An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 468

Chapter 418 The whole northwest of Shanxi…

“Huh… finally this time is over smoothly.” Ian took a long breath on the bridge, then looked up at the porthole, the image of the furious ZAFT army pursuing the combined fleet. “Fortunately, it was intercepted… The 3.2 million tons equivalent nuclear fission warhead is just a little higher than the shield line. I don’t know which funnel can withstand the 200,000 tons of power.”

The so-called defeat is nothing but that.

In particular, only a small number of senior officers in the Blue Universe knew about the nuclear attack, and the vast majority of ordinary soldiers did not know this at all. At the moment the nuclear bomb exploded in front of the satellite, the coalition army’s low morale, which had been tortured by the oversaturated missile attack, collapsed in an instant.

But soldiers with normal minds would not have any joy in attacking civilian facilities, but this kind of use of nuclear weapons to directly attack space colonies and slaughter hundreds of thousands of residents on them?

I’m sorry if there is no mutiny on the spot, it is considered that the professional quality of the fleet officers and soldiers is strong.

Didn’t you see that the captains of dozens of ships in the Seventh Fleet directly scolded the flagship Roosevelt?

As for why the Eighth Fleet did not question…

Because the Eighth Fleet is still busy dealing with the missile group that has not yet been intercepted and the MS units that are chasing and killing ZAFT.

“Admiral! What the **** is going on! We haven’t received an order to directly use nuclear weapons to attack the satellite group!”

“Admiral! Attacking civilian cities, is this still what the soldiers did!”



“Dare to use nuclear weapons!”

“Damn natural person! Don’t you guys have a lower limit!”


“That’s enough. The whole army stops fighting and breaks away from contact with the enemy fleet.” Patrick confirmed that Yunius 7 was not damaged, and walked to the command platform.

“Your Excellency Chairman Sara?”

“Unius 7 was not harmed, the nuclear bomb has been intercepted, it is meaningless to continue fighting, the whole army stopped fighting and broke away from contact with the enemy fleet. It was conveyed to the whole army.” Patrick repeated.


“The ZAFT army has started to disengage from the coalition army.” Ian heard CIC’s announcement as soon as he made tea.

“It’s still very wise. If the ammunition is exhausted, the MS units with insufficient energy will be attacked by the combined guard fleet.” The captain of the Enterprise nodded.

“We will conduct damage assessment with the coalition forces, and wait for the earth and other parties to contact us.”

“To understanding.”

“This way the high-level leaders will not be crazy…” Ian looked at the satellite group and thought. In this way, the high-level leaders saw the craziness of the coalition army and shattered their peace talk ideas, but they did not want to Crazy, with the idea of ​​destroying mankind.


“what’s happenin?”

“The Republic of East Asia… The Federation of Non-Earth is issuing a declaration…”


“…After several months of discussions, after five countries including us have united, a total of 235 countries have agreed to disintegrate all the existing state powers and reorganize them into the Earth Federation Government, the new Earth Federation. The government will take the people’s democratic dictatorship as the state body, adopt state capitalism, and let the state carry out effective macro-control and resource integration of enterprises and economies across the country, and begin to fully develop the economy in economically backward regions such as Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America. Construction.

At the same time, the member states of the Earth Federation disintegrated and reorganized into the Earth Federation Army. All the armies of all countries disappeared. The Earth Federation Army will exist as the only army in the world. The world will surely usher in true unity. .

We will move forward firmly and strive to complete this milestone as soon as possible.

Finally, we issued an invitation to the Earth Federation, hoping to join the Earth Federation. ”

“Emmmmm…it’s all messed up…” Ian listened to the declaration of the Earth Federation here in a daze.

“With all due respect, Your Excellency, since the Eurasian Federation and the Earth Federation started the war in the Far East, the “One Year War” here has been messed up.” The communications controller from Gundam UC Universe complained.

“The One Year War on your side has also been disturbed by me… You look at the other UC universe, it’s called a miserable one.” Ian sighed. “The Intelligence Department’s fleet is deployed in the Earth sphere to avoid a full-scale nuclear war as much as possible. In addition, I need more detailed intelligence collection.”

“To understanding.”

“Call the Celestial Band to mobilize a company and begin armed intervention when necessary.”

“To understanding.”

“Does the coalition move?”

“Yes, according to intelligence, the troops of the Atlantic Federation have begun to move south and are preparing to attack the old United States of South America. Now the Fifth and Seventh Fleets of the Earth Federation Forces have been upgraded in Orb and are heading to Panama.

The Joint Army and Joint Air Force stationed in the Old Oceanian Joint Front are boarding the ship in Sydney, preparing to support the South American side.

