An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Strong

“Cruz?” Zongsuke and Chidori approached in the direction of Cruz.

“Zongsuke? You and Chidori leave first, and I will catch up with you in a while.”

“Well, I think you might need this.” Zongsuke took off an SVD sniper rifle from behind.

“SVD? Where did you get it from?”

“Chidori said that people like you won’t die easily. Let me prepare weapons for you in advance, and I will collect them from the enemy. Then, let’s go first.” Zongjie and the two ran away. go with.

“It’s a great help… Instructor Casper, a rare goodbye, come and play with two hands.” Cruz shouted loudly, then searched every possible sniper spot in the scope, and waited quietly for Casper’s Fight back.

“No?” The voice of the military dog ​​could be faintly heard in the distance. “The pursuit troops are coming?”

Cruz took the gun away and fleeed into the distance.

“Does it really matter if we just leave like this?”

“I heard Cruz tell some of his stories. Casper is his sniper instructor. We can’t help with the duel between two top snipers.”



“I was not stopped by Cruz, but did you come to us? Chidori, remember to run irregularly, don’t stop. Go!” Zongsuke and Chidori ran at the same time, Zongsuke still thinking about the direction of the bullet.


“I saw it!” Then Zongsuke shot in the direction of the flash. But while shooting, he intuitively told myself that there was no one there.

“It’s okay. Chidori, keep running.”

Chidori looked around to see if there was any abnormal environment as he ran. “Flash? Metal? That’s the muzzle!” Chidori emptied a magazine in that direction. There was a muffled hum from a distance.


“It’s me, ah, it’s me!” Cruz’s voice came from the humming place.

“Ah… I’m sorry…” Chidori walked awkwardly.



“You really seduce you… Instructor Casper. Zongsuke, let’s go quickly and get to the beach as soon as possible. And… I’m injured…” Cruz was also embarrassed, and was discovered by a layman. And also was injured. It is a shame to be a sniper…

“Where is it hurt?”

“My **** is bruised…” Cruz pointed to the wound on his butt. It was a mark left by a 7.62mm bullet. Then Cruz also saw the wound on Zongjie’s abdomen. “Zongjie, you are also injured?”

“It’s also a bruise. Leave here before doing emergency treatment.”

Then two of the three limped and ran away.

“Cruz, why are you still here?”

“My m9 was destroyed… I followed Chidori’s words and gave him as many shells as possible to overheat his system to solve the battle. But that person can’t hit it at all, and I often fired. At that moment, he jumped away, and only one shot was hit by a bullet from a magazine. However, this shot made him emit a lot of heat. So I tried to lure him over. Almost 0 distance gave him a shot.

However, I don’t know if it is a directional mine or a reactive armor. After a flash of light, my body is Barabara. What’s the trick here…

Later, I wanted to take a Mithril helicopter back, but they took off and wanted to take that super-galactic united battleship back, only to find that you were being chased by Casper, and you all knew about it later. ”

Until the three of them ran to the western edge of the jungle, there was an endless field in front of…

“Well…Zongsuke, even with my poor military knowledge, this uncovered plain, it is impossible for the three of us to pass through without being discovered…”

At this time, both Zongsuke and Cruz were dealing with their wounds in an emergency.

“Yeah, so I was thinking about it all the way. Cruz and I stayed to make as much noise as possible, to attract attention, and you took the opportunity to cross the field.”

“Although I really want to say a lot of things like, I don’t want, I want to live and die with you like the heroine in a traditional war romance movie, but ah, Cruz, when you watch the mission briefing, do you have satellite photos? ?”

“Satellite? Reconnaissance satellite! I remember it was…1347…now 0130. That means… there are still 17 minutes for the satellite to pass over this area!” Cruz carefully recalled the information he saw in the briefing room. “Zongsuke, you go find gasoline, I am here to guard the Chidori, and I helped Chidori a lot.”

“Anyway, we can save it, right.” Chidori was a little dazed, did not expect the peak to turn so fast.

“Well, if you are lucky.” Zongsuke nodded seriously “I’m looking for gasoline.”

