Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 985

 Yang Shouan was crossing the catastrophe, but such a voice came from the thunder sea of ​​clouds.

    Full of joking and complacency.

    Yang Shouan was startled, he sensed the breath above, but could not perceive any abnormality.


    Only the roaring and twisting grand lightning.

    He squinted and said: “Who, sir?” A

    majestic and domineering voice came from the thunder

    sea ​​of clouds: “I am the way of heaven! In charge of the heaven and earth thunder calamity!” Yang Shouan was startled.

    He hovered in the void, his eyes scanned the Tiandi City, and his gaze fell on an old man selling biscuits on the streets of Tiandi City.

    The old man raised his head, his face full of respect and excitement, and immediately remembered his mission, he immediately pinched his secrets, his eyes released a strange light and Yang Shouan looked at each other.


    All events that happened outside during Yang Shouan’s retreat were all known to him.

    This person is one of Yang Shouan’s godsons who stayed in Tiandi City to collect information before the retreat.

    And the collected information can be instantly passed on to Yang Shouan through secret techniques.

    Yang Shouan learned the information, and after a little inference, he already knew who the person above the clouds was.

    “I haven’t seen you in a while, Xiao Yangyang, you’re naughty!”

    Yang Shouan laughed lightly, and rushed towards the sea of ​​void clouds.

    “Boom Ronglong” the

    dense Hongmeng lightning blasted down.

    The sky became a black hole, and only lightning interlaced.


    Moo– !” Yang Shouan roared, turning his head, and suddenly turned into a tauren.

    The body’s defenses are greatly increased, and the densely black scales are filled with an evil and gloomy atmosphere as evil as the sly.

    Lightning struck him, and was bounced off by the black scales, and could not damage him at all.

    He stepped out in one step and rushed into the thunder sea of ​​clouds against the Hongmeng Thunder and lightning.

    In the thunder sea of ​​clouds, there is an extremely pure and powerful lightning that is wandering, very agile.

    Seeing Yang Shouan, the Hongmeng lightning turned into a roaring Hongmeng Thunder Dragon, rushing over, Yang Shouan raised his fist to meet…After

    a stick of incense.

    Yang Shouan and Liu Yangyang stood face to face on the sea of ​​thunder in the clouds.

    “Congratulations to the emperor!” Liu Yangyang said with a smile and arched his hands, his eyes were electrified, staring at Yang Shouan’s chest.

    After a trial, he didn’t take the slightest advantage.

    Especially the curious heart in Yang Shou’an’s chest can exude the strange power to stop the lightning of the grandiose.

    But in his mouth, calling Yang Shouan you, his tone was indifferent, and he didn’t have much affection and respect.

    Yang Shouan said: “You are also very good, you are in harmony with the heavens, and you are in charge of thunder punishment. If today’s mine disaster recovers, you will have a better future than me.”


    In his perception, the Heavenly Way of the Longevity Realm had already begun to change.

    The void became solid, the laws of the Great Dao became solid, especially the Heaven and Landmine Tribulation, which had been extinguished for countless years, was recovered, and the core of the recovery was actually in Liu Yangyang.

    He was a little surprised. He couldn’t think that Liu Yangyang could have come to this point and became the first person to be promoted to the emperor among the descendants of the ancestor.

    In Yang Shouan’s wishes, Liu Dongdong should be the first to set foot on the emperor.


    Liu Yangyang seemed to see through Yang Shouan’s thoughts, smiled, did not speak, looked deeply at the curious heart in Yang Shouan’s chest, and turned away.

    In Liu’s family, his relationship with Yang Shouan was not as close as Liu Dongdong.

    He even ran into it on the road. He saluted Yang Shouan many times, and Yang Shouan didn’t even look at him.

    Of course, at that time his cultivation base was far inferior to Yang Shouan.

    But these things, Liu Yangyang kept in mind.

    Now he is in harmony with the way of heaven, in charge of the thunder of heaven and earth, and wants to cut Yang Shouan’s limelight.

    As a result, after Yang Shouan was promoted to the emperor, he was still unfathomable due to cunning. After being incarnate as a tauren, he was even more able to resist the grand lightning, and his physical strength was incredible.

