Angel Fall

Chapter 29: Crecendo

“I’m telling you, they’re on to us,” Brodrik said, again. He spoke more slowly this time, as if she couldn’t hear him over the sound of her own moans as she kept three fingers deep inside her soaking sex. 

The assumption annoyed her, but not as much as the interruption. 

“Of course they’re on to ussss,” Laurelai hissed, writhing beneath her own touch. “It’s been almost three weeks since anyone had seen here in public, and—”

“We’ve got to get you out of here, before they find you like this,” the monk said with an uncharacteristic note of fear in his voice. “If we—”

“And since then we’ve unleashed almost three dozen nymphomaniacs into their midst,” Laurelai interrupted, finishing her statement with great difficulty, managing to stop her feverish masturbation for a moment. Her belly was bulging now, and the pregnancy had done terrible things to her libido in its final stages the last few days. She literally craved sex constantly now.  It was worse than when she’d first come here, and tried to resist. 

Even if she could find enough men to fuck her every hour of the day, she honestly wasn’t sure that would be enough to sate her. She only hoped that when she finally gave birth, the effect would fade. 

“Men as wise and holy as those who led this order wouldn’t be able to be fooled forever,” she continued, gazing at the bulge in Brodrik’s robes with open lust. “I always knew we’d have to deal with them eventually. Do they want to see me… mmmmm now?” As she asked she began to tease her clit. She couldn’t help it. Keeping her hands off herself was just too difficult today

“No,” Brodrik shook his head. “Not now. Tonight. After dinner. They are planning to have a banquet to celebrate all the wonderful progress I’ve been reporting.”

“Th-then what are you worried about?” she moaned, plunging her fingers back into her pussy and arching her back in pleasure. “We’ve got all the time in the world for a fuck or two… Mhhmmmmm”

“There are more important things than—” Brodrik spat back angrily, taking two steps toward her. She could tell just how badly he wanted to flog her for her insolence, but unfortunately he’d stopped doing that when she’d really started to show. It was a pity. She missed it. 

“Right now there is nothing more important than feeling your dick inside me, Laurelai gasped. “If the revelation came tomorrow and mountains of fire began to rain from the sky, that would still be less important than fucking me!”

“There’s no reasoning with you when you’re like this,” Brodrik said, shaking his head as he began to disrobe. 

Laurelai only smiled at the sentiment and spread her legs wider. Their relationship had changed so much in the last few weeks. Before they had been practically jailer and prisoner, but now the monk was just one of her many lovers, and even he knew that he no longer called the shots. 

Laurelai would tell him how they would handle this, but only after a handful of sloppy orgasms, and at least two loads of cum. That would take the edge off at least, and let her think. 

For the next hour, thinking wasn’t very high on either of their lists of priorities. Brodrik only focused on two things - forcing his cock as deep inside her as possible, and greedily drinking as much of her breast milk as he could while he fucked her on her back, not that she was capable of many other positions at this late hour. She was as fascinated by her growing belly as her lovers were. As a former man, the changes should have terrified her, but they thrilled her. They reminded her of all the changes that had already happened to her body, and all the changes that would happen again in the future. Her suddenly overflowing breasts were only the smallest part of that. 

Laurelai wouldn’t have complained about the attention her breasts were getting, though, even if she was capable of speech in this moment. Being milked like this was an exquisite sensation, and now that her breasts dripped and leaked with even the slightest provocation, none of her lovers could resist tasting her. 

It wasn’t just the taste or the sensuality that made everyone focus on her big milky breasts, though. The milk itself was filled with powerful aphrodisiacs. She’d done a little research on it when she was able to during her lucid periods, and it was clear that it was drenched in lust and magic. 

It would suit her needs perfectly. 

When they lay there gasping afterwards, Laurelai explained the plan to her lover. They were going to comply, or at least pretend to. He would march back down the cliff as soon as he was decent and tell them that she’d be there to show what a success story her time here had been. 

“But they’ll see right through that,” Brodrik protested. 

“That’s true,” Laurelai agreed. “That’s why I won’t actually go. At the last minute, I’ll feign illness.”

“But that will only buy you what? An hour? Two?” Brodrik asked. How will that help?” 

“I suppose that depends on what happens in those few hours,” she answered patiently, drawing a line slowly up her lover's chest with one finger nail. “All we need is a distraction to keep them busy, and by the time they handle that and come to take care of me, it will be much too late.”

“I’m not going to kill my brothers,” Brodrik said quietly, “Not even for you.” 

Laurelai laughed at that, for much longer than she should have. “Who’s talking about killing anyone? I just want to give them a little taste of the impossible pleasure they’ve tried to help me turn my back on. Maybe they’ll be more understanding when they see how powerful it can be.” 

“I wouldn’t count on it,” Brodrik answered. 

“Well, you’re the one in an order that believes that the angels in heaven are full of sin, not me,” Laurelai said, smiling. 

“What’s your plan then?” he asked, slowly peeling himself off of her so he could look down at her contemptuously, trying to regain a measure of the control over the situation.  

“Well, since you love my breasts so much you’re going to milk me again, and then after I do a couple minor enchantments, you’re going to bring that breast milk down to the kitchen when they are preparing dinner and add it to a couple dishes,” she smiled, hefting her breasts and squeezing them towards him. She’d only been lactating for a couple of days, but already it was painful to go more than a few hours without some kind of release. 

