Ancient One

Chapter 59 - Boundary monument

“What is this **** monument in the end? Why is there such a power! It is possible to burn the soul directly through the technique of my moon.”

Li Yunqi’s heart stunned and he closed his eyes and meditated. “This strange power surging, even above my super ninth-order bastion – the sword 斩 star, is nothing but the ten-party god! ”

He once stood on the peak of this continent, naturally knows that above the peak of the nine-day realm, there is also the illusory ten realm. In the rumor of entering the territory of the ten parties, you can achieve the ultimate martial arts, the **** of martial arts!

“The monument to the gods, the monument to the gods! Is it the ten-party artifact left by the legendary Wushen?”

He suddenly shocked and excitedly muttered to himself: “There must be a direct attack on the power of the soul, only the power of the gods of the ten martial arts in the legend!”

What was it before that day? How can there be treasures left by the Valkyrie! It is no wonder that there will be a Suzaku fire array at the door, and the law is complete, but the layout is rough, obviously a temporary rush. It must be an emergency situation that the Wushen encountered, so it will leave this monument.

He just wanted to come to the dragon, and suddenly said to himself: “No, right, the ultimate martial art, the **** of martial arts, has been a longevity, long-lasting existence. What exactly is going on?”

He sat down and meditated. The strange power of the road emanates from the boundary of the gods, and constantly flows and washes on him. Li Yunqi feels comfortable in the whole body, but he does not dare to open his eyes, fearing that he will burn the soul again.

Suddenly, the light in the Linghai flashed, and the fluorescent spots gathered on the Lingtai and began to form.

“Da Yan Shen!”

Affected by the power of the gods, the Great Derivatives once again took the initiative to form a cohesive shape, and the hot stamping characters contained in the mysterious episodes began to flash in the empty air. He is happy in his heart, but also faintly feels that this great derivation is also a practice of Wu Shen’s cultivation.

With the advent of the Great Derivatives, the wounded soul began to get the moisture of the silk, like a stream of clear springs, and the soul power recovered at an extremely speed. And the body is also bathed in the light of the boundary **** monument, can not tell the feeling of coziness.

It seems that lying in the sun in the winter, not only do not want to move, but also a little drowsy.

I don’t know how long it took, Li Yunxiao suddenly woke up. Suddenly found that he really fell asleep, the monument of the gods has completely become the material of the white jade texture, quietly standing there, without any brilliance.

There seems to be a slow white silver sand on the surface of the monument. Li Yunxiao looked at his big eyes and suddenly took a breath of cold air. The brilliance of the flow turned out to be the cosmic galaxy!

Li Yunxiao was shocked and said to himself: “This **** of the gods can communicate with the power of the Galaxy. It is really a mysterious thing! I don’t know if I can imprint it!”

His hands began to display a wonderful handprint, and soon a lotus flower appeared in the palm of his hand and gently fell on the monument.

He was extremely vigilant, and the existence of this monumental monument has surpassed any artifacts he has ever encountered. Even at the peak of past lives, I dare not treat it with great care. At this moment, I am more cautious. If you are afraid of a trick, you will never be able to recover. He can’t guarantee that he will be born again next time.


Li Yunxuan suddenly recognized the big earthquake in the sea. In the double eyes, the light was wide open, and a force directly rushed into the sea. The whole person was suspended uncontrollably. The mind was like being captured by some kind of power, totally uncontrollable!

He was very upset and knew that he was too weak and was directly controlled by the monument. It is as if he used to use scorpion to control others. It is completely controlled by people.

Fortunately, this time was very short, but in an instant his body fell heavily and fell to the ground. I only feel that I know the sea is clear, and the monumental monument is quietly suspended above my own Dantian, and the star river turns!

“Successful!” Li Yunxi jumped up with great joy, and immediately hit the top of his head at a glance, his head hurt.

He fixed his eyes and saw where the Li House’s Dongfu was. It was just a small space of ten square meters, but it was only two meters high, all made of diamond rock. After collecting the monument, the mustard space naturally disappears. And here is the original cave.

Li Yunxiao slightly fixed his mind and checked his body. This is what he was surprised to find that he immediately broke into the five-star warrior when he slept, and it was a five-star peak, and he was only one step away from the six stars.

But he didn’t have much happiness. After all, this kind of cultivation is enough garbage in his opinion. It doesn’t matter if there is more progress and less. What really delighted him was that his soul has also made great progress. Although it has not yet reached the second order, it is not far away.

“I will try and see if I can control the monument!”

He sat down carefully and began to invade the gods and turned his mind. Since the monument of the gods has been invaded by his refining and chemical brand, it is naturally closely related to him, and under the rotation of God, he can indeed feel the existence of the monument.

