Ancient One

Chapter 2224 - God of the gods

The three dragons will instantly become dragon light, and they will go away.

“Oh, very sharp.”

Turbid Kun smiled and said: “I haven’t answered my question yet, let’s stay. Let me pack them, you will take me to the pit. And just come back from the devil, there are some cruel and cruel. I don’t like the creatures of the brain. Just accept the three of you as servants.”

When the voice fell, a golden light came out from the hands of the turbid Kun. It turned into a mask on the sky and covered the three dragons.

There are countless golden runes on the mask, and there are faint trees standing in the heavens and the earth. The trees are surrounded by golden wheels, and the gears swallow each other, just like the axis of fate rolling.

“Fa Shu Jin Lun!!”

Li Yunyi recognized this holy device. After all, he also tried refining, but it was difficult to succeed.

At this moment, Zhuo Kun showed up, and when he was in his hands, it was completely two concepts. It used to be a candlestick, but at the moment it was a vast sun and a moon.

North Shenzhen South face ugly: “Bei Jinghong was also killed by you?”

Turbid Kun nodded: “Actually, it doesn’t matter if you kill him or not. After all, it’s just a small pawn, it doesn’t affect the overall situation. It’s just that this golden tree is very good. To blame it, you can only blame it.”

North Shenzhen South bite the teeth: “Because the Hong Kong people are also somewhat selfish and extreme, but after all, it is an anti-magic comrade in the past! You can grab his mysterious thing, why take his life!”

Zhuo Kun looked at him like an idiot, and smiled and said: “How are you so naive? If you change to Bei Jinghong, he will still kill me. I doubt how your IQ has lived to the present?”

Beizhen South face white hair, his eyes turned to Li Yunhao, his lips were slightly moving, and he said: “I dragged him, you fled!”

Li Yun’s face suddenly changed, echoing: “What a joke!”

Nanzheng Nanji Road: “Now is not the time to use things, this person is a strong king of the world, who can not stop his edge. Only return to Yanwu City, with the power of the whole city can resist! If you fall In this case, it is an irreparable loss for the entire human race and even the entire world!”

In the face of a huge crisis, Li Yunxuan’s face calmed down and said: “I’m finished? When I’m done, think about how to be an enemy.”


North Shenzhen is anxious, and even a little angry, said: “As the leader of the Tianwu League, the world commander, how can this be willful?!”

Li Yun said: “You said it is good. I have not been willful enough for the past few years, so I have been very upset. Now I decided to start my wayward again.”

North Shenzhen South: “…”

“Ha ha ha, interesting, really interesting people.”

Zhuo Kun suddenly laughed, he actually caught the two people’s voice. Both Li Yunqi and Beizhen Nan are face-changing.

Zhuo Kun smiled and said: “The master of each generation of the gods of the gods, although not necessarily can eventually achieve the king of the king, but there is no one in the world, each has a personality. You are also very good.”

Li Yun said: “The award is over, you are too.”

Under the world of Fa Shu Jinlun, all three dragons are full of anger. The roaring anger said: “You and I have no enmity, why bother to erect the enemy! If we help Li Yunqi at the moment, even if you are a kingdom, I am afraid that I can’t please it!”

Zhuo Kun smiled and said: “It is true, but the problem is that you can’t come out. When I clean up the Lord of the Boundary, then come and pack you, isn’t it all right?”

The three men suddenly disappeared for a while, and they screamed: “Even if it is a sacrament, it is too arrogant to suppress the three of us!”

泾 泾 泾 , , 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾 泾

The water was like a curtain, emitting a pale green dragon field. Before it touched the enchantment of the tree, it was blocked by a group of black awns.

The void in the enchantment of the tree swayed a few times, and it calmed down as if nothing had happened.

There is only one more figure in the world, standing in the sky.

Under the cold face, the same cold scorpion looked coldly at the three.



At the same time, the blazing and screaming exclaimed, looking at the woman in the black robe, one of the eight parts of the Mozu.

Li Yunqi and others also changed their faces, but they quickly quieted down. Nowadays, the strongmen of the kingdom of the kingdom have come out, and there is nothing strange about making a demon statue, and they cannot shake their hearts.

Moreover, Zhuo Kun also fought against the three dragons at the same time, which is also beneficial to them.

Yuan slowly raised her head and revealed her glamorous face. She said, “The three real spirits are right, you should not bother at the same time.”

Zhuo Kun smiled and said: “If only I am alone, of course, it will be attacked. But isn’t there still you?”

Yuan whispered softly and did not respond, as if by default his words.

Turbid Kun continued: “In this golden tree, there will be no Tianwu boundary force suppression. With your strength and this old tree, it is not a problem to contain these three spirits.”

Yuan nodded and waved her sleeves and said, “You are busy.”

