Angel Fall

Chapter 17: Hunted

Content warning: This chapter contains fantasy violence and supernatural bestiality. 

The ground was still several hundred feet away and rising fast as Laurelai opened her wings. Exhausted as she was, she needed to steal every scrap of speed she could from the fall to stay ahead of the demons that were hunting her. So, she only opened her wings just enough to steer away from the turbulent air along the jagged cliff face before she turned left, and then dove even harder towards the floor. She was still naked, but at least now she had a weapon she could fight with. 

Her grip tightened on the hilt of the sword, and the wind roared in her ears as she suddenly swooped off the rocky bottom of the ravine and opened her wings. Here, only feet off the ground, she converted all the distance  she’d fallen into speed, and cut a dizzying path between boulders and piles of scree. Whatever river had carved this path was long gone, but the evidence of its violent past was all around her, and for the next few minutes she navigated the obstacle course she dropped into as she sought the correct path to the wide plains beyond. 

Once she gained a little height, she spared a look over her shoulder again and saw that both the demons were still in pursuit, and despite her best efforts she hadn’t gained very much distance. At least she had gotten the hellhounds off her trail as they looked for the long way around. That might be the best she could do for now. They were just dumb beasts anyway. Maybe if she could strike down their masters, she could be free of them both.

Normally, she wouldn’t have minded fighting a pair of greater demons. They looked to be Tremonarzi - a sort of greater imp, complete with bat wings, a cruel and capricious temper, and a poison stinger on its tail. Even without her holy weapon, they wouldn’t pose much of a threat to her. Technically they were greater demons, but only barely. 

They might be a hundred times stronger than their lesser cousins, but they weren’t that much stronger than beastmen or succubi. As exhausted as she was though, and as prone to giving into the base instincts of her corrupted body as she’d been lately, she didn’t know if she’d be able to put up enough of a fight to take them out. Still, she might not have a choice. No matter how much she would rather flee, they were capable fliers, and if they really were tracking her mark, she wouldn’t be able to shake them. They probably at least had orders to take her in alive. 

That was an edge she would use to the fullest. 

She led them on a chase for a while, trying to find the right battleground to face them, but nothing seemed right. She could hear them cackle, or occasionally taunt her, but they were too far back to understand. As she rounded the final turn in the canyon, and she could see the parched salt flats opening up in the distance, Laurelai’s hand was finally forced, and she veered to a cliff just around the corner. 

There was nowhere to hide between her and the distant mountain range that was still at least several days away, which meant that any further running was hopeless. If she kept flying then in an hour or ten, when she was too exhausted to go any further, they would catch her, and fight her when she was even weaker than she was now. She had to rest again, and soon, whereas they seemed to be entirely immune to this blasted heat in their relentless pursuit of her. She had to end this, and end it now.  So, she waited on her precarious perch until the two flew by heedlessly in pursuit, and then she jumped. She wouldn’t have much time, of course, but the blindside attack was her only option. She dove as silently as she could towards the demons in a graceful arc. They were only a few dozen feet beneath her blow, and they spent less than five seconds searching the horizon for where she might have gone before one of them thought to look behind them, and by then it was much too late. 

“Where did that bitch go,” her target asked the other. “She couldn’t have—Ugghhhhh.” 

The thing was wearing a breastplate of tarnished bronze and matching greaves, but none of that did any good when she was striking him from behind. Her dark iron sword entered the demon’s back, just between the shoulder blades, severing the spine. The blow was imperfect, and she knew that she missed the heart, but that was okay. As she pushed off the demon and tried to arrest her own fall, she knew that a fall from this height would certainly be fatal all on its own. 

Using the demon as a springboard, she managed to force herself back into the sky, but only just. She gasped in pain as she felt the stinger land a final blow on the back of one of her thighs, but she gritted her teeth to keep from crying out and landed a short ways away from the splattered corpse. 

Laurelai’s chest was heaving, and even though she held her sword in a high guard position, it was all but a bluff. Her limbs were lead, and as she felt that painful poison spread like fire in her veins, she put almost all of her weight on her uninjured leg. If the Tremonarzi was as fresh as he looked, she doubted he would stand a chance. It had armor and a spear, whereas she had only this poor excuse for a short sword. It was a poor match. 

Whether it was because she killed the demon's partner or because of her look of grim determination, the remaining demon didn’t land to press his advantage. He just circled several times while he regarded her and looked for an opening. 

“You think that one dead demon is all it takes, angel?” he yelled down to her. “You think we’re the only ones after you?” 

“I will kill every demon that crosses my path,” she shouted back, feigning a strength she knew she didn’t have. Imp poison was always painful, but the stuff coursing through her body now was some of the worst she’d ever experienced, and she needed to fight or flee to heal herself before it got too bad. If she could even heal herself anymore, she thought as she realized she hadn’t tried to use that power since she’d been cut off from the light. 

Thoughts of her powers inevitably circled back around the chains she’d used to snare the incubus earlier. Those would be perfect to use right now, if she had any idea how to use them. All the chains in the world wouldn’t stop the painful numbness that was slowly spreading up and down her leg, though. She desperately wanted to look at it, but she didn’t dare take her eyes off her flying opponent for even a moment. 

