Ancient One

Chapter 84 - Military order

Li Yunqi mentioned Chen Zhen on the ground and looked at the three of them coldly. “Is that enough? If you say enough, you will continue your business. But if I let you find that you force him to pass the level and improve the realm, then don’t Say that you are familiar with my father, I will turn my face and not recognize people! I am very cautious to warn you —–no-for-example!”

He said that Chen Dasheng was stunned and Han Bo was shocked.

Li Yunzhen’s cold face glared at Chen Zhen’s account. Han Bo sneaked a stunned three-person, and one did not dare to stay, and hurriedly followed.

Han Qianfang first spoke: “This Li Yunqi is not quite the same as before. During this time, the rumors of the country have been raging. Look at the momentum, and even dare to be arrogant in front of the three of us.”

Chen Lin is also frowning: “This kid’s talent is really good, and Chen Zhen is the same year, it is already an eight-star warrior. But to say that he is a man who pressed the two geniuses of the Blue College, Lin Yu and Bai Chengfeng, I am still not very good. I believe that I have closely observed these two people, and they are all in the midst of nothing.

Han Qianfang said: “Jing Guogong’s father is willing to let him go out alone. It is really extraordinary. It is just too exaggerated. Within a year, Chen Zhen entered Wu Jun. He thought that Wu Jun was a stall. ”

Chen Dasheng held a small man in his hand and became a group. He said: “Let this kid try it. After Chen Zhen practice, don’t intervene for the time being.”

Chen Lin was shocked and hurried: “Hey, do you also believe in the nonsense he said? Haha, he entered Wujun in a year, he thought he was…”

“Okay!” Chen Dasheng interrupted: “This kid is indeed a bit strange, although I feel ridiculous, but the moment he said it, I felt involuntarily in my heart.”

Chen Lin’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “Hey, this is totally nonsense.”

Chen Dasheng’s eyes were slightly condensed. “Take him a year to look at it. It’s not clear that your feelings are repaired. It’s a kind of instinct. I don’t know, this kid is A genuine second-order divisional refiner!”

Chen Lin and Han Qianfang’s pupils were violently eclipsed!

After Li Yun took out the tent, he threw Chen Zhen to Jia Rongdao: “Give him a rain Lin Dan, first stabilize the realm.” He turned to look at a non-commissioned officer and asked: “Where is the next city?” How long will it take to reach?”

The sergeant was busy with a military ceremony and reported: “Reporting the general, the next city is Yangpu City, marching at the current speed, there are still ten days!”

“Ten days? So long?” Li Yun’s brow wrinkled, faintly looking at the distance. In his previous life, there was no concept of a hurry. It was a direct tearing of space, thousands of miles away, and shrinking into size!

“How? There is no sense of freshness?” Chen Dasheng did not know when he came out of the tent and stood behind him. Hehe smiled: “We are already marching rapidly. According to the ordinary march, at least one more. Month. Fighting is a desperate job, not a picture.”

Li Yunyan gave him a blank look. “Is it fun? I just hope to get there soon, so I can get some medicines for Chen Zhen, let his realm be temporarily stabilized in a star warrior, and eliminate the negative impact on you.”

“Amount”, Chen Dasheng felt that his throat was blocked. He found that the invisible kind of momentum of this kid was faintly above himself, which made him unusually unhappy. Imagine: How do you say that you are also the coach, to suppress the prestige of this kid.

He pointed to the hundreds of thousands of military troops marching in a hurry: “Kid, how do you see this army?”

Li Yunxiao said indifferently: “But Err.”

“But Err?” Chen Dasheng squinted his eyes and smiled and said: “The kid of the newborn calf has never seen the world. So the 400,000-strong army does not dare to say that it is a tiger-wolf division, but the military discipline is well-trained and well-trained. The details can be seen.” He said in a preaching manner, “I have to see the murderous murderousness above the army. This is what happened after the life and death fight. This kind of murder is enough to make… ”

“Well, I know.” Li Yunxi interrupted: “It is already at noon, you should take medicine. Don’t forget to let Yunshang teacher help you suppress the toxicity.”

Chen Dasheng was on the spot and only felt very embarrassed. The people on both sides covered their mouths and laughed, but they did not dare to laugh out loud, and the stomach hurts.

Chen Dasheng angered: “Kid, I know that you are a sorcerer, great! But marching and fighting…”

Li Yun’s brow wrinkled, and uncomfortable interrupted again: “Isn’t it murderous?” He pointed to the student army that escorted various military training materials in the back: “After ten days, before entering Yangpu City, these two thousand students The murder of the army will overshadow your 400,000 army. Is the letter unbelief?”

