Ancient One

Chapter 77 - Wang Fa

Li Yunqi looked up and looked down on the sky. He was faintly distracted by a little bit of arrogance. He suddenly shook his head in disappointment: “These sons of the country’s supervisors, Bai read the sages for so many years, even those scholars are not as good as they are, so a little bit of arrogance, I am too lazy to ask.”


The sound of the sword echoed, and he pulled out the Taiyin cold sword and smashed it without saying anything!


A few screams came from the neck of the five or six people. The blood was sprayed like a fountain, and the blood of the blossoms spread out in the air. The five or six people smashed. After a burst of neck, he lost too much blood, his pupil gradually enlarged, and he fell on the spot and died.


All the super-supervisors of the state supervisors have sucked their mouths and aired them, and they spread out to the two sides. How could they not think that Li Yunzhen would dare to go outside the temple? The sword went down and suddenly shocked everyone. No one dared to slogan.

Li Yunqi took the sword and stood up. The look of indifference on his face was like killing a god. All the sorrows were sorrowful and angry, and even more whispered.

He glanced at these people indifferently and said faintly: “The imperial court event is not something that you can participate in.” Being used as a pawn, I thought it was a benevolent person, ridiculous! Hundreds of scholars from the day before, and today You guys are the end, but they don’t help the DPRK, and you don’t even know how to die. It’s the place where you should go to stay in the Guozijian teaching and repairing book.”

He looked into the Golden Temple and sneered and continued: “And if Kong Renyi is really righteous and righteous, he should not let you stop him outside the Golden Temple.” After he left this sentence, he followed Li Chunyang. Before and after, step into the Golden Temple.

When the Guozijian Taifu listened to him, he suddenly realized something, but he looked at the dead companions and was still sad.

Just outside the temple, all the courtiers and Qin Zheng are in the eyes, they are all big shocks, I can’t think of Li Yunhao’s arrogance to such a degree!

Kong Renyi climbed up directly from the stretcher and cried: “God!~, Your Majesty, you must be the chief of the minister, killing these two demons!”

Qin Zheng was angry and said: “Li Yunxiao, you are so courageous, dare to murder in front of the Golden Temple in front of the sly face! First kill the guards, then kill the Taifu, you really can’t be lawless!”

Li Yunqi walked up to the front and did not bow to the ceremony. He just said, “Your Majesty, I killed these people because of the law!”

“Nonsense!” Qin Yang jumped out and glared at him: “If you kill someone, you dare to go to the palace to kill, there is no king, you are!”

Li Yunxiao looked at him coldly, and he looked sneer in a sneer-like look: “Yang Yang also knows Wang Fa?”

Qin Yang snorted, and the dark road is so daring today, see how you got rid of the body, he raised his head and made a high-profile appearance, screaming: “Of course!”

“Since this is the case.” Li Yunhao sighed: “Can an adult in the department be in the middle?”

In the middle of the class, Bian Wenlin’s brow wrinkled and hesitated and walked out. He said, “I’m old, here, I don’t know what the cloud is saying about the old things?” As a sacred book, although not as good as Lan Hong and Li Chunyang, but also As a high weight, he did not participate in the struggle between the two factions, so no one wants to offend, politely called Li Yunxiao a “cloud less.”

Li Yunqi’s boxing ceremony: “There are a few things that the young master is not aware of, and I’m still looking forward to the teachings of the sages.”

Ban Wenlin made a gesture of asking, saying: “Let’s talk less.”

Li Yunxiao looked at Qin Yang with a cold look, sighed: “I would like to stop the 100,000 fire-fighting military reporters, according to the national law, what crime?”

When Ban Wenlin glanced, he frowned and said: “The 100,000 rushing military situation is a major event in the country. It blocks the reporters and acts as a nationality according to the national law!”

Everyone is a glimpse, and then a sudden appearance. It is no wonder that this kid shouted a hundred thousand fierce military situation far away. It seems that the two guards were really dead.

Qin Yang was also stunned, his face was gloomy and watery, and he couldn’t think of Li Yunzhen’s exploiting this loophole. He whispered: “Even if the two guards committed a crime of death, those who are outside the door are too Fu? You are cold and bloody, killing people like 麻. These too Fu are reading poetry one by one, and there is no competition in the world on weekdays. One heart for the state education students, has nurtured countless national pillars, you actually kill them without saying anything! Is this also because of Wang Fa?!”

“Hey, you are so dead!” Kong Renyi also burst into tears.

Li Yunxi looked at the two men with a cold look, and smiled and said: “And they don’t say that they are filthy to my grandparents. What is the sin of the court minister?

Ban Wenlin’s brow wrinkled more tightly, and looked at Li Yunxi with a deep look. He said: “If it is filthy, it is a crime of decapitation!”

Qin Yang’s glimpse, he did not think that there are such regulations. These imperial court members, who are falling apart from each other on weekdays, are basically commonplace, but they have not thought of the identity of those who are too Fu, but they are low-level officials.

