Angel Fall

Chapter 8: Invitation

Content warning: This chapter contains forced sexual slavery, magical coercion, magical molestation, and lewd succubi. 

After the first day in the gardens things calmed down, but only a little. Laurelai still spent the majority of every day being used and abused. It was an endless stream of pleasure and depravity, punctuated only by short bouts of rest and the occasional visit from Lord Bel, to gloat about how far she had fallen. His visits weren’t even the worst part though. The worst part was that she enjoyed it. She enjoyed even the most awful things that were done to her, and the more painful and humiliating they were, the more explosive the resulting orgasm was. Every day she hated herself for not fighting back a little more, and every morning she woke up cramped from her awkward position. The pain did nothing to distract her from a growing need inside her. More than all the other aches, the ache to be fucked always screamed the loudest. 

In the morning before the garden’s opened and in the evening after they’d closed their perverted sexual playground for the night a group of succubi would wander the area, checking on Lord Bel’s breeding stock to make sure they were healthy. Their check ups were incredibly embarrassing as they touched and probed their charges while they healed them. Enduring a demonic orgy every day was as hard on the body as it was on the soul though, and the last thing that Thraxusius wanted was to let any of the women he’d stolen off with a clean death until after their souls had been hopelessly soaked in darkness, and all of their wombs had been used to build his army. 

That was her life no, and after a week it started to become practically routine. At least until one day, after an endless stream of pain and debauchery, the succubus that came to after the gong rang wasn’t the usual demon that came to soothe her hurts. This one was a younger demoness that actually wore clothes, and had a bust size that you might actually find on a human. In her haze of lust after being used so recently like a rag doll, it took a moment for Laurelai to put her finger on what was so jarring about the demoness. It was only when she got close enough to do a small bow and Laurelai could only see the hint of cleavage that she put two and two together. It wasn’t the clothing or the apple sized breasts, it was that this demoness was the first succubus she’d ever met that looked decent. After a week of experiencing the most shocking excesses that hell could provide, this was a new one for her.

“My lord bids me to ask how you're enjoying his hospitality, and asks that you join him for dinner this evening,” the demoness 

“You can tell him that all I want to feast on is more cock,” Laurelai murmured, simultaneously ashamed that she’d said such an awful thing, and hopeful that she could shock the prim young succubus that seemed to be Lord Bel’s page or messenger. The truth was that even after the fucking stopped each night she still craved it for half an hour afterwards. She could tell from the moans and pleas of the now mostly pregnant nuns that she wasn’t alone in that, but it took some time before Laurelai’s sense of self loathing kicked in enough to sap her lust completely. 

“He thought that you might say that,” the demoness answered, unphased by her impudence, “So he has given me the authority to offer you a great gift. You may have any small thing within reason in return for your attendance and good behavior at tonight’s banquet. In return for his generosity, you won’t try to escape and he won’t chain you down all evening as entertainment for his guests.” 

The offer intrigued Laurelai, but it was almost certainly too good to be true. “What if I demanded that he free me then?” she asked skeptically. If she was skeptical of the offer though, the idea that they’d leave her unchained was even more dubious. The demon Lord would never be stupid enough to do that. As soon as they let her off of the leash she would find some way to escape. 

“I think we can all agree that your freedom would be no small thing,” the demoness answered guardedly. That at least was a true statement and it forced the angel to focus more on the conversation taking place.

“What if I demanded not to be on display for your sick enjoyment any longer then?” Laurelai tried a new angle. At least they weren’t promising to free her. She knew that would never happen. 

“But being on display is your purpose,” the succubus pivoted again, smiling. “Even tonight is about showing you off.”

“Why would I agree to whatever terrible new game you’re playing if you can do nothing for me? Laurelai spat back, getting annoyed with this little back and forth. Now that she’d lost her afterglow all the aches and pains of another rough day were making themselves known. 

“Nothing?” the demoness pouted. “That’s hardly fair. You’re just being unreasonable. If you wanted a break I’m sure that my Lord would give you a day off to relax and appreciate his generosity.” Now that her fresh bruises were starting to throb, the idea of a break did sound tempting, even if it was in some way validating their control and ownership of her which certainly wasn’t the case. 

“A day. I want a whole day so that I…” Laurelai announced before she caught herself. “No - I want the pleasure gardens closed for a whole day. I want my fellow warriors to share in my respite. That’s my condition. The only way I’ll ever do anything for Thraxusius is if it benefits them.

“Granted,” the demon lords servant said, moving quickly forward and forcing a kiss on Laurelai that the angel didn’t return because of surprise more than anything. With the warmth from the demoness’ tongue a wave of magic washed through Laurelai which was impossible to miss. 

