An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 End of the battle

Looking at the Zaku stick falling to the moon, the tiger shark driver finally asked the question that had been holding back for a long time.

“Captain, how do we take it back…”

“Huh? Did anyone bring a tow cable?”

“Did not bring.”

“That’s optional equipment, I didn’t bring it.”



“Enterprise number, this is Tiger Shark 01, the target is silent, it can be recycled.”

“This is the control of the Enterprise, the Tiger Shark team, attacked the 32 ms that came to support, and the damage was recovered by the assault landing ship.”

“This is Tiger Shark 01, I understand. Can you shoot it down?”


“Boys, come here to live. The 32 ms supported by Zeon killed them. The Tiger Shark 16 commanded and relayed guidance at high altitude, and the rest followed me!”

“Ula!” When the 15 Tiger Sharks flew to Zeon’s support troops, they formed five three-aircraft formations.

“Captain Lal, our guards are going to grab the Orudija plane, and you will join the Lunar Mobile Fleet first.”

“Thank you, be careful of those fighters. Those are not the same as the swordfish.”

“I see, don’t worry.”

“This is Tiger Shark 01. The whole aircraft only retains two missiles for backup. All the remaining missiles are launched, and control is transferred to Tiger Shark 16.”

“To understanding!”

These 16 Tiger Sharks were dispatched with full load of missiles, each carrying 42 anti-armor missiles.

The 15 launched missiles were divided into 357 (externally mounted) and 240 (two in the magazine), two waves rushing towards the low-altitude Zaku cluster.

The Tiger Shark 16’s fire control computer accurately assigned 19 missiles to 21 Zakus, and 11 Zakus assigned 18 missiles. In order to avoid mutual interference between the missiles, the fire control computer also carefully dispersed the trajectories of the missiles.

Then, looking at the incoming Zeon army, a large number of missile trails were suddenly scattered on the horizon like the goddess. The face of Zeon’s army looks black, and it matches well with the Zaku 1 of the Guards.

“Disperse! All back! Minovsky particles take a walk!” The captain of the guard team ms gave a theoretically correct order. Then 32 Zaku launched the barrage of the incoming missile group from all directions.

“Wait! Those guides… Zi Zi Zi…” Captain Lal heard the command of the Guardian MS Captain and hurriedly stopped it, but the 32 Minovsky particles walking by Zagu at the same time directly blocked the radio communication.

“Those missiles…what’s wrong?” Captain Lal’s words cast a shadow over the hearts of the guards.

Fortunately, more than half of the pilots carried special anti-air fragment bombs, and the shell of the missile could not stop the power of the anti-air fragments. A large number of missiles were destroyed, but lost the data link between the airframes maintained by radio. The fire control system of the Zeon Army MS did not coordinate, and a large amount of firepower was wasted for defense in repeated areas.


“do not come!”

The explosion sounded one after another in the Zaku cluster. The first wave of more than 300 missiles caused 11 Zeon to be destroyed, and 7 of them lost their combat effectiveness.

“Is it over…Hurry up and change the magazines, the enemy is coming!” The captain of the squad who was lucky enough to survive the first round of attacks looked at the surrounding tragedy with lingering fear, and took the time to replace the empty magazines.

“Captain, the second wave is coming! Get out of the way!”

“Not finished yet?! Disperse! Disperse!” The remaining ms, who had not breathed a few breaths, began to flee frantically again.

On the Enterprise bridge, Rebir looked at the Zeon Army MS who was fleeing frantically on the screen with his back hand.

“I used to think that even with the latest heavy fighters, we would need the pilot boys to pay more than twice the price to fight against this mysterious Zeon weapon. But it seems that the new Zeon weapon is nothing more than that.” Rebil noticed that a missile exploded on Zaku’s chest could split a Zaku bomb. “Waiting to transmit this video to Gabriel, I feel that the power of this missile is a bit too great, and I would like to ask if I can reduce the power and increase the number of fighter jets carried.”

“I understand.”

-Dividing line-

“do not come!”


“Captain! Captain!”



Zeon’s screams died down after 3 minutes.

As for the Minovsky particles, they were blown away when the first wave of missiles exploded.

Of the 32 Reinforced Guards Zaku, only 4 are still on the ground, and the remaining 28 are evenly dispersed within a radius of 3 kilometers.

