Ancient One

Chapter 2302 - 1 fan

The powerful Warcraft body smashed, and was immediately caught by countless snowflakes, slowly forming ice sculptures, frozen in the sky, and became a work of art.

Everyone was horrified at this scene, and I couldn’t think of the moment when the big city was broken.

“Oh, it really is not bad with what I expected, but it is a pity that the head is like a wise man.”

There was a sigh in the magic cloud, which was the voice of Lu Congzi. Then the black cloud flashed, and it turned into a streamer to go outside the city.

Their purpose is to leave the shooting star city, and there is no interest in the city defense. If it is in peacetime, it must stop to destroy them.


The person in charge screamed, grabbed his teeth, grabbed the spear and rushed over again.

This series of changes has also spurred people around. Although I know that the enemy is strong, but the big devils who are not afraid of death rushed over, the horrible attack is like a thousand arrows, hitting the magic cloud.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

The attack fell like rain, and it was shot into the magic cloud, but there was no reaction, as if it had been swallowed in.


Suddenly, the magic cloud burst directly, and the heavens and the earth were dark. Everyone only felt that they were smashing in front of them, and there were large pieces of magic objects rushing in all directions.


But for a moment, a lot of screams sounded, and many people still didn’t understand what was going on, just hanging between the fingers.

“What? This is…”

The responsible person was frightened and scared to pick it up.

After the magic cloud burst, a large piece of magic appeared, including some of the horrible World of Warcraft, and each of them hit a demon.

The konjac of the sky fluttered in the screams of “呱呱”.

“These… are all… what monsters?!”

The person in charge was frightened and stiff, and did not notice that there was a wolf-shaped monster with a pointed claw and a fang.


The wolf-shaped claws slammed into the vest and inserted it into the vest.

Numerous konjac came out from the wound, and the person in charge knew that there was no hope of living, and he raised his hand violently, and the spear smashed behind him!


Another explosion, another Warcraft rushed over, bursting his head on the spot, the entire body directly degraded into the lowest level of the konjac, “呱呱” flying away.

However, a few breaths of effort, the rug of the demon is basically dead and wounded, and the rest are far away, not afraid to approach.

“Hey, it’s time to delay the old man!”

Lu Congzi was quite dissatisfied. With a big hand, he climbed a golden chariot on his side. The chariot was more than ten feet long. There was a stream of light around the body. Under the light, the twelve muzzles were gloomy. in all directions.

A huge elliptical metal was dragged behind the chariot, engraved with various formations.

At the front end, there are eight non-Ma Feilong Warcraft pulls, under the command, madly rushing forward.

The sky of the Warcraft Magic Bird suddenly followed the sides of the chariot, roaring and running in the sky, no one dared to block.

Suddenly, Lu Congzi’s pupils shrank and burst into the magic light, staring at the front!

In the distance of a thousand feet, a figure stood up, and the glimmer of the knife was coming through the space, staring at him coldly.

“Li Yunhao! Dead!”

Lu Congzi was stared at by the gaze, and suddenly slammed back and shouted. The light-colored copper whip in his hand was unsealed, and under the sway of the wave, the fierce air spread.

Suddenly, the beasts rushed, and hundreds of powerful World of Warcraft devils on both sides seemed to get orders, all of which burst into murderous anger and rushed over with Li Yunqi as the goal.

Lu Congzi’s face was full of sorrow, and his eyes showed infinite killing.

Not far away, the two magic lights came in one after the other, and they came out to form the figure of the dragon and the pillar.

At first sight, the column screamed: “Lu Congzi! It really is him!”

The huge golden ball dragged behind the chariot, at a glance, is known as the magic egg.

The column was slightly relieved, and the cold voice: “This damn! Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise let him escape! But… what about these Warcraft?”

He looked at the Warcraft Magic Birds with some horror, all of them suffocating a strong breath, but his knowledge, but also rarely known.

He was also a dignified face. At the same time, his eyes narrowed and he saw Li Yunqi standing in front of him. He frowned and said: “Under the army, he dares to block this edge. Don’t you die?”

The column sneered and said: “With his congenital scorpion, it is not a problem to avoid this beast attack.”

Just after the end, both of them were microscopically shrinking, and they could not help but be taken aback.

I saw Li Yunqi raise his hand, a piece of golden light flashed out in the palm of his hand, and then turned into a palm-sized, like a gold leaf, spurting like the scorching sun.

The golden leaf rose in the wind, and instantly became half-size, with a lot of runes flashing on it.

Li Yunqi was also the first to use this arrogant red dust. The gods and magic elements in the body were mostly taken out by the fans, and they were constantly input, and there seemed to be no end.

