Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 934

 In the Tiandi preschool, a new student came, who was still a half emperor, and sat in the first row.

    All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the classroom was ignited, and many bigwigs were talking and whispering.

    Many newcomers, including many kings, suddenly ceased to be so arrogant, because there are too many bosses here.

    And the star-level masters are even more obedient students, with both hands on the table, sitting neatly, not daring to show off.

    “Boom boom boom…” On the

    podium, Liu Fan knocked on the table, soaring mushroom clouds.

    The classroom suddenly became quiet.

    Everyone looked at Liu Fan.

    Liu Fan scanned the entire classroom with his majestic eyes, and smiled: “This time there are a lot of new classmates, there are 10,000 people, and there are still girls who are not girls, not bad.”

    “Since there are new classmates, I guess. Many people have been sleeping underground for many years. If they don’t know me, then I will introduce myself.”

    Liu Fan said, “My name is Liu Fan, the ancestor of the Liu Family in Sanlitun, and the Emperor of Heaven. You can call me a teacher. My God.”

    “Of course, you can also call me Liu Fan directly. I am a very easy person…”

    As soon as this sentence fell, the big guys in the classroom who had heard the first class before, The corners of his mouth twitched.

    Teacher Tiandi, can you not be so pitted? !

    Unexpectedly, they all looked at Lei Longlong, the disciplinary committee member.

    Because classmate Lei Longlong heard Liu Fan say this, and then called his name directly, but he was taught to be a behaved person, causing an explosion on the spot and losing his face.

    Lei Longlong saw the eyes of everyone, and made a cold snort of embarrassment.

    At the same time, he looked forward to looking at the newcomers in the classroom, hoping that someone like him would be like this one.


    The classroom is very quiet, no one is speaking.

    Not to mention thorny heads, many people are even very cautious, their expressions are full of vigilance and caution.

    Obviously, there are more than 10,000 big guys in class here, a large group of stars, half-step kings and kings, and the two sitting in the first row are half-emperor giants.

    They are afraid!

    For the first time I felt so ordinary.

    On the podium.

    Liu Fan waited for a long time, but no one spoke, and he felt disappointed.

    Missed an opportunity to pretend to be invisible.


    In the corner, Chen Beixuan smiled secretly in his heart, pretending to be forceful, Teacher Tiandi is still very tender!

    “I force the king Chen Beixuan to pretend to be a big winner!”

    On the stage.

    Liu Fan pretended to fail and didn’t delay anymore, and started the class directly.

    “Last class, we learned the exile magic of the ancestor Liu Changsheng, did you study it after class?” Liu Fan asked.

    In classrooms.

    Master Huang waited for the first class, and the three thousand bosses responded in unison: “Learned!” The

    new boss in the classroom heard it, and his heart was shocked. Every eyeball fell to the ground.

    “My God, is this the big guy’s class?! In the first class, I talked about Liu Changsheng’s magic arts!”

    “It’s terrible, Liu Changsheng’s magic arts have become the content of the class, if you don’t hear it with your own eyes , I don’t believe in killing.”

    “I look forward to it , I do n’t know what this class is about…” The

    newcomers are very excited.

    On the podium.

    Liu Fan was very satisfied with everyone’s response, smiled and nodded, and said, “I remember that when the last class was over, I reserved homework. After everyone went back, everyone practiced a magic seal of exile.

    ” Now, I want to check how well everyone’s homework is done.” As

    soon as this word fell, the atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became tense.

    Everyone is a big boss with advanced cultivation. Under this nervousness, even the void instantly freezes under the reaction of Qi.


    Some early stars of the Star Class had difficulty breathing, like a fish without water, the whole person seemed to be squeezed, and the flesh was about to crack.

    The life committee member, the blood god son of the great king of the bloodscale tribe, hurriedly waved his sleeves to instantly restore the void in the classroom.

    A group of gangsters in the early stage of the Star Yao class felt that they had come back alive, and cast grateful glances at the blood god child of the blood scale tribe.

    The Blood God Child smiled slightly, indicating that it was okay.

    Caring for classmates, especially female classmates, is one of the duties of the life committee.

    Liu Fan looked at the big guy in the front row and smiled: “Who will give a demonstration first?”

    Scanned by Liu Fan’s eyes, the big guys sitting in the front row, including Mrs Huang, could not help but sweat. Sweating nervously.

    “Student Huang, you are a half emperor, you first show it to everyone on stage!” Liu Fan said, speaking with a gentle voice, but with indisputable majesty.

    Master Huang heard that Teacher Daotian first clicked his name, and couldn’t help but dig out a cloud of mushrooms.

    He was a little nervous.

    But he was a half emperor after all, and soon stabilized his mind and walked up.

    He bowed to Liu Fan first, then bowed his hands to the left and right of the classroom, and then closed his eyes to mobilize his energy.

    With his cultivation base, it didn’t need to be this way, but everyone was watching at this moment. This move was just to highlight his seriousness and importance.

    In classrooms.

    More than 10,000 bosses held their breath and opened their eyes wide, wanting to see this half-emperor giant performing exile magic.

