Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2406

Chapter 2377: Last Day!

As the Sect Master of the Shenmeng Sect, Du Tianlin naturally knew that during the past half a month, the Shenmeng Sect had been consuming it. In the Shenmeng Sect, I am afraid that more than 80% of the people in the Shenmeng Sect have already treated the Phoenix Sect. I complained.

At this moment, Su Han spoke, he naturally wouldn’t be hypocritical.

“Three-headed seven-level extraterritorial demon…”

Su Han looked outside for a moment and said, “Emperor Muzha, Emperor Tianming, Emperor Wu Zhenhun, you three, go.”


Xuanyuan Nu, Xuanyuan Wulie, and Xuanyuanfeng all stood up.

They did not hesitate, and when they stepped on the starry sky battleship, that terrifying physical power immediately burst out.

The three figures, like cannonballs, shot out directly into the starry sky.


As soon as they saw the three of them coming out, the many extraterrestrial demons around them immediately let out a roar and attacked them.


Emperor Muzha Xuanyuan’s first shot, and with a punch, he blasted a vacuum area directly in front of him, and a large number of extraterritorial demon turned into blood mist, and then condensed into blood crystals.

On the side, Emperor Xuanyuan Wulie of Tianming and Emperor Xuanyuanfeng of Zhenhun Wu also both shot, roaring constantly.

For them in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, the extraterritorial celestial demons below level seven are really just ants.

Especially, they are still practicing!

The people of the Shenmeng Sect were just standing in one place on the starry sky battleship, looking at the three people’s ravenous, sweeping attack, stunned!

Obviously, he was surrounded by the alien demon, but he could hear the roar constantly.

And as the roar spread out, it was a large swath of blood mist, constantly breaking apart.

There are more and more blood crystals around.

“These physical training of the Phoenix Sect… are really strong!” Someone stood at the bow of the ship, sighing from the heart.

“If you bought the Kunpeng Saint Body, it’s okay.” Ling Xiao blinked at the Shenmeng Sect.

“You want to lie to us to buy Kunpeng Eucharist again?”

The people of the Shenmeng Sect immediately showed their vigilance, they always felt that Ling Xiao was not a good person.

Here, Su Han shook his head and smiled, saying: “Go out a few Dao Venerable realms and collect all the blood crystals around. Now we are making the shot, and the Shenmeng Sect cannot control it.”


Xuanyuan Qiong had been waiting for these words a long time ago, and immediately gave the order, and ten warrior Dao Sovereign realms rushed out.

Their goal is those blood crystals.

Of course, if there is an out-of-territory demon on the road, they don’t mind getting one more.

After about ten minutes, the battle ended.

The three seven-level extraterritorial heavenly demons all turned into blood crystals and were taken back by the people of the war clan.

The battle between the Heavenly Emperor Realm lasted only ten minutes. To be honest, this time was really short.

The people of the Shenmeng Sect once again gave birth to admiration for the Zhanzu.

Even, many people are eager to try and want to practice their physical bodies, and many more have secretly born the method of buying Kunpeng Saint Body from the Phoenix Sect.

In fact, how would they know that although Kunpeng Saint Body is strong, no matter how strong it is, it cannot be better than the terrifying talent of the war clan…

Can these ordinary people cultivate the Kunpeng Saint Physique, compared with the war clan’s practice of Kunpeng Saint Body?

The Star Battleship is still moving.

Seventeen days, eighteen days, nineteen days, twenty days…

In the next few days, almost every day, you will be able to encounter a seventh-level extraterritorial demon.

The number, also from the beginning of the three heads, gradually increased.

On the twenty-fifth day, they once again encountered a seventh-level extraterritorial demon, and there were still ten.

What is even more frightening is that these ten extraterritorial celestial demons have the aura of three heads, equivalent to the second-rank Heavenly Emperor Realm, and the other seven heads are all of the third-rank Heavenly Emperor Realm level!

“It’s getting stronger.”

Watching the Phoenix Sect’s Heavenly Emperor realm rush out, Du Tianlin stood beside Su Han, saying, “There are still five days left. I’m afraid these last five days will be the most difficult.”

“There are 25,000 stars from the hundreds of billions of land. It is not the center of the starry sky, but it also gathers a large number of extraterrestrial demon.”

Su Han said: “With the passage of time, the virtues of these extraterritorial celestial demon will naturally become stronger and stronger, but I don’t know whether there are extraterritorial celestial demons that exceed the eighth level.”

Beyond the eighth level, it is equivalent to a human fairyland. If there is such a level, it will definitely be a devastating blow to mankind.


Du Tianlin said directly: “Close your crow’s mouth, this is a lower-level star field, how can there be a fairyland level extraterritorial demon?”

“You are also in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, how come you still learn to deceive yourself?”

Su Han shook his head and smiled: “For a monk, the inferior star field must not have a fairyland, but how can the outer heaven demon be compared with the monk? If they can also follow the rules of the heavens, I am afraid there will be no present This scene.”

“At least, the coercion of the fairyland level is the same, and Tiandao is evaluated according to coercion, not according to race.” Du Tianlin snorted coldly.

He still firmly believes that no matter how strong the extraterritorial demon, no matter how strong it is, it will not exceed the fairyland.

Or in other words, he didn’t want to believe it.

Because of the consequences, it is really unthinkable…


After a moment of silence, Du Tianlin seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, “Your cultivation base is really a fifth-grade combined state?”

“Replace it like a fake.” Su Han said.

“Five-Rank Combination Realm, Killing Seventh-Rank Dao Sovereign Realm? Have the power of the Emperor?”

Du Tianlin’s eyes stared: “Are you really stupid?”

“You are really stupid.”

Su Han shrugged: “My family, after I break through the Dao Venerable Realm, you will no longer be my opponent.”

“Go away, who is your in-laws!” Du Tianlin said irritably.

“Du Xi is Su Qing’s wife, aren’t we in-laws?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Xi’er hasn’t married Su Qing yet. What if she wakes up one day and doesn’t want to marry the Phoenix Sect?”

“Then let Qing’er join the Zhuangshen Dream School.”

Du Tianlin: “…”

Talking to Su Han, he really felt like he was going to die.

Simply, he ignored Su Han and looked at the battlefield in the distant starry sky.

Ten seven-level extraterritorial heavenly demons, Phoenix Sect spent about two hours before they were resolved.

Star Battleship, once again recovered the same speed.

For the next four days, it was calm and there was no major crisis.

But everyone has a bad premonition, which is like the tranquility before the storm.


The fifth day is the last day from the special transmission channel.

The crisis is coming.

There are a total of thirty seven-level extraterritorial heavenly demons, of which at least five are filled with the aura of the seventh-level heavenly emperor realm.

And the sixth and fifth levels are overwhelming, and the number is indescribable.

But these are not the most terrifying.

Really scary…

It was the ten-headed, ten-meter-high, all-over body, exuding a terrifying aura, an eighth-level extraterritorial demon! ()

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