Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 960

   Hongmeng Lightning has a legend from the ancient prehistoric age.

    As mysterious as a myth.

    The monks of the older generation said that Hongmeng Lightning was the first lightning when the chaos of the heavens and ten thousand realms first opened. It has terrifying power and incredible magical effects. It can be reversible.

    But so far.

    No one has ever seen it.

    Only in some ancient yellowed sheepskin scrolls treasured by great forces, there are clues, but they are only a few, and the words are unclear.

    I can only mention that Hongmeng Lightning can make people start the road to the emperor, proving that the Tao is the supreme emperor!

    And today.

    The thunder punishment of the ancestors was a great lightning, and accompanied by the terrifying light of the beginning, the mighty power horrified the entire longevity world.

    The majesty of radiance makes all beings tremble.

    But at first, only a few people recognized it.

    Later, the powerful ancestors trembling with their hands over the yellowed ancient books, and after careful comparison, they finally recognized that this was the legendary Hongmeng lightning, which immediately caused a major earthquake.

    Many old monsters crawled out from the ground, still carrying mud on their bodies, but they had already rushed to the sky with excitement.

    They yelled, vying for the grand lightning, hoping to set foot on the emperor’s road.

    In the depths of the sky, ancient and terrifying figures wandered, and the terrifying divine light fought fiercely for more than a thousand years.

    Thousands of years later.

    The longevity world has restored its tranquility, and no war has broken out for the time being.


    In the ancestral lands of several ancient great forces, there was a soaring divine light erupting, the sound of the avenue was all over the world, and the divine clouds filled the sacred mountain.

    At the same time, accompanied by the ancient phantom of the stone gate reflecting in the sky, the emperor’s power overwhelmed the world.

    “It seems that someone has set foot on the emperor’s way again. The grand ancestor’s lightning has made a group of old monsters!”

    In the Great Hall of the Patriarch of the Celestial Emperor City, Liu Liuhai and Liu Dahai were drinking each other. They looked at the vision in the sky and couldn’t help feeling.

    Liu Dahai smiled slightly, and said: “It’s still the same sentence, following the ancestors, eating fart is fragrant, smelling, and thieves!”

    “The temple, the hall of longevity, the Great Xia Kingdom, there have been many people for thousands of years. Stepping on the emperor’s way, there are as many as two other ancient powers, and as few as one.” After a

    pause, Liu Dahai said: “This is a prosperous age that has never been seen since the ancient times!”

    Liu Liuhai nodded, “We Liu The clan, including you, me, Sanhai, and Dongdong, there are also four half emperors.” The

    two of them also smoothly set foot on the emperor’s road five hundred years ago and were promoted to the half-emperor realm.

    Liu Dahai reminded: “There is also Shou’an, isn’t he also promoted to the half-emperor?!”

    Liu Liuhai’s expression was a little unnatural and hummed: “If you say who is the most delicious after the ancestor, it’s not him. It must be!”

    Thousands of years ago.

    Both Liu Dahai and Liu Liuhai thought that they were the only ones who realized the beauty of Hongmeng Lightning and quietly took Hongmeng Lightning. Unexpectedly, everyone took it.

    Including Yang Shouan.

    This made Liu Liuhai a little uncomfortable, and felt that he could never suppress Yang Shouan.

    “By the way, what is he doing recently? I haven’t seen him for decades to report on family affairs. Once the ancestor left, he became more and more disregarded of my patriarch.” Liu Liuhai was a little angry. Asked.

    Liu Dahai shook his head and said in doubt: “I don’t know.”

    “Since you two were unhappy, he seems to have deliberately avoided you, but this is also good, lest you meet and quarrel again, in case you can’t help but move. Come, you are all half emperors, and the thunder punishment of the ancestors is probably more terrible than Hongmeng Lightning…”

    Liu Liuhai said, “I just want to ask him the cause of the death of Erquan and Tianhe, how is the investigation? Is there any clue to the man behind the stone carving.”

    Liu Dahai replied: “There should be no clues yet, isn’t Dongdong looking for it too?!”

    “But according to Dongdong, the person behind the scenes back then was able to imprison Dongdong. His strength is absolutely terrifying, at least half the emperor. Above.”

    “I think our Liu family is as powerful as the sky, and the ancestors suppressed the invincible hand. Behind the scenes, the black hand dared to break ground on our heads. If you want to think about it, you can’t be careless.”

    Liu Liuhai nodded, his expression agitated .

    “I don’t know what happened to the ancestors in Tianwaitian? Recently, I always feel uneasy, as if something big is about to happen.” When the

    words fell, Liu Dahai couldn’t help but look surprised.

    “Do you have this feeling too? I have this feeling too. Sometimes when I meditate, I suddenly wake up, as if someone is staring at me in secret. It is deduced that everything is normal.”