Mithril Submarine, in the Son of Danu

“Are you here to ask about the rescue plan, Major Kalinin.” Tessa looked at Kalinin who came in, and she heard Cic’s outer hair “Why have you been so cold-blooded.”

“But unfortunately, the surrounding area of ​​Pyongyang has been completely blocked. The Su-35 fighters treasured by the People’s Army are patrolling nearby. There are also a large number of sub-hunting boats looking for our tracks at sea. The submarine will be caught in 5 minutes if it surfaced rashly. Sinking. I can’t take this risk.”

“I understand.”

Tessa Yuguang still saw the subtle changes in Kalinin’s expression and the stiffer movements.

“But what if we can float on the coastline at a distance of 150 meters for 1 minute and 15 seconds?” Tessa’s expression was a little smile.

“is it possible?”

“Other submarines can’t do it, but this kid can still do it.”

“Then, I think I will use that thing.”

“That thing?” Tessa stopped playing with her hair.

“ARX-7 crossbow.”

“That machine… let’s go and prepare, Major. But, you have to make sure they are still alive.”

“Yes, Colonel.”

The sacred Bretania heavy floating battleship, aboard the Fearless.

“Is the location of Chidori determined?”

“I’m sure, 50 kilometers from the coastline, at the edge of the jungle. The els who were traveling with Chidori reported that they are now safe for the time being.”


“When we were fighting the amalgam, a small els body fused to the button of the Chidori, and it had blocked 3 bullets for her.”

“…It won.” Ian looked at the millimeter-specific coordinates. “You aliens really know how to play, Shunezerlu, drive the boat over.”

“Captain, the reconnaissance satellite found an unusual heat source near Pyongyang.”

“Please put it on the screen.” Tessa sat in the captain’s seat. “Mr. Kalinin, the evidence we need is here. Let’s carry out your plan.” On the screen is a thermal scan image of a reconnaissance satellite, with two lines on it:



“Received, Colonel, please float the ship to the ballistic missile launch depth.”

“Helmsman, float up to the launch depth, long weapons, ready for ballistic missile launch.”

“AyeAyeManam, ascend to launch depth, ready for ballistic missile launch.”

“Heading to E35, after the ballistic missile is launched, it will burn down to 35 meters, the maximum speed.”

“AyeAyeManam, heading to E35.”

Three minutes later, a ballistic missile carrying a strong missile lifted off from the Son of Danu.

At this time, the three escaped people were still hiding in the grass on the edge of the jungle.

“Zongsuke, do we look like the protagonist who is surrounded by old-fashioned spy movies? Enemies are all around, the protagonist is injured, the beautiful heroine is well protected by him, and the handsome male partner who is destined to die is doing the final struggle.”

“Huh? Who is the supporting actor who is doomed to die?!”

“Who do you think is more handsome?”

“Cut… it’s really a question that cannot be refuted.”

“As for me, I have been imagining that there will be a grand wedding, flying white pigeons, beautiful wedding dresses, a super big church, full of guests, and handsome grooms.” Chidori shook his head. “But it seems that I am about to realize your boy’s dream.”


“Don’t you boys all yearn for a grand funeral? You died heroically on the battlefield, and the body was taken back to the country by your comrades. Then, you covered the national flag, played the national anthem, fired shots, and your teammates saluted.” Chidori lifted his head slightly and watched. Hundreds of people were approaching. Then he retracted quietly. “Hundreds of soldiers, dozens of ASs, and a dozen armed helicopters in the sky. This scene is big enough. It can satisfy your boys’ romantic fantasies.”

“Death on the battlefield has never been grand, but the scene is really big enough. With this size of troops, our Western Pacific Alliance team is surrounded and it is impossible to escape death.” Zongsuke also observed the surrounding enemy.

Suddenly, the eyes of the other side focused on where they were hiding.

“!!! I was found!”

Ordinary bullets poured over the place where the three people were hiding. The three men barely missed their heads and fired back at the enemy.

“Yeah, this is not a spy movie, this is a **** reality.” Chidori said as he retracted to change bullets. “Zongsuke, is this your picture? Who is on it?”

Zong Jie cast a glance.

