An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 455

Chapter 406 Start with the most basic desire

Before Sol arrived on Earth, Gu Yi took Ian from the portal to somewhere in Mexico State.

“Wow… this wormhole generator is so convenient.” Ian sighed and looked at the beam of light falling from the sky. “Is this the so-called rainbow bridge? A gap is formed in hyperspace with a certain energy similar to phantom energy, and then it reaches the target planet in a perfect straight line through the gap in the sub-hyperspace space-time continuum… …It’s no wonder that the Rainbow Bridge can be used as a weapon. This thing has the same source as the main gun of our Starkiller base…Although it seems to be a little less powerful.”

Then an off-road RV rammed into the beam of light, knocking Sol to the side.

“Hey… It hurts… Now Sol is a mortal with no power?” Ian watched Sol flew up for several meters, then fell to the ground and rolled out several times.



“By the way, how are you going to solve the mutant matter?”

“Isn’t it boring to say it?” Ian stretched his hands.

“Then I’ll wait and see.” Gu Yi also felt that the first act seemed to be over, and he could finish work and go home. Take out the black ring and prepare to draw a circle.

“Wait a minute, there seems to be another scene to watch…” Just as Ian was about to let the Enterprise ship him away, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a very funny scene.

“Oh?” Gu Yi also stopped drawing circles.

Thor staggered to his feet.

“Hammer… Where’s my hammer?” Then Thor circled around the place like a headless fly. “Say something to me! Let me perceive you!”

“Hey, look at this!” Jane Foster took a flashlight and illuminated the pattern on the ground. “Let’s write this down quickly, before this thing deforms!”

“I think we need to take him to the hospital.” Dr. Selvig looked at Sol, who was mentally disabled, speechlessly.

“Father! Take me back! Heimdall! I know you can hear! Take me back!” Saul swayed a few more times. Then pointed at Jane Foster. “Hey, let me ask you, what star field is here?”

“Star Territory? Wait, what are you? Weapon? How dare you threaten the great Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo Suo suo suo shou dared to be used with such arrogant weapons…”

“Puff!” Saul was electrocuted to the ground by the lady with a mini Taser.

“What? He scared me!” Daisy Louise had a straight face.

“…Puff.” ×2

“The Thor who was stunned by the Taser…”

“What a weak Thor…”

“Let’s go.”


Ian and Gu Yi left separately and returned to their residences.

“Labelle, arrange a meeting with Charles Francis Xavier. I have a plan that requires their cooperation.” Back to the residence, Ian contacted Padmé’s subordinates. The diplomatic affairs here are actually People from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are still in charge. It’s just that Anaheim here has left a standing team.

By the way, the same goes for other departments. A group of talented people from each department has been transferred to become the backbone of the Anaheim Marvel branch.

Then a large number of locals were recruited as the flesh and blood of Anaheim. Although there are more spies in the company than ordinary employees, but watching this group of agents from various agencies fight in Anaheim, they can’t get anything out. The only thing that can be done is to report the performance of the new equipment that Anaheim wants to sell to various agencies in advance. Almost all agencies will come to the door to order the equipment that suits them when the new equipment is just released for sale.

This hurts some arms dealers, especially Hanmer Industries…

After all, these orders were originally the little leftovers that Stark Industries left after eating up the big orders, and now…

Anaheim not only took a lot of orders from Stark Industries, but also ate a lot of leftovers by the way.

Now, after Stark Industries closed the weapons department, Anaheim has become the biggest darling of the American military. Although the production volume is still a bit short for the time being, anyone with a discerning eye will understand it sooner or later.

“Datong…Boss, what about the contact details?” Labelle arranged the itinerary to go to X Academy tomorrow, but what’s the purpose?

“Tell him, I can’t understand the situation of mutants, and I want to change it. Oh, yes, I will pass by then. You may not be able to stop his memory from reading.”

“To understanding.”

“Good meeting, Mr. Ian Vasty.”

Ian and Charles shook hands and sat down at Charles’s desk.

“Already, for many years, no one has told me similar content for many years.” Charles showed a nostalgic expression. The last time I heard similar content was in the era of dealing with the Hellfire Club with the current Magneto decades ago… “Can you tell me, what exactly do you want to do?”

“Professor Charles Xavier, do you think it’s natural… What is the biggest contradiction between ordinary people and mutants?” Ian held his face and stared into Charles’s eyes.

“My current research shows that it is jealousy and fear.

A group of people with superpowers suddenly appear next to them, and as “ordinary people” they will naturally feel “threatening.” Moreover, a large number of mutants do not even know their abilities at birth, or even that they are mutants. Usually, their abilities suddenly explode under a certain stimulus, and these abilities are strong or weak, and some of them are likely to give The people around you caused great harm.

Believe that everyone has a dream of becoming a “superman”, and “X Gene” makes some people’s dream come true. Then, when the people around you suddenly have “superpowers”, but you are still an ordinary person, “jealousy” will emerge spontaneously. This mentality, like the mentality of “encountering the rich”, makes humans unacceptable. The existence of “mutants”.

Fear and jealousy, these two thoughts can almost completely arouse the “cruel and greed” deep in the human heart. Therefore, in this state of mind, the human attitude towards mutants is doomed to only “reject”. “Charles said sternly.

“Well, it’s almost the same as I thought. Then when these two emotions appear in humans, and under the promotion of irresponsible media and the government, humans and mutants are divided into two races, blood and blood will be destined to appear. “Ian nodded.

“So what do you want to do.”

“First of all, research and develop suppressive drugs, or use a certain position to suppress the ability of new mutants. Let the mutants’ first awakening cause no harm as much as possible.

Second, use the media to deal with the media, try to exaggerate the miserable life of the bottom mutants, and create public opinion wars on the Internet and TV. Link the problem of discrimination against mutants with discrimination against blacks, discrimination against women, and discrimination against homosexuals. If you can find a black person, a big girl, a transgender person, and a lower-level mutant who has another transgender spouse and raises a transgender child together, this step will be smoother.

Make it impossible for most people to insult mutants on the Internet, and make “fair treatment of mutants” become politically correct Finally, use Anaheim’s technology to sequence the mutant’s X gene and extract useful information. Information is made into a “plug-in” that can be used by ordinary people. Let every ordinary person be able to use variant abilities, so that the use of variant abilities is no longer an unattainable dream, but a reality restricted by money. ”

“…I can understand the first two steps, but the last step…rebound will be heavy, right?”

“So… let’s start with the most basic human desire.”

“such as?”

“Aphrodisiac and beauty.” Ian’s expression was very happy, and Charles’s expression instantly distorted. “Oh yes, there is still hair growth.”

In an instant, the gazes of Wolverine, Qin Gerei, Storm Girl, and Hank the Beast locked on Professor Charles’s bright brain.

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