    Liu Liuhai and Liu Dahai looked at each other and said : “It seems that we all have to be careful.”

    “The ancestors are not here, I always feel uneasy.” The

    two chatted for a few words, and then dispersed.

    Liu Dahai went to see Liu Yangyang’s condition and found that he was still unconscious, but his aura and coercion had already reached the half-emperor state, and even stronger.

    Liu Liuhai went to see Liu Xiaoxiao. He was in a similar condition to Liu Yangyang. He recovered from his injuries, but he was still in a comatose state, and his breath reached half the emperor.

    “I hope they can wake up soon.”


    Shadow Army Commander Hall.

    Yang Shouan was meditating and cultivating, he suddenly felt palpitations, suddenly opened his eyes, and scanned the surroundings vigilantly, but found nothing unusual.

    He continued to practice, but the uneasy feeling still existed.

    “Strange, does someone want to calculate me?…”

    Yang Shouan said to himself.

    Obviously, his condition is similar to Liu Dahai and Liu Liuhai.

    It was deduced for a while, but there was not the slightest discovery.

    Yang Shouan stood up, opened the secret room behind the main hall, and walked in.

    This is an underground secret room, very secret, full of bans, and a large array of divine light flickers.

    In the secret room, it was very empty and there was nothing else. On the wall to the east, there was a portrait of the ancestor, and under the portrait was an offering table.

    The offering on the table is a chicken head.

    This chicken head was given by the ancestors at the family banquet that year. Yang Shouan has kept it today. He has arranged a fresh-keeping formation on the chicken head to make the chicken head immortal.

    As long as he does not die, the chicken head will always be fresh.

    In front of the chicken head offering is an incense burner.

    “The old ancestor is on the top, the chicken head is on the top, and the descendant Yang Shou’an is enjoying the incense here!”

    Yang Shouan’s face was rare and respectful, pious, and earnestly took the three incense sticks.

    Then he kowtowed his head in awe, banging loudly.

    “Invincible old ancestor, noble chicken head fetish, descendant Yang Shouan has been practicing recently, and always feels restless. It seems that someone is targeting his descendants.”

    “The descendants have worked for the family all their lives and killed many people. Young enemy, people inside and outside call me Yang Ruen, but you know the old ancestors, the children and grandchildren are in the Shadow Army, and the dirty work is the responsibility of the children and grandchildren!”

    “Now, the cultivation base of the children and grandchildren has reached a half-emperor. I am not afraid of any enemy in the world, but now I always feel that I

    am being watched, I am uneasy, and it is suspected that there is a thief who wants to count the offspring.” Yang Shouan knelt in front of the portrait of the ancestor, looking at the portrait of the ancestor with one eye and one eye. Looking at the fetish chicken head on the altar, he prayed for respect.

    “It is suspected that there is a thief and the enemy, but the descendants can’t deduce any clues. I beg the ancestors to appear, the chicken

    heads of the gods , and the descendants to point out the clues of the enemy…” Yang Shouan kowtowed and prayed.

    He didn’t know whether this was the best way to do it, but he held the mentality of experimenting and prayed with the most religious gestures.

    “Bang bang bang…”

    he kept kowtow, and he kept muttering “Pray for the ancestors to appear, and for the divine fetish chicken head to appear…” After

    saying how many times, he offered to the table. Suddenly, his fetish chicken head flashed lightly.

    Then, in Yang Shouan’s shocked and excited eyes, the fetish chicken head slowly moved. It was originally the chicken mouth that was ahead, but at this moment, the chicken mouth turned left and pointed to the west.


    The divine light of the divine fetish chicken head dimmed, and the silence was restored.

    Yang Shouan rubbed his eyes and looked at the head of the divine fetish chicken again, and found that it had indeed moved just now, and the mouth of the chicken was pointing in another direction-Zhengxi.


    “Is the thief who is watching me in the direction of the west?” Yang Shouan’s eyes lit up, and he thanked the portrait of the ancestor and the head of the fetish chicken respectfully.

    Fortunately, I didn’t eat this chicken head, otherwise there would be no miracle today.

    Sure enough, the chicken head bestowed by the ancestors is not an ordinary chicken head!

    Yang Shouan was particularly excited and excited.

    With news here, he got up and hurried away.

    Walking out of the hall of command and envoy, Yang Shouan took a step in Tiandi City and walked straight to the west.

    The Celestial City was refined by the ancestors, majestic and magnificent, with a universe inside. The 80 million li west of the Shadow Army commander’s hall is still the core area of ​​the Celestial City, and only the Liu family members and the core high-level Shadow Army are infested.

    The foreign monks are all in the outer area of ​​Tiandi City.