“That was my comrade-in-arms when I was in Afghanistan.”

“Once? That means they…”

“Probably, several people are missing.”

Zongsuke also retracted and changed the bullet. Chidori stuck his head out and continued shooting.

“Cruz, how long do you think we can hold on?”

“Who knows, maybe the next second, maybe the next minute. Thank this country for not distributing night vision goggles to grassroots soldiers, or we would have died long ago. Also, what is this strange whistling sound? They still dropped it. Is it an aerial bomb?”

“Howling?” The three people retracted and looked up at the same time, only to see a cylindrical object disintegrating in mid-air, and a white AS dropped from the center.

“That’s…! M9?!”

“No, it’s not!” Zongjie rushed out and rushed towards the AS that was falling.

“By the way, Mr. Cruz, the trajectory of a few fragments just now was very unnatural…” Chidori was still looking at the sky. “Quickly use your sniper eagle eyes to see if there is something there.” Chidori poked Cruz twice, thinking only of a position in the air.

Cruz looked at the sky, “Everything there…no, the airflow has changed. There really seems to be something there. Is ecs turned on?”

“Cruz, is there a communicator?”

“A small communicator with only ultrashort wave…”

“Give it to me.” Chidori adjusted the headset-sized communicator to the only channel it knew. “Hey, can anyone hear me? I can see your boat, but you are coming down!”

“Lloyd, your optical camouflage was seen by the naked eye by Chidori.” Ian and the others are driving kmf on the flight deck and waiting for admission.

“Huh?” Lloyd, the technical consultant on board, looked dumbfounded. “How is it possible? Ah, I started to move. That’s right, Mithril’s new body and his driver.” Lloyd’s attention was instantly passively attracted.

“This voice will only be played after confirming that the same phase Liangjuncao or Webber sergeant will be reconciled. The son of Danu is now sailing to the coastline at full speed while keeping the radio silent. We will float for 1 minute from 0600 to 0601. At that time, I rushed to the following coordinates. This ARX7 is a special body, and the body is equipped with special equipment, please explore it yourself. In addition, the AI ​​of this body is specially developed, code-named AL.”

“Alarm, AS11 machine is approaching, peripheral AS31 machine is approaching.”

“Normally, this kind of combat power cannot be confronted by a single aircraft.”

“No, we can, Sergeant.”

“Yes, let’s go!” Before the besieged barbarian iron fist anti-armor rocket launched, Qiang Fei flew out. At the moment of the encounter with the enemy barbarian, he drew a single molecule knife and stabbed it through the cockpit of the first AS.

“This explosive power!” Zong Jie can barely control this powerful horse, which is far more powerful than the m9, only by doing his best.

“Out of the pursuit of performance, this machine is not equipped with a limiter.”

“Do you mean that all m9s are restricted?”

“Yes, the basic equipment of this machine is not different from that of the m9.”

“Just right!”

Zongsuke rushed into the jungle, approached another barbarian with a knife, pierced its engine from behind, and quickly retreated.

“Calm down! The opponent has only one machine! Focus on defense! Focus on defense!”

Zongsuke passed a barbarian and made a huge metal moan.

“There!” Several barbarians fired at the barbarians who had been rubbed.

“Stop…” The barbarian’s driver was blown up before he finished talking for half a second.

“Did you kill it?”

“Asshole! You guys beat yourself! Calm down for me! Wow…!”

“Squadron leader!”

“Major Jin! The squadron leader was killed! Get close! Cover each other!”

“Om!” There was another harsh metallic sound, and a barbarian was penetrated through the cockpit.

“Well… Cruz, is this kind of fighting normal?”

“It’s completely abnormal. Normally, with the enemy’s combat power, Mithril can dispatch at least one squadron of 24 m9s to fight without casualties.”

“Ian Sang Are you on it?”


“Why are you just watching from above?”

“Because this is the setback you need.”

“If we die…”

“You will not die, insurance is always by your side.”


“Yes, I’ve been by your side all the time, and bullets can’t hit you.”

A lot of liquid metal flowed out of the ground, and gradually gathered into a silver metal female.

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