An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Battle of Loum, 1 year late

“Nano-robots that can proliferate? How can this kind of thing destroy the Federation.” General Ge Pu still cheerfully took the PDA that Ian handed him.

“Swallowing materials self-proliferate, can manipulate molecular structures, bee swarm intelligence, speed up the manufacturing process… It looks good, so what’s the harm? Are workers unemployed?”

“The harm is that on the day you waited for high-ranking officials to lose their sanity, you used the nanomachines as a weapon to enter the war. In the end, it is not once or twice that the nanomachines ransacked and led to the extinction of mankind.” Ian has a rare face. “If you follow the history that I know, the world will develop weapons based on nanomachine clusters 200 years later, destroying alien invaders and human civilization.”

“Are you saying that there will be alien invasion in 200 years?” General Ge Pu was not happy, sitting squarely at Ian.

“I don’t know, that work is set in this universe, but it is completely black history, and the specific timeline is not correct. However, it is the follow-up of the universe century. When the alien MS is discovered, the nanomachine group is thrown into the war. , Continue to use Minovsky particles, the universe will be destroyed in the century, these few are correct.” Ian thought for a while to remember the content of turnA that has been blurred. “It should be around 200 years ago. The single-shot beam rifle with the power of the battleship’s main gun, and the Minovsky particle flying device used by the MS are not particularly difficult things. In the case of extreme corruption of the Federation, it can be very difficult. It can be developed within ten years, and there is no reason why it cannot be developed faster now.

But… another part of my memory tells me that the federation disintegrated around 0220. I forgot the reason.”

Ian vaguely remembered seeing a chronology of the universe century, but forgot specifically.

“0220… It’s really a short-lived government, but since there is a chance to open up the frontiers and expand into the deep space, the Federation should not be so short-lived.

You still talk about the benefits of the nanobots, just talking about threats is not enough. ”

“For example, at the enterprise level, after improving the production line, the shortest production time is close to 3 months, but if nanorobots are used, if the fleet is sufficient, this may be like two or three days.

The difficult-to-produce material such as Xiang Luna Titanium alloy is no different from 304 stainless steel. Nano-robots will reconstruct the material from the molecular level.

For new technologies, such as the jump engine I am manufacturing, the test machine can be seen the day after the development is completed.

For ship maintenance, just spray the nano-machine cluster at the wound, and the machine cluster will automatically repair the wounds of the ship according to the program, which is no different from the new ones.

If the technology is mature, nano-robots are also very good medical devices, and terminal illnesses should disappear. In the case of organ disease, just rebuild it directly from the molecular level. The living dead cannot achieve it, and the flesh and bones are still okay. ”

“Wait a minute, the transition engine? It’s the kind of thing in Star Wars and Star Trek, that whizzes out for several light years?”

“Yes, although it is temporarily impossible to swish and fly out for several light years…”

“Then let go and develop it. As for the problem of out of control of the fleet, it seems that the current federation cannot destroy the world. The nuclear weapons in active service of the federation are enough to destroy mankind hundreds of times, and this time is not bad.”

“You are the boss, you decide.” Ian shrugged. “The job of asking people for money is left to you.”

“By the way, Ian-kun, if that nano-robot goes into the war against Zeon…”

“Don’t bully people. The second batch of enterprise-class and new Salamis have already had a gap with Zeon’s Musai. Now it is not so much a war as a beating of disobedient children. If you put in new technology, it will basically be a massacre.” Ian replied in an angry voice. “Once the technology is mature, the cost of producing a 5,000-ton battleship and 5,000 tons of cement is a cost. How do you make Zeon fight? You can even throw the fleet into the asteroid belt to multiply and build battleships, without even the cost. After two months, it will be a full fleet. Rather than thinking about how to beat Zeon, it is better to think about how to carry out deep space exploration and space colonization.”

Ian left General Gepu’s office while chattering.

“By the way, remember, you are not alone. God knows when the Super Galactic Empire will pop out.” Ian suddenly turned around and added.

“I know, I know, you can go ahead.” General Ge Pu waved his hand and drove Ian away.

“There’s more…” Ian pushed open the office door again. “Have you heard of Syam Biste?”

General Ge Pu nodded stiffly with the phone in his hand.



