Ancient One

Chapter 107 - nirvana??

Seeing that the phoenix of the real fire fell from the sky, Li Yunqi was completely devoid of it, and secretly smiled.

How easy is it to be a human being, how long have you been awakened? I have to hang it again. This time, even the soul is burned directly, fearing that it will not be reborn.

Just when he was bitter, the phoenix finally fell on his body, splashing the spark of the sky, the whole soul developed and began to burn in the raging fire, and his consciousness began to weaken gradually.


A phoenix rang, and it sounded faintly in his heart.

The ambiguous consciousness slowly drifted away, and as the vague phoenix sound seemed to drift infinity. It seems that there are all kinds of strange pictures that are beginning to come to mind. It seems that they have turned into an undead phoenix and soared above the sky.

The world that I saw in my eyes seems to be Tianwu, but it is somewhat different. His gaze is far more numerous than usual, and it seems that the end of the sky is only in the blink of an eye.

“this is?!”

His gaze suddenly condensed, and the phoenix flew below the enthusiasm. It was a series of mountains that were endless and aura. Li Yunqi’s heart was shocked. The mountain terrain was recognized at a glance. Although the aura did not have the horror that he saw before, he would never forget it. This is the land where his past life was fallen—the Tiandang Mountains !

As the phoenix’s Pan Geng flies, the debris that has been sealed in memory begins to return to his mind bit by bit. His mood is difficult to calm down, and some things that happened in the past life have emerged. It seems that some of them are clear.

“I am not already dead? How can I still have consciousness to survive? This should be the memory of this phoenix.”

“Well, just follow it to see the Tianwu continent that was countless years ago. What is the matter?”

Li Yunzhen remembered his own state, and suddenly calmed down, let go of distracting thoughts, and returned to the things that the phoenix saw.

Suddenly, a skylight beam is shot from the Tiandang Mountains, followed by another one. At different angles, six consecutive beams of light rise directly from the mountains and are directly inserted into the cloud. Each beam is directly A thousand miles away, far away echoes.

The six beams of light just surrounded the phoenix. With the rise of the beam of light, the entire Tiandang Mountains suddenly violently oscillated. A large number of birds and beasts scattered, and even the heavens and the earth seemed to begin to recede rapidly at this moment, revealing A mountainous terrain, a feeling of monsters gradually spread.


There was a dull squeak in the mountains, and a black scent began to spread in the mountains. This power spread the original vitality. From this group of blacks, a huge monster suddenly emerges. Only the upper body is physically present, and the lower body is all surrounded by black gas. It looks like electricity and directly shoots at the true phoenix on the sky.

When Li Yunqi saw the appearance of this monster, he was shocked!

This monster looks exactly the same as he saw on some of the remaining ancient stone walls in the Tiandang Mountains! According to the above words, this monster should be called the black flame.


The black flame murdered the upper body, suddenly swelled hugely, and slammed out in a sigh of relief. The space where it was located was directly shattered by a mirror, and the cracks and black holes appeared on the sky. Strong sound waves Fragmentation space, a fierce earthquake to the phoenix.


The fire phoenix screamed and danced in the air for a while, spit out a flame, and instantly burned the entire sky, and the sea of ​​fire rolled down, like a wave of waves over the waves, hitting the sound wave!


Under the collision of two forces, the whole sky was split directly into two halves, and a long black hole emerged in the middle, filled with various negative energy of the universe, and swallowed everything.

Li Yunxuan’s mind was completely shaken. He also stood in the peak of Tianwu’s mainland. But has this kind of trick to break the void?

That year, with the Emperor Wudi competing for the heaven and earth list, the fragmentation of the sanctuary was already passed down as a story. But compared with this direct tearing space, it is completely pediatric.

Although he did not have a form, but his consciousness also swallowed his mouth, not only the shock, but what kind of monster is the black flame? It is possible to resist the true spirit, why not record it in the classics.

When I first saw the murals of the black flames, I thought it was some kind of totem of the ancient tribes, that is, the higher-level monsters. But now, at first sight, this is not the case at all!

This black flame murderous soul, even has the power of the ten-party god!


The black flame murderer saw the fire and phoenix blocked its attack. It seemed very dissatisfied. He rushed straight up with a bang, and the black gas of the lower body pulled up incessantly, as if a rope had been pulled. Constantly.


The strongmen of the two ten-party gods suddenly fought together, and the sky was full of red flames and black gas, intertwined with each other. Soon the clear sky gradually dimmed, and the voids within a radius of a million miles began to appear in the black cracks. Within a hundred miles, all the cracks were broken. The huge black holes entered the energy of the mad devouring. The two strong players are still madly killing in this state.

