Ancient One

Chapter 119 - Ending

Under the confrontation of the two kings, the entire countertop collapsed directly in the confrontation and began to fall.

Yuan Zhen’s face changed and he shouted: “Su Jing!”

“Know, Master Yuanxiao.”

Su said, the original lazy eyes began to show a trace of fineness. He stepped forward and gently stepped on the center of the welcoming platform. It suddenly seemed like an invisible force to excite him from the body. The collapsed welcome platform was directly stabilized.

“Wu Zong!”

Xiao Wang and the black man were all shocked in the eyes, and they both stopped and looked back at each other. They dared to look at each other and dared not move again.

Zhou Yushan’s face suddenly changed, and it’s ugly to say: “Master Yuan Zhen, do you want to interfere with me?”

Yuan Zhen said softly: “I just don’t want to fall.”

Li Yunxiao sneered and said: “Don’t you just want to single-handedly with me? Use it to make such a move? To single-handedly, I will fulfill you, but the time is set after March, and the place will follow you.”

“Clouds!” Luo Yunsang was shocked and looked at him blankly. The other party is the same five-star Wu Jun, and how can it progress so fast in three months!

Zhou Yushan looked at the look of Luo Yunshang, but he didn’t want to hit a place. He said coldly: “This is what you said! Three months later, on the platform of the Jinwu Temple of the Fire Empire, I want you to be in the public. Give me a hoe, ask me to spare you!”

He looked at Luo Yunshang with a cold eye, and smiled and said: “There is this woman, if you lose, she is mine!”

Luo Yun’s face changed greatly and he was furious.

Li Yunqi also had some confusing minds and said: “And don’t say win or lose, is Yunshang yours, what is the relationship with me?”

Zhou Yushan appeared a frivolous look on his face, sneer: “I still wear it in front of me! This son read countless women, just she looked at you, care about your look, can’t I see her interesting to you?” , such a beautiful person, capable people can be based on it! Do you have this match?”

Li Yunqi was taken aback and hurriedly looked at Luo Yunshang, who was full of shame and anger.

Luo Yunshang was even more furious, and the battle axe shot out and slammed into the past. This is the result of her full strength, a rush of axe like a big golden wheel, the eyes of all the thorns stinging.

Zhou Yushan was also shocked, not thinking that the other party’s strength is so strong. He was also a five-star Wu Jun. He was not afraid of fear. When he was about to shoot, he saw Su and gently grabbed it with his hand. He suddenly put the tomahawk in his hand, and all the light disappeared instantly. He said faintly: If you fight again, the table will fall.”

“Ha ha!” Zhou Yushan looked at Luo Yunshang, licked his lips, and smiled and said: “A hot girl, this son can like it! Three months later, come back to you, hey, let’s go!”

He laughed and walked away, just stepping onto the deck. Suddenly, the body fell on the body of Qin Ruxue, not far away, and blinked a few times, suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the five fingers turned to the void, Qin Ruxue was suddenly dragged by a huge force.

“Ah! The Father saved me!” Qin Ruxue was shocked and stunned.

Zhou Yushan hugged him and laughed and went to the chariot. He smiled and said: “The big beauty didn’t get it. It’s not bad to catch a little beauty to solve the thirst. You are a princess of a country, but you are also qualified to do this. The little boy of the son. Go back and let you do the twenty-third room. Haha!”

“Qinglian sword song!”

Just when everyone was shocked and not yet responding. Li Yunxuan’s Chun Shui sword shot out, and the swords and swords merged, and the lightning rushed up.

The man in black snorted, “Looking for death!” Then he shot the violently and slammed the past. He suddenly saw a flower and found himself in the palm of his hand and fell into the air.

“How can it be?!”

Just when the man in black was shocked and shocked, Li Yunxiao had already rushed to the front of Zhou Yushan. A sword swayed down and bloomed with a huge blue-green lotus flower.

“Looking for death!”

Zhou Yushan was also furious. A small Samsung martial artist dared to shoot at himself. He was violently opened in the face of anger, and a sigh of anger was turned into a fierce hurricane. In the past, the Qinglian layer will be worn.

After all, the repairs of the two men are too different. Li Yunqi has hurriedly changed several figures in the space, and escaped several attacks. However, the swords of the unruly people have been smashed up, and the remaining enthusiasm has turned a blind eye. It is a game of both losses.

“What? Little beast!”

Zhou Yushan was shocked. He held Qin Ruxue in his left hand. The folding fan of his right hand just fanned out. He could only rush to turn around and rush to the chariot.


The sword mans flashed, and Zhou Yushan’s back was suddenly cut open by a sword, and the blood overflowed. Li Yunhao was also hit by his temperament in the whole body, and the blood of each one exploded.

At this time, the talents reacted, and the black man was even more angry and besieged. Under the eyes of my own eyes, it is a shameful shame to let a martial-class ant ant hurt the son!

But Xiao Xiaowang and Li Chunyang also both shot at the same time, falling toward the black man, letting him take care of himself.

