Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2396

Chapter 2367: 3 The Good Fortune Of Emperor Mountain!


Hearing the words of Yin Yang Sword Saint, many of the gazes at the scene looked at Su Han.

Yesterday, on the sovereign?

What does it mean?

Even Su Han was stunned there for the third time.

He suddenly discovered that his old monster, who was a human for two lifetimes, could hardly understand the thoughts of the Yin and Yang Saber Saint.

However, Su Han knew that the “Sunday” mentioned by the Yin Yang Sword Sage must not be the real Sun, but some other item!

The first moment Su Han thought of it was the Golden Crow Egg!

According to the legend, the Golden Crow is the real sun. There were nine of them, but eight were shot down by the great **** Hou Yi. Today, the sun is the last one!

If the Golden Crow really hatches, it will definitely serve as the sunday, but the point is… it’s just an egg now!

Su Han got the Golden Crow Egg for so long, except for that time, he almost killed a giant starry sky, it was really useless.

But if it’s not the golden crow egg, what is it?

After pondering for a moment, Su Han looked at Yin and Yang Sword Sage: “Senior said that the sun is on Su, so you can figure it out, what is this sun?”

“do not know……”

Yin Yang Dao Sheng shook his head, and said ambiguously: “Don’t say that the old man didn’t calculate it. If it is really calculated, the old man will not say it.”

Upon hearing this, Su Han couldn’t help laughing.

Yes, everyone is not guilty, and who doesn’t understand the truth about guilty?

The existence of such treasures in Su Han will inevitably arouse the greed and covet of others.

Even if you change someone else and really own that ‘Sunday’, but are broken by the Yin Yang Sword Saint, both may become enemies between them.

From this it can be seen that Yin Yang Dao Sage does have great sincerity, otherwise, it would not be so straightforward.

“What exactly is the day of the day, Su will look back and will study it carefully, but right now, Su has a few questions.”

“You said.”

“First of all, who is the man who used the Great Formation to seal the Three Emperors Mountain? What kind of cultivation base does he possess? How long has it passed since then?”

Su Han said: “Secondly, why did the senior say that when you enter from the surface entrance, you can’t see the Eternal Dao Law and the Emperor’s Secret Art? If you can’t see it, then why would anyone know the Eternal Dao Law and the Emperor’s Secret Art? It should be the news that someone has actually seen or even received before it comes out?”

“Third, according to what the predecessors said, the reason why the Divine Dream Sect chose to alliance with the Phoenix Sect was because of the Sandi Mountain, or rather, because of the ‘Sunday’ on Su.

“Since the predecessors already know the way to open the real entrance, why do you have to tell Su? Don’t say that it’s because of Su’s good looks, or that Su’s high qualifications are favored by seniors. For these reasons, Su is I don’t believe it.”

“Fourth, even if Su really has the sun to open the Three Emperors Mountain, why should he open it? I’m afraid to open the Three Emperors Mountain, it is necessary to take a risk? And this risk, I am afraid it is not small? ”

Speaking of this, Su Han paused slightly, and then smiled: “These four points are Su Mou’s doubts, and I hope seniors will solve them.”

Yin Yang Sword Sage took a deep look at Su Han and was silent for a long time before he said: “The old man feels that you are not like a person who has only lived for thousands of years.”

“Perhaps…” The corner of Su Han’s mouth lifted.

Thousands of years?

It is indeed thousands of years, but…

Just this life!

“You can be considered an upright person, and the old man will answer you one by one.”

Yin Yang Sword Sage thought for a while, and said: “The first point, the man who sealed the Three Emperors Mountain, the old man really doesn’t know, maybe he had already sealed the Three Emperors Mountain before he was born. Get up, therefore, the old man is also not clear about the time, but his cultivation base, according to the old man’s guess, at least…should be the level of the Taixu Master, and even, to some extent, it can be. Comparable to the Queen of Destruction!”


Hearing this, many people in the hall were taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, those many gazes immediately couldn’t help but looked at the Empress of Destruction hidden under the black mist.

Before Taixu taught the first master to shoot, three attacks, destroying the world, it can be said to be extremely strong.

According to the words of the Yin Yang Sword Sanctuary at this moment…

It seems that even if it is so strong, it is still not defeated by the Queen of Destruction?

What kind of level is this woman who has been hidden in the black mist?

“Second point.”

Yin Yang Dao Sheng said again: “From the entrance on the surface, entering the Sandi Mountain, you will see four passages, and of these four passages, one leads to a mysterious place, and the other three are exactly There are marks on the stone stele of Mingwu, the eternal Dao Fa, and the place where the emperor’s secret technique is located, so as long as you enter the Sandi Mountain, whether you can see the eternal Dao Fa and the emperor’s secret technique in the end, at least, You all know these things.”

“As for that mysterious place… it’s the place that we can enter from the real entrance to see it thoroughly!”

Su Han suddenly realized and nodded slightly.

No wonder many people know these things. It turns out that this is not a secret at all.

Just listen to the Yin and Yang Sword Sage continued: “The third point, I need the sun on your body, so I will tell you all these things.”

“If I miss this rainy and cool day, I don’t know when it will be if I want to meet it again. And my birthday is only 30,000 years left.”

“I need this opportunity. I need to enter the Sandi Mountain. Only Sandi Mountain has the greatest possibility to turn my spirit into an immortal!”

“I can’t wait any longer, this is my only chance!”

Speaking of this, Yin Yang Dao Sheng’s face flushed, his whole body trembled, and his eyes were full of excitement.

Su Han could tell that he didn’t seem to be cheating.

The more people are about to die, the more they are afraid of death.

Thirty thousand years may be very long for others, but it is too short and too short for people like Yin Yang Dao Sage…

He has no confidence to break through the fairyland, only the good luck of Sandi Mountain may be able to help him!


Taking a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm, Yin and Yang Sword Sage said again: “Of course, Sandi Mountain is great for any person and any force. It is the land of good fortune. There are even more spirit crystals and magic spars in it than the Starry Sky Station!”

“Really?” Lian Yuze asked reflexively.

Lingjing, magic spar, these are the things Phoenix Sect needs most now.

As the first elder, besides Su Han, the most headache is naturally him.

What I have to say is that for the Phoenix Sect, Lian Yuze was broken…

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