An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Whisperer Robbery Project

“How do you feel, this kind of humanoid weapon called AS?” Ian asked Makarov

“As a purely marine weapon, it’s not bad, and the response is a bit slow, probably because of the old-time body. The rest is the cliché of humanoid weapons.”

“Then our first self-produced AS is based on this. The next generation of AS will let the group of young people in the equipment development department brainstorm. Anyway, we only need to deal with this period of combat. It is true. If it doesn’t work, just adjust Kmf from the Bretania Empire.”

“Then remember to add this sentence when you write the order. The guys in the development department will definitely hand in your homework on time.”

“…Your conscience is really bad.”

The two drove four barbarians into the hangar of the Yi 400, and the Yi 400 returned home. Before leaving, two trucks were destroyed with an erosion torpedo. Only a 15-meter deep hemispherical pit was left in place.

This caused a cold sweat to the intelligence personnel of various countries who followed. They could not think of any weapon that could cut such a regular crater, as if this part of the ground had been cut off.

Back to the forward base Solomon, the body was handed over to the personnel of the Equipment Development Department for disassembly and analysis.

“Ian, the intelligence department finally analyzed it.” Manegin found Ian. “All kinds of intelligence fragments show that there are some leaping technologies called black technologies in this world, and these technologies are revealed by the existence of the so-called Whisper. On December 24, 1981, in the Soviet territory There was a nuclear power plant explosion in Yansk. Some of the children born that day showed the ability of whisperers. They would unconsciously reveal systematic knowledge fragments. With these fragments, the local government developed AS , Airborne AI is not a technology of the current era.

It is worth mentioning that the intelligence personnel verified a speculation from a large amount of data that the whisperers did not appear randomly. They all started giving birth in the second when the Yansk incident broke out. The time was Greenwich Mean Time, 14:21:3 on December 24, 1981.

At present, intelligence personnel have screened and obtained information based on VEDA’s massive data. There are currently 181 people who meet the conditions for becoming a whisperer, of which 179 are missing or have been absorbed by relevant departments. The two people have identified their positions. One of them was captured by the Soviets and is heading to a laboratory in Siberia, and the other is attending school at the University of Tokyo. ”

“Well…it seems to be going to Tokyo…University of Tokyo?” Ian raised his head stunnedly. “If I remember correctly, the main storyline took place at Tokyo Metropolitan Rikjindai High School…”

“It’s the so-called information projection theory again… but it is true that the girl whom Chidori wanted went to school at Dongda University and graduated from Jindai High School. There were no twists and turns in the middle.” Manejin pushed his eyes.

“Then our ups and downs are going to be bigger…” Ian doesn’t like to work with this plausible sense of familiarity. The previous intelligence will bring wrong judgments. “Send the rapid reaction force to Siberia to intercept the whisperer, and allow the use of the fifth-generation kmf and a mass-produced main angel, and the Iraqi 401 to respond. Let the staff plump up the plan.

In addition, plan to absorb what Chidori wants. Although it is likely that the whisperer will soon lose the ability, the person Chidori wants should be a talent in itself. ”

“Understood, in addition, Chidori’s plan to absorb her is already in place. The class where Chidori is located will travel to Okinawa next month. Our intelligence personnel intercepted the information and planned to capture her and cover her through terrorist attacks. Disappeared. We plan to be killed by kgb personnel in Chidori…”

“…Don’t bother to do it twice. Let’s kidnap her tonight. History tells us that the more complicated the plan, the higher the rate of rollover. Let Sergey lead the team and see if his adoptive father’s halo can be straightforward. Capture her.”

Ian browsed through the information Chidori wanted at random, and then marked the face of Sagara Sosuke casually. “This guy’s style is different from that of the person next to him, didn’t he investigate it?”

“According to the data, this is a neon man who has returned from the war. It seems that he has been to many countries. Now he has opened a candy store in Tokyo and is now admitted to the University of Tokyo by self-study…”

“He is the protagonist of that play, the son of destiny, the whisperer catalyst, and the husband of the original world line. Do you think he has a problem?”