The fire and phoenix attacks are mainly dexterous, flying above the black hole, constantly spitting the real fire.

The black flame murderous soul is constantly chasing the phoenix attack, the black gas in the hand is released wildly, Li Yun squinted at the meeting, and can not see any famous, what is this black gas? Can actually resist the attack of real fire.

The two strong men became more and more fierce, so they played seven days and seven nights in the sky, and finally began to gradually become unsupported, and the broken sky began to gradually repair itself.

Li Yunxiao’s consciousness is on the phoenix. It is clear that the fire phoenix has already been the end of the battle, and is still struggling with life support. As for the black flame, the murderous soul is estimated to be no better, and the black gas has become extremely thin. The injuries on both sides are even more shocking. A black body on the whole body invades it, almost becoming a black phoenix. And the black flame murderous soul is burnt everywhere red, terrible.

Finally, the black flame murderer seems to be in the current state. In a few roars, the body quickly sinks from the air, and the black gas of the lower body is extremely shrunk and returns to the Tiandang Mountains. The vitality of the whole mountain began to flow in from all directions.

The six beams of light rising from the sky began to become thinner at this moment, and finally the fine turns into a little bit of fluorescence dissipated in the heavens and the earth. In addition to a large number of hollows, the sky has become alive.


The phoenix phoenix dragged the wounded body, screamed and began to take off in the distance.

Li Yunxiao clearly felt that the power of his life was rapidly lost, especially the black gas in the body is increasingly raging, the devour of the devourer Phoenix.

Finally, after flying for a long time, the Phoenix could no longer support it and planted it at one end.

Li Yunxiao’s consciousness ended here, and the whole world became dim.

“It turned out that this is the memory of this fire phoenix before death. It is rumored that the phoenix can be born again, but why is it directly degraded?” Li Yunxiao is somewhat puzzled, and even more puzzled by him is, “How am I going back now?” Things? Without the feeling of body and soul, why can consciousness still exist?”

Just when he was puzzled, suddenly a flame of fire erupted between the heavens and the earth, gradually burning his consciousness into it. He recognizes that this is the fire of the Phoenix.

In this flame, his consciousness is not only undead, but gradually begins to clear.

“Is this?” He suddenly looked at the flame and began to appear gradually, but it was the soul.

Finally, he began to have the feeling of the existence of the soul, and consciousness finally had a sustenance, slowly opened his eyes and suddenly found himself still in the monument.

Phoenix really fired on his soul, but there was no sense of discomfort, but it became more and more comfortable. Finally, the flame gradually concentrated and flew into his soul. Gathered in, curled up into a cloud of fire, and floated above his forehead.

“My soul has been reshaped!”

Li Yunzhen was shocked to feel the new soul, a powerful and awkward force flowing through the soul.

“The third order, even reached the level of the third-order refiner!” He was shocked and stunned, saying to himself: “Not only that. And the energy of this soul is so majestic, like a steady stream, Endless!”

He raised his head slightly, and there was a clear sky in the monument.

Li Yunqi sat down cross-legged and began to feel the connection with the outside world. When his soul escaped, the flesh was burned to ashes in the flames. At this moment, there was an eccentric look on his face.

In the conscious space of the fire phoenix, Li Yunxuan’s body sits cross-legged, and his body is constantly showing an abnormal stream of light. The crystal clear is like seeing every blood vessel. It is the body of the glass that dominates the body.

The body suddenly opened his eyes, and the eyes were full of surprises. He carefully and completely smashed his whole body, and there was no damage at all, and it was many times stronger than before.

“The body has also been reshaped!” Li Yunxiao was shocked and happy, feeling the strength of the body’s rushing, has actually reached the realm of Samsung Martial Arts!

Jump three levels!

Li Yunxi suddenly rejoiced. “The fire of the phoenix is ​​not to kill me, but to regenerate my Nirvana!”

He stood up fiercely, and his eyebrows showed the imprint of the fire cloud. Under the close look, the period was like a sea of ​​hell!

“Call! ~, Phoenix really directly income into the soul, do not know whether it is a blessing or a disaster! But the power of real fire is too strong, it is difficult to control. I am afraid that when I return to the nine days of Emperor Wudi, I can completely Show it out.”

He sighed a little, but soon a smile appeared in his mouth, and he said to himself: “But there is this flame guarding the soul. Who can hurt if this sky has no real spirit? My soul!”

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