Ancient One

Chapter 2313 - dispute

After all, the ceremony took the strong man in the store out of the room, murderous to go to the store.

At this moment, a large number of demons were gathered in the store. All the regiments were around the booth, surrounded by three people.

The rest of the store was also evacuated to avoid being involved.

Luo Leng smiled and said: “Since it is open to the door to do business, how should it be reasonable, not a fist? If you want to talk about fists, then who will come to the flight department to do business.”

A tall and thin magician in the store said: “The store owner has already ordered it. This Hualin magic bone is not for sale. Why should the three suffer? Since we know the freedom of buying and selling, how can we force it to buy?”

Luo Yan’s eyes angered: “If you don’t sell it, let’s put it out? Also clearly mark the price on the top, deliberately play us? I’m here, I’ve been watching this chemistry for three days, and now I’m going to buy it. You told me not to sell? Who are you playing?!”

Ink also nodded: “The fairness is in the hearts of the people, and everyone can evaluate it.”

The demons gathered at the door also began to whisper, and the scenes picked up and everyone expressed their opinions.

“Yeah, I have watched the chemical bones for a few days, that is, I have no money to buy. Now people have to buy them and they don’t sell them. The feelings are all taken out before.”

“Oh, people’s flying department stores bully, it is bullying you, how can you? Are you afraid of it?”

“These three boys seem to be pumping their brains, dare to make trouble in the flying department, even if they don’t dare to move them in the broad daylight. Just leave the store and fear that it will be finished.”

“Isn’t it so dark? Although the strong is respected, it is fair to do business, otherwise who will buy and sell.”

All kinds of arguments kept ringing, and they were all in the ears of the flying parts.

After all, their tribes are in a big position, and it is inevitable to give people a feeling of being a big bully. So the discussion is mostly biased towards three people.

“Who dares to say that I am a big deceiver in the department store?!”

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the temple. As the eyes of the people looked, the **** was coming with a large number of strong men striding.

“Is your three troubles?!”

A few times after the code went to the store, staring at the three people with murderous eyes, looked at the past one by one.

Originally thought that they were arrogant, the other party will be afraid to see the momentum, at least to become timid and shrink, no longer dare to make trouble.

However, his estimate was completely wrong. Li Yunqiu was all a light face, without any expression of fear, but all his mouth sneered and seemed very disdainful.

The ceremony was awkward. He has been mingling for many years. Naturally, he has a certain eyesight. At the moment, he has slowed down his breath and changed his tone. He said peacefully: “You three troubles?”

Luo Leng smiled: “It’s not us who make trouble, it’s your flying department.”

After the silence of the code, said: “This Hualin magic bone can not be sold, and the three also hope to give the old man a face. The old man can choose one of the three, and give great benefits.”

After a brief impulse, the code immediately restored the mature and stable temper. If he has a lot of experience in dealing with others, he can’t be qualified for this position for so many years.

Ink nodded: “Since the responsible adult said so, we can’t know what to do. As long as the adults also come up with a magical bone of the demon king’s peak period, we will bear the pain of this purple angel. It is.”

“The body of the peak of the devil…”

The code is a little angry, sulking: “Three people think that this thing is a stall. It takes a lot of opportunities. This shop is also good luck to get it, and if there is such a sacred thing, it can’t be discounted.”

Ink cold and cold: “The meaning of the adult, what is the right to say just fart?”

It’s hard to look at the face, saying: “I can give three appropriate discounts to the rest of the skeletons on this stand. After all, the old man has limited rights, and I can’t give any big discounts.”

Luo Yan smiled and said: “I thought you were the person in charge. I don’t think that the rights are limited. That allows you to be the boss of the whole authority.”

“Haha, the boss of the whole authority!!”

The anger smirked and said: “If you really see the grown-up, I am afraid that the three will now lie on the ground and confess what they are doing!”

There was also a burst of laughter around, and many people whispered. “The boss who is the master of power is not the first strongest person in Yuan County. Is it a big man?”

“Oh, these three boys are getting more and more dead. If you can’t live, you can’t live without it.”

“Is this three people having problems with their brains, or are they deliberately looking for you?”

Luo Leng cold road: “The three of us will not do what you need to predict, you can call out the caller. We have no time to talk to a lot.”

“Let’s go! I dare to say that the old man is awkward!”

The ceremony was furious and screamed: “The old man has been in the flying department for more than 30,000 years. The shop is also 8,000 years old. People in Yuan County see the old man who is not honored as a “master”, you actually Dare to call me ‘喽啰’!”