“Kill whoever you like, bitch, but I’ll be the one bringing you back to Lord Bel in chains,” the demon taunted. “You might have escaped this time, but I’ll soon have my hounds again, and they’ll track you no matter how far you run. They can catch your scent a dozen leagues away.”

 Laurelai was stunned when the Tremonarzi circled one more time before finally flying back toward the cliff. Had she really bluffed him, or was this another trick? She had slain the thing’s partner, so he had every reason to believe she might do the same to him, no matter how wrong that assumption was. 

Once the demon was out of sight, Laurelai sank to her knees. She could barely stand, and right now she needed to heal herself more than she needed to look strong. She tried to channel the light to cleanse her blood, but she felt only the barest surge of energy trickle into her, and it did little to help with the pain. In the end, she just sat there, in the shade of her own wings, for almost half an hour and tried not to sob. By then the pain had subsided somewhat, but her left was entirely useless.

Taking to the air again was a real struggle, but Laurelai managed somehow. She didn’t even make it another two hours before she had to stop and rest again, though. This time she found the titanic ribs of some ancient skeleton, and was able to rest against one that was as thick as a tree trunk to enjoy a modicum of shade. She tried to stay awake, but eventually sleep took her. 

That sleep was filled with terribly erotic dreams that focused on pain. She was bound and pierced. She was flogged and used. They were terrible torments, but the worst part of all, was that no matter how much the dream version of herself enjoyed them, she couldn’t quite manage to cum. In the end, she had no idea how long she slept. She woke to the sun in the same position in the sky, along with an aching body and dripping pussy. 

Laurelai tried to rise, but in the end she was only able to lean heavily against the bone pillar next to her. That was when she saw them, coming across the desert for her, not even half a mile away. She wanted to fly or run, but she could do neither. She was too weak now. She lifted her sword and thought briefly about ending it herself to deny her captors the satisfaction, but decided against it. She Wouldn’t let herself be taken alive, but she would definitely take one or two of them with her. As long as she could still kill one more demon, her life had some sort of meaning. 

So, she waited. Leaning against the rib, trying to act like she didn’t have a care in the world. She didn’t stand a chance, though. When they were within a few hundred yards, the Tremonarzi barked a few orders, and then the hellhounds began to bay and took off at a dead sprint toward their prey. 

“You’re in for it now, angel tits,” the demon taunted as it circled, before landing a hundred feet away on the far side of her to split her focus. “Surrender now before they rip off your arms. Lord Bell said I had to bring you in alive. He didn’t say you had to be whole.” 

Laurelai ignored the demon, who had already proven himself to be a coward. He wouldn’t strike until she was already fully engaged with his pets, so that’s where she focused. They saw through her bluff in the way that only animals could, though, and even though she acted like she was ready for their charge, she crumpled beneath their assault. She struck out at the first one, but her blade didn’t find its mark, and it only grazed the hell beast. The second one didn’t miss though, and bowled her over without any effort, sending her sprawling. Her body went one way, and her weapon another, and before she could grope blindly for it in the dust, the thing was on her. 

She thought that for a moment it was going to rip out her throat, but then she realized it was worse than that. The demon hound was in the process of mounting her. 

“No!” She cried out, trying to get away, but after everything she’d been through, she was much too weak to fight off a determined enemy. Even worse, though her mind recoiled at the idea of being used again so soon after she’d fucked that incubus, her body was more than willing. Both of her holes were still gaping open and oozing with demon cum, and part of her wondered just how hot its doggy dick really was. 

She didn’t have to wait long. The first and second thrusts were glancing blows that slid away from her hole, and the third one almost managed to force itself inside her ass, but with a low growl the fourth thrust found its mark, and the demon hound manage to sink the first few inches of his infernal doggy dick deep inside her pussy. 

“Last chance,” the Tremonarzi cackled. “Surrender now, and I’ll be real gentle with ya… after Rex and Tzar are done with you of course...” 

“Never!” Laurelai spat. She would rather die here than submit to this monster. It was more humiliating than it was painful. She’d been worried the creature was going to burn her, but instead the heat added an incredibly erotic contrast as it slowly wedged its cock further and further inside her, one small jerky thrust at a time. 

Laurelai wanted to die of shame as the Tremonarzi approached her, with a shit eating grin on his demonic face. Then suddenly his expression twisted into disappointment and shock. He started running towards her at the same moment the hellhound began to glow. It wasn’t the orange light of its flickering flames, though, but the warm light of creation. The dog paused in its efforts to maul her and looked up, confused, as the light began to spread to her as well. Laurelai felt exactly the same way. Had heaven finally come to her aid, she wondered? Was she going to be set free, so she could at least die in creation? 

“No!” the demon yelled. “Not now! I had her, I had her!” 

Then suddenly there was a flash of light and the desert was gone. Instead, she could hear faint, rhythmic chanting as she was dragged through what felt like infinite darkness, and towards a tiny point of light in the distance. Even in the void, she was still attached to the hellhound, but time stood still for both of them, and they stayed locked in their eternal embrace.

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