The four Zaku and one propulsion backpack were cut in half by something unknown, and half of their left hand was blown into the air. One of his right arms was completely gone, and his left hand was holding an electric axe. The sole of the right foot was blown off, the forearm of the left hand was blown off, and the gun was held in his right hand and stood barely on the ground. One of the fuselages is intact, holding the electric axe in the left hand, and the wreckage of the machine gun in the right. Four Zakus stood there, looking at the belatedly late 16 who hovered in the air like a vulture with the broken one-eyed Orcas style.

Around them are craters exploded by hundreds of missiles, and 28 burning Zaku torso remains.

“It’s so miserable…”

“You are already powerless to continue fighting, surrender, your life is rare, don’t waste it.” The pilot of Orca 01 couldn’t help but connect to the public channel.

“What are you talking about, Confederate boy.” The surviving captain of the Guard took off his helmet with a broken mask. Sitting in the sparkling cockpit, he spit out **** saliva. “Don’t humiliate the glory of my warriors.”

“I see, sorry. Orca 16, send them on the road.”

“Orca 16, understand.” Twenty-four missiles flew down and pounced on the remaining four Zakus.

“Huh, lucky boy, one day’s trump card.” The captain of the personal guard sorted out the collar of the uniform that leaked from the driver’s uniform.


The missile destroyed the remaining 4 Zagu.

After confirming that all 32 MSs were destroyed, the Orca team returned to Enterprise.

“The glory of the warrior…the people are gone, how can we talk about the glory…”

“What? All 32 Guards MSs were lost?! Has the Federal Fleet fired?!” Kisilia, who was still on the shuttle, received a communication from the Lunar Mobile Fleet. “what happened?”

“According to the report of Captain Lal and Lieutenant Char, the Federation has put into use new fighter jets and new missiles. These two types of equipment are fully adapted to the Minovsky particle environment and are not disturbed. The Guards faced more than 500 at the time. They could not survive the attack of a missile.”

“Cut…” Kycilia gritted her teeth tightly, leaving blood on the corners of her mouth. “Asshole of the Federation… I see, where’s Dr. Minovsky?”

“Received by the Federation, Captain Lal reported that the doctor boarded a fighter plane and returned to Von Brown at high speed.”

Kycilia felt like her chest was pressed by a stone slab and couldn’t breathe. It took a long time before she recovered. “I see, the fleet returned cautiously.” Then hung up the communication. Kycilia held the phone, shaking with anger.

“Let another assault landing ship to recover the wreckage of the reinforcement ms. It felt that there was not enough manpower. So Huaken brought 4 assault landing ships and 4 Columbus over to recover the wreckage and search for the surviving Guncannon pilots. “Rebil cut off the video after watching the remaining ms after the Tiger Shark 16 was destroyed. “Give power to the Zeon fleet and ask them to leave immediately, or just stay here.”

At this time, the task force of the Federation’s own fleet had launched an artillery formation 200 kilometers ahead of the Zeon fleet.


In the Zeon fleet, on the Chebe-class cruiser, the captain just hung up Kycilia’s call.

“Captain, the Federation ordered us to leave immediately.”

“I see. The fleet, turn around 180 degrees in turn, and return to Granada.” The captain lowered the brim of his hat, staring at dozens of smoke pillars in the distance. “I will not forget your sacrifice.”

“Admiral, the Zeon fleet has retreated.”

“Yeah.” Rebir looked at the Zeon fleet that turned his head in turn. “You won.”

“This is the assault landing ship Iwo Jima, General Rebil, what about the prisoners in the captured ms?”

“Notify the Zeon fleet and let them pick up the people themselves.”

Upon receiving the notice, the Zeon army expelled the Gaia plane to take Orudiga back.

Watching the Zeon fleet go away, Rebil was completely relieved. “The combat alert is lifted, and the fleet is here guarding the assault landing ship to recover the wreckage. I transferred to Iwo Jima to Von Brown.”

“Doctor, take a drink to suppress your shock.”

Tim Ray brought a glass of vodka. Dr. Minovsky took a sip of vodka before adjusting his breathing.

“What’s going on in the battle? Before I got on the fighter plane, the federal fighter jets could only harass, and the MS troops were also completely wiped out… Neither the Gaia trio nor Rahr could be an opponent of fighter jets.”