Luo laughed and said: “To live for a long time, it is just relying on the old and selling the old. What’s more, in my opinion, your time is also living on the dog, can not be a master, not acknowledging that he is awkward.”

Code cold channel: “The three are very good, good, good! There is a kind of first name and identity, so that the old man can look up.”

Luo said: “The names of the three of us are not qualified for you. You only need to sell us the sacred bones of this purple gorilla, that is what you have to do now.”

“Do not sell!”

Code anger said: “I am flying the things, is it difficult to be bought by you? It is a big joke!”

Luo Yan smiled and said: “Strong buy? You look at it with your big eyes. Everyone is watching it. You are selling it. Now we have to buy it. Actually, we don’t sell it. What is the justice?”

“Yeah, obviously put it out and sell it, now suddenly repenting, it is too bully.”

Many people in front of the door are quite vocal. After all, they are all customers. Maybe one day, this matter will fall on them. Therefore, everyone is still on the side of the three people.

“Hey, even if you really want to sell, do you pay for the three? If you don’t pay, the transaction will not exist, why not come to justice?”

Code cold and cold: “I will announce now that this chemistry has just been paid for by someone. The guest is more embarrassed than the three.”

Luo stunned, frowning: “I don’t believe that this thing can be worth 70,000 yuan, the magic stone, who can come up with so much money.”

“Believe it or not, I have no obligation to explain.”

Dian’s hands were behind him, and he raised his head and looked at him.

It is also because this Hualin magic bone value is 70,000 yuan, the person who can afford to buy money will never be a leisurely generation, so he is not willing to sin three people, has been patiently said now.

And the three did give him an inscrutable feeling, and he could see some clues with his many years of eyesight.

Especially the young man who has never opened his voice, looks bright and handsome, always looks at the smile. Even giving him a feeling of being in the abyss, so that his eyelids jumped slightly.

This feeling has nothing to do with cultivation, but with some kind of talent and experience. Even if he is better than him, he will not be able to detect the horror of the youth.

Luo Wei said: “If you can’t explain it, you can open your mouth and feel free to find an excuse to smother it. Hey, I don’t think it would be such a shameless thing to fly.”


The code is almost unbearable, and the eyes are smoldering: “Dare to insult me ​​again, we are really welcome!”

The fascinating demons gathered in front of the door are all awkward, and they are very surprised to think that the temper of today is very good.

“Do these three friends want to see the buyer? Then the young lady had to show up with everyone.”

A clear and moving voice came from inside the store.

When the film suddenly changed his face, he showed a panicking look. I have been unable to handle this matter for so long, I am afraid that it has already caused Yao to be unhappy. When I think about the future that I can’t easily win, my face is white.

The eyes of the people followed the voice, passing through a long corridor, and a figure of Dina appeared slowly under the crowd.

Under the astounding moment, I only felt that I had a flower in front of me, and that figure and the more than ten Mozu appeared in the store.

Li Yunzhen suddenly felt a lot of cold eyes cast, and could not help but smile, it seems that things have been troubled.

But he doesn’t care, he looks like a hilarious look.

As long as there is no strong man in the Yuan Dynasty, there is no one who suppresses him. Even if there is a demon, he has no fear.

Luo Yi took a moment and stared at Yao Yao: “Who are you?”

Everyone noticed that Yao’s identity was extremely high, because the moment the girl came out, the code went straight to the front and bowed, and it looked like a war.

Yao smiled coldly: “The identity of this lady is not something that you three can know.”

This is the code of the previous run of Luo, and he was returned by Yao.

Luo said nothing, sullenly said: “You said that you bought it, that is the best magic stone? I do not believe you can afford it!”

Yao waved his hand and yelled at the side: “Take the magic stone out to give this glimpse.”

“ Miss.”

丫鬟 Very savvy, said: “The magic stone is still in the background settlement, I will first go to the three to see through, let them grow knowledge.”

She twisted her waist and hips and walked to the store in a very romantic way.

The code naturally understood and gave a look to the people around him. The man immediately said: “I am going with the grown-up.”

After a while, the two returned.

丫鬟 Take out a storage bag and carefully hand it to Yao.

When Yao’s knowledge was swept away, he chuckled, as if he was not on the mind, throw it on the booth at random, saying: “Let’s see it.”


She was cold and said: “Do not touch with your hands, you can only use your knowledge to detect.”

// Recommend a friend’s book, “Supreme”.

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