Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2301

Chapter 2273: Buy Blood Crystals!

? In a blink of an eye, a month passed.

The second paragraph of imaginary destruction did not come.

But everyone’s hearts are getting more and more nervous.

Because the more they don’t come, the more nervous they are, and they can really break out. The big deal is death, but if they hold on like this, there is too much pressure, and many people will collapse.

And the Phoenix Sect’s promise came as promised.

Once again, for these sects, a safe area has been opened!

In this month, many casual cultivators and forces have come to this land.

For the entire inferior star field at this moment, the hundreds of billions of land is already the safest place.

A large number of people enter the safe area, and the spirit crystals that the Phoenix Sect has harvested are like rivers, flowing continuously.

In the treasury, spirit crystals, magic crystals, and even star crystals have already piled up into mountains.

According to Su Han’s conservative estimate, if the Phoenix Sect still has these numbers, it should still be possible to use it for more than ten thousand years.

After all, it is really not an exaggeration that the Phoenix Sect is blackmailing so many forces.

However, even so, Su Han still felt that it was not enough.

Because the number of disciples of the Phoenix Sect in the future will definitely increase, and it will never stop at 50 million.

Moreover, with the time of the Holy Son Xumi Jie doubled the flow rate, one year outside, one thousand and five hundred years inside.

Even if these spirit crystals can allow these disciples to cultivate for 15,000 years, compared to the outside world, it is only…ten years!

At most ten years, these spirit crystals will be consumed again!

Of course, at that time, the increased combat power of these disciples was undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

Nowadays, there are two ways to get things like spirit crystal and magic spar.

The first one is naturally to continue to’blackmail’ these sects.

The second…

It is to pass through the outer celestial demon group, enter the starry sky, and get in danger!

There is no doubt that this method is extremely difficult, and the number of spiritual crystals that may be obtained is also extremely terrifying!

In today’s starry sky, many planets collapsed, and countless phantom veins, magic spar veins, and star crystal veins collapsed.

These things are completely useless to the extraterritorial celestial devil, so where did they go?

Floating in the stars!

Imagine, for example, the seventy-two sects of the three religions, nine schools, and the other forces…

In the entire inferior star field, the original number of people is unknown, but there are still enough spirit crystals to cultivate.

So how many spirit crystals are there in this entire lower-level star field?


Especially, when the planet is destroyed, the place where the original aura was extremely strong will still condense the spirit crystals.

And these spirit crystals will no longer be hidden in a certain mineral vein, but… all floating on the starry sky! ! !

It is no exaggeration to say that if you can rush out at this moment, just look at it, and in your sight, besides the outside world, there are countless sparkling spars! ! !

These spars are spirit crystals, magic spars, star crystals, and many precious ores.

It can be said to be… a lot!

However, in this situation, who dares to go out?

If there is no one-size-fits-all life-saving strategy, if you rush out, you will die!

Even if you drive a starry sky battleship, you will be instantly besieged by the heavenly demons outside the territory, you can only go out, but you can’t come back.

“I do have a way to hide body shape and breath, but I don’t know which one will be effective for these extraterrestrial demon.”

Inside the saint son Xumijie, Su Han sat cross-legged, and countless secret techniques emerged in his mind.

These secret techniques were all obtained by him in the previous life.

At that time, these secret techniques were like **** to him, but at this moment, they were precious and beyond addtion.

“Invisibility, Breaking the Void, Escape, Thousand Lights, Golden Wheel Law, Incarnation into Qi…”

Su Han murmured.

These are all spells that can hide your figure!

For humans, there is no need to say more.

No matter how strong the technique is, it needs to be cultivated, otherwise, it will not be able to be used at all, even if it is used, it will be noticed by humans.

But for the extraterritorial demon, that’s another story.

Just like this safe area, the extraterrestrial demons are not afraid of humans, but they are afraid of this ordinary fire marble!

Su Han didn’t know which kind of spell would be effective for the extraterritorial celestial demon. This requires personal experience.

However, now is obviously not the time to experience.

At the very least, it is necessary to wait for a certain person in the Phoenix Sect to have the power of the peak of the Dao Venerable Realm, or even when it can contend the Heavenly Emperor Realm, before they can go out.

“Xuanyuanqiong, if you don’t practice, come to my side.” Su Han said.

The first to practice these techniques is naturally Xuanyuanqiong and others!

Three days later, there was a voice from the Phoenix Sect–

“Buy all kinds of blood crystals!”

“First level blood crystal, ten spirit crystals!”

“Level 2 blood crystal, a hundred spirit crystals!”

“Three-level blood crystal, a thousand spiritual crystals!”

“Fourth-level blood crystal, ten thousand spiritual crystals!”

“Five-level blood crystal…”

By analogy, the highest level eight blood crystal, one, one hundred million spirit crystals!

If this amount is kept in the past, it will surely make everyone sneer.

What a joke!

The eighth-level blood crystal, that is the existence of the Kambyian immortal-level powerhouse.

Killing such a sub-xian-level extraterritorial celestial devil will give 100 million spirit crystals? Why not grab it?

But now?

Blood crystals are of no use to anyone except Phoenix Sect.

Even when they were killing the outer demon, there were obviously a lot of blood crystals floating, but they didn’t care.

At this moment, although Phoenix Sect’s price is small, no matter how small a mosquito’s leg is, it’s meat!

Especially for those casual cultivators who enter the safe area, and even small forces, the spirit crystals they hand over are almost all their possessions, and the appetite of the Phoenix Sect is really too big.

If you stay in a safe area all the time, there is no danger for the time being, but without Lingjing cultivation, can you just sit and wait for death?

Now, the Phoenix Sect gave them such a way to earn spirit crystals!

Even the seventy-two cases of the three religions, nine schools, UU reading www. doesn’t like this spirit crystal, but they have too many disciples, and the number of extraterritorial celestial demons killed is countless. The spirit crystals that can be earned every day are at least billions, or even tens of billions.

Is it possible to just watch these spirit crystals and not want to?

Obviously impossible!

Therefore, immediately after the Phoenix Sect released this news, countless people set off to go far to obtain blood crystals.

Even the people who originally stayed in the safe area couldn’t help but rushed out, intending to earn a little extra money.

For the Phoenix Sect…

This method is really equivalent to getting something for nothing!

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