Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2369

Chapter 2341: Holy Blood Spirit Wood!

And with his opening, the twenty-four purple-red beams of light stopped for an instant.

They seem to have general spirituality. After a pause, they actually changed their directions, all rushing towards the purple-red light beam in the center.


After the two light beams merged, the purple-red color had completely turned purple, and there was no more red.


After the three light beams merged, the pure purple color began to develop towards purple black.

What can be felt is that the darker the color, the more terrifying the coercion.

When the ten purple-red light beams merged into one, the pressure had already surpassed the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

When the fifteen purplish-red light beams merged into one, the coercion had reached the sub-sage level!

And when all the beams of light are merged–

The purple color has also disappeared, and then what appears is a pure black, pure black like the mist that destroys the queen’s surroundings!

Under this pure darkness, there is no need to feel at all, just looking at it, it is frightening, shuddering and terrifying attack!

The void in the dark black beam of light, centered on it, dissipated for millions of miles in all directions, and could not even be restored.

This beam of light shrank and finally turned into a round ball, which looked like a dazzling golden sun at first glance.

The difference is that this golden sun is pure black!

Even the Emperor Huanqing Zuhuang and the others had a solemn expression at the moment, and they did not dare to be careless.

The coercion of the orb has completely surpassed the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and even the sub-xian-level powerhouses such as the Dark Witch Emperor and the Guifeng Immortal Emperor are much weaker in front of them.

This is no longer the coercion that ordinary Asian immortals can have, but the top Asian immortal powers can only do it!

If you really want to compare it, I am afraid that only the Yin Yang Dao Sage’s level of Divine Dream Knife can be compared with it!

However, the ball stopped above the void, and for a while, it did not fall.

All eyes were on the city wall, a figure that was a little petite but definitely not to be ignored.

Colorful Dharma!

Everyone knows that among the Phoenix Sect at this moment, the only one who can resist this orb is the Colorful Dharma Sage.

The Empress Destruction went to support Xuanyuanqiong and the others, but was already trapped there, and for a while, she couldn’t make it.

At this moment, the seventy-two sects of the three religions and nine sects, not to mention that they can kill the Seven-Colored Dharma Sage, as long as they can be trapped, the Phoenix Sect will die without a lifetime!

“Jingshen faction, it’s your turn!” Huan Qing Ancestor looked towards the Jingshen faction.

In his eyes, an old woman slowly emerged.

This old woman was dressed in a red robe, as if she was immersed in blood.

His eyes were gloomy, the corners of his mouth wore a grinning smile, his teeth were yellow, and some were pitch-black, and they seemed to fall off at any time.

When she appeared, she didn’t have the aura of convergence, and that aura was at the sub-Xian level again!

“Showing the Holy Blood Spirit Wood!”

The old woman spoke, her voice hoarse and extremely ugly.

And after her voice fell, a palm-sized piece of wood appeared in her hand at some unknown time.

The wood is also blood red, and the red ones are a little black.

It is the only immortal artifact among the Jingshen Sect-Holy Blood Spirit Wood!

The old woman didn’t hesitate, and knew that it was not the time to hesitate. With a wave of the old skinny palm, the palm-sized piece of wood was immediately thrown into the void.


At this moment, the wood suddenly expanded, directly reaching ten meters.

Then, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters, ten miles, one hundred miles, one thousand miles…

Looking up, the smooth lower part of the wood covered the entire sky, parallel to the black sphere, and blocked everyone’s sight.

When it reached a full 10,000 miles, this piece of wood just stopped and no longer grew.

At this moment, the immortal prestige on it is also completely diffused!

Under the immortal might, everyone showed enthusiasm and admiration, no one could look back!

“Master Shengdi, you are offended.”

The old woman glanced at Xiang’er, and in the middle of a yin smile, the huge holy blood spirit wood bombarded Xiang’er directly.

At first, the speed of the Holy Blood Spirit Wood was very slow, but as it fell, it became faster and faster.

This kind of speed is not the kind of gradual speed, but…suddenly speeding up!

In the last moment, it was still twice the speed, the next moment, it was ten times the speed, and in the third moment, it was a hundred times the speed!

“Colorful clouds!”

Xiang’er looked solemn, and the forbidden curse that had been prepared for a long time began immediately.


The endless colors were transformed into seven spheres, from top to bottom, covering all directions, encompassing the entire Phoenix City.

That terrifying magical element seems to take the entire land of hundreds of billions of dollars away, while being gorgeous, it also carries extremely terrifying fluctuations.


There was a hum of fame, a huge circular illusory lid, with seven colors, covering the top of Phoenix.

This time, Xiang’er didn’t want to be able to compete with the Holy Blood Spirit Wood, only to… be able to help Phoenix City and share some attacks!

She knew that in this inferior star field, the heavens were moving, her own cultivation base was suppressed, and there were immortal artifacts coming, she simply couldn’t resist it.


The moment the colorful clouds unfolded, the tens of thousands of miles-large Holy Blood Spirit Wood also fell down at this moment.

The eyes of countless people are staring at this scene.

The struggle between immortal implements and forbidden curses is hard to see even for a lifetime.

If it weren’t for the Holy Blood Spirit Wood, it was aimed at Phoenix City, just this distance of 10,000 miles would be able to make them all annihilated here directly.


As the last word of the old woman of the Pure God Sect fell, there was a violent collision with the colorful clouds directly beneath the Holy Blood Spirit Wood!

At this moment, everyone seemed to be deaf.

They can only see what is happening in front of them, but they can’t hear what is going on.

Because the sound was too loud, there could only be a buzzing in their ears.

Until a certain moment–


There was a cracking sound, and Xianger’s expression turned pale There was a ray of blood that gradually slipped down the corner of her mouth.

And the colorful clouds and sky above Phoenix, there are so many cracks that do not know how many cracks appear, like a spider web, until in the end, it completely collapses!

“The fairy weapon is the pinnacle of the inferior star region. Even if you are a fairyland, you can’t resist it when you are suppressed and cultivated!” The old woman’s laughter came.

Her opening silenced countless people.


Immortal artifacts are immortal artifacts after all.

Heaven is running, and no wonderland is allowed to step into the inferior stars.

Under this circumstance, the immortal artifacts refined in the mainland are like gods, no one can compete!

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