“The problem is big…”

“Although the timeline is not quite right, it seems that the plot has already begun. Tonight you commanded me to lead the team. The players Karen, Suzaku, Li Xingke, Sergey, Makarov and Graham, call 6 Taiwan’s 6th generation kmf, and then prepare two VIP teams to rescue special operations teams and 3 supersonic small transport aircraft with vertical take-off and landing. The combat plan ranges from infiltrating and abducting to confronting the squadron-level next-generation AS. Use your brains and consider all possibilities.” Ian closed the report. “Also, call Neil over. There is also a genius sniper here, so I can exchange experience.”

Two talented snipers with the same voice should be very interesting to communicate.

That day and night, over Tokyo, the optical camouflage Ptolemy opened.

“The final equipment inspection of the troops, hurry up!”

“Now check the watch, 19:50, countdown, check.”

“Kmf’s energy cartridge is checked again, and the body warming up begins!”

“Is this scene a bit exaggerated…” Ian looked at the lively scene in the hangar.

All 12 of the Knights of the Round Table came, and Mariana personally led the team. The Federation sent a special combat team equipped with individual armor, led by Sergey. The heavens and humans are up to the troops, all up to 8 machines are here. Four submarines and two warships of the Sea Mist Fleet stand by on the seabed outside Tokyo Bay. The cats and dogs turned into els are on guard outside the Chidori house.

“After all, it is the first joint operation between the two civilizations and four species. It is not beautiful to fail.” Mariana was drinking tea next to Ian.

“I just think it’s too bullying. There is at most one AS on the opposite side. Even the warships on our side are in the arena…”

“Be prepared, Ian-jun, and, don’t you also agree to the increase in the Vladivostok battlefield.”

Thinking of the participating troops in Vladivostok, Ian couldn’t even laugh… The mass-produced 00 was up to 12 squadrons, the sixth-generation kmf Vincent had 36 squadrons, 12 heavy gunships, and special armored helicopters. There are 72 troops. To support the troops, there are 3 heavy airborne battleships and 3 light airborne battleships, all of which are new models equipped with optical camouflage. In addition, there is an aircraft carrier of Sea Fog and 4 heavy cruisers. Normally, this force is enough to defeat a small country.

“Why do I want to plan a special operation, it will turn into such a storming operation in the end…”

“Because the enemy has also prepared two killboxes for us ”

“Killbox… The configuration on the opposite side is also exaggerated…”

According to the intelligence detected by els, Mithril deployed 24 M9s in downtown Tokyo with no less than 100 armed agents.

In Vladivostok, the Soviet Whisperer Research Facility was established directly on a military base, which is the Soviet Pacific Fleet base less than 30 kilometers away.

“You and the Celestial troops acted as a reserve team to forcefully suppress this battlefield when the situation cannot end. I will go to the body to wait.” Mariana put the tea cup down, turned and went downstairs to the side of the body.

“The eighth generation kmf equipped with energy wings and the 12 top pilots in the world of Lulu Xiu, if they can’t suppress the battlefield, the combat effectiveness of Mithril is too exaggerated…”

“The Sea Mist Sentinel Fleet reports that 3 unknown large submarines are approaching.”

“Is it Mithril’s troops?”

“It should not be. The design style is different. Moreover, the son of the Mithril submarine Danu was found off the coast of Vladivostok. Lieutenant General Manegin judged that they should execute the Vladivostok whisperer rescue operation.”

“Understood, the battle command was transferred to Lieutenant General Manegin, and the submarine formation let the Sea Mist Fleet keep an eye on it.”

“Understand, the battle command will be transferred.”

“Lieutenant General Manegin, there is a possibility of cooperation between the targets of this battle. Please try to save the lives of the opponents.”

“Understood, I will tell the combat troops, but still give priority to the preservation of the names of our soldiers.”

“That is nature. I am not a Virgin.”

I’m a devil…

Manegin sat on the command seat of the Ptolemy bridge. Watching the time approaching 20:30 minute by minute.

“Unexpectedly, I would have a day to command operations on the battleship of the Celestial Man… the time has come.” Manegin connected the communications of the combat troops. “The battle begins, the airborne of all personnel begins!”

“Have you heard, all the Knights of the Round Table attack!” Mariana jumped off Ptolemy first.