“What did you do to me?” The angel asked as soon as she twisted free of the kiss. 

“Do to you?” the succubus smiled. “All I did was seal our agreement with a minor geas. You agree to be a good little angel and attend my master’s dinner, and in return for that your nuns will get a day's rest. All thanks to you. The demoness didn’t bother to tie her down or secure her. She just produced a key and started to unlock the wood shackles that had held Laurelai for days on end. 

Her first thought was to escape, but as soon as she started to tense her legs and the powerful muscles of her wings a jolt of pain shot through her that was so severe that Laurelai almost fell to her knees.  

“Muscle cramp?” The succubus asked wryly, as Laurelai looked up at her in alarm. What had this little bitch done to her she wondered. For a second she wanted to reach for the demon and hurt her until she told Laurelai everything, but as soon as she felt the pain beginning she stopped herself again. Attacking Lord Bel’s messenger, or even wanting to attack her almost certainly counted as misbehavior and the angel had no desire to feel that shock again any time soon. 

The demoness began to walk away and Laurelai had to hurry to catch up. Suddenly she felt like she was attached to the smaller woman by a painful yet invisible leash. Laurelai knew what a geas was of course, she’d been dispatched from heaven to deliver powerful ones to whole cities on occasion, but she’d never had one inflicted on her before.  

“You called this a minor geas?” Laurelai muttered skeptically, deeply annoyed that she was being forced to cooperate with the demoness after such a dirty trick. 

“Even a minor geas can be terrifyingly powerful,” the succubus answered, not turning back. “The minor just means it’s only good for a day or two. I could have inflicted you with a geas powerful enough to affect you for a year and a day, but my Lord Bel would much rather see you broken than chained.”

“So why did he—” Laurelai started to ask.

“Enough chit-chat,” The succubus interrupted. “We’ve got an awful lot to do before tonight’s festivities, and only a little time to do it in. We’ve absolutely got to do something about your hair and the way you smell before we get you into a dress though.” Laurelai wanted to answer. She wanted to follow up or dispute what the demoness was ordering her to do, and most of all she wanted to ask about the dress, but instead she followed meekly, cursing herself for ever agreeing to this demonic bargain.

Instead of struggling against the pain that she knew was hiding just past the urge to disobey, Laurelai walked through the demon fortress behind her escort. Both the dungeon and the exterior of the fortress had been made up of rough cut, unfinished stone. Between that and the wasteland outside Laurelai expected nothing but a dim and dank interior from the rest of the building. She couldn’t have been more wrong. 

The Upper floors of the palace were pretty much the opposite of her expectations. They were lined in travertine and marble tiles, and silken curtains fought with obscene tapestries for space on the walls. Hell might be an awful place, but even in the heart of darkness there was light, and apparently Lord Bel reserved all the good things for himself and his favored minions.

Laurelai knew with a certainty that nothing here would ever hold a tenth of the beauty of the celestial city that she’d dwelt for so long in. The Pit would never have anything on the pinnacle of civilization. Heaven would also never have beautiful stone fountains depicting orgies either though, or delicious smells wafting up from some unseen kitchen to tempt her. She wasn’t exactly hungry, as angels didn’t need to eat, but that didn’t make the smells any less appetizing as they hurried up the stairs to the third floor. 

“Make sure she's ready in three hours,” her captor told a new pair of succubi before leaving almost immediately. 

“Don’t mind Chimara,” the pink haired one said, as she pulled her into what looked to be an elaborate spa, complete with soaking tubs and cascading fountains. “We’ll get you—”

“Tsk tsk Ursona. You’re always so quick to play with the new girls, but you know she’s mine until she’s out of the bath.” The second speaker was a green haired succubus with aqua skin, and as she spoke she grabbed on to Laureali’s other arm and began to pull her away from the first succubus. They were both as beautiful as any of their kind, but they were indecent in every way that Chimara had been demure. 

“Now Temoa,” the first demoness repeated more firmly, “You know that you aren’t in charge of her until she’s actually in the bath…” Each of them had larger breasts than Laurelai, which was really saying something, but they were each obscene in their own way. Ursona, the pink haired succubus, wore a skintight mesh outfit that perfectly fit her body; she was entirely covered, but at the same time every last detail of her sinful form was revealed. Temona on the other hand wore a tight top made of a smooth fabric that barely contained even the main part of her pornographic breasts as they tried to escape from both sides, and a tiny piece of fabric that covered her sex wasn’t even large enough to be considered underwear. 

