An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 466

Chapter 416 Pre-war configuration.

(This is yesterday, there will be a chapter in a while)

“Confirmed?” Ian turned to look at the correspondent in the bridge.

“Confirmed, three MKⅤ nuclear torpedoes were moved into the Roosevelt aircraft carrier, and now the Roosevelt aircraft carrier and the Joint Seventh and Eighth Fleet are moving in the direction.”

“Aspect configuration?”

“70% of the local defense fleet is deployed in front of the coalition army, and the remaining fleet is on standby as a mobile unit on the mainland.

The 40 foreign trade-type Musei-class modifications purchased from us are concentrated into a fleet and exist as a “heavy hammer”. ”

“In other words, have you done everything you need to do? Send a squadron of heavy cruisers to stand by around the satellite group. Is the neutron starter ready?” Ian looked at the coalition forces in inertial navigation at CIC fleet.

If you don’t fight a war well, you should prepare a weapon of mass destruction to deal with civilians first. Looking at all parallel universes in history and today, you, the Atlantic Federation, are unique.

“It is already in place, and three other insurances have been prepared. On each colonial satellite, we have prepared a set of ray shield generators that can resist an explosion of 3 million tons. We have also prepared 15 An MS sniper used beam weapons to directly attack the three nuclear torpedoes. In addition, the pilots of the three Mobius have been replaced by ours.

So we can accurately know the location of the Mobius carrying the nuclear torpedo. ”

“Enough, if the colony of Quadruple Insurance is blown up, it is really the adjuster’s destiny for this disaster. By the way, do they have an evacuation plan?” Ian suddenly remembered, Yunius 7 When they were bombed, this group of people was still walking around the fields with their children, and the war started hundreds of kilometers away. Hey…

Should you say that you are really big-hearted or should you say that you are short-sighted, the universe colony, eh, you will die hundreds of people if you get a hole in a stray bullet?

“After our reminder, the evacuation will begin 24 hours later, which is 8 hours before the contact between the ZAFT fleet and the joint fleet.”

“…As expected of a militia, I am so generous.” Ian sighed. “Is the boat ready to touch the porcelain?”

“Not yet, because the Ministry of Foreign Affairs intends to send people directly to touch the porcelain. The configuration of the fleet command makes it impossible for the Zanzi ship to appear. Moreover, using the diplomatic ship to touch the porcelain does not have enough reason for sinking, and it loses face. Wouldn’t it be more straightforward to let two people from the blue universe shout a slogan and blew themselves during diplomatic negotiations?”

“That said, just let them pay attention to measure.” Ian nodded.

“Is it to make them pay attention not to have too much additional damage?”

“No…Additional damage can be easily solved with a portable shield generator and a transmission device. The trouble is…now the clone used by the field agents can resist the direct blast of five kilograms of C4…let them remember Replace the clones. Don’t kill them with the explosion vest of the Blue Universe.” Ian sighed. With the development of biotechnology in the EVA world, clones have now developed towards the carbon-based terminator.

The veterans of “Death is like the wind always accompany me” like Rita’s Phoenix Warriors, faced the suppression of one or two assault rifles, hiding bullets and playing like the Matrix…

But in fact, their skin can resist bullets below 9mm full-power machine gun bullets…

To be exaggerated, according to the latest information, some of the big swords that can completely liberate the demon power can be controlled to the extent that they can resist 76mm howitzer high-explosive shells in a completely liberated state.

“…Understood, I will remind them to replace the clones.”

Three days later, Greenwich Mean Time, CE70, February 14th, 11 o’clock.

“The United Army and the ZAFT Army, the first line of contact, the engagement begins.”

“The second alert configuration of the entire ship, and then check the operation of the covert mobile device. Confirm the deployment of the shield.”

“How about the deployment of our army?”

“The MS units of the first company of the Celestial Corps are expanding around, and the heavy cruiser squadrons of the radical diplomatic regiment are expanding frontally.”

“The engineering team called, the final test was over, and the shield started normally.”

“The infiltrating unit sent a signal communication. According to the schedule, the nuclear torpedo-carrying aircraft will be dispatched together with the attacking force with the seventh wave of waves after the joint military fleet breaks through the third line of ZAFT defense in 3 hours.”

“So… all the preparations are complete, and the rest depends on the fighting of “people”.” Ian stood up. “This is a slender and sensitive civilization that is still on a crooked road. I hope that through your hard work, this civilization can be guided back to the right path.”

“Even with these epoch-making weapons like MS, the battlefield still can’t turn things around…” Patrick frowned and looked at the second line of defense that was gradually sudden.

“Even with the new technology analyzed on the foreign trade ship, the performance of GINN has increased by nearly 15%, the exchange ratio of GINN and Mobius still does not exceed 10.” The Amalfi Congressman and several technical staff stand. Behind Patrick. “On the battlefield where the ratio of the number of carrier-based aircraft exceeds 1:20 and the number of battleships exceeds 1:5, it is only a matter of time before they are annihilated.”

“No, on this battlefield with an exchange ratio close to 1:10, although our numbers are completely suppressed, as long as we destroy the morale of the opposite side, our performance advantage can form an avalanche effect with the opposite side.” Patrick Shaking his head denied the Amalfi Senator’s statement.

“Order the sixth fleet to come forward to respond, the first and second lines of defense retreat, prepare to organize a third line of defense, “that fleet” stepped forward, added to the third line of defense, and invested half of the reserve team. Prepare to counterattack.”

On the battlefield of ZAFT and the United Army, the Lorasia class and the United Army of any kind of warships on the battlefield of can not fall into the wind, while the Nazca class and even the Drake class are only 130 meters long. , Armed with only 3 75mm rotary cannons, 6 single-mounted anti-ship torpedo launchers, and 4 small boats with multiple missile launchers dare to blast her.

In terms of carrier-based aircraft, the exchange ratio between Keene of ZAFT and Mobius of the United Army reached an astonishing 1:9.3. In the eyes of the MA pilot of the United Army, it was almost a horror like a massacre.

“The ZAFT army is retreating.”

“Huh, can’t you hold on? The Eighth Fleet stepped forward and killed them in one breath. Get “that” ready.” An Atlantic federal colonel sat in the position of chief of staff and gave orders.

The Major General of the Seventh Fleet, who was sitting on the seat of the Admiral of the Fleet, frowned, and then repeated the order.

The three agents of the Integration Department performed the actions they should have for the clone’s original identity in the conference room-shouting to kill the adjusters, for the blue and pure universe.

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