“Get it back as soon as possible. Newtype will inevitably appear, and more and more. It is estimated that in more than ten years, the newborns born in the universe will be all newtype. Anyway, the scandal is not because of the people who were 79 years ago.”

This time Ian really wandered back to the research institute.

General Ge Pu picked up the phone again after confirming that Ian had left at the office window.

“Speaker Mathuras, meet some time, are you coming to South America or me to Washington?”

“what’s happenin?”

“The Federation may also have a chance to continue its deep space program.”

“The Deep Space Project? You mean the outer space exploration project that was shelved 50 years ago? Isn’t it shelved because the spaceship failed to meet the planned performance?”

“Perhaps the performance requirements will be met soon…” General Ge Pu said leisurely. “It may even exceed the standard.”

“Oh? Tell me.”

“Yianjun is developing the transition engine and is preparing to develop a nanomaterial that can completely liberate the federal productivity. If I understand correctly, the future federal productivity can be considered to be infinite.”

“You are too much of a pie painting. I will put the deep space project on the agenda, as an excuse that the Federation is building a spaceship with a speed close to one-tenth of the beam. Let’s talk about the rest when the results come out.” Bian is not very convinced that this revolutionary material will appear.

“Then prepare yourself in advance. If it is as good as what he said, the emergence of nano-robots will have a fatal blow to the existing industrial system.”

“Then it won’t be enough if you don’t put it on the market. When you see a new technology that will replace the existing technology overnight, it will be done step by step.”

“…Cut, I’m too excited to forget it, then wait until there are results.”

-Dividing line-

A few days later, Ian left the Gabriel base and took a special plane to the Federal Nanomaterials Research Center in France.

Scientists who are best at nanomaterials, robot manipulation, molecular structure and other technologies in the entire federation gather here.

Stepping out of the plane, there were already a bunch of scholars in white lab coats or military uniforms on the tarmac waiting for Ian. These people stared at Ian, who was walking down the stair car with scorching eyes.

“It seems that you already know what we are going to do. We may open the door to the future, or destroy the Federation directly. If we do not have the consciousness of becoming a sinner of the Federation, we will leave here as soon as possible and return to your original subject. ”

Seeing everyone indifferent, Ian was a little puzzled.

“You should understand that the impact of nanobots on the existing industrial system, monetary system and other basic systems is devastating.”

“The reason why scientists develop new technologies is that only that technology is waiting to be developed. Political matters are for politicians to consider.”

“Then go, I will send you the basic theory later, and we will study the specific technology slowly.”

“But the most basic and most basic, we need to assemble carbon nanotubes. Is there anyone who is good at carbon nanotube technology?”

There was an embarrassing silence…

“Eh…” Ian felt a little painful. “Anyone who recommended?”

“In fact, we all know a little bit. Carbon nanotubes are basically the basic technology of nanotechnology-related industries…” a scholar next to him whispered.

“That’s it, let’s do it first. If necessary, we can find someone.” Ian also doesn’t know how much this meeting will be. What if there is a big cow among this group of people?

Then, Ian understood what it means to know some and basic technology. This group of people have basically understood nanotube technology. In this world, nanotube technology has been used for more than 200 years…

“You guys are really self-effacing…” Ian looked at this group of people and everyone could understand the nano-robot technology that he invented based on the nano-materials of the Sea Fog Fleet, and even some bigwigs have been making progress. Furthermore, the design of a nano-sized computer was started, and the frustration was very strong.

There is no way in the system that the information of nanomaterials is attributed to the information of the people. Ian doesn’t understand the origin and basic technology… The prototype of the nanomaterials can only be inferred from the sea fog armor material that has been used for hundreds of years. This difficulty is no less than According to the LCD display, the transistor display is reversed… Of course, from the time span, it should be reversed from the anti-matter bomb on the ancient firecracker principle…

While Ian is in full swing in the development of nano robots, the war between the Federation and Zeon has reached a new stage.

“Are you confirmed?”

“It is confirmed that the Zeon Mars resident fleet robbed the Jupiter fleet. Under the desperate resistance of Jupiteris I and its **** fleet, only two storage tanks filled with helium-3 were lost.”

