Angel Fall

Chapter 12: Clean

Content warning: This chapter contains fantasy violence. oviposition, rape, and tentacle sex. 

Laurelai flew fast and far, seeking to outrun her pursuers. It wasn’t nearly as fast or far as she was used to though. Her new body was smaller, and so were her wings, and she could feel the difference with every flap. Worse, every downstroke of her wings made her breasts jiggle lewdly in a way she found very distracting. All of these annoyances added up to make her feel weak and helpless, but even as a shadow of her former self, she was still able to easily outdistance the imps that gave chase to her. 

Once she’d lost sight of them, she dipped down closer to the ground level. There was no telling what winged horror Lord Bel might unleash to pursue her, and being close to cover might help her. If there was any cover to be had, she thought in frustration as she gazed across the blasted landscape that she soared over. The demon lord had built his fortress of rusted iron in the middle of an ochre desert. Here and there were small boulder fields or a few dead trees she might be able to hide in, if worse came to worst, but they wouldn’t be able to offer much in the way of concealment, let alone protection. 

Not that she wanted to land until she had to. Flying through the gray skies of hell naked was bad enough, but if she was to land, who knew what monsters might try to take advantage of her? In all the centuries she’d been alive she’d fought countless hellspawn in creation, and they’d all come from one of the hells she was now stuck inside, but she was sure she’d only faced a tiny sliver of the possible evils that dwelled down here. Staying free meant facing off against not only whatever new monster crossed her path, but also fighting whatever Lord Bel sent after her. She was sure he wasn’t about to give up his prize without a fight. 

For a brief moment images of fear and lust shot through her mind at the idea of being recaptured, and the terrible things they would do to punish her for it, before Laurelai shook her head to clear it. None of that mattered, because she wasn’t going to let that happen. Right now all that mattered was getting away, finding somewhere safe, getting a weapon, and eventually finding something to cover herself with so that her utterly pornographic breasts would stop jiggling and swaying. After that she’d see about less important things like getting clean, and finding a way out of this accursed place. 

She flew for hours, expecting the sun to set in one direction or the other eventually, but it never moved. It always stayed fixed in the center of the sky like a baleful red eye, baking the land until there was nothing but sand and dust. That didn’t make a lot of sense. There had been night in the garden, but now that she thought about it, she’d never actually seen the sun set. Could the glass have been magically tempered to darken for part of the day so that Lord Bel’s sex slaves could rest and recover their strength for the long day of fucking that was sure to follow? That seemed much too kind for a monster like that.  

She’d read that every level of hell had its own eccentricities, and apparently this one was supposed to be a trackless and inescapable desert. That wouldn’t be a problem for an angel though, even a fallen one. She still needed neither food nor drink to sustain her, and from the air she’d found a distant mountain peak an hour ago, and was slowly making her way towards that. The layers of hell were physical things after all, so ultimately she’d need to make her way up and out to the next layer of misery. 

After at least five hours of flying, Laurelai feared that she might be hallucinating, because she saw what appeared to be an oasis in the middle of the shifting sands, or at least what passed for one in the bowels of hell. There were no lush date palms to provide shade, or verdant grass to lay upon, but there were a series of pools nested in tiers in a rocky outcropping. The highest ones were bubbling and steaming, and she was sure that their sulfurous waters were so hot that anyone that tried to sample them would be boiled alive, but as the runoff from each added to a stream, it cooled as it drifted down the rock formation, forming a broad and deep pool in the water that looked almost inviting. 

Laurelai circled the area three times. The first time was to assure herself it was real, and the second time was to look for evidence of a trap. Even though she didn’t thirst, she desperately wanted to wash and feel clean after everything that had happened to her for the last week. She’d never actually be clean again of course. Fucking hundreds of demons stained the body and the soul. Still, as she finally landed lightly on a nearby boulder ready to flee at a moment’s notice, she thought it would be nice if she could finally stop reeking of sex. 