This time, Li Yunqi’s face changed a lot.

The front of the row of the sea of ​​Warcraft came from the impact, only the air wave shocked his space around the “squeaky” sound, and the power of this fan seems to be above his expectations, a few breaths, it will be The sucking is almost at the bottom.

But the arrow is on the string and has to.

Li Yunxiao snorted and rolled up a hurricane on his arm. He slid down and slammed the “hunting” of the golden awn on the fan blade.


The golden fan fanned out toward the beasts, and immediately the wind was raging, and the whole space trembled fiercely, as if it were going to collapse.

Li Yun’s face suddenly changed, and he was shocked by the power of the fan. A gust of flame condensed around him and spread forward with horror and power.

The explosion of the earth “砰砰砰” is as if the whole world has turned into a purgatory of wind and fire.

The sky and the ground are almost integrated into one, and they can no longer distinguish each other. Only the wind and the fire, the two elements of horror are raging, tearing the world like chaos!

That a large number of Warcraft and the Magic Bird, rushed into the power of the arrogant red dust, immediately rolled up by the two elements, and went in all directions.

The amazing scenes were performed outside the city wall. In the hundreds of feet in front of Li Yunhao, all the monsters were shaken off, and many of them were directly shocked by the force of the fire. They were violent on the spot and degraded into the purest magic. .


Lu Congzi took a breath of cold air and hurriedly pulled the chariot under the shackles!

The eight non-dragon and non-horse things stopped immediately, all of them were horrified. The strength of the fire was far apart, but it also shocked the past. They shook their necks and screamed in the same place.

“That is… what?!!”

He and the column looked sluggish, and the two stood in the distance, and it seemed that the head was short-circuited.

Lu Congzi stared at the arrogant red dust, his eyes were flashing with a stern color, and he gnawed his teeth: “A powerful attack on the mysterious weapon! Li Yunhao, have yours!”

He desperately waved the whip in his hand, and a lot of runes were shot and the eight wars were gradually calmed down, but the eyes were still full of fear.

The pretty voice came out of the chariot and shouted: “What kind of mysterious thing? Is there such a mighty power to shake all these hundreds of monsters! It is unheard of, it is too horrible?!”

Lu Congzi said: “I don’t want to panic. The mystery is based on my observation. It is just a mystery that uses the rules of the heavens and the earth to carry out a wide range of attacks. This mystery has a great problem, that is, the scope is wide. But the power is not enough. Although these monsters have been shaken, they have not suffered much damage and their combat effectiveness is still there.”

Pretty silence: “I am not thinking about this problem now. I have already come, I am afraid that it is a big problem.”

Lu Congzi frowned: “I can’t beat the strength of the adult now?”

Quite: “Nature can win, but if you want to hold your identity, it will be difficult.”

Lu Congzi’s eyes flashed in different colors and bent his lips. “It’s already the case. It’s a step.”

The chariot was quiet and there was no sound.

Soon, Xiaohong He and others also chased over, watching the wretchedness of the sky, the earth was torn apart, sparking everywhere, and the hurricane raging like a knife, could not help but reveal the color of shock.

He is a hop, and he said: “Smile and arrogance!”

Li Yunqi’s figure is still standing quietly in front of him. All the Warcraft Magic Birds have been shaken hundreds of thousands of feet away, leaving him alone.

The Mozu, who came from a large number of squads in all directions, all saw the scene just now, and they were scared to get close. And the horrible degree of Li Yunxiao in their minds has even passed.

At the moment, the most bitter thing is Li Yunhao himself. The power of the arrogant red dust is far from his expectation. What is even worse is that he took time off his physical fitness.

He slammed his right hand and took the banana fan down under the palm of his I was afraid that I would accidentally come back and directly pull him into a person.

Li Yunxi secretly said: It seems that the greater the power of the mysterious weapon, the better, and the strength to match this power. Whether it is the arrogant red dust, or the six magic soldiers, or the terrible who is ups and downs.

At this moment, the 峥 and the column also returned to God. The two looked at each other and saw the shock and jealousy in each other’s eyes.

The two seem to have a tacit understanding. They are all in the shadows. They fall in the hundreds of feet in front of Li Yunzhen, staring at Lu Congzi, with a cold color.

The column sneered and laughed: “Good boy, dare to play us! Now you are ready to go, let us send you back to the West!”

Lu Congzi said coldly: “What you said is really heart-wrenching. Grasping a magic body and refining, I have gotten a lot of benefits. Actually, I still say that I am playing you? Today is afraid of an endless end. “”

“Hey! One is not dead!”

He sneered: “Do you have this qualification? These four words are too big to say.”

// There is only one more today.

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