce B-1B, even if it is mass-produced, the cost will not be lower than B2.”

“Money is not a problem. The cold war-thinking lords of the Department of Defense now dream of trying to get XB-70 Aurora back to the sky, but North American Airlines was later merged, and all the designers went to the skunk factory, Locke. The group of Sid ignored them. Now that they have this kind of plane that can fly faster than missiles, the group of old men is excited.” Colonel Rod took out his sunglasses from his pocket.

“If I tell you that we have an upgraded version of RB-70, do you want it?” Rabe remembered that there were still more than a dozen RB-70 replicas parked at the base of Shield World, because the Tu-160 replica was tested. The aircraft is mass-produced, and its performance is not weaker than that of the RB-70, and its bomb load is larger than that of the RB-70. Therefore, the aerospace dual-purpose bombers selected by each battle group are all officially mass-produced Tu-160EX. The RB-70, which was used as a test machine, was left unused.


“Three billion dollars, one. And we can’t let Lockheed come to trouble us.”

“I need highlights.”

“7.5 times the speed of sound, 40,000 meters cruising altitude, 35 tons of bomb load, built-in anti-overload system, fully invisible, and built-in detection equipment has been completed.”

“That’s it.”

After Rod got the offer, he jumped on to pick up his Hummer.

A few days later, Anaheim received an order from the Department of Defense.

Ten of them are here first, but the first one will be delivered within one month.

“It’s really rich…” Ian turned around and transferred the order to the Military Department of the Integration Department. Although the Integration Department left a bunch of RB-70s on the Shield World side, they couldn’t sell it…

The process of rubbing off the neutron layer on the surface of the body with a file is almost as troublesome as the re-production of ten frames.

Not to mention replacing the engine, built-in electronic equipment, weapon racks, etc. with NATO models here…

In other words, the batch of RB-70 used by the Integration Department can also be used for the body frame…

No, it should be said that the body frame that uses E carbon steel in large quantities cannot be used either.

“It should be said that fortunately, the worlds of Killing Samsara still need this kind of bombers that can be produced and maintained by themselves in the 21st century. The Cold War Monster Resurrection Plan has also made a design that can be used in the 21st century. It saves a lot of effort. Otherwise, this I have to stay up late for the liver production line in a few days…” Ian stretched.

“Stark Industries will close the weapons research and development department and invest all of its research and development efforts in the research and development of new energy technologies. Reduce the world’s dependence on oil as much as possible, so that people in war-torn areas can live a happy and peaceful life.” On the fourth day Tony Stark returned to New York, Stark Industries CEO Tony Stark held a press conference.

“I will step down as CEO and will work as a researcher wholeheartedly. After a democratic vote by the board of directors, Pepper Stark will be the CEO of Stark Industries.”

This is the second sentence of the entire press conference and the last sentence of the press conference.

“Tony! Your vote yesterday was completely dictatorship…” Pepper followed Tony Stark, who turned to leave without saying a word.

“It’s very democratic. If you agree, raise your hand, and if you don’t agree, you will resign. No one will submit your resignation.” Tony looked calm.

“Who did you learn from?”

“The guy from the Ten Commandments Group applauded for approval and shot to death for disapproval. I think I’m already very democratic.”


“Only the few people who captured me, they have all of my itineraries in Central Asia, and only a few people know about those itineraries.” Tony frowned. “You, me, my father, Obadea, Rod, and the three largest shareholders.”


“Furthermore, the Ten Commandments are organized and equipped with weapons produced by Stark Industries, and even the latest models of Jellico missiles. If we didn’t produce tanks and armored vehicles, I am afraid their tanks would also change from T-72s. Into an M1 tank. And these weapons are exported, I don’t know.”

“Among them, the batch of Jericho missiles that were supposed to be delivered to the American Mediterranean Forces, I actually saw them at the Cambodia base. That batch of weapons should have been sunk on the seabed in a shipwreck six months ago. Moreover, those weapons were not. There is no trace of being soaked in sea water.”

“In other words…” Pepper slowed down. “Inner ghost?”

“And even among the above few people, I don’t even know who I should trust now.”

“So you chose me to believe it?”

“Do not.”