“Yes, MyLord!” The remaining 11 Knights of the Round Table also jumped off Ptolemy.

Ptolemy Lower Gnaku

“After the KMF forces opened the breach, we broke into the target’s home to capture the target, cic, and opened the lower hatch.” Sergey said as he closed his visor.

“Understood, the lower hatch is open.”

Sergey stood on the edge of the hatch and looked down at the city.

“It’s getting started…”

“Above, an unknown machine is approaching.” The m9’s built-in AI reported to the Mithril driver.

“Nani? Does the enemy also have ECS? All planes meet the enemy, each with a small team to fight each other!”

“The enemy first!” Mariana drew out two MVS long swords and directly cut off the arms of an invisible m9. Then turned around and swung his sword to cut off M9’s legs, and then put down MEboost and rushed to the other m9 that was released from invisibility.

“There are only 12 enemy planes, encircle and annihilate them!”

“The enemy plane is on the left, Andy, it’s over for you!”

“Bart can’t fight! Baptiste, gather!”

“Cut, the single-molecule dagger is too short, how to fight with a long sword on the other side! Captain! Has the firearm license not been released yet!”

“Come down! The whole machine wow……!”

“Mrs. Mariana, the enemy plane is about to use hot weapons, so we can solve it as soon as possible. Admiral Sergey, let’s go.”

“Understood, the airborne of all personnel has begun.” 12 special forces jumped out of the hatch.

“It’s really lively, Sister Mao, and where did the opposing army jump out. Zongjie, go on!”

Three m9s approached Lancelot with single-molecule daggers.

“It’s done!” Cruz controlled the body and used a dagger to stab Lancelot, who was gathering the sword.

“Is there still a lurking machine?!” Suzaku stopped the sword-retracting action, switched the haken on his arm to the melee form, and then kicked the Cruz machine aside with the impact, accelerated to the hair machine and cut off the hair. The machine’s right hand jumped backwards, picked up the mvs long sword that had just dropped, and cut off Zongjieji’s arm with the advantage of the length of the weapon. So far, the 24 AS deployed by Mithril in Tokyo were all seriously injured, and 48 arms and a dozen legs were lost.

On the other side, Sergey, who was about to break into Chidori’s residence, suddenly remembered… This is a female dormitory…

“That’s why I don’t go down in the first wave, Sergey.” Ian looked down from the flight deck. “Yamato, where is the submarine unit?”

“Floating in Tokyo Bay, do you need to intercept it?”

“No, just see what they want to do.”

On the bridge, Manegin saw Sergei holding a girl in pajamas and returning to Lower Ganaku. One of the special forces who returned from behind was carried back by his teammates.

“In this case, the individual armor is damaged? Sergey, have you been attacked?”

“No… it’s just that the target person is more excited damaged his flight control system.” Sergey didn’t want to face this fact a bit. Thirteen soldiers wearing individual armor were damaged by a civilian woman.

The corner of Manejin’s eyes twitched, and the ship’s communications were hung up.

“Ms. Mariana, the party is over and we retreat.”

“Understand, we will leave now. Fortunately, the next-generation kmf is slightly enlarged, otherwise it would be embarrassing to fight with this weapon called AS…” Because of Ian’s intervention, the next-generation kmf is generally enlarged to 6.5 meters In terms of the left and right dimensions, although it is still a bit shorter than the 8-meter AS, it is not much worse.

The twelve kmf opened their energy wings, slowly lifted off, and returned to Ptolemy.

“Hey…you can fly!” Cruz was stunned when he saw this scene.

And Mao turned on all the observation equipment and began to scan the location where the flight paths of the twelve kmf converge, which made her discover a warship over 400 meters in length parked there.

“Sister, are you okay?”

“…The other party…Who is it?! And that ship is really something that humans can do?”

“Admiral, the submarine unit retreated. Just now, the three submarines opened the hangar door and tried to deploy the AS unit, but after the target person was taken away, their AS went back.”

“It’s pitiful for a busy trip. This look is very poisonous? It seems to be an amalgam unit. Can you track it?”

“Yi 404 has followed.”

“Very good. At this stage, some members of amalgam are also candidates. Be careful not to be discovered. Then let us meet the so-called whispers.”

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