Li Yunqi succeeded in a trick, his body gently fell on the bronze deck, his eyes revealed a fierce murderousness, and he refused to take the injury and rushed again. Jianman turned into a lightning bolt and took Zhou Yushan’s throat.

Zhou Yushan was shocked by his fierceness and hurried back. Suddenly a red figure flashed out of the chariot. A jade hand stretched out and the **** were pinched directly on the sword. A force suddenly locked Li Yun’s body shape and prevented it from moving.

“Zhou Yushan, you dare to move Ru Xue to a cold hair, I will definitely remove your Zhou family from Tianwu mainland!”

Li Yunqi’s eyes sparkled, and his murderous murder in the air condensed into a purple-black color in the air. He screamed: “Up to the centenarians, down to the breastfeeding children, all kill!”

Zhou Yushan was stunned by him, and he was shocked by the innocent heart. He angered: “Kill him! Hong Ling, kill me immediately!”

The owner of the Saitama hand only showed half of his face in the chariot, sighing slightly, and the hand holding the sword was loosened in vain. Li Yunzhen suddenly took off the spring sword, and the whole person was shocked back to meet the Taiwanese.

The man in black saw Li Yunzhen’s failure to succeed, and his heart was loose. This opened Xiao Xiaowang and Li Chunyang, and directly flicked down to fly back into the chariot.

At this time, a blue light was emitted from the three chariots, and the chariots were all covered. In the faint, I can hear Zhou Yushan’s roaring voice. “Why don’t you kill him? Why don’t you kill him!”

“Cloud, are you okay?!”

A few people gathered around and watched Li Yunqi’s **** blood spurts on his body. They were all shocked.

Li Yunqi is a face of iron and blue, and does not feel pain at all. He glanced coldly at Su Xiang, who stood in the middle of the city. Su Jing’s heart was not shaken, and his eyes were even more shocked. Why did a district martial artist’s gaze affect his heart!

He knew that Li Yunqi was blaming him for not shooting. In some people in the place, if he had just had the chance to save Qin Ruxue, he would only have himself. But how can a princess in a small country be worthy of being offended by Zhou Jiazhi? It was only after Li Yunxiao’s gaze swept, he did not know why there was a hint of remorse in his heart, and felt that he had missed some kind of big chance.

Li Yunxiao said: “Wang Chen, I have the chance to let Yang Di do something for me, right?”

Wang Chen stunned and immediately said: “Not bad!”

Li Yunqi’s face was pale and condensed: “Well, I will give you this opportunity. The condition is to ensure Qin Ruxue’s safety within three months. Are you willing to accept it?”

Everyone is shocked, so the chance of such a big change, actually changed this?

Su Jing is even more annoyed. If Li Yunhao is willing to say so, he will fight to kill Zhou Yushan, and he will certainly regain Qin Ruxue! You must know that Yang Di is now a seventh-order refiner, and he can refine a few medicinal herbs for himself. Breaking through to the realm of the emperor is also just around the corner!

“Change, of course!” Wang Chen’s eyes condensed, Shen Sheng said: “What the cloud says is a word?”

Li Yunxiao smirked: “A word!”

In the eyes of Wang Chen, the color of excitement flashed, and excited: “Good! I will pass the book back to Let the family return to the Princess Ru Xue anyway.” He turned to Yuan Hao and others: “If you don’t want to be late, Master Yuan Zhen, I will go back to the Ukrainian Empire!”

Yuan Lan’s eyes were full of envy and nodded, sighing how this good thing did not fall on his head.

After Wang Chen left, he welcomed the silent color in the Taiwan. Although Qin Ruxue had almost no place in the hearts of the people, Li Yunxiao’s face was cold, but everyone could not lift the interest.

Qin Zheng smiled and said: “There is no need to worry about Yunxiao. Since Wang Chen promised to help, there must be no problem. Zhou, Wang, Mo, Cheng, the four great families of the Fire Empire, each of them is above the top of the country. Zhou Jia Will never completely fall out with the Wang family for Ru Xue Shantou, and the Wang family will do their best to get the opportunity to let Yang Di do things.”

Li Yunqi has been silent in that, and several injuries on his body have long been dealt with by Jia Rong. He stood there dumbly, but the killing in his eyes was getting stronger and thicker, and the people around him felt a discomfort. It felt like the door of the nine secluded was opened.

At this moment, a large number of civil and military officials fell, and they were caught by the soldiers below. They all stood underneath.

Qin Zheng smiled and said: “Don’t think too much, there will always be a solution. I have already retired to let Yin, Qin Yue, now you are the treasure of Tianshui, and you will be honored in the third day!” He looked at his face Qin Yang, who has no blood, angered: “Take him down and shut it up!”

Qin Yue, the whole person is excited, it is difficult to restrain the joy, twists and turns, and finally the dust has landed.

Under the taxis and Baiguan suddenly shouted, “Long live the majesty! Long live Chu Jun!” The voice of cheers, spread far.

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