An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 460

Chapter 411 Solve the problem

“What’s the situation?” Considering that the world here is already a quasi-interstellar civilization that can build a space colony, Ian’s Enterprise is on standby in Mars orbit, and now a group of people arrived in the Earth circle on a covert mission with a heavy cruise.

“The local network has been synchronized. Now in December CE69, the situation has deteriorated considerably. And…” The intelligence personnel who arrived in the Earth Sphere for reconnaissance rubbed their brains. “The overall atmosphere of the earth here is really puzzling… Honestly, I believe you told me that this is the Middle Ages…”

“Well, even the general people on our side have a better attitude towards the Great Sword than the natural person here… Especially the people of the Atlantic Federation have completely demonized the adjuster.” Another intelligence from the Great Sword World The staff came over. “The people here admire violence and have no fear of power. The government here…especially the Atlantic Federation has clearly moved most of the production capacity there, but it refuses to face the existence…

He shouted about human rights, but looked at that side as a slave laborer. Now the shooting of the adjuster has been innocent or even justified in the Atlantic Federation…”

“At present, the East Asian Republic, with the smallest land area and the strongest army, is relatively weak because of the space army and navy. Although it is also a member of the Earth Union, it has a weaker right to speak.

Therefore, although adjusters and natural persons in the Republic of East Asia can live in peace, it has no effect on the overall situation.

In addition, although the navy and space forces of the Republic of East Asia are the weakest of the three major governing nations of the Earth Union, they cannot stand the East Asian Republic. It has the strongest army and the largest air force in the Earth circle. If it really fights, it will invade the other two major forces. The governing country may not be able to beat anyone. But if it is invaded, no one can beat the East Asian Republic…

Therefore, to a certain extent, the East Asian Republic is the largest neutral country in the earth circle. ”

“No one can fight offensive battles, no one can fight defensive battles… As expected of the Republic of East Asia…” Ian grinned. “Send a squadron to contact the East Asian Republic to directly show our identity as aliens, and send a squadron to the Eurasian Federation to muddy the water. The country’s thinking is not very firm. Let’s help him find the correct thinking.”


“In addition, I invited some financial experts from the Trade Federation to educate the LOGOS group of people who are crazy about money and how to do business in the shortest possible time.”

“To understanding.”

“The rest, let’s go. First we need to communicate with the group of adjusters…” Ian remembered the strange ship design of the seed system. “How did they design such an ugly boat…”

“Understand, the helmsman, the left rudder is 45 degrees, the upper rudder is 20 degrees, the target, the capital.”


“Siegel, if this goes on, the war united with the earth will be unavoidable.”

“I know.” Siegel Klein, the speaker of the Supreme Council and Patrick Sara, the chairman of the defense committee walked side by side in the council building in Aprilius4. “But there is no way. The Earth Union has repeatedly rejected our request for talks. We can’t agree to the request made by the only moderate East Asian Republic. A complete cessation of the supply of supplies to the Earth is the only countermeasure we can come up with.”

The two walked into the parliament meeting.

“What about the military’s preparations?” Siegel tilted his head and looked at Patrick.

“Now the new mobile suit is fully deployed in the army, and the new NASCAR class is also in production. We are ready for a nationwide mobilization. We are ready for the worst situation. .”

“Well, let’s start now. The first item on the topic is the proposal to completely suspend the delivery of supplies to the earth…”


The door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and a group of congressmen looked at the confidential secretary who broke in with sweat.

“How decent to be in a panic! It’s in a meeting now!”

“Aliens! Aliens have appeared!”



“Where are they now?” Patrick reacted slightly faster. “Why do you conclude that they are aliens? I need a detailed report!”

“Yes! Three minutes ago, a warship with a vertical axis of 680 meters, a horizontal axis of 410 meters, and a height of 230 meters, with turrets all over the surface of the hull, suddenly appeared 150 kilometers away from the absolute defense line and contacted us on its own initiative, and Showed his identity.

They claim to be from a pan-universal organization called the Integration Department. They claim that they should communicate with us in a more open and honest way in the face of civilizations that have colonized the universe.

But the thoughts on the earth made them very uneasy. The thoughts of “Europe that is normal for blue” and “Go to die monsters from the sky” pervaded the earth embarrassed them. If they send a diplomatic fleet directly, they are worried that it will cause huge chaos to the earth.

So contact us first with more secret means.

They think that those who are already living in the colonies should be more enlightened. After the confidential secretary quickly adjusted his breath, he repeated the communication he had received.


“I see, where are they now?”

“Now it’s still stopped outside the absolute defense line, waiting for our instructions.”

“Patrick, you lead someone to analyze the ship and evaluate the other party’s technology. However, if they are from outside the solar system according to what they said, they have the ability to cross the stars and seas, the technology must be much higher than ours. I need to know the gap.

Can they come in our port? “Siegel Klein quickly analyzed.

“No, that ship is too high.”

“I will organize relevant personnel to conduct research.”

“Then let the Lorasia class prepare the shuttle. Prepare the meeting room… um, arrange the meeting on a Lorasia class or their ship.”


“They are cosmic people. We definitely haven’t come into contact with the virus on their body. Their common cold may be a super virus far beyond the S2 flu for us. After the talks, we will also have a comprehensive epidemic inspection.”


“Hope to arrange the meeting on our side?” Ian looked at the correspondent a little surprised.

“Yes, they said it was to prevent foreign viruses from causing biochemical pollution to them. They had a super flu decades ago, and they are still more sensitive to these things.”

“Then on this ship, get the meeting room ready.” Ian turned and left the bridge to change his dress. “By the way, send a message to Ritsuko and ask her to organize a wave of biologists to help the adjusters here fix the infertility problem.”

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