“Ian-jun, can I trouble you to…”

Ian took out his cell phone and called Rebir directly, and the battle was over when he got through, and it didn’t end if he didn’t.

Rebir answered “Ian Jun? What’s wrong.”

“Dr. Minovsky wants to know the situation of the battle. I think it is the most straightforward to ask you. Anyway, there are Minovsky particles in the battle, I can’t get through. I don’t worry about disturbing you.”

“Well, a big victory. I lost 12 Guncannons, 3 Swordfish, captured a Zeon MS, destroyed 32, and seriously injured one.”

“Destroy 32 units?! It’s not that there were 5 machines in total…” Ian felt something was wrong.

“Kisilia’s troops were dispatched, and later the fuselage was airborne from the Lunar Mobile Fleet. The battle video will wait until a meeting for a while to watch together. I am already on the way to Von Brown.”

“I probably understand, I’ll see you later.” Ian hung up the phone with a gloomy expression. The federal forces in this world have gone too far.

“Is the Federation’s loss great?” Dr. Minovsky was a little uneasy, because the Federation suffered too much loss because of his own job hopping, a little uneasy.

“No, the losses you have seen are basically all. Kycilia’s Guards and Lunar Mobile Fleet are dispatched, but the Guards are suspected of being knocked down by 32 Zakus.” Ian shook his head. “It will take a while for the post-war meeting to know the details.”

“It’s fine if the loss is small.” Dr. Minovsky took another sip of vodka. Two hours later, the assault landing ship Rebil’s Iwo Jima stopped.

During this period, Ian once went to the command center to ask what happened after the First Fleet took over, but was told that the information was in the First Fleet and the base did not have detailed information.

“Assemble the generals and hold a video conference 15 minutes later, contact General Gepp, and send Dr. Minovsky, Director Tim Rae and Major Ian Vasty to the meeting room.” Alighted the assault landing ship, Rebir The order was issued. “How about ms’s debris collection?”

“Now, the large pieces of wreckage have basically been recovered, and the Midway Island has been loaded on to go to Von Brown. The Luna II research institute hopes to get some wrecks.” The staff nearby checked the mission report on the personal terminal.

“Then bring Luna Two into the meeting.” Rebir said casually. “Are there any survivors in the Iron Cavalry Squadron?”

The staff shook his head.

“Really.” Rebir strode into the meeting room, Ian and others were already waiting.

“Mr Rebir, great victory.” General Ge Pu still had a cheerful expression.

“Well, it’s a big victory. If only the killer whale is in the battle, it may be an unprecedented victory. But I can’t blame the young men in the cavalry squadron. Dr. Minovsky.” Rebir looked at Dr. Minovsky who was sitting aside. On the auxiliary screen, the avatars representing the participants in the meeting light up one by one.

“Everyone is here, so I’ll make a long story short. Today we clashed with Zeon in the Smith Sea on the moon, you all know.” Rebir looked at the expressions of his colleagues and was not confused. “Then, let’s take a look at the first A video.”

Then, the video of the encounter between the Iron Cavalry Squadron and the Rahr team began. The video was shot by a platypus reconnaissance plane hovering in the air.

“MS is indeed an excellent weapon, but the performance of the Federation’s MS is too poor.” Tiam concluded.

“Indeed, we need a better MS. The Guncannon can no longer appear in our equipment catalog. Then watch the second video.”

The second video is the scene of Captain Banninger’s fight with Char.

“This machine, UU Read is a newly equipped killer whale style? Can it actually compete with Zeon’s MS? MS, at this level?” An unknown admiral said.

The video continued to play, followed by Jung’s three planes harassing Ralji and snatching out Dr. Minovsky’s picture.

“Faced with 3 killer whale-style attacks, it can last so long and only lose two arms to escape, ms, it’s amazing.”

Then began to play the fourth video, 15 killer whales shot out the rain of missiles.

“Under this kind of oversaturation attack, there are 4 MSs that can survive. MS, it’s scary. Rebil, what do you want to say.”

“I want to confirm the future equipment composition.”

Then the fifth video was played, 14 killer whale-style beating of Orudiga machines. For unknown reasons, the sentence of the killer whale driver “How do we transport him back?” was also included in the video. .

“These videos are my argument. I hope to eliminate the existing space force aviation forces and establish a new type of aviation combat capability with the killer whale as the core and the new ms as the auxiliary.”

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