    Liu Yangyang was gone, and the cloud in the void disappeared.

    In the eyes of countless cultivators, it was Yang Shouan who, in the form of a tauren, rushed into the robbery cloud and smashed the robbery cloud with great strength.

    The crowd cheered and exhaled at the same time.

    I thought that although the Heaven and Land Lei Tribulation had recovered, it was not that strong yet.


    Many people in the longevity world rushed to break through the cultivation base, and they continued to advance at the level of promotion. When the thunder tribulation came, they were horrified to discover that the thunder tribulation was powerful beyond imagination.

    For a time.

    Many cultivators with weak foundations or insufficient preparations all died under the thunder robbery.

    And the few cultivators who have survived thunder tribulation are much stronger than those of the same realm, and both physical bodies and spirits have shown extraordinary powers.

    There was a lot of discussion in the longevity world, and they began to discuss the recovery of the heaven and earth thunder catastrophe. Some people were happy and some were worried.

    On the Thunder Mountain.

    A great lightning fell and turned into Liu Yangyang, carefully comprehending the changes in this world.

    He is in harmony with the way of heaven, is in charge of thunder punishment, and follows the natural law of the way of survival of the fittest, so that the “opportunity” practitioners are exposed. Under the thunder and disaster, he turns his blood, blood and divine power into nourishment, and returns it to this world. Then moisturize qualified practitioners to become stronger.

    This is the original order of heaven and earth, but unfortunately after countless young people have died, and now they have recovered, heaven and earth are full of vitality.

    “Hua La La”

    strands of colorful glowing glow fell from the sky and landed on Liu Yangyang’s body.

    In an instant, like a hot spring, Liu Yangyang felt that his soul and physique had rapidly increased.

    This shocked him, his eyes were full of incredible colors.

    At his level, the diligence of strength has been very difficult.

    But at this moment, this colorful glowing glow fell from the sky, which actually made his cultivation level advance a bit.

    “What is this glowing glow…”

    Liu Yangyang was puzzled, watching the last ray of glow entering his body. After a while, he couldn’t help but shook his whole body and muttered to himself excitedly: “Is it true?” ….. The power of heaven and earth merit…”

    Liu Yangyang laughed, and finally laughed loudly. The laughter shook wildly 100,000 miles.

    “Old ancestors, believe it or not, I am confident that I, Liu Yangyang, must be your first offspring to kill the sky!”

    “When the time comes, I will listen to you personally, I, Liu Yangyang, is The most beautiful cub under your knee!”


    No one would have thought that Liu Yangyang’s accidental thought, that he would be in harmony with the way of heaven, would have such an incredible great fortune, allowing him to see a further step. Hope.


    Houses of the city, the main hall where the patriarch.

    Liu Liuhai, Liu Dahai, Liu Erhai, Liu Sanhai, and Liu Tao gathered together and looked at Yang Shouan who entered the hall, and everyone looked different.


    As before, Yang Shouan saluted everyone respectfully, and also asked Liu Tao about his foster father. At the same time, he offered everyone a cup of hot tea.

    Tea, jasmine tea, just because the ancestors loved it, this tea became the tribute tea of ​​the Emperor City!

    Everyone saw that Yang Shouan was not despised because of the increase in cultivation, and was still so humble and respectful. They couldn’t help but glance at each other, and they all showed a relaxed smile.

    They were afraid that Yang Shouan would turn his face and refuse to recognize people.

    Especially Liu Liuhai was most worried.

    After all, he had quarreled with Yang Shou’an before, and the two of them also raised the table in public, saying that they were going to slap Yang Shou’an, the commander.

    Liu Tao was the first to speak and smiled: “Shou’an has entered the genealogy of our Liu family, and often goes to and out of the Heavenly Emperor City. He is a celebrity in front of the ancestors, and the descendants of the ancestors who have high hopes.”

    “Now, Shouan is promoted to the emperor. , I deserve to be Shou’an.”

    Liu Tao deserves to be the first person in the Liu family who is scheming. His words not only remind Yang Shouan not to forget his identity, but also imply that everyone can trust Yang Shouan, after all, he is the ancestor. Recognized person.