Finally, when she was sure no one was around, she dipped a toe in the water. It was certainly hot, but bearable. One step at a time the angel went deeper into the rocky pool. It instantly brought to mind her experiences in the tub with Temoa, and she blushed at the thought. The succubus had made sure that she was more than clean that day, but somehow this sulfurous water felt even better on Laurelai’s battered body than that tub had. This was hell, and there wasn’t supposed to be any pleasure or joy here, but her blush only deepened as she realized that so far almost everything she’d done in hell had been extremely pleasurable. It had been a hedonistic experience she could never have imagined, but she’d be grateful when it was over.

Once she was up to her waist, she walked around until she found a submerged boulder, and then took a seat. Relaxing on it while she started to splash water on the rest of her body, while carefully avoiding getting her wings wet. That wouldn’t make flying any easier after all, and she knew she shouldn’t linger too long in a place that was obviously too good to be true. Still, it was nice to enjoy the moment of respite, she thought as she gently washed her poor abused breasts. She had no idea when she’d find another moment of peace or even when she might find a safe place to sleep. Angels really didn’t need much sleep of course, but exhausted as she was it would go a long way towards rejuvenating her aching muscles. 

Laurelai studied her reflection in the dark waters. The only other time she’d had a chance to look at this new body was the moment that Thraxusius made her watch her own deflowering, and that was hardly the time to appreciate the new body she’d be trapped in until she could find some way to reverse the process. Even though the slender form still felt foreign to her, and her breasts were nothing but a nuisance, it was impossible not to appreciate the beauty of her face framed by long blond hair that went down to her back. It was a face that another person might kill for, and even if she knew she wanted her own face and body back, this one was growing on her, for better or worse. 

The biggest change of all though, was her wings. Before all this her feathers had been the purest white, like every angel of Heaven, but every day that had passed since her change they’d become dark as night. Now her feathers were the color of a raven’s. They were a perfect match for her sinful soul, she realized sadly. It wasn’t something she could see while she was tied up, but it made a tragic sort of sense. With the loss of her halo’s light, she was a creature of darkness now, and she’d have to find some way to make peace with that. Somehow she couldn’t feel too sad about this detail though. The feathers were so dark in places that they were almost blue. It was a lovely effect, even if it was a constant reminder of her sin. 

While she studied her newfound darkness with a critical eye, Laurelai noticed a flicker of movement under the water. She didn’t know what it was, but she wasn’t going to wait around to find out. With a powerful flick of her wings she jumped out of the water and took to the skies. Well - she tried to at least, but she only got perhaps six or eight feet above the water before something shot out of the dark pool and managed to wrap around her ankle before she could get away. “Damnit,” she cursed, looking down at the nearly translucent thing attached to her. If she had a sword she was certain she could cut it easily and escape, but without it all she could do was struggle. 

“Get the hells off me,” she yelled, flapping harder in a bid to break free of the pseudopod’s iron grip. It wasn’t working though. No matter how hard she strained to pull away, she could feel herself being drawn slowly back to the water. Terrible images flashed through her mind about being drowned, or eaten alive, and made her struggle even more, but once she was only a few feet from the surface of the warm lake, a second wrapped around her other leg and instantly pulled her under. 

A trail of bubbles escaped her mouth and broke the surface as whatever had captured her pulled her ever deeper, and away from the light. Tentacles were all over her body now. They’d wrapped her up completely as they explored every inch of her nubile body. She’d only just gotten clean, but already she could tell this thing wanted to make her dirty again more than it wanted to drown her. If she didn’t find a way to escape soon she’d be dead before it had the chance to really defile her though. 

Finally it stopped pulling her after she was almost twenty feet underneath the surface, and she reached something that looked almost like a giant sea anemone. She didn’t know what she’d expected, but it wasn’t that. It was a vaguely glowing stalk that was almost as tall as her and rooted to the lake bed, crowned with a wavy collection of tentacles, most of which had been wrapped around her.  It was more alien than disgusting, and least until one as thick as her wrist began trying to force its way into her mouth. Lauralei struggled and even tried to bite it, but the rubbery material didn’t seem to be bothered by it as it forced itself first into her mouth, and then down her throat. 

Only after she’d finished choking on the thing and feared she was about to finally suffocate did she realize that the tentacle was forcing air into her lungs, even at this depth. That was strange, and almost miraculous, but as soon as she got over that surprise, she realized just why this creature wanted her alive as she felt another pair of tentacles beginning to force themselves into her other two holes. It was more revolting than painful as the almost transparent pseudopods forced their way into her most vulnerable places, and she cursed herself when she shivered in pleasure for the first time. With something in both her pussy and her anus, she’d never felt more stretched and full, and it tinged her hatred with eroticism. 