    At this moment.

    Master Huang opened his eyes and waved his hand, and an Aries monster with a cultivation base at the Star Yao level appeared beside him.

    “Hey–” The

    Aries monster seemed to have just woke up, a little sleepy and a little dazed.

    “I’ll use this sheep to demonstrate my homework!”

    Master Huang said, and stretched out his hand. In the palm of his hand, there was already a mysterious and mysterious seal.

    This is the seal of the exile magic. It took him ten years and countless times to practice and finally condensed it. Only a palm shoot can be used to cast the exile magic.

    “Hey–” the

    nervous sheep cried, and finally realized that it was not good.

    Master Huang yelled, “Hmm! Exile the magic, go!”

    He slapped it out, rumbling the void and annihilating, the law of endless time and space evolved into the river of time and space, and a white light rolled up the Aries monster and disappeared in the river of time and space. .

    In this series of actions, laymen watch the excitement and experts watch the doorway.

    “The breathing room creates a long river of time and space. The students in the classroom should be able to do it?!” Liu Fan said, commenting simultaneously.

    Everyone in the classroom nodded when they heard the words.

    A group of gangsters in the early stage of the star class also looked confident.

    They can easily complete the annihilation of the long river of time and space with their hands, but to evolve the long river of time and space between breathing, it is an extraordinary method, and it is necessary to understand the laws of time and space thoroughly.

    At the same time, evolutionary manufacturing is more difficult than destruction.

    However, for them, it is all trivial.

    “You can evolve the time and space by yourself, and trace the Aries monster to watch the exile magic effect of classmate Huang.” Liu Fan reminded, this is also a guarantee for everyone.

    Lord Huang is a half emperor after all.

    Everyone in the classroom was a big man with a profound cultivation level. Hearing that Teacher Tiandi opened his mouth, he hurriedly waved his hand to evolve a long river of time and space.

    The laws of time and space evolve, so the long river of time and space can be connected.

    They clearly saw that the Aries Monster went up against the long river of time and space, surrounded by a mysterious white light, unable to resist, like being exiled forever, passing away to the distance.

    At last.

    With only a babble of sheep, the Aries monster appeared in a space-time vortex.

    The end of the whirlpool is connected to the belly of a ewe.

    In this way, the Aries monster was banished to the belly of the ewe.

    A terrifying and horrifying scene appeared.

    The ewe was conceived, but suddenly there was abdominal pain and rolling, and then she gave birth directly, and pulled out a lump of black blood behind her skin.

    Through breath induction, everyone knew that the black blood was the Aries Monster.

    “A star Yao-level repair Aries strange, so dead?!”

    “Exiled divine eternal exile, and the inverse space-river, died in the womb, came to the femoral!”

    “FML, horrible , Worthy of Liu Changsheng’s exile magic!”

    There was an uproar in the classroom.

    As for the stars of the Star Class, all of them looked very unnatural, even very ugly, with some kind of panic in their eyes.

    “That sheep is a star class, doesn’t that mean that if someone casts exile magic on me, my star class ancestor will also die of her mother’s womb, Wo Ri…”

    “Hmph! What are you afraid of? You can go back against time and space and suppress your old mother in advance…”

    “Grass! You are ruthless!”

    Star-level big guys are also talking.

    In classrooms.

    Everyone looked at Master Huang’s eyes with deep awe and fear.

    Is this half the emperor? It’s terrifying.

    Master Huang saw that his exile magic demonstration was successful, he couldn’t help but feel happy, turned around and bowed to Liu Fan, respectfully said: “This is the student’s homework, please comment from the teacher.”

    Liu Fan nodded and smiled: “Yes, A full score of 100 points will give you 80 points.”

    “You can get 80 points!” Mr. Huang was surprised. It seems that his exile magic is still very good!

    He gave himself 70 points in his heart.

    Liu Fan said: “The important thing is the condensed three laws of exile, especially the laws of exile, and you must be careful.”

    “Student Huang’s magic of exile, the laws of exile have shortcomings.”

    Master Huang listened carefully and remembered. In my heart.

    “Thank you for the teacher’s teaching, students must remember and work hard to improve.” Master Huang saluted, bowed back, and sat in his seat.

    Next to him, Liu Dongdong gave Master Huang a thumbs up, and Master Huang was overjoyed when he saw it.

    “Brother Dong is pretty good, he is a lover of personality, he has a head start!”


    Liu Fan also named Old Silver Ghost on stage to demonstrate. The object of his exile divine art demonstration was a cow. As soon as he raised his hand, he would demonstrate it. As a result, the tauren Yang Shouan looked over with cold eyes.

    The old silver ghost hit a spirit, only then realized that there was a big bison here.

    So, the cow was replaced with a sheep.

    I am not afraid of Yang Shouan, but I don’t want to have an unprovoked relationship with a master.


    He performed the exile magic technique, and the sheep was exiled to his mother’s womb, but in the end, he was born smoothly and turned into a little lamb, with his mouth open just to eat milk.