However, what disappoints him is that no matter how he contacts, he can only enter the mustard space of the boundary monument, and he cannot control it at all.

“This is fucking!” He yelled, “Unable to control, it is equal to a space ring!”

He was reluctant to try again and again and still had no reaction. However, all the things in the original Lijia Miku were in the boundary of the monument, and all the stones were not brought to him. After seeing Li’s inventory one by one, the mood was a little better.

Li Baifeng waited in the doorway for an emergency. When he saw Li Yunqi appear, he was relieved and stared at the space ring in his hand. He blows his beard and blinks: “It’s been so long in it, it’s not good things. Take it off! It’s the accumulation of Li’s family for thousands of years, so don’t take it too much!”

Don’t take too much, I have taken away Dongfu…

Li Yunqi was sweating and took the space in his hand and handed it to Li Baifeng: “Give you.”

He has put all the valuable things into the monument, and there are some gold coins and everyday things left in this ring.

“This…this…” Li Baifeng opened his mouth and looked at the space in his hand. He didn’t know what to say. I wonder if he didn’t take much good things? Well, this kid is still kind.

Li Yunxuan said: “Four Uncle, this day Li’s daily affairs will be hosted by you. I will go to retreat for a while. As for Li Yi, he will not dare to come back in a short time. And there is no father there. You are relieved of the problem.”

Listening to his instructions, Li Baifeng felt a little weird, but he was not surprised. After all, the strength and wisdom that Li Yunzhen showed during this period has been recognized and praised by everyone. There was still some concern about Li Yi, but when I heard that my father was well, I was relieved.

Li Chunyang is the absolute backbone of the Li family, and it is the spiritual pillar!

Li Yunqi let the four big martial artists return to report to Qin Yue and Bai Yu, and they went with the sorcerer’s guild.

He wants to start refining some medicinal herbs, not only the injuries of Xiao Guangwang and Chen Dasheng. And what is needed in the future martial arts cultivation must be prepared together. Now that Tianshui is in trouble, I am afraid that there will be no more peaceful days.

What you have to do now is to plan ahead!

“Master Jia Rong?” Lu Yao led Li Yunqi and shook his head slightly: “Master Jia Rong and President Xu retired at the same time, but they have not yet come out.”

Li Yunxiao smiled and said: “Nothing, you call him out, he won’t blame you.”

Lu Yao is somewhat embarrassed. Li Yunqi’s identity is also clear, but it disturbs a refining division. No one can afford it, and Jia Rong’s reconciliation emphasizes that it is not falling to disturb him. Why is it: “There are few clouds, I really can’t help, if it is Master Jia Rong…”

“If he blames you for all the consequences, I will bear all the consequences, and I will compensate you for all your losses.” Li Yunqi interrupted her and took a faint word.

Lu Yao immediately stunned, his eyes full of embarrassing colors, slightly sweating on his forehead, Jia Rong she can not offend, but Yun Shao and she is able to offend?

At this time, the count also frowned: “There is less cloud, the refining of the refining division is more difficult than the retreat of the warrior. If the plain is disturbed, the best situation is that the cultivation is interrupted, if the consequences are serious It’s not impossible to get rid of the fire.”

He looked at Lu Yao’s dilemma, and he didn’t want Li Yunqi to provoke trouble, so he kindly reminded him.

Li Yunxi ignored him and smiled at Lu Yao: “If Jia Rong knows that I am looking for him, and you don’t give notice, the consequences are very serious.”

The face of Ji counted a little sinking, and I thought that Li Yunxiao was too big. Who are the technologists? In his opinion, all the madmans who are above the top and stayed in the lab all day, except those who are more powerful than their swordsmen, will not be looked at.

Who is Li Yunhao? However, it is only a young master of the Li family. Although the martial arts comprehension is extremely high, but people are taking the road of refining, will you hang you?

Just when the time was slightly unpleasant, Lu Yao gave a surprise, “Master Liang!” Liang Wenyu was coming over, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief. Someone was standing up when the sky fell.

“Cloud less?? Command?” Liang Wenyu gave a slight glimpse, and immediately understood the situation.

He secretly smiled in his heart. Li Yunqi was a madman who didn’t even look at the president and Zhang Qingfan. It was really bad to send. He could only bite the scalp: “Cloud is less, Jia Rong is retreating, we are not It’s a good deal. If you have anything, I can help you solve it.”

Li Yun said: “I am going to refine a group of medicinal herbs and find Jia Rong to work hard.”

Liang Wenyu laughed and sighed with a sigh of relief: “It turned out to be something. I didn’t have any other sorcerer’s guilds. I have more sorcerers. I have arranged two sorcerers to give Yunxiaolian.”

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