    In the eyes of the ancestors, you can’t rub the sand.

    “Come on, what are you doing while standing? Let’s chirp together for Shou An.”

    Liu Tao laughed, and was the first to clap his hands and chirp.

    Liu Dahai and the others clapped their hands in a hurry.

    “Pa Pa Pa”

    Everyone palm slap the moment, palm space is a mass of black holes.

    After all, everyone is at least half the emperor.

    Only Liu Erhai, the longevity heaven, clapped his hands vigorously, but it only left the void with a mist, and no black hole appeared.

    Seeing everyone’s eyes swept, Liu Erhai smiled awkwardly: “Since the resurrection of the Thunder Tribulation of Heaven, the void has been much stronger. I remember that I could shoot black holes before.”

    Everyone couldn’t help but hear the words. Laughing.

    Yang Shou’an also laughed, “The second elder is the elder of the family who was entrusted by the ancestor. It is only a matter of time before he can set foot on the royal road in the future.

    Liu Erhai smiled suddenly, thinking that Yang Shouan could speak.

    Everyone is seated.

    Liu Dahai asked Yang Shouan the reason for the breakthrough. Yang Shouan pointed to his chest, and everyone suddenly felt that it was the reason for the sly.

    “This weirdness is very weird. It once attracted the attention of our ancestors. It can be seen that Shouan should be more careful.” Liu Tao reminded.

    Yang Shouan nodded, “Thank you for your foster father’s reminder that the child is suppressed by the gods bestowed by the ancestors, so slyness will not be hindered.”

    “The gods bestowed by the ancestors?” Liu Tao was curious.

    Yang Shouan’s hands flashed, and the chicken head appeared again.

    Liu Liuhai originally smiled, but when he saw the chicken head, it was unnatural for a while, remembering the scene when Yang Shouan was holding the chicken head against himself.

    Liu Dahai gave Yang Shouan a look, Yang Shouan hurriedly put away the fetish chicken head, and got up to apologize to Liu Liuhai.

    “Before, I was impulsive, Patriarch Haihan! Shouan apologized to you here.”

    Yang Shouan bowed and gave Liu Liuhai a cigar.

    This is a rare item produced by the Shadow Army. After a trip to the earth that year, he fell in love with this item and learned how to make it.

    Smoking a cigar, Liu Liuhai felt much better, and smiled and waved his hand and said, “It’s nothing, we are all descendants of our ancestors. I was also wrong about the past, so I just take what happened once and don’t mention it anymore. “As

    soon as the words fell, the void in front of him suddenly rippled.

    Then, a ten-color rune flew in front of him.

    Looking at the rune, it was a kind of blessing.

    He and Yang Shouan settled their suspicions and unexpectedly received a friendly blessing.

    “Friendly blessing?! Liu Hai, you, you, you…do you have two friendly blessings now?” Liu Erhai asked in surprise.

    Liu Liuhai happily picked up this friendly blessing, haha ​​smiled and said: “I’m sorry, this patriarch now has two sets of five blessings, hahaha…”

    “Two sets?! There are actually two sets of five blessings.” Two sets! Wo Ri!”

    Liu Sanhai’s envied eyes were red, and the jealous chicken turned purple.

    After so many years, he hasn’t collected all of his sets, and that damn friendly blessing has not yet been obtained.

    Liu Tao and others laughed.

    Yang Shouan was startled slightly, and immediately based on the information obtained by the lurking godson selling sesame seed cakes before, he instantly remembered that nowadays Tiandi City is very popular to collect five blessings.

    And his adoptive father Liu Tao was because he was the first to gather the five blessings and prove the emperor in one step.


    Five blessings…I should be able to gather too…” Yang Shouan’s eyes were full of expectation, but there was also a burst of tension.

    After all, he is not a descendant of his ancestors, but just entered the genealogy.

    at this time.

    Liu Liuhai took out a set of five blessings, and in Liu Sanhai’s jealous sight, he smashed into the void proudly.

    “It’s better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Today, Shouan will leave the customs. It will be lucky and profitable. I will also be happy and open the five blessings to see if I can open good things.”