    “The sheep is not dead, Old Silver Ghost, are you using the exile magic or reincarnation magic, hahaha!” Tong Lao Dao couldn’t help laughing.

    He has a very good relationship with Old Silver Ghost, so he dared to joke like this.

    Everyone else smiled and dared not laugh out loud.

    The silver old ghost was ashamed and stared at Tong Lao Dao fiercely.

    Liu Fan Comments laughed: “The sheep did not die, it is estimated many years later, there will be a sheep with a memory reborn, Guards sky, become huge guy, a silver students can be considered a merit.”

    Silver devil heard this, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, bowed and bowed, and returned to his seat as if dingy escape.


    Tong Lao Dao took the stage to demonstrate and also experimented with a sheep.

    As a result, after his exile magic was used, the sheep swam around in the long river of time and space, came back happily again, and licked Tong Lao Dao’s hand affectionately.

    There was laughter in the classroom.

    Old Yin Gui laughed directly and said: “Old Tong Dao, this sheep is destined to you!” Old

    Tong Dao wanted to slap the sheep to death.

    Liu Fan waved his hand and let Tong Lao Dao return to his seat.

    Next, other Dacheng kings took the stage to demonstrate, and the results were not much different from the Yin Laogui and Tong Lao Dao.

    When they arrived at Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, the exile magic that the two showed, there was an exclamation in the classroom, and the terrifying prestige shocked everyone.

    The tauren Yang Shouan came to the stage to demonstrate, and his power was even more powerful, as if Liu Changsheng was reborn, everyone only saw a white light flashing, and the sheep used for the demonstration had already died of the ewe’s fetus.

    “99 points!”

    Liu Fan gave a super high score, but did not give one point, not because he was afraid of Yang Shouan’s pride, but because Yang Shouan’s exile magic technique had the shadow of the seal he had given him.

    But the big guys in the classroom didn’t know, they thought it was this big bison with outstanding talent.

    At this moment, everyone in the classroom looked at the tauren Yang Shou’an with shock and weirdness.

    The old silver ghosts sitting in the second row and the Dacheng kings couldn’t help but their expressions changed slightly, looking at Yang Shou’an with a look of jealousy.

    The next star-level masters took the stage together to demonstrate, but they all failed, except for Chen Beixuan.

    His demonstration was successful, and it went very smoothly. It shocked many people in the classroom. Even Liu Fan was slightly surprised and praised Chen Beixuan.

    “You can score 90 points!” Liu Fan gave a very high score.

    The crowd was in an uproar.

    Chen Beixuan smiled and received a wave of shock value.

    “In addition to the shock value from last time, I have almost accumulated enough shock value to be promoted to the king in one step. When the time comes to open the world and pretend to force the power to operate, Chen Beixuan can directly advance to the king!”

    Chen Beixuan was secretly excited.

    After listening to the lesson three thousand people came to the presentation is completed, Liu who do a bit summary, said: “! This time to a lot of new students, I explain again and again for everyone exile mystic art of it,”

    the classroom, suddenly a Excited.

    Especially the newcomer, his excited eyes are red.

    Liu Yangyang, Liu Dongdong, and Liu Xiaoxiao were even more excited.

    Liu Fan said: “Ordinary divine art, it is estimated that all the students here can quickly learn it.”

    “The reason why exile divine art is difficult is because this divine art came from Liu Changsheng, created by Liu Changsheng in his later years. It is powerful and involves evidence. The mystery of the Taoist King.”

    “Everyone is optimistic…”

    Liu Fan demonstrated the magic of exile, and the terrifying power shattered the void in the classroom.

    The trace of imperial pressure he exposed made the new big brothers desperate and helpless, and the feeling of involuntary birth made them seem to have returned to the time when they first started practicing countless years ago.

    Everyone looked at Liu Fan’s eyes and became more in awe.

    This is also one of Liu Fan’s goals.

    Teaching everyone to practice divine arts is only one of them. The most important purpose is to establish the supreme majesty of his emperor and prepare for the future imprisonment of the world.

    After the exile magic exercise was completed, all the kings felt very rewarding.

    And the stars of the star class are still at a loss, basically in a state of bewilderment.

    Liu Fan didn’t delay any longer and started a new content.

    “In this class, I will talk about the skills of the Stars to advance to the king, and the direction of the king to prove the emperor’s way.” When Liu Fan spoke, it was a big move.

    The big guys in the classroom were all excited.

    “Therefore, this class may take a long time, but I can guarantee that when class is over, the classmates in the classroom will have something to gain. It is not impossible to break through and advance on the spot!”


    Many stars in the late stage. Hearing this, the master took a breath and was so excited that he sucked the void into a black hole, intertwined with the terrifying cold current laws.

    The big boss in the early stage of the cultivation base was shivering from the cold.

    Fortunately, the king and the two half-emperor giants sitting in the front row did not take a cold breath, otherwise they would be frozen into ice sculptures again.

    Liu Fan had to remind him: “Pay attention, everyone, take care of the classmates in the back row when you breathe in.”

    …there is

    no time in cultivation, and he preached for several springs and autumns.

    In the blink of an eye, three thousand years passed.

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