Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 128

Chapter 126 Steal the old ancestors and do a big one

In the dense and dim ancient forest, Liu Liuhai was full of panic, panting heavily behind his ancestor.

Behind them, the two coffin carriers Liu Yi and Liu Er followed, and their faces were pale.

Since they found their ancestors, they have been tracked by inexplicable existence.

The opponent’s breath is tyrannical, and there is an unimaginable sense of pressure.

They tried to fight each other, but they didn’t even see the shadow of the other party, and the thunder was bombarded down, and the ancient woods surrounded by ten people were destroyed.

They were so scared that their scalp was numb, and they didn’t dare to fall in love with each other, so they had to run away.


The immature voice echoed in the ancient forest, and was approaching quickly.

Liu Liuhai’s expression changed, his voice was simply the devil.

After chasing them all the way, like a dogskin plaster, I can’t shake it no matter what.

He wanted to throw the old ancestor out, but the opponent was too fast, and throwing the old ancestor out didn’t have much effect.

Because the monsters in the jungle only eat their living flesh and blood, corpses like the ancestors, with restrained blood and death, no monsters are rare.

“Run separately and find someone to support!”

Liu Liuhai said, Liu Yi and Liu Er nodded, spreading one left and the other right.

Liu Liuhai picked up his ancestor and ran to the depths of the ancient forest.

He noticed that in that direction, there was a very tyrannical and terrifying aura permeating.

In normal times, he naturally avoided it.

But at this moment, that direction has become his life-saving straw.


Liu Liuhai gritted his teeth and rushed in with his ancestors on his back.

In an instant, it seemed as if I had come to a dark hell, where it was pitch black and I couldn’t see my fingers.

He touched a tree root, hid quietly, observed and listened in secret.

“Eh, oh!”

The monster behind him really came after him, and his voice echoed in this hellish dark forest.

Liu Liuhai heard the sound of the rustle, and it grew louder. He couldn’t help but his heart beat to his throat, and he carried the ancestor in front of him, ready to sacrifice at any time.

At the same time, he also saw clearly the creature that was chasing him behind him.

It was a small thing the size of a palm.

The head is golden, with a tentacles on it, crackling with thunder and lightning, and the body is silvery white, covered with dense scales, exuding a milky white halo, very cute.

Like an elf.

At this moment, it tilted its head, and its jewel-like eyeballs were turning around smartly, tearful, very pitiful. It seemed to be looking for something, and at the same time it kept making babble sounds and milky cries. With “Baba, Baba…”

Liu Liuhai’s eyes widened, he had no idea that he would be chasing him by such a gadget!

At the same time, he wondered, how did the little monster chase him for “Baba”? !

Looking at the pure eyes of the little monster, his pitiful appearance, his heart melted, but he had no impulse, many monsters are good at disguising.

He intends to observe first.

However, at this moment, the earth shook, and a black python came out from under the dead leaves. It was as large as a train, and its scales were pitch black. Its fierce aura was stronger than that of the water monster of the Living Dead.

Bringing a fishy wind, the black python swallowed, swallowing the little monster.

The **** fangs and fierce aura made the entire Gu Lin chill instantly.

Liu Liuhai was cold all over, this was the real horror!

He just wanted to slip away, but with the fishy wind around him, the black python twisted his body, turned his head to the tree, and looked at him coldly.

Liu Liuhai’s body was cold and his eyes were full of fear. In the scarlet eyes of the black python, he even saw his own reflection.

So he hurriedly lifted his ancestors high and kept them in front.

At this moment, the black python suddenly shook his body and let out a painful roar.

It fell to the ground and scrambled, like a road roller, the surrounding ancient forest rumbling and collapsing.

Liu Liuhai didn’t dare to wait any longer, and took the opportunity to run wildly, carrying his ancestor and fleeing here without looking back.

On his shoulder, Liu Fan turned his head quietly.

The little guy is still fighting in the belly of the black python.

That black python is comparable to the existence of an adult Thunder Dragon, and is a domineering monster of Gulin.

The little guy was just born, afraid of danger.

Liu Fan raised his head and stared at the sky above the black python for three seconds.

The kind that is affectionate.


In an instant, the black cloud pressed on top and rolled over, forming a funnel-like vortex cloud group, with thunder rolling in and lightning blasting into the sky.


A bolt of lightning fell, the ancient forest exploded, arcs shot, and thunder fire roared.

The black python screamed and died, and lightning raged on its body, instantly turning it into a charred black python meat, emitting a delicate fragrance.

“Little guy, have a good barbecue!”

