Angel Fall

Chapter 14: Story

Content warning: This chapter contains magical coercion, seduction, and lesbian sex. 

Laurelai blushed a little harder as she realized that she had entirely misinterpreted the succubus’ point about the story, but the demoness ignored that. Patting the bed beside her as she put down the brush before leaning back against some overstuffed cushions and showing off her body in such a braven way that it made it difficult for Laurelai to look at her. “Come on then, have a seat and tell me all about it. It’s not like we’ve got much else to do to pass the time.’

She hesitated. Even though she sensed no danger, she knew she shouldn’t relax around this sex demon. Half of her - the angelic part that had spent his life slaying succubi was certain she was merely lulling her into a false sense of security before she devoured her prey, sexually and physically. The other half of her though. The part of her that had suffered these last weeks in hell, she’d seen all sorts of succubi by now, and knew that they were impossibly varied in a way that her previous preconceptions could never account for. They seemed to range from the cruel, to the prudish, to the cute and sensual, just like the humans in the world above that they parodied. Wasn’t it possible, she wondered as she sat down hesitantly, that this one just wanted to hear a story to pass the time? 

So that’s what Laurelai did. She cleared her throat and said, “Until a month ago I was a man, and a servant of the host. A lot has changed since then though, obviously.” She thought that it would have been harder, but once she started talking everything poured out of her. The fight, the rape, having her body transformed into someone she didn’t recognize, and all the terrible torments that had happened to her since she’d been dragged into the depths of hell. 

It took perhaps an hour to tell the whole thing, even with the minimal interruptions the demoness made to ask questions. Halfway through, when Laurelai was describing the pleasure gardens, and she was about to burst into tears at the plight of the nuns that had somehow fallen even farther than her, the demoness did something that Laurelai would have never expected. She reached out and took a hold of her hand to comfort her. It was such a small thing, but it made her feel better than she could say. After that, minute by minute and inch by inch things moved so imperceptibly that she didn’t really notice the change, but by the end of the story the succubus was holding her while she told her story, and when it was done, they cuddled afterwards in the silence. 

“So you escaped from Lord Bel, huh?” The succubus said quietly, in a tone barely above a whisper. “That’s a hard thing to do. Are you sure he didn’t want you to escape?” 

“Want me to escape?” Laurelai asked, “But I’m being hunted.” 

“No,” the demoness corrected her. “You think you’re being hunted. There’s a world of difference between thinking and knowing my dear, and right now all you know is that you’re dangerously aroused, and even if you seem free, you’re almost certainly part of a much larger plan than you can possibly realize.” 

Laurelai blushed at that, but said nothing. It was true, and there was no point in asking how the demoness knew that - succubi existed to sniff out lust and temptation. Something about being this close to the succubus was turning her on, and it wasn’t just the feeling of her perfect breasts pressing against Laurelai’s wings and back. 

When Laurelai answered the demoness with silence, she tried a different tack, and slowly caressed Laurelai’s soft flesh with her sharp nails, raising a trail of goosebumps in her wake. “A delicious morsel like you… I could drain you for days until you were too weak to stand and never grow tired of it, but somehow…” 

The demoness trailed off for a moment as if she was lost in thought. “Somehow that would be an anticlimactic end to such an interesting story, and one day I want you to come back and tell me the true conclusion of your tale. '' As she spoke her hand wandered to Laurelai’s right breast, and the demoness began to roll her aching nipple lightly between her fingers.

“Please,” Laurelai sighed. She wasn’t sure which one she was agreeing to, and she didn’t care. The soft warm embrace of the demoness combined with her spicy, lustful fragrance and her delicate touch was intoxicating her, and she could feel her crest throbbing with need. She was sure that the succubus was arousing her just so she could drain more of her sexual energy away, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she didn’t stop touching Laurelai’s body. 

Then suddenly the succubus stopped teasing and pushed Laurelai away before standing up. Laurelai lay there passively, feeling even more helpless now that the shorter woman loomed over her. “Now let’s take a look at that crest of yours,” the demoness said, smiling coyly as she suddenly kneeled between Laurelai’s legs, spreading them slightly as the succubus leaned so close to her angelic pussy that Laurelai could feel the other woman’s hot breath upon it as the demoness leaned in for a closer look.

“I don’t… I think that maybe—” Laurelai started to protest, but she was silenced by a single severe look from the succubus and lapsed back into nervous silence. No matter how uncomfortable what the demoness was doing might make her, the idea of stopping her seemed out of reach.  