The Earth Federation Army from South America has assembled in old Colombia and Venezuela and is confronting the vanguard of the coalition army.

In addition, the combined navy stationed in Alaska and Vladivostok has moved south and is advancing to the Japanese archipelago. The first and second fleets of the Earth Federation Navy have set sail two hours ago. It seems that the movement of the combined forces has been expected.

Ah, the latest information, the Earth Federation Army and the Eurasian Federation Army have started fighting in West Asia and North Africa. The old Scandinavian kingdom also entered a state of war with the Eurasian Federation and began to fight. ”

“The whole northwestern Shanxi is in a mess…” Ian looked at the border between the Earth Federation and the Earth, and few places were not at war.

“…Please don’t play the stalk of the TV series 400 years ago.”

“I should complain, do you know?!”

“…I really don’t know if we should accept the invitation.” Before Patrick, Klein and others had time to end the command of the battle, they had to summon all the members to convene the emergency Supreme Council.

“We are in a state of war with the coalition army. Now accepting our participation is to go to war with the coalition army?”

“The latest intelligence shows that the Union Army and the Federation Army have started a full-scale war. The reason is that the United Army regards the Earth Federation as a support country, and the Earth Federation also intends to take the opportunity to establish a unified power in the Earth sphere. Anyway, we are fighting. It’s bigger.”

“But if we merge into the Earth Federation, disintegrate the government, disintegrate the army, and lose the independence we just won, what if we return to the state of enslavement three years ago?”

“The independence that I finally won…”

“How about the liaison with the Integration Department?”

“Not yet…”

“Are you watching…no, watching our reaction.” Siegel frowned. “Congressman Amalfi, Congressman Jiu, Congressman Elsman, how is your investigation of the Ministry of Integration and Development?”

“There is no room for racists.” Senator Elsman spread his hands. “To be honest, I always feel that the atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect over there is also a kind of dictatorship…”


“Carbon-based creatures, silicon-based creatures, humanoid creatures, intelligent arthropod creatures, green villains, cyborgs, demons, half waist, AI, civilizations that are still on the ground in a city-state feudal society, and civilizations that have just entered the universe. The civilization of the universe for thousands of years, the civilization that uses technology, and the civilization that uses magic are all placed on a relatively fair platform for dialogue under the action of an external force called the “Integration Department”. Is this normal?” Elsman The congressman put a smile away. “Of course it’s not normal. Human beings have desires. Therefore, in our sociological research. The best environment in the universe is nothing more than a combination of several civilizations to form an organization similar to the United Nations to regulate conflicts between civilizations. .

However, conflicts broke out between weak civilizations, and under the adjustment of the “United Nations”, the conflicts disappeared.

The weak civilization conflicts with the strong civilization, and the weak civilization is gone.

There is a conflict between powerful civilizations, and the “United Nations” is gone.

This is the best cosmic environment we have envisioned.

However, the “United Nations” here is more capable than everyone. It has established that all people are equal, and all civilization circles must respect each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, be non-aggressive, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peace. The principle of coexistence.

In a sense, this organization is forcing powerful civilizations to abandon their own interests to ensure the interests of weak civilizations. ”


“So the Blue Universe’s claims will certainly not be liked by the Integration Department, and they will inevitably disappear in the long river of history. And we adjusters will inevitably resolve the dilemma we are facing with the technical support of the Integration Department.

And we have seen three civilizations with our own eyes, and three real humans have evolved civilizations. Unlike our adjusters, our adjusters and natural persons are at best the difference between “student tyrants” and “study scumbags”. The “new humans” and “change makers” over there have truly evolved from the humans of the old era to brand new species. .

However, the humans over there finally accepted this fact, the humans of the old era gradually became extinct, and the new humans became the main body of civilization…”

“Ellsman, just say the result.”

“If we want to further contact with the Ministry of Integration we must join the Earth Federation and establish a unified global power with the Earth Federation.

Natural people and adjusters will become history, adjusters are the excessive products of human evolution, and the next generation of new humans who adapt to the cosmic environment is the future of our civilization. ”

“In other words, don’t think about the owner of the new world for species that are going to be extinct anyway, right?” Patrick also heard about the supremacy of adjusters circulating internally.

“Yes.” Senator Elsman nodded.

“So, do you think that under the influence of the Integration Department, natural persons’ attitudes towards adjusters will also change?”

“The establishment of the Earth Federation itself is a good show to the Integration Department. This step has been achieved. There is no need to rectify the moths on the issue of adjusters.”

“Well, then, vote now to support the rise of joining the Earth Federation.” Siegel nodded. Then look around the scene of the Supreme Council.

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