Liu Fan felt at ease.

When the little guy noticed that the big guy was dead, he stayed for a while, and then “babbled” excitedly.

It happily ate the black python meat and also the black python’s inner alchemy, and its momentum skyrocketed, and it became tyrannical.

But its size is still so small, it seems that it hasn’t grown up at all.

In the distance, although Liu Liuhai was running away, he was shocked by the horror behind him. He couldn’t help but glance back, and he was so scared.

The little monster was still alive, released a lightning bolt and killed the black python, and was eating meat on the black python happily at this moment.

“Madan! What a scary little monster!”

“Obviously so strong, but still pretending to be pitiful! The routine is too deep!”

“Fortunately, Lao Tzu has a cold heart. I didn’t pay attention to it just now. Otherwise, I really feel weak. I must be killed by it at this moment!”

Liu Liuhai was extremely thankful that he ran happier carrying Liu Fan.

Soon after, a group of masters from the rivers and lakes lurked, their eyes flickering.

They were attracted by the lightning vision just now.

I thought it was a peerless treasure, but I didn’t expect to see a giant python that was killed by lightning.

The whole body is dark, but it is obviously already familiar with thunder and lightning, exuding bursts of meaty smell, and a smell makes them feel that their skills have improved.

But what makes them fearful is that on the black python, there is a little monster jumping around.

Although it is small, no one dares to underestimate it, because the aura it exudes is extremely terrifying, and there are flashes of thunder and lightning above its head.

It is very likely that this fierce black python was killed by it, and everyone held their breath and waited quietly.

When the little monster ate and drank enough, they babbled and left, and they rushed up all of a sudden…

Liu Dahai took Liu Sanhai along, looking for the ancestors.

Going deeper and deeper, after several dangerous times, I suddenly heard the sound of violent fighting coming from the front.

They leaned over, surprised.

They saw Liu Liuhai, Liu Dongdong, and several members of the Liu family. At this moment, they were fighting with several gangs in the rivers and lakes to fight for a treasure.

The treasure medicine was one inch high, shaped like a pagoda, very peculiar, exuding a milky white halo, smelling of the medicine, and obviously mature.

Liu Dahai inherited the corpse-raising sacred tactic, and instantly recognized that this elixir was a rare “pagoda grass” and could be taken alone to increase lifespan.

“call out!”

Someone sent a signal, calling for expert support.

In the field, the fight became more intense, Liu Liuhai and Liu Dongdong assaulted from side to side, and under the cover of several Liu family members, they quickly approached the treasure medicine.


The jungle exploded, and the ancient trees flew across, and an old man rushed out, the ancestor of the Murong family, a powerful Nine Extremes old monster.

“See the ancestors!”

The master of Murong Family was surprised.

The ancestor Murong ignored him, staring at the pagoda grass with fiery eyes.

“The treasure medicine belongs to the old man!”

He rushed over, his palm prints were split out, and everyone in front of him was knocked out, as if the field was cleared.

“Huh?! Liu Family Physical Training!!!”

The ancestor Murong stared, his gaze fell on Liu Liuhai and Liu Dongdong, thinking of the words of the nine-fold ancestor in his heart, Liu Jiatixiu has many lost martial arts and martial arts and inheritance.

“It seems that the old man’s luck today is extremely good!”

The ancestor Murong was excited and rushed over.

He wanted to kill all the others, leaving only the Liu family’s physical training, and torturing the Liu family’s physical training heritage and all secrets.

The terrifying aura of the Nine Extremes realm swept over him, and in his heyday, his strength was much stronger than that of the badly wounded old sword boss.

Liu Liuhai’s expression changed drastically, and he prayed in his heart: “Old ancestor, don’t fail this time!”

He threw Liu Fan out.

Murong ancestors are alert, UU reading www. dodges to avoid.

Liu Fan’s body fell in the air, and a Murong master slashed it out.

Murong ancestor Yu Guang swept, and there was a twitch in his heart for no reason, as if a sense of crisis had come, and he opened his mouth to stop it, but it was too late.

At the same time, behind a big tree, Liu Dahai and Liu Sanhai were full of excitement and their eyes widened. They leaned in the grass and watched Liu Fan’s body fall in the void.

“Look at the direction, the ancestors will fall to us!”

“Hold your head and lie down. After the ancestors protect the body and destroy the enemy, Liuhai and the others will definitely be too scared to move for a long time!”

“We will steal our ancestors at this time and go and do a big vote!”

“Hehehe, Sanhai really has you!”

“Jie Jie Jie, Liu Hai, you are my brother, you are the best!”

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