The succubus didn’t molest her though, as Laurelai expected. Instead she just mumbled to herself while she delicately traced the lines of the crest and thought about their meaning. The angel tried to focus on that. She wanted to ask questions about what the demoness had discovered, but Laurelai didn’t dare open her mouth to ask. She was far too afraid that instead of a question, she would simply moan uncontrollably. The situation was just too erotic. Right now someone was only inches away from her needy little pussy and the thought alone made her squirm uncomfortably as she felt herself becoming wetter and wetter. The awkward ordeal seemed to take forever, but in reality the Succubus finished after only a couple minutes. 

“That’s very interesting,” she said finally, looking up at Laurelai without bothering to move her face from the angel’s hairless pussy. “Whoever did this was quite the artist.” 

“I-I think she said her name was Mordrena,” Laurelai offered up nervously. Every word the succubus said from where she was sitting made her tingle, and they could both see that damnable crest throbbing with obvious need, so her arousal was impossible to hide. 

“The Grandame herself,” the succubus said, impressed. “That makes sense. I couldn’t think of that many people that could layer such terrible curses together so elegantly. I certainly couldn’t do it, but in your crest it looks almost like they belong together. 

“What do you mean?” Laurelai asked, a little more confidently this time as her interest overrode her lust to some degree. “What does it do?” 

“What doesn’t it do,” the succubus laughed. She brought her pointer finger down and traced the complex glyph delicately with her nail. “It locks your womb, controls your libido, affects your pain tolerance, commands your obedience, and of course, controls your sweet little pussy.” As the demoness finished that last line she let her finger slide further down until it grazed the Laurelai’s clitoral hood in a way that made her whimper.

“Mmmmm… Please - please touch me…” Laurelai moaned. She’d kept her lust bottled up for too long, and was no longer able to contain it. 

“Touch you huh?” The succubus leaned down to look at the angel’s dewy pussy, inches from her face before lightly drawing her nails down her sensitive inner thighs lightly enough to make her hips buck even as she spread them wider. “Don’t you mean… ‘Please suck on my clit? Make me cum so hard that I don’t even notice you sucking out my life force like the stupid little slut I am?’” 

Laurelai was struck silent by such a sexy statement, but she nodded fervently as she whimpered slightly. The succubus smiled at the and began to slowly kiss her way up Laurelai’s body, careful to avoid every part of the angel’s body that needed attention the most, like her clit and her nipples. It was a slow, decandent torture, but eventually they were face to face, and their lips were only inches apart. 

“Is that what you want slut?” the succubus whispered. “I didn’t hear your answer.” 

“It-it is.” Laurelai stammered. “Please just—” As soon as the angel started talking, the succubus slapped her across the face hard enough to stun her. 

“No one cares what you want slut, least of all me.” As the succubus spoke, she rose and walked across the room before taking a seat on a stone block that had long since been worn smooth. “If you want even an ounce of pleasure from me, then you need to crawl over here and beg me, do you understand? Beg.” 

Laurelai’s mouth was dry as she sat up. She had no idea that anything could be hotter than the beautiful face of the succubus between her legs, but being commanded like this? It took her breath away. 

Without any reluctance she got on her knees and began to crawl over to the spread legs of the naked demoness. This gave her plenty of time, not only to consider the dark majesty of the beauty, but also to wonder why this turned her on so much. Was it the crest, or perhaps the dark power of the succubus herself? Was it because her first sexual experiance was being over powewred by strong women and being forced to do things against her will? Maybe it was just because she’d been tormented by men for so long that right now all she craved was a woman’s touch. She couldn’t say, but she wanted this with every fiber of her being.

“Please,” she begged when she finally knelt in front of the succubus. “Please let me share the pleasure that I ache for with you.”

The demoness regarded the angel for a long moment before answering. “Tell me angel - have you ever eaten pussy before?” 

“Once,” the angel confessed, “But only when I was a man. I’ve never done it as a woman… but I want to.” 

“Do you?” The succubus answered. “Even knowing you might get addicted to the taste of ecstasy?” 

Laurelai nodded at that. She didn’t care about the risks. She didn’t even understand them. She just wanted to see the beautiful face of the succubus contorted in pleasure. 

“Very well,” The succubus answered, spreading her legs widely. “Get over here. Let's see if you have any talent at all then.”

Laurelai wasted no time in obeying. She crawled the last two steps and instantly fastened her mouth of the demoness’ slick slit without hesitation. She had no idea what to do, but right now that didn’t matter. Right now she wanted to pry apart the pale pink folds with her tongue and taste the delights that hell had to offer. If anything the flavor was closer to the wine she’d had the other night, than the nun, and even more intoxicating. After half a minute of randomly attacking the demoness’s slit, Laurelai was rewarded with a light moan. 