“Oh only lost…” Rebir hesitated for several seconds before holding back the PDA in his hand and throwing it on the face of the report’s staff. “If you remember correctly, a storage tank of helium 3 is enough to make a fusion bomb that can turn the earth into scorched earth.”

“Strictly speaking, all colonies can be blown up by the way.” The staff officer added casually.

“Where did all these helium 3 go?” Rebil put down his PDA and rubbed his temples. Mom’s brain hurts.

“Half of it was transported to Axis, and half of it was being transported to the fortress of Abba Waku based on the forecast of the fleet’s orbit. In addition, Axis will enter the Earth Sphere in one month, and it will arrive in 37 days. Zeon native.”

“One month…that is to say, in February 0080, the time has come for the decisive battle. Let the fleet raise its alert level and be ready to start the decisive battle at any time.”

Thirty days later, Axis was captured by the earth’s gravity, and the astronomical telescopes used by ordinary households on the earth could see the front of the Axis cross at the right time.

Returning with Axis, there is also the Zeon Mars resident fleet. On the same day, Axis broadcasted on all bands in the Earth circle: “I’m waiting for my return, SiegZeon!”

High-profile proclaimed his own sense of existence. On the same day, the Zeon fleet flocked out at the fortress of Abba Vaku. The number of observable improved Musais exceeded 150, and the Gwakin 7 ships, imitating the Magellan class. There are 30 ships, and 2 super-large aircraft carriers Dolos class, more than 500 simple ms, more than 300 Zaku 2 improved models, more than 100 big monsters, more than 150 warriors, more than 40 MA Bigelows, and big Zam 6 units, the appearance is similar to the ma9 unit of Apsas 3. Facing such a huge fleet, the EFF First and Third Fleet rushed out from Lunar Base and Luna II to support the second fleet stationed at side3.

After Tiam’s second fleet left a minimal resident fleet, they all set sail and merged with the third fleet from the lunar base. Even if they have all been replaced with new ships, it will take a day for the First Fleet to reach side3 from Luna II on the other side of the earth.

When the Second and Third Fleet was ready to face the Zeon Fleet off side3, the Zeon Fleet turned to side5 Rum. Threatened to conduct a second British operation as a salute for the return of Axis and Mars garrison troops.

No way, the Federal Fleet can only turn to the Rum universe. Prepare to engage in an encounter with the Zeon fleet off Rum.

At this time, the second and third fleets have been refitted and reorganized. Each fleet has 16 enterprise-class ships with 4 formations, 32 aviation-type salamis with 8 formations, and 32 artillery salamis. Sri Lanka, 16 Lepanto-class guided missile frigates, 2 Hive-class large aircraft carriers, and 8 Columbus-class aircraft carriers. Carrying more than 384 killer whale 2s and the same number of ms of each model. The replaced Magellan class and old Salamis will be reorganized into the Preparatory Fourth Fleet and the First Teaching Fleet after being upgraded.

“Mr. Tiam, the size of the evenly matched fleet…” Admiral of the Third Fleet, Lieutenant General Huaken, connected with Admiral of the Second Fleet, Tiam at cic.

“Yes, UU reading is evenly matched.” Tiam looked at the results of the Zeon fleet’s military power, and sweated all over.

“The course of the fleets of both sides is now a V shape, and here, our first enterprise-class ship will enter effective range. At this point, the last enterprise-class ship will enter effective range. If it does not slow down, the Zeon fleet will accelerate. At a relative speed of 45 kilometers per second, directly rushing into the side5 universe. That would be catastrophic.”

“Zeon’s fleet can’t come out with a big fanfare just to commit suicide. According to the previous performance of Msey, the expected place of engagement is here. We can’t destroy a warship sailing at full speed. The wrecked warship hits the colony and the consequences are disastrous. ”

“Let’s take one step at a time. The crew of my Second Fleet is more familiar. Let’s go to the front of Zeon Fleet to grab the T head. Your Third Fleet pulls up from the side and bombards the formation, attacking the enemy fleet from the side.”

“Yes, how careful you are.”

“Huh, let’s also use you to say, the fleet accelerates, overloads the engine with 120% power, and rushes to the front of the Zeon fleet!” Tiam turned his military cap 180 degrees and snapped it on his head. “It’s time to hunt!”

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