That was when she noticed that the awful crest that had been inked on mons was starting to glow. Laurelai couldn’t quite see it from where she was floating with her breasts in the way, but she could see the light that was coming from it was bright enough to be noticeable in the darkness of the water around her and the dull red glow blended with the brighter pink glow of the anemone. As soon as it started to thrust rhythmically inside her though, she could no longer notice such details. After that all she could do was shudder in pleasure as the thing rippled and pulsed inside her. At first it was just spasmodic, which was intense enough, but soon it was showing some sort of intelligence as it developed a rhythm. Soon whenever the tentacle in her pussy thrust in, the one in her ass slid out, and vice versa. Even the one in her mouth started to throb in time to that terrible rhythm. 

It wasn’t long before her whole body did. Even though she didn’t want it, she couldn’t help it. The tentacles that were wrapped around her breasts were being caressed and squeezed by tentacles that encircled them, even as all three of her holes were being used by this thing for whatever passed for pleasure to something so strange. She couldn’t lie to herself though. She was enjoying it. Her nipples were beginning to ache and her clit was tingling at the sensation. It wasn’t quiet enough to get her off. Instead it kept her in a frustrating limbo. No matter how pleasurable the creature’s movements were, they were never enough to quite push her over the edge. 

She was almost content to stay like this until the creature was finished with her. That’s when she noticed the eggs. The largest two tentacles coming from the anemone were the ones inside her ass and her poor abused sex, and the reason they’d started their strange throbbing pattern apparently was to move the eggs from the body of the creature into the body of the host, which was apparently her. Laurelai panicked. She tried to scream, and flail as she dozens of little round eggs sliding down the translucent tentacles towards her vulnerable body, but there was nothing she could do. She lacked the strength to fight this creature or the weapons to kill it. All she could do was watch in horror as the pale spheres moved towards her until they disappeared from her vision as they finally approached their goal. 

Then she could no longer see them, she could only feel them. The first one to press against her ass was painful, almost doubling the girth of the tentacle as it forced its way inside her body. It was followed seconds later by one forcing itself into her cunt in the same violent way. That’s what finally forced Laurelai to cum for the first time. It was humiliating that she was orgasming on a creature that was trying to breed her like this, but there was nothing she could do. The humiliation only amplified the pleasure as she moaned around the tentacle in her mouth and tried to cling to consciousness. 

After that a new orgasm crashed over her with every second or third egg that was shoved inside her poor abused body. After a while she didn’t even try to fight it anymore. She just lay there limply while this horrible creature did what it wanted to with her. Sometime later after it had forced at least two dozen eggs inside her it finally released her, and she drifted slowly to the surface. For a long time she lay there, just floating, and willing what had happened to her to be some kind of terrible dream. Eventually she forced herself to swim to shore, and it was only once she was there that she looked at the water to see what it had done to her. Her figure was distended, and she looked so pregnant that she thought she might go into labor at any moment. 

It was horrifying, but also vaguely erotic, and the longer Laurelai looked at her very maternal reflection, the more turned on she got by it. She also noticed that her crest was glowing again. This time it was white instead of the red or the pink that she was used to, and she wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean, but honestly right now she didn’t care. She was exhausted, and there was no way she could fly like this, so grudgingly she looked for somewhere she could get out of the sun and rest, and as soon as she found a crevice not far from the pool, she crawled inside and fell asleep almost immediately. 

Laurelai’s sleep was fitful, and her dreams were troubled. She dreamt about being pregnant, and being hunted, and when she woke several hours later, her bulging belly had shrunk by half, and her crest was still glowing softly. It was only then that she remembered what Lord Bel had said when he marked her: that her body was for bearing only his offspring. That meant that the crest must do more than make her horny all the time she supposed. It must have a way of making sure that only the demon lord’s seed could take root in her womb. It was a small blessing, but she would take it, she decided as she drifted back to sleep. In a few more hours she thought she’d be able to fly, and as soon as she could do that she was going to get very far away from here.

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