“What’s that supposed to do? Give the Abbott a hard on? I think he’s too old for that,” Brodrik answered, eying her breasts hungrily. 

“You’ll just have to wait and see,” she smiled. 

They talked about the rest of the plan while he got the hang of using her nipples as tiny udders, milking first one, and then the other until he had filled a bowl to overflowing with her wicked cream. Once he had dropped off her enchanted breast milk in the kitchen and given the holy men in charge, their answer, he’d arrange for a little company for her. Her urges were because of how close the baby was to being born, and she knew that it would only take a few more orgasms to finish what Lord Bel had started so long ago. 

Besides, it wasn’t fair that everyone else in the citadel was going to get to have an orgy, and leave her out of it. 

The rest of her plan went unsaid. That once the compound was distracted, and her orgy was complete she’d seal off the entrance to the cave with wards no mortal would be able to break through, and then she’d summon a little help to deal with the birth itself. 

. . .

Hours later, her devotees began to show up, one at a time, until the cave was almost as crowded with people as it was by lust. More than a dozen lovers had born the risk of daylight to be with her at the crescendo to all this. 

No one was shy. The fucking started almost immediately, but no one waited their turn for her. They just started to enjoy whoever was available at that moment. It was a true orgy, which was shameless in its perversion. The cries that echoed from the cave’s entrance that evening would have easily heard by anyone if they hadn’t all been in the Abbey at a banquet of their own. 

Laurelai wasn’t worried about that, though. She wasn’t worried about anything. She’d already drawn out the summoning circle under her bed, and marked the boundaries for the seal on the door. Everything was in place now, and she could finally give into the raw, throbbing heat that suffused everything around her. 

Something new was going to come into the world, and this was a celebration of that life. It would have been an erotic celebration for the ages, if anyone here was going to be able to remember the details.

For her part, Laurelai didn’t even know how many men had fucked her in the last hour. After her fourth orgasm, she’d lost all track of everything. Now all she could feel was the throbbing of her clit piercing as it made its displeasure known at the sheer magnitude of her sins. It couldn’t stop her from enjoying herself, though. Indeed, the tinge of pain it added to the otherwise all consuming amounts of pleasure she was experiencing just made her cum that much harder each time ecstasy overwhelmed her. 

It was only when one of the orgasms slowly morphed into her first contraction that the party finally ended. It was time. 

Laurelai ordered everyone to leave. “Blend in with the orgy in the Abbey,” she told them. “Blend in so well that no one even suspects you were away.” There were a few smiles and jokes after that as her lovers dressed and left, but she gave them no hint about what was about to happen. 

She wouldn’t have minded the company, and honestly could have used the help, but she had no idea how long the barrier would need to stay up, and unlike her and the succubus she was about to call forth into creation, humans actually needed to eat and drink, and this cave had limited supplies. 

With pain shooting through her, Laurelai willed the barrier to life. It took the form of a thousand chains, coiling up out of the stone until the entrance was blocked so tightly that no one but her would have any idea what the pattern to release it would be. She’d woven the secret names of creation into it, so it would be entirely invulnerable to any holy magics. The only way it would fall would be if she dismissed it, or if a particularly skilled demonic sorcerer were to assault it, which she didn’t think would be very likely at her present location. 

Only once that was done did she start the ritual to summon Lilliamma. With contractions rippling through her every few minutes, the ritual was harder than it should have been, and Laurelai had some level of residual distaste for summoning a demon into creation, even if it was for a good purpose. None of those things stopped her from completing her task, though, and in time the graceful demoness appeared in a circle of light.  

“You know,” Lilliamma said, smiling, “I wasn’t sure that you would ever summon me, but I certainly didn’t think it would be this soon.” 

“I needed someone I can trust to help me deliver this child,” Laurelai answered plainly. “As much as the monks have helped me, and as loyal as I think they are, there’s no telling what they might do to a vulnerable infant when they learn that the child is half demon.” 

“And why do you think you can trust me?” Lilliamma asked, obviously amused. “I’ll admit - it’s a first for me. I’ve had loads of sorcerers summon me for sex, but none to deal with the consequences of sex…” 

“I trust your self-interest and…” Laurelai’s words trailed off as a tremor of pain went through her, “and the terms of the pact. Trusting you without those - that will come later.” 

“I see. You’ve thought this all out then.” the demoness smiled, “Very well, what are your terms?” 

Author’s Note: Part 1 is complete! Please let me know what you thought of both the story and the ending!

I didn’t actually intend for Angel Fall to be so long. It was just going to be like a five part short, but people seemed to really like it, so it just kept going and going. At 30 chapters, it is definitely the longest thing I’ve ever written, but it is getting in the way of me working on other projects because I only have so much writing time, so after nearly 8 months of weekly posts, I am taking a break. Angel Fall is only between one third and one half done, depending on what I decide to do, but I feel like this is as good a stopping place as any for now.  I hope you’re enjoying it!

I will be placing the completed tag on this story now, but that doesn't mean it's finished. It's only finished for now. It will return later this spring, after I have edited and polished the existing chapters. Thank you to everyone that has read this story, I hope I won't have to make you wait too long before we continue. If you get tired of waiting, I am posting Corruption twice a week and Downfall once or twice a month. 

I posted four chapters this week across all three stories. Can you believe it? I'm very impressed with myself. Good job, Broken Doll!

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