“It’s only you and my father that I choose not to doubt. It would be too sad for me to doubt even both of you.”

“So… you’re just here… making this big toy?” The two went back to the basement of the villa by the sea.

“Well, after seeing their stuff, I am deeply aware that human power is limited. Only through mechanical amplification can we exert stronger power.” In the center of the laboratory, there is a three-and-a-half-meter-high humanoid weight. Holographic projection of armored mecha. “However, their aesthetics is difficult to agree with.”

“Huh? Aesthetics?”

“Rough and thick skin, heavy armor, powerful propellers, and a large number of heavy shooting weapons. It’s really violent. There is no elegant curve. The black and gray camouflage color scheme makes me very disliked.”

“That’s the reason you used red and gold color schemes? This eye-catching color scheme on the battlefield will be set on fire, right? The low-recognition color scheme is better on the battlefield, right?” Since knowing that my husband wants to be a peace defender On the road, Pepper made up a lot of common sense on the battlefield.

“Although they are all battlefields, my show is a little higher, and it also serves to attract firepower to the opponent. It is convenient for them as the main force to destroy the enemy.” Tonino pointed his chin and pointed to Rambo, who was measuring his body data in the corner of the basement. And dozens of his friends.

“Scared me to death… I thought you wanted to wipe out all the terrorists by yourself…”

“How is it possible? Although this set of MK4 is designed for the battlefield, it does not have such a strong firepower. Moreover, as a part of the “show”, as the protagonist, I definitely cannot kill too many enemies on the frontal battlefield. The armor must also look like a “superhero” rather than a “war machine”.

If this were a “war machine”, what I did would appear to the public to be the same as terrorists.

It’s just that they force civilians who are weaker than them to obey their will, and I force them to obey my will. ”

“This is too silly…you obviously went to save the villagers.”

“It will be brought to the rhythm, after all, the people of our country.” Tony spread his hands. “A murderer, the life of a terrorist is also a life. The life of a villager is not more important than the life of a terrorist. You see, mutants are only occasionally ugly, and occasionally if someone loses control of their ability, they are brought to people by the media. The level of people shouting and beating, even the judiciary has been affected by the mutants being three points lower than the average person, even if the mutant is deliberately shot and killed by the murderer, he may be acquitted.

“So… this hero needs to be beautiful, to look good, to buy the media as a mouthpiece, and to have a good relationship with the government… It’s really a frustrated thing. It should be based on domestic energy reform, as long as our country is concerned about oil If the pursuit of my country is not so high, as long as my country’s foreign economic plunder is reduced, wars in other countries will stop.”

“Tony, you will be pushed to the gallows by those people who say this.” Pepper closed his eyes and sighed.

“So, I have prepared the gallows called “New Energy” for them. With the reputation of “Iron Man”, I cooperate with Stark’s advanced technology that they can’t understand at all. Those capital predators, We can only choose to unite with us.”

“But there are still many smart people who can crack this situation…”

“So it took me three days to unite the few people who really had something. After all, the “new energy” pit can be filled in a short period of time, and only those companies, such as Osborne Industries, Affleck Technologies, etc. The masked man in Latovinia can be counted as one, but it is obvious that he will come here for a while.”

“I hope you don’t take it off…”


“The first to fourth fleets of the Double Chef Ecstasy have been assembled.”

“The first global scan is over, there are many problems, and the technical department is analyzing it.”

“The “Truth” team of the Ministry of Technology led by Minister Linda Vasti has arrived. It is now building an orbital laboratory in lunar orbit,”

“Marine Corps, the capture of the collapsed sample is complete, the sample… uh… very uncooperative. It is currently being transported and it is expected to return to the flagship Destiny in 15 minutes.

“This is a low-orbit observation platform. It is reported regularly. As the number of our troops landed increases, the concentration of collapse energy on the planet’s surface increases.”

“Emergency report, there is a sudden high concentration of collapse energy response in the Arctic Circle. The high-speed response force has arrived…what? Commander of the battle, the QRF unit was annihilated, three shuttles were lost, and 45 clone soldiers were lost. Fight. It lasted for 6 seconds.”

“I was killed instantly?” Asuka tuned out a message. “What about battle recorders and high-altitude reconnaissance?”