    He has already collected two sets, one set, and one set. , Naturally some splurge.

    “Om” the

    five blessings gathered together, causing ripples in the void, and the familiar ten-color divine blessing gate appeared in the void of Heavenly Emperor City.

    The ancient magnificent Ten-Colored Fortune Gate, floating above the Tiandi City, the sky reflected in the sky has become colorful.


    Many people in Tiandi City shouted excitedly: “Look, someone in the Liu family has started the five blessings inheritance of the Tiandi!”

    “In the past few years, all the magical powers or secret techniques of the emperor have been unlocked. I don’t know what can be unlocked this time.”

    “It should also be a secret technique. Whoever gambles with me and loses will join the single holy land…”

    In Tiandi City, in the streets and alleys and restaurants, countless people are looking up at the empty ten-colored blessed gates.

    There are also many people watching around Sanlitun.

    In the Patriarch’s Hall.

    Liu Liuhai said that it didn’t matter, he still had a set of five blessings, but he was very nervous, and his eyes were full of expectation.

    He doesn’t want magical powers, nor is he lack of secret skills, he just wants empowerment.

    Make yourself a king!

    “Wow~” A

    deja vu ten-colored divine light suddenly shot down from Void Fumen and enveloped Liu Liuhai.

    Involuntarily, Liu Liuhai was photographed into the void, and the vast Harmony Energy surged out from the Fortune Gate, enveloping Liu Liuhai with the Harmony Law and the Light of the Beginning.

    Liu Liuhai was dumbfounded, and then roared in excitement.

    “This is an empowerment, this is an empowerment, hahaha, ancestors, I love you, and I will fly to the sky too!”

    He cried excitedly.


    Countless cultivators were also stunned and shocked.

    “Oh my god, the patriarch of the Liu family, he won the jackpot!”

    “Yes, there will be an emperor again in Heavenly Emperor City!”

    “Heavenly Emperor, it’s terrifying. I heard that I have already gone to other foreign land, but I can still stay behind. Let my children and grandchildren break through.”

    “Not being born to be a descendant of the Emperor of Heaven is the greatest misfortune in my life. My ancestor, I don’t know, I’m so chilling…”


    A young man was sighed with emotion, and suddenly he was slapped on the back of the head. He looked back and glared, only to find that his ancestor was staring at him…the

    entrance of the Patriarch Hall.

    Liu Tao and others were also very shocked.

    They didn’t expect Liu Hai to actually succeed this time.

    Looking at Liu Liuhai, who was wrapped in Hongmeng Law and the turbulent energy, Liu Tao smiled happily, Liu Hai smiled sourly, Liu Sanhai cried directly, patted his knees and cried loudly.

    “Why isn’t it me, friendly blessing, friendly blessing, why is this seat not friendly anymore! Ahhhhh!”

    He yelled, rushed out of the street, and disappeared.

    Liu Erhai was worried, and Liu Tao smiled and said: “It’s okay, Sanhai won’t be overwhelmed.”

    Next to it.

    Yang Shouan looked at the scene in the void, perceiving Liu Liuhai’s soaring breath fluctuations, his eyes were full of shock.

    “I also want to collect the five blessings!!!”

    He made up his mind, and suddenly worried that he would be able to collect it, and worried that he would be incomplete like Liu Sanhai.

    …On the


    With sorrow and sadness in his heart, Liu Sanhai rushed into a remote restaurant and drank heavily.

    After drinking for a while, I suddenly found a person on the wine table under the corner of the bed opposite, whispering, seeming to be crying, and very sad, and his body was shaking. The table was full of jugs, I don’t know how much wine I drank.

    The man was dressed in a black robe, and he felt that he was a great king.

    “The Dacheng King is crying like a

    lady ?!” Liu Sanhai couldn’t help but be curious.

    What kind of tragic experience made this Dacheng King cry so sad.

    Could it be that he is sad for me?

    Liu Sanhai got up, walked over, poured a glass of wine, patted the black-robed man on the shoulder, and shouted, “Hi! Brother, why are you crying so sad?”

    “Come on, drink this glass of wine, loudly Tell me your story, I don’t believe you are miserable!”

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