Laurelai looked away from both, trying in vain to hide her arousal as the two demonesses fought over her, but everywhere she looked in the room there was something else that was meant to turn her on. The bottom of the largest bath had a mosaic depicting a forest of pensises. The nearest fountain was a succubus spraying water from her nipples. Even the little cakes of soap shaped like caricatures of the male and female sex organs. There was no escaping lust in this space, and the angel flushed a bit as she tried to endure not only the lewdness of it, but the way that the two demonesses were yanking her back and forth from one pair of breasts to the next.

“Ladies, please,” Laurelai tried to interrupt. At the back of her mind she wondered if she would have to endure agony again if someone else interfered with her ability to behave, but she didn’t want to find out. “Chimara said that—” 

“Screw Chimara,” they both said in unison, setting aside their overly polite argument about who was in charge of Laurelai first. 

“She’s barely even a succubus,” Temona declared, rolling her eyes.

“That stuck up slut?” Ursona asked, “No one care about what she says, except for dumb sluts stupid enough to make a pact with her.” They both laughed at that, while Laurelai could only look at the floor, blushing in shame. They obviously knew exactly what was going on, and exactly why she was cooperating with them. 

Bonding over their least favorite succubus was all it took to end their fighting though, and a few moments later Temona was easing Laurelai into the bath, which felt better than she would have believed possible. The angel had no idea just how dirty she’d gotten in all of her recent torments until she saw the filth coming off of her in the large alabaster tub. “There we go baby…” Temona soothed as she started to scrub the angel. “We’ll have you as good as new in no time.” 

“Please, I can do it myself,” Laurelai murmured. She was uncomfortable being washed by someone else. In some ways it felt more intimate than some of the sexual humiliation she’d endured in recent days. She also didn’t like the feelings that were stirred up by the Succubus’ large soapy tits continually rubbing against her in the water. 

“Nonsense,” the succubus ignored her concerns and pressed even tighter against the angel. “We’ll never get you ready in time with that attitude. You’re going to need some deep cleaning so our Lord can show you off properly tonight after all.” After that she began to hum a tuneless melody. It only occurred to Laurelai that it was a spell after the water started to move and churn strangely. 

“What—” Laurelai opened her mouth to ask what the demoness was doing, but she was quickly interrupted. 

“Shhhhh,” Temona whispered into her ear before she started to nibble the angel’s earlobe, “Now’s the best part.” It started as a shifting, churning sensation in the water. It was like an ocean current, or the thermal vent of a natural hot spring, but it quickly became more extreme, and the sensations were hardly what Laurelai thought of as cleansing. After less than a minute it was no longer a few small currents that tickled her. Now it was like the feeling of two dozen hands and fingers roaming her body. They might be cleaning her from the dirt and grime, but the way they touched her made her feel even dirtier, especially when they started to slide up her thighs. Whether she held them tightly together or not didn’t matter. No matter how tightly she squeezed, she couldn’t keep the water out as it continued to explore and stimulate her poor abused flesh. 

“Please, it’s too much,” Laurelai pleaded, but the demons ignored her. This was what they lived for. Succubi existed to devour the feelings she must be radiating right now. She was filled with fear, lust, and shame, and that was before the sensations slipped inside of her. 

“Ohhhh…” Laurelai moaned, instantly blushing in shame. 

“Relax,” Temona whispered as she reached around and started to gently twist Laurelai’s nipples, providing a slightly painful counterpoint to the ephemeral pleasure that was assaulting her pussy. “That hole is the dirtiest part of all. If we don’t get it clean before the banquet then we’ll all be beaten for the oversight.” 

“Mmmmm, but I… fuck, please just… just…” Laurelai murmured as the water continued to tease her. It was like it knew when she was about to cum though. The second her overheated body was about to explode the sensations wouldn’t stop, but they would shift enough that they were no longer as satisfying. They would go from undulating deep in her sex to assaulting her clit and back again, but each time.

“Please,” she begged. “Please let me…” Laurelai’s words died on her lips though. Just as suddenly as the pleasure had started, it vanished into the now murky waters of the tub, leaving her with nothing but an ache for more. 

“There we are,” Temona smiled, “Now let's get you out and get you dry before we dress you up properly.”

Author's Note: Two quick things.

1 - I got my first random 1 star review rating this weekend, so that's nice. So if you are enjoying the story, please consider giving it whatever rating you think is appropriate. Reviews, comments, and even little favorite hearts help me determine what to write in future chapters, and what kinks to focus on. So if you love certain aspects of the story more than others, make sure you let me know that, because while I know how I want the first arc to end, there are any number of roads I can take to get there for my wonderful readers. 

2- The Patreon readers are now four chapters ahead, and I've written enough of a backlog to take a break from this when I focus on NaNoWriMo in a couple weeks to make sure I stay that way until I return to writing Angel Fall in a month.

Thanks for reading!

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