Kong Renyi red eyes and shouted: “If the civilians are filthy, they should be killed. But those who are too busy have official positions, and the truth is true, how can it be filthy!”

Li Yunyan looked at him with a sneer, staring at him, sneer: “Is it true? Kong Sheng, be careful, I will also tell you that you are filthy! The King will call me to see you. These are too good to stop you. Oh, please Kong Sheng, block the imperial execution. What should I sin?!”

“This.”, Kong Renyi suddenly stupid. Blocking Li Jiazu’s grandson is a good plan for them. I didn’t expect that it would be announced, and I couldn’t think of Li Yun’s shot. It seems that these too Fu are dead.

Ban Wenlin shook his head slightly and said: “Block the execution of the sacred decree, when the 诛 诛 !!”

Li Yunxiao suddenly said: “Very good! If I am not wrong, one of those Taifu seems to be the relatives of Kong Shengren, then the nine people naturally include Kong Shengren. The saints as Confucian leaders, after Confucius, one Words and deeds are all models of imitation in the world. Naturally, we should know that the national law is like a mountain, and the law is not tolerant!”

Kong Renyi, some of these panic, hurriedly said “you, you, you” in the mouth, suddenly a move, hurriedly bowed to Qin Zheng, crying: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty is the master for me!”

The imperial court ministers had a lot to think about, but one was unwilling to offend Li, and the other was to hear Li Yunxuan say “the law is not tolerant” and suddenly there is nothing to say.

This kind of thing can be big or small, saying that you can break through the sky, saying that small is not the same thing at all, it completely depends on the attitude of the other party. Li Yunqi is now grasping this point and insisting on breaking through the sky.

Standing behind Li Chunyang’s stunned look, he couldn’t think of his own headache, and it would be like this. Is this really your grandson?

The Li family has always been a family of military lords. They are lacking in the battle of tongues and tongues. They are not the opponents of these ruins. But today they are not only unscrupulously coming in, seeing people killing, but also directly grasping the initiative and putting Kong Renyi in the country. And morally sorrowful.

Even the Manchu martial arts are also stunned. If the crime of Kong Renyi is fixed, then is it necessary to kill the saint? However, if it is uncertain, look at this picture of Li Yunzhen, it will certainly not stop.

This is even a headache for the king.

Qin Zheng’s face is full of worries, his eyes are a little sluggish, and his spirit is much worse than when he saw him last time. First, he was too old, he was quiet in wine all year round, and the second was because of the deep poisoning. I am afraid that it will not last long.

He thought for a while, and then slowly said: “Mr. Kong is a saint, and he is also a teacher of enlightenment. This time it was his nephew, and his sin was not in him. The commemoration of the teacher in Confucius is huge. Special. As for his nephew, then pull out and smash it, and it should be an explanation for Yunxiao.”

“Long live your majesty, thank you for your unwillingness to kill!” Kong Renyi’s great joy bowed down, a strong gimmick.

I heard that I could live, and I didn’t care whether I was alive or not. I also tried my best to make a slap in the face, and some ministers who thought that Kong Renyi was innocent, began to resent him.

Both of Qin Zheng’s two parties have taken care of it. Kong Renyi’s crimes have also been blamed, and Li Yun’s reply has been given. It’s a very clever Both sides should be satisfied. However, Li Yunqi did not rely on it, and sighed: “Your Majesty is not! Just because Kong Shengren is a model of the world, it is even more important for the country to be like a mountain! Moreover, the prince is still guilty of the crime with the people, is the Confucius more honorable than the prince?”

“Li Yunxiao, you, you, you…”, Kong Renyi saw that the other party had to force himself to death, and suddenly screamed: “Your Majesty has a holy sacred, and you are arrogant! You clearly do not put the squat In the eyes!”

Li Yunqi looked at him like a fool and sneered: “Of course I didn’t put my knees in my eyes!”


When he said this, he suddenly felt awkward and stunned. Even Li Chunyang was a big mouth. He didn’t know what the grandson would do. Qin Yue is feeling that his head is getting bigger. If he had a good situation and pressed the other side to death, how could he suddenly come up with such a big rebellious statement?

Qin Zheng also stayed a bit, suddenly burst into anger, is about to attack, but see Li Yunxiao pointing to his heart, a look of respect.

Li Yunxuan said emotionally on his face: “Your Majesty is to be respected here. If we are ministers, we must always put our knees on our hearts and listen to every will and teaching of our Majesty, not like you all day. I hang my squat on my mouth and say no, what do you care about? It’s no wonder that Kong Shengren dared to defy the sacred purpose. It turned out that he did not put his sire in his heart. Is it true that Kong Shengren thinks he is more noble than his Majesty? Or Kong Shengren feels His Majesty Yin is not enough. Is it because you are sitting down?”

“Ah?” Everyone was stagnant again.

The crime of blocking the imperial edict has not yet been eluted, and he was immediately detained with a hat of rebellion!

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