    Yang Shouan walked very slowly, carefully perceiving, walking and stopping, the passing tribe and the shadow army saw Yang Shouan, they were shocked, and they stopped and saluted nervously, and then stood upright after Yang Shouan walked far away.

    Some people came to the Patriarch’s Hall and informed Liu Liuhai of the news.

    Liu Liuhai was slightly surprised: “Yang Shouan came out and stopped and stopped, what do you mean?!”

    He squinted his eyes and analyzed the reason why Yang Shouan suddenly walked out of the hall of command and envoy and walked in high profile so everyone knew.

    When Liu Dahai knew about this, he said with a deep smile: “Why don’t he go and check it out. He has been investigating the behind-the-scenes of the stone carvings over the years. Maybe he has any clues.”

    Liu Liuhai didn’t want to go, but Liu Dahai deadlifted. So he left.


    In an alley, they saw Yang Shouan, ten miles ahead, standing at the door of a courtyard, carefully perceiving something.

    Outside the yard, there is a shadow guard with five steps and one post, ten steps and one sentry, which are very guarded.

    “That yard is Yang Shouan’s first wife, Li Shushu’s yard, right?” Liu Dahai transcribed.

    Liu Liuhai nodded affirmatively.

    “After Yang Shouan came to the world of longevity, he also took Li Shushu with him, but he always worried that someone would hurt Li Shushu because of him, so he kept her from going out and sent many shadow army henchmen to protect

    him .” “Including his daughter Yang. Xiao, seldom

    goes out, and there are experts around him.” Liu Dahai smiled slightly, “He looks cold, but he did not expect to take care of his family very carefully. I remember that he and Yang Xiaojiu also have children, but we have never seen him before. , I don’t know where he is hiding again.”

    They were wearing the invisible battle suits of the ancestors, so Yang Shouan didn’t find them.

    While talking, Yang Shouan, who was a hundred miles away, suddenly roared and rebuked the Shadow Guard who was standing guard at the gate of the yard. The Shadow Guard knelt on the ground and trembled, looking terrified.

    Yang Shouan walked into the yard angrily.

    Liu Dahai and Liu Liuhai looked at each other with all doubts, not knowing what happened to make Yang Shouan so angry.

    But then, in the courtyard, there was a scream, but the scream stopped abruptly.

    Listening to the screaming sound, it was the voice of a woman.

    “Who is dead?!” Liu Dahai was surprised, wondering who Yang Shouan killed, could it be a maid.

    Soon, Yang Shouan walked out of the yard and slapped most of the guards at the door to death, leaving only one person behind.

    “Huge burial, don’t stand a memorial tablet.” Yang Shouan said a word, then turned and left, leaving the shadow guard who was kneeling on the ground, pale and trembling.

    Liu Dahai and Liu Liuhai changed and came to the yard. No one found them, including the Shadow Guard who was kneeling on the ground and panting.

    The yard is very tidy and warm. The spiritual flowers in the garden are blooming, and there are butterflies and bees dancing in the flowers.

    But in the pavilion by the garden, there was a corpse lying with blood flowing.

    Liu Dahai approached him and couldn’t help being shocked.

    “It’s Li Shushu, Yang Shouan actually killed Li Shushu!”

    Liu Liuhai could n’t help but angrily said: “This Yang Shouan is really cruel, not even his wife who has a haircut, this Li Shushu is the ancestor’s earth fellow! “

    Liu Dahai possessed and sensed Li Shushu’s breath, and found that she was already dead and couldn’t die again, and when she was dying, she was searched for her soul, which was directly shattered.

    But suddenly, Liu Dahai’s eyes shrank, and he noticed a strange breath.

    “What kind of breath is this? It seems to be the breath of the stone carving described by Dongdong.” Liu Dahai said in surprise.

    Upon hearing this, Liu Liuhai hurriedly cast the spell, pulling away the black aura from Li Shushu’s corpse, which was exactly the same as the aura of the stone sculpture.

    “It seems that Li Shushu also has a stone sculpture on his body!”

    “Yes, with Yang Shouan’s cautious character, no matter how the stone sculpture was obtained, after searching for his soul, he still killed Li Shushu.”

    “Stone sculptures, stone sculptures, who is it that is tricking the ghost in secret? This stone sculpture on Li Shushu, I don’t know who is carving it… Is it Yang Shouan?…” The

    two discussed. , Watching that Shadow Guard left with Li Shushu’s body.

    The Shadow Guard commands the Great Hall.

    Yang Shouan sat upright, the dim light shining on his face, and two lines of tears were flowing on his cheeks.

    And there was a stone sculpture tightly packed in the palm of his hand.

    The appearance of the stone sculpture is impressively Yang Shouan himself.

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