“Mmmm… you really are hopeless aren’t you,” the succubus cooed. Even with her complaint though, she made no efforts to stop the angel, she just enjoyed it. After another minute she added, “Go on angel - use your fingers. You’ll never make me cum at this rate.” 

Laurelai blushed at that. She couldn’t talk with her mouthful of demon pussy, but even if she could she wouldn’t have been able to string a complete sentence together. The smell of demonic pussy was making her head spin. All she could do was obey while she squirmed under the weight of her own need. 

She added first one, and then two fingers to the succubus’ sex, moving her mouth to the demoness’ clit so that she could do both at once. After that she got into a rhythm, sliding her fingers in and out at the same pace she attacked the Succubus’ clit with her tongue. This had more success than all her other efforts put together, and soon the demoness was clenching her thighs around Laurelai’s head while she jerked and spasmed above her. 

“Mmmm…that’s right Laurelai…” the demoness moaned as she started to come down from her sexual high. “There’s nothing sexier than watching a servant of the divine devour my cunt. I’ve made a couple angels fall in my time, but never a pretty female one like you.” 

As the demoness spoke she pushed Laurelai back on to her back on the rug. She should have been mad or horrified to find out that this succubus had made angels fall, but strangely she was only mad that the demoness had pushed her away from her infernal pussy. Part of her would have been happy to keep sucking her clit for the rest of her life and was very frustrated to have been denied. 

The succubus wasn’t done with her yet though, and quickly moved into a 69 position. For a moment Laurelai wondered what the succubus was doing, but those thoughts were swept away with everything else as the demoness’ tongue slipped inside her pussy and started to tongue-fuck her needy little hole. Laurelai tried to reciprocate, but she couldn’t because seconds later she started cumming for the first time. She flushed in embarrassment at how quickly she came even as she started to cry out in pleasure. “Oh oh… I-I’m cumming…Fuuu…” that was as far as she got before she was muffled by the demoness shoving her slick hole back in the angel’s face. 

“I don’t want to hear it slut.” the succubus barked. “If you’ve got time to scream then you’ve got time to suck.

After that there was no talking. There were no questions or begging. There were only muffled moans and smothered cries of ecstasy as they twined together and writhed until she lost all track of time. By the end, when they lay there together on the floor utterly exhausted, Laurelai wasn’t sure of how long it had lasted or how many times she’d come, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she never wanted to leave the arms or the bed of this succubus, even if she drained Laurelai to death. 

After a rest then had a second round of incredible sex before they fell asleep curled together in the succubus’ bed. It seemed like they could just do this for the rest of her life, and that she would be happy. It was only when Laurelai woke up that those dreams were shattered when the succubus finally turned to the angel and said, “The storm is almost over. Once it is you’ll need to leave.” 

“Leave?” Laurelai asked, crushed by the very idea. She hadn’t even been here a day and already she could feel herself becoming hopelessly addicted to the pleasures that only this demoness could offer her. “What if I don’t want to leave?”

“Look - doll. If you were anyone else I’d keep you until you were drained dry and let you die with a smile on your face, but the way it is…” The succubus paused to consider her words. “I don’t want to get on Lord Bel’s bad side. No one does, but especially not me. We have history. As long as the storm is raging outside he can’t get here, but that crest of yours is like a beacon, and as soon as the weather ends, it will lead his goons straight to you.”

“They can follow me?” Laurelai asked dumbly. 

“Of course they can. That archdemon might have the only female angel in existence, and he’s made your womb his exclusive property. No one lets something like that go easily, least of all him.” 

“But I don’t want to go…” Laurelai pouted. She was on the verge of begging. She’d do it if she thought it would help, but she could see in the succubus' cold expression that it wouldn’t

“Like I told you before angel,” the succubus said, kissing her on the forehead, “What you want doesn’t really matter. If you ever get that crest fixed, you’re welcome to summon me, and we can try this again, but until then… you’re just too dangerous.”

“Summon you?” Laurelai was confused. The demoness was of course an infernal creature, so she could be summoned by a warlock or a sorcerer with the right information, but she would never do such a  thing, would she?

“Sure. I go to creation all the time that way. I made sure to spread my true name all around to make sure those dumb lustful men would do it regularly. Just find an infernal tome and look for the succubus Lilliamma, and you’ll have everything you need to see me again. If you weren’t certainly being hunted I’d say you could just wait here with me. If were fucking while I’m summoned then there’s every chance that you’d go back to the real world with me. I’ve dragged plenty of warlocks back to hell with me when the spell is over so there’s no reason it couldn't work the other way around.”

Laurelai tried to take all the information in, but she didn’t care. Right now she wanted to figure out a way not to escape, rather than the other way around. 

“Lilliamma,” she repeated finally. I’ll remember.  

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