“Haha, it is really boundless! You think that murder is air? Just breathe it!” Chen Dasheng laughed.

Li Yunxuan pointed at his skull and said coldly: “I used my head to make a military order. If I entered it after ten days, I will give you the ball to kick the ball! If I win, the army coach position is my, you are Give me a good job.”

Chen Dasheng’s face changed a lot, and the people around him suddenly became upset. Chen Dasheng said: “The military order is a child’s play. You are born as a student general. You should know that there is no joke in the army!”

Li Yunxiao chuckled and raised his head: “Of course! But within ten days, the escorts will be returned to you. I will take this group of people first, and after 10 days, see Puyang City!”

He swayed up and landed on another chariot. Ji Meng, Jia Rong, Meng Xia and his brother, as well as Chen Zhen and Han Bai, also followed the past.

Li Yunqi stood at the top of the chariot and shouted: “All the students listened to the orders, and now immediately drop all the supplies and follow my chariot at full speed!”

The officers and men who drove the chariots hurriedly waved their horses. Li Yunqi’s chariot suddenly surpassed the past, and the first car was in front of the army. More than 2,000 student soldiers were rushing up.

These two thousand people are the warriors with superior strength. No matter how much physical strength or cultivation is more than several times stronger than the ordinary army, it is easier to run. So soon Li Yunhao will take a lot of people to go.

Chen Dasheng looked at the dust that swept the sky in front of him, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Chen Lin was shocked and said: “Hey, do you really let him go? This is clearly a noisy! Do you believe that he said ten days, but also marching, can condense the killings that are even heavier than the Central Army. gas?”

Chen Dasheng said coldly: “Of course not believe!”

Chen Lin said: “Then, then you? He guarantees with his head, when…”

Chen Dasheng took a shot in his back and said: “When you set up a military order, who heard it? Did you really let me kill the kid?” When he hangs up and beats him, he turns. Going back to his account, muttered to himself: “Oh, my body started to hurt again, I really should take medicine.”

Looking back, I saw Xiao Wang and Luo Yunshang. I don’t know when it’s already on the chariot. Luo Yun’s forehead oozes fine sweat, apparently just consuming a lot of infuriating.

Chen Dasheng said: “Luo teacher, can you still insist?”

Luo Yunshang smiled lightly: “No problem, this Li Yunqi does not know where to get the healing method, while giving you a suppression of the cold, I also feel that my true yang is growing stronger. It seems more than a retreat. The effect of cultivation is even better!”

Chen Da said with anger: “Don’t mention the kid. When I see it, I don’t want to hang it up and take him half-length and get rid of it!”

Xiao Wang, who has never spoken before, seems to smile with a hint: “Oh? I don’t think you will have a chance.” His appearance is like waiting for Chen Dasheng to mix and match.

Chen Dasheng stunned, and then he did not believe it.

Li Yunhao went alone with the 2,000 student army, and the people around him silently silently. Chen Zhen said: “There are few clouds. You can really play big games this time. You can make a military order. Even if you don’t kill your head, you have to be killed by my grandfather.”

Li Yunxiao smiled and said: “But it is just condensing some murderous, is it so difficult?”

Han Bai said seriously: “But it’s just condensing some murderous? It’s really a loss for you to say Those are the suffocatings that can be deposited in the body after the real battle on the battlefield. On the battlefield, this kind of suffocation will be released, and the soldiers will increase their combat power. Don’t say ten days, if you don’t kiss the battlefield, you can’t train for ten years!”

Li Yunxiao looked with a smile and smiled easily: “That would make them experience life and death, not enough.”

He disregarded everyone’s stunned look and shouted: “When you are marching at full speed, I will be rushed outside of Yangpu City within four days.” He smiled slightly and laughed with a voice that only the people around him could hear: “The rest Six days, I will let you go to hell!”

His long sleeves were scorned and he was transferred to the big account.

The rest of the people looked at each other and did not dare to go in and disturb him. They sat down on the ground outside the tent and began to cultivate.

The sergeant driving the chariot was desperately chasing the car. The more than 2,000 students were all at the samurai level and ran harder than the horse. It’s just a matter of jealousy, and I dare not surpass Li’s chariots, all of which are closely following.

On the third day, the spirit of these students was completely crossed. Eggplants that were beaten with frost, more than 2,000 people pulled a few miles, and shuttled along the chain like a chain. Many people are watching the chariot in front, and they are resentful. Imagine: Lao Tzu worked hard for three days, and you all sat comfortably in the car.

But immediately after the chariot, it seems that there are two figures that have been looked at by everyone. Lin Yu and Bai Chengfeng clenched their teeth, and there was no complaint after the chariot. Some of them were just the unyielding eyes and will in the eyes!

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