The three dragons were furious, sullen and sullen, and chilled: “Ignorance! Arrogance!” The anger was burned from him, and suddenly became a fire boxing.

Yan and Mang also shot at the same time, two dragons on the sides of the fire fist, entangled.

Yuan raised her hand, and a black spear condensed on the palm of her hand. In a moment, she turned out hundreds of spears, and the sound of “嗤嗤” continued to sound, and she rushed down!


The fire fist was penetrated by a hundred spears, and the blazing face changed, and hurriedly retreated, avoiding the attack of the spear.

The dragonfly and the awn are also a dragon light, and they are dodging under the attack of rain.

Li Yunqi’s secret shocked, how strong the three dragons are, they are clear, but under the joint of three people, it seems that they have been suppressed by Yuan. It can be seen how powerful the demon is not suppressed by the bounds!

“The Lord of the Gods, the magic is your chance, but it is also your robbery. Although I appreciate you, there is no way.”

Turbid Kun smiled and said: “You are a smart person, you should understand that it is impossible to escape. Responsibility is just to make yourself more wolf and become more ridiculous.”

Li Yun said: “Laughter can laugh. Live too tired, relax.”

“Oh? You want to make yourself a joke, to please everyone?”

Although Kuokun had a smile in his mouth, his gaze began to cool down. He said: “You are too far from the face of the Lord of the Tablet.”

Li Yunxiao smiled and said: “Is the Lord of the Boundary Monument so valuable in your eyes? To be honest, I have been getting this thing for a long time, and I have not seen it become more and more powerful. The Lord of the Monument is not in the minority. Are you too involved?”


Zhuo Kun suddenly laughed and said with a taste: “Do you know why you can’t play the power of the out-of-bounds monument?”

Li Yunxiao’s heart moved and blurted out: “Stele Spirit?”

Turbid Kun nodded: “It seems that you also know something, not completely ignorant.”

Li Yun was shocked and said: “You know where the monument is?”

“Where? Hehe, it seems that you know very limited. Sure enough, Bei Jinghong has always been hidden, is he afraid that you are entering the kingdom?”

Zhuo Kun smiled and said: “In fact, it is not a great secret. Since you want to know, then I will tell you. That monument is far away from the sky, close at hand!”


Li Yunqi was shocked and said: “Are you a monument?!”

Turbid Kun: “…”

Turbid Kun angered: “Intelligence! How is your IQ, the master of the monument? Is it that Tianwu has not fallen to such a point?! The so-called monument, in fact, is yourself!”

Li Yunxuan’s face changed greatly. Suddenly there was a feeling of being dialed. Recalling the remarks of the magical squad about the six magic soldiers, suddenly the spirit of the sacred heart, and instantly understood.

At this moment, the body of the gods in the body seems to be inductive, emitting a slight vibrato, the frequency is very harmonious, seems to be integrated with him.

Li Yunqi was amazed by the horror. He used the gods to feel the monument of the gods carefully. The warmth and the vastness of the sacred power seemed to guide him and send a low temperament.

Zhuo Kun looked at his sluggish appearance and thought he was shocked by his remarks. Then he sneered: “Any world is Even if it is not like us, it has freedom and freedom. The will, but they all follow a certain law, and will never allow the existence of power beyond this law. And the celestial device is the rule of the world, representing the world of that world. ‘Therefore, people in the world can never really control the monument of the gods. They can only be controlled by the boundary gods. This means that those who have the monuments of the gods can only become the spirit of the monument. Get the recognition of the monument of the gods completely, and use all the power of the out-of-the-range monument!”

Li Yunqi’s heart is really shaking, saying: “How can it become a monument?”

Zhuo Kun suddenly smiled and said: “You are also a **** of surgery, how do you feel that you can become a spirit?”

Li Yun’s body trembled and shouted: “Impossible! To be transformed into a spirit, it is necessary to destroy the flesh and use the device as a body to achieve the purpose of unity. But in the past, the emperor did not have the same body. Is it even the king of the year, should it be?”

He is not sure, looking to the north of Shenzhen, want to get proof.

North Shenzhen nodded and confirmed his statement. But at the same time, North Shenzhen South is also puzzled, because it is impossible to lie to them because there is no reason. Moreover, such a strong person does not bother to lie.

“Yes, the king of the world does have a flesh. But is his body the true body of his own?”

Zhuo Kun laughed and said: “Just you are all eyes and tires, you can’t see it. As for the six magic soldiers… Hehe… because the people of the Mozu originally had no flesh!”

Li Yunqi’s face changed greatly. When he thought of the cause of the Mozu, it was the magical condensate and the konjac. Then, the konjac swallowed each other and grew up. It really has no flesh.

// Wait for the next one, maybe after 1 o’clock.

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