“The battle recorder has no signal and cannot retrieve the picture. 15 minutes before the arrival of the high-speed unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, the satellite and reconnaissance ship’s low orbit scanning failed.

The partial energy scan showed that a large-scale collapse energy vacuum phenomenon occurred in the area, and a high-concentration collapse energy reaction appeared in the center of the energy vacuum. ”

“That is the existence in the middle has absorbed the so-called collapse energy around it.”

“There is no evidence yet…”

“What about the target’s energy level?”

“The current data is insufficient, and it is temporarily evaluated as equivalent to the reactor of the main heavy cruiser of the Integration Department.”

“It doesn’t matter, I will go down and take a look. The Destiny turns in and heads over the target. The Guards accompany me and prepare for combat with high combat effectiveness individuals. All members wear IS.” Asuka shook her hair.

“Understood!” Behind her, twelve “Asuka Series” with single ponytails and blindfolds in their left eyes shouted in unison.


“Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?” Shencra Huozhi lowered his head and looked at the blue-haired and red-eyed woman who was a head shorter than him.

As soon as they met, Kamikazu Hoori felt the girl’s interest in her body.

The desire to get his own body instantly filled the vigilant mind of Kamiyakaori.

“Shenshihuozhi, the British Puritan Special Forces “Church of Necessary Evil”, the top ten magician in London, the former pope of “Amakusa-style cross sadism”. One of less than 20 “saints” in the world Are you a couple?”

“Yes, who are you?”

“Then, I ask you, do you want to change to another boss?”


Both Shinritsu Hoori and Stil’s vigilance got stuck.

“What’s a joke?” After Shinrahoori reacted, she felt Ayanami was teasing her.

“I’m not joking, but sincerely inviting. Although my boss has dealt with supernatural creatures, but limited by his education and growth experience, he does not understand the existence of so-called magic.

He needs a guard who is strong in combat and has a deep understanding of magic. Considering your Salvare000’s magic name, and the meaning of your magic name for helping the unsaved, I think you should have a common language with us.

Rather than being tricked by various forces, especially your boss. ”

“what did you say?”

“For example, in the most classic scene, you have already learned that the little girl has one hundred and three thousand Xiaohuang in her mind… The magic book accounts for 85% of her available memory. This number is a lie to you, right?” Ayanami Said plainly.

“Although I didn’t think about it for a while, it is true.”

“The results of the research given by the Academy of Metropolis are that on the premise that a person has an absolute memory, the brain can remember 140 years of memory.

But this theory is not entirely correct. Because human cells are completely replaced every eight years, if the memory is entirely your brain cells, in theory, the memory of eight years ago should be very vague or out of it.

And we discovered the consciousness, which is similar to the existence of the so-called soul.

Consciousness is the carrier of memory. The brain and consciousness have a very subtle mapping relationship.

But to put it simply, there is no way to exist without physical consciousness. Without consciousness, the physical body is just an empty shell.

And consciousness is infinite in terms of storage capacity. Even if too much memory is instilled in a short time, the conscious body will trigger an automatic defense mechanism to maintain the integrity of your consciousness by means of amnesia, coma, and other means. ”

“Thanks for explaining, then, what do you want to do?”

“Invite you to join us. Considering some of your personality flaws, everyone in Amakusa can join us.”


“First, you are strong enough. Second, we will form the magic unit at the right time. Third, your dress is likely to cause discomfort to my boss.”

“Because of exposure?” Steer subconsciously vomited, and then he was slapped with a scabbard on his stomach by Shencra Huohuo, holding his stomach in pain and bending over.

“Because of the asymmetry, my boss has obsessive-compulsive disorder.”

“Should you not introduce yourself?”

“Introduction to yourself will be troublesome There is more content. You can read it for yourself. By the way, does your fighting power have anything to do with your faith?”


“Then I hope you can keep the Three Views,…don’t resist.”


Ayanami called for the transmission of the mothership Gospel.

“Welcome to the new reality of the world.”

Ayanami walked out of the teleportation cabin. Reached out and pulled the dumbfounded two people out of the transmission cabin.

“…Why is it called the new reality?”

“